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19 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

Any leak since last Thursday? I haven't had my dose since TGA was down...

Not a leak but I bet he smells like one. Also suggests it’s these guys vs the Horns of Hashut  the next box, I think.



In the Realm of Beasts, between Gallet and Thondia, nestles a hellhole known as the Gnarlwood. This inhospitable forest is full of carnivorous critters and flesh-eating flora, and it’s the stage for the latest round of blood-slicked Warcry skirmishes – and home to colourful characters such as this Rotmire Creed Carrion Catcher.  The Rotmire Creed are currently embroiled in a running battle with the Horns of Hashut, attempting to prevent the fires of industry reaching the woods of Ghur and burning down their nice wet swamp.



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45 minutes ago, Sarges said:

GW's mail confirmed them as Nurgle.

Promise of a more non-chaos oriented season is not going great so far.


I think the model is fantastic but so far it would seem we now have 3 Chaos Warbands for this Season. I sure hope there are Destruction Warbands are coming!!

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While TGA was down I did an awful thing... I bought the 40k Chaos Knight box and now I am thinking of picking up Horus Heresy to convert some Chaos Space Marines (I will paint them as Dark Angels and Fallen Angels and run them in 30k and 40k)... What have I become? 😭

13 hours ago, Mutton said:

Considering we didn't see this warband in the upcoming StD leak, I'm hoping they have the Maggotkin keywords.

I wonder if we will learn the owner of the bone insturment from the rumour engine?

Edited by Neverchosen
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On 5/18/2022 at 9:28 PM, elescapo said:

Better than rumors: in the corner of one of the leaked pics there was a chaos warrior that matched the new sculpts, but was holding a banner. I’m betting we will get multipart warriors, but I didn’t see the same for knights. It’s still possible, but no evidence yet. 

I'm hoping this means multipart Vindictors, Vanquishers, and/or Vigilors aren't off the table! Especially Vindictors, it's really disappointing their separate kit is just the Dominion sprues reboxed :/

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3 hours ago, Sarges said:

GW's mail confirmed them as Nurgle.

Promise of a more non-chaos oriented season is not going great so far.

The bayou aesthetic IS very cool, yet I still find myself wondering why this wasn't Beastmen even more now. It would even keep the original Chaos vs Chaos objective:

Bayou beasts of chaos that don't map directly to the Big Four (just like Hashut cultists), with an aesthetic that gives beastmen a more lived-in, cunning intelligence type of look.

It feels a little too on the nose for me I guess, that the swamp-dwellers are Nurglites. I'm sure they'll look amazing, but I hope the poxes and pustules are restrained. Nurgle always seemed like the Chaos God with the quickest way to mutation, which is something the Warcry warbands have kept away from.

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I kinda hope it hints that a Maggotkin Underworlds reboot isn’t far off, would love a new Nurgle force that embraced the transformations they found under the Direchasm:



But yeah, super happy TGA is back up and the new Warcry Nurglites defending their twisted Ghurian forests & bogs is a treat.(even if it’s chaos vs chaos it’s cool to see the chaos forces outside the Eight-points aren’t gonna welcome the Varanspires advances with open arms but have their own reasons to make civil war rather than just fight for Archaon’s approval)

They remind me of the Slagtoth armors from the Monster Hunter series you make from hunting Slagtoth swamp beasts:




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On 5/19/2022 at 4:23 AM, Iksdee said:

Someone posted a theory about the starter sets a while back.

1. Stormcast vs Chaos
2. Stormcast vs Death
3. Stormcast vs Destruction
4. Stormcast vs Order (Dawnbringer Crusade???)

What if in AoS 4.0 Stormcast became the maybe they arent so good after all vs Dawnbringer Crusades.

Could also be something like Dawnbringer Crusades + Stormcast versus rest of Order because they arent seeing eye to eye anymore. I think something like this is highly plausible. Edit: Something like this would make CoS/Dawbringers the imperial guard of the marines and seems like a very GW thing to do. 

I dont think Skaven will be part of a starter set, maybe something like the Soulblight release at the end of 3rd or 4th edition. 

I definitely think Dawnbringers will be the good guys in 4th edition starter. Probably mixed in with some new stormcast heros. The other side is what will be a mystery. Will they recycle through grand alligences or could that just be the way it’s been for last three editions…. I highly doubt it will be a re-do army so I think Skaven and Beastmen are out. If it is chaos my money is on the chaos dwarves. They have been mentioning them in some lore, and the slaves to darkness leaks show that hashut is still a thing. My other wild card would be Silent people. They get references still and they could be a faction that could be destruction, chaos or death. In the recent thondia book there is even mention of stormcast fighting them. So not far off to think that they could become a thing. 

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4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

While TGA was down I did an awful thing... I bought the Chaos Knight box and now I am thinking of picking up Horus Heresy to convert some Chaos Space Marines (I will paint them as Dark Angels and Fallen Angels and run them in 30k and 40k)... What have I become? 😭

I wonder if we will learn the owner of the bone insturment from the rumour engine?

If you like space marines, the horus heresy is a good box. There is basically no distinction between the two sides, so if you give them the same paintjob you have an army. If you paint them in more slightly different colours, you can squeeze out a few more kill teams. The mech also looks nice.

I could see myself getting some of the Chaos stuff recently previewed, maybe even those space marines, and the noise marine still looks really nice.

I recently received a Knight rex box that I neither ordered nor paid for (instead of the €5 cardboard castles I ordered). The company I got it from is a pain to deal with, so I haven't gone through the effort of contacting them. If they don't contact me within the next month, I have the choice of selling it, or opening the box and see what the fuss is about.

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5 hours ago, Mutton said:

Considering we didn't see this warband in the upcoming StD leak, I'm hoping they have the Maggotkin keywords.

so they can have the 5+ ward and synergy with the Maggotkin allegiance

GW: Naw dog, we aren't giving you that kind of synergy from a Warcry warband, send in the Bin Writer.

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My recent found love for Troggoths has me hoping for a Warband of them in Warcry!! Forest Troggoths or updated Fellwater* or even a new breed of 3 monsters!!

Perhaps even just a roaming monster, perfect place to add a Hag Troggoth or a new Mancrusher sized Trogg!!

*The Fellwater is still a great looking kit and doesnt need updating. 

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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

My recent found love for Troggoths has me hoping for a Warband of them in Warcry!! Forest Troggoths or updated Fellwater* or even a new breed of 3 monsters!!

Perhaps even just a roaming monster, perfect place to add a Hag Troggoth or a new Mancrusher sized Trogg!!

*The Fellwater is still a great looking kit and doesnt need updating. 

Yes please! The opportunity to replace some old sculpts with some warcry releases would be so easy.

Someone said that they mentioned in the newsletter the stilts of the previewed warcry guy and his flexibility in the swamps.
Will be interesting if we get terrain rules in the "new edition" like "minus x move" if you cross this swamp (drawn on the board).

Also think that the rumour engine with the Horn tied to some wooden bar could be part of the new terrain.

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29 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

My recent found love for Troggoths has me hoping for a Warband of them in Warcry!! Forest Troggoths or updated Fellwater* or even a new breed of 3 monsters!!

Perhaps even just a roaming monster, perfect place to add a Hag Troggoth or a new Mancrusher sized Trogg!!

*The Fellwater is still a great looking kit and doesnt need updating. 

Give new Sourbreath Troggoths (warband) please ^^. GW could even do something crazy and make them a unit of 5.

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8 minutes ago, FireAbend said:

Yes please! The opportunity to replace some old sculpts with some warcry releases would be so easy.

Someone said that they mentioned in the newsletter the stilts of the previewed warcry guy and his flexibility in the swamps.
Will be interesting if we get terrain rules in the "new edition" like "minus x move" if you cross this swamp (drawn on the board).

Also think that the rumour engine with the Horn tied to some wooden bar could be part of the new terrain.

The horn is looking like it very well could be terrain!! Im a sucker for locations set in forests or around swamps and water and after seeing this Nurgle Warband model Im hoping we see something like a ramshackle bayou town floating on water.

Whats that you? What lives in the water? TROGGOTHS!!

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Just now, Iksdee said:

Give new Sourbreath Troggoths (warband) please ^^. GW could even do something crazy and make them a unit of 5.

Oh absolutely!! I knew of Sulphur Breath Troggs so Sourbreath would be amazing!! 

I just hope we get something Ghur related because as of now the Era of the Beast has been lacking in Beasts.

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