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1 hour ago, Aleser said:

When do we expect Warcry and last 2 warbands for Underwolrds?

Hopefully in a few months.

Them dropping “How to Play UnderWorlds Nethermaze” videos this morning has me hopeful.

I’d love to see the new models soon, their bigger change to the Rivals Format to cut the bloat and hopefully teases of the next UnderWorlds setting by the end of the year.

With the Shadow Moon Daemon twist being they’ve stolen everyone’s shadows and put ethereal parasites in their place as they passed through to Hysh(kinda ironically going from being free of the Katophane curse to a new Ulgu curse) my bet is we’ll get an opposite “high and dry” location like a top a megalith in Helon to try and burn out the parasites with the searing Hysh moons. ☀️ 

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Charnel throne prevent battleshock immunity within 12 inches and still has the free CP summon for ghouls

they have a new heroic action that allows you roll 6 dice for a unit and you can bring model back if it a 2+ For small dudes and 5+ for bigger dudes.

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3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

With the Shadow Moon Daemon twist being they’ve stolen everyone’s shadows and put ethereal parasites in their place as they passed through to Hysh(kinda ironically going from being free of the Katophane curse to a new Ulgu curse) my bet is we’ll get an opposite “high and dry” location like a top a megalith in Helon to try and burn out the parasites with the searing Hysh moons. ☀️ 

Where this Lore comes from ? Underworlds Nethermaze?

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When they haven’t fully reveal anything then it not likely to be release soon. They haven’t finish revealing the Warcry stuff and there hasn’t been anything on he underworld front every sense they finish the roadmap. In fact underworld maybe done until the next season start anyway 

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49 minutes ago, novakai said:

When they haven’t fully reveal anything then it not likely to be release soon. They haven’t finish revealing the Warcry stuff and there hasn’t been anything on he underworld front every sense they finish the roadmap. In fact underworld maybe done until the next season start anyway 

Isnt there supposed to be another 2 Warbands for Underworlds?

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23 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Yes , one is the rumored witch hunters band. The other one could be those shadow daemons from ulgu.


Yes!! I need to see those Witch Hunters and their Critters and KeysTM companions.

Also really want the Warcry Boxed set released because we know its Nurgle Vs Horns of Hashut and Id love to see the Destruction/Order Warbands!!

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I second a Troggoth Hag character.

I really liked their lore that they were intelligent enough to serve as envoys for their Troggoth tribes and we do actually have a in-lore character one thanks to the Gloomspite White Dwarf that showed her off alongside angler fish River troggs and a secret Troggoth sub-realm they all go to called the Droogrind.

“The Old Lady of the Bog is a Troggoth matriarch that lives in the swamps of Verdia, known for her cunning and malice. She has never been recorded to leave her abode deep in the swamps, but her brood of Fellwater Troggoths - known for their luminescent glows and angler light-stalks - certainly do, luring many a frontiersmen to their death. 

There are many rumours about what she does with these captives - some believe that she has bartered an accord with the twisted Sylvaneth who dwell in these swamps, trading them higher unfortunate humans in exchange for arcane trinkets, whilst others claim that she sacrifices them in the light of the Bad Moon, opening up gateways to the shadowy Troggoth underworld- the Droogrind

Failing that, anyone remember Skroug from the 2019 AoS Mercenary Companies?

He’d be a great comeback for the Sons of Behemat and act as another mercenary choice for Death, Order & Destruction as he allows them some Beasts of Chaos ally options.

“Skroug’s Menagerie

The Chaos gargant known as Skroug is the owner of one of the Mortal Realms’ most unconventional mercenary companies, hiring himself out alongside a menagerie of bizarre chaos beasts.

This mercenary company is perfect for narrative gamers looking to make their army a little bit more grimdark. Or perhaps you’re looking for an excuse to use the fancy new Furies in your army when Warcry comes out! For gamers, this mercenary company lets you get more out of your units by allowing Skroug to act like a Hero with access to a range of command abilities.”


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13 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I want info on the new Underworlds Warbands and Warcry 2.0, AND I want the 3 week releases to be all the Warbands for both systems!! Is that too much to ask GW? When do I want it?


I also want a pony! With a halfling on it, and €22,50 warbands, like in the good old days four years ago.

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10 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

@KingBrodd I do agree with you on both the fronts. 

I'd also absolutely love to see a powerful Trogg Hag character introduced. Would be a great way to intergrate a duel plastic kit. 

Absolutely!! I love the immensity and size of the current Troggoth Hag but the fact its resin is putting me off. A duel kit plastic character Troggoth Hag would be amazing. 

I currently have 2 boxes of Rockgut Troggoths in my cart and the only thing stopping me buying them right this second is I cant decide on a paintjob!!

8 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

I second a Troggoth Hag character.

I really liked their lore that they were intelligent enough to serve as envoys for their Troggoth tribes and we do actually have a in-lore character one thanks to the Gloomspite White Dwarf that showed her off alongside angler fish River troggs and a secret Troggoth sub-realm they all go to called the Droogrind.

“The Old Lady of the Bog is a Troggoth matriarch that lives in the swamps of Verdia, known for her cunning and malice. She has never been recorded to leave her abode deep in the swamps, but her brood of Fellwater Troggoths - known for their luminescent glows and angler light-stalks - certainly do, luring many a frontiersmen to their death. 

There are many rumours about what she does with these captives - some believe that she has bartered an accord with the twisted Sylvaneth who dwell in these swamps, trading them higher unfortunate humans in exchange for arcane trinkets, whilst others claim that she sacrifices them in the light of the Bad Moon, opening up gateways to the shadowy Troggoth underworld- the Droogrind

Failing that, anyone remember Skroug from the 2019 AoS Mercenary Companies?

He’d be a great comeback for the Sons of Behemat and act as another mercenary choice for Death, Order & Destruction as he allows them some Beasts of Chaos ally options.

“Skroug’s Menagerie

The Chaos gargant known as Skroug is the owner of one of the Mortal Realms’ most unconventional mercenary companies, hiring himself out alongside a menagerie of bizarre chaos beasts.

This mercenary company is perfect for narrative gamers looking to make their army a little bit more grimdark. Or perhaps you’re looking for an excuse to use the fancy new Furies in your army when Warcry comes out! For gamers, this mercenary company lets you get more out of your units by allowing Skroug to act like a Hero with access to a range of command abilities.”


Thanks for posting this mate I had no idea about the Trogg Sub Realm!! Hopefully we learn more about it when Gloomspite gets their new Tome!!

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15 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Im torn. I really want AOS to have its own unique characters and stop relying on the Old World. Theres another part of me that wants this beast back.


Well you haven't done your homework well 🤣. This is from the Realmgate Wars... It seems our favourite troggoth is outhere somewhere


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1 hour ago, tupavko said:

Well you haven't done your homework well 🤣. This is from the Realmgate Wars... It seems our favourite troggoth is outhere somewhere


My Squig ate my homework I swear!! But thank Behemat for this mate!! Thank you so much for showing me this!!

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20 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Im torn. I really want AOS to have its own unique characters and stop relying on the Old World. Theres another part of me that wants this beast back.


Always wanted this one to be playable with Gitz or at least like the Kruleboyz Troggs. 

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6 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

Always wanted this one to be playable with Gitz or at least like the Kruleboyz Troggs. 

Hopefully we get an updated mini for him!! The original is still fantastic looking but Id like something that portrays the savage cunning depicted here in this pic.

Also make him massive, Mancrusher sized.

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I feel like Chaos using old world characters is actually fine, even the ones that were killed off in the world that was.

 The villains won and now the heroes are fighting back, having Bastian Carthalos defeat Throgg is an impressive feet as we know what a threat Throgg was in the old world. Having Brokk Gungnir exchange blows with Egrimm van Horstmann feels suitably epic,  and having the ven Denst's survive a battle with Scylla will make them feel more important. This is similar with the followers of Nagash being the eternal thralls of the god of death.


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