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On 22.01.2022 there is Underworlds event in Warhammer world and info says:

"When you purchase your ticket, you will have the opportunity to play in the event using any new warbands and/or Rivals decks that are released on the day of the event."

So this is date for Pirate ogor 😀

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9 hours ago, Deepkin said:

There is basically no comp Warcry scene. Majority of warbands are relatively balanced but the outlier warbands (skaven, basically) are so good it makes the game trivial. Also a lot of warbands basically play the same, with 1-3 heavy hitters and 10+ chaff models. 

Many of the also make no sense for certain warbands and you basically auto lose with certain set ups. 

No one has yet devised a comp ruleset is the main issue. Probably wouldn't be too hard, but the game has relatively low playerbase and tends toward casual players already. 

It's pretty fun even without the comp stuff. So long as you don't do something like play skaven against iron golems, it's generally fun.

In age of sigmar the competitive scene is much worse (I do not begin to argue why, otherwise we go OT), so I dont' think it's a fact of power balancing.
In warcry where someone plays skaven I can choose any A tier warband and reap his ass off, same as aos, but with the difference that it cost way less cash/time/resources. 

The competitive rule set maybe a real fact, cause there is a crossroad in this game: allowing the exclusive use of the 8 bands would create a more balanced, but repetitive and poor game; while giving almost all other factions access to interact has created a varied but unbalanced situation.
I believe that one of the main solutions is to keep the factions as they are now, but giving the possibility to mark the cultists, in order to have choices in the STD and in the 4 cults of chaos. Then rebalance points values in a "general handbook" style.

Edited by Holy_Diver
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14 hours ago, dnusha said:

I mean if someone would ask me who this guy is: 


id say he's a dwarf.

Yeah I was briefly exciting thinking there might more than one pirate.. but alas no. 

The Ogre Pirate is the pick of the bunch for me, I do like the GS Cult model as well. 

Everything else is fine but not really my thing, pleased for others who got stuff they are thrilled by. Nice to see more Darkoath- love the old witch model. 

I was thinking the Christmas model might be a gobbo and it is a bit of a relief as well as I was worried the dwarf/squat rumour engines might have just been a Christmas model so its nice to think 2022 might bring some proper dwarf goodness. 

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1 hour ago, Aleser said:

On 22.01.2022 there is Underworlds event in Warhammer world and info says:

"When you purchase your ticket, you will have the opportunity to play in the event using any new warbands and/or Rivals decks that are released on the day of the event."

So this is date for Pirate ogor 😀

Awesome catch mate!!

14 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Not entirely sure where this came from, just popped up on Facebook (think it's real but not 100% sure).


Looks legit as!! Seems to fit into either mainline system as well!!

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It a cool model but it definitely for the 40K universe, beside the fact I forgot they alternate universe every year and last year was the KO model but cyber implants and red Gobbo being more in the 40K world. Still excited though


also shame if you want to proxy as a squig boss in AoS you have to get a different base size

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1 hour ago, Enoby said:

Not entirely sure where this came from, just popped up on Facebook (think it's real but not 100% sure).


Welp, that's that mystery solved!

Although there's a certain irony (and perhaps a sign of GW's approach towards 40K in general) that the overtly political satire (with a hint of earnestness?) from 1980's is just Santa Claus but Warhammer now. But perhaps one would answer that and say it's intentional, that Da Red Gobbo representing a consumerised holiday in Coca-Cola Santa's red coat is biting critique on how labour parties have forgotten their roo---oh wow, that cough medicine tasted OFF! I must have said all sorts odd of things, too bad I can't remember anything about the last 2 minutes.

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18 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Welp, that's that mystery solved!

Although there's a certain irony (and perhaps a sign of GW's approach towards 40K in general) that the overtly political satire (with a hint of earnestness?) from 1980's is just Santa Claus but Warhammer now. But perhaps one would answer that and say it's intentional, that Da Red Gobbo representing a consumerised holiday in Coca-Cola Santa's red coat is biting critique on how labour parties have forgotten their roo---oh wow, that cough medicine tasted OFF! I must have said all sorts odd of things, too bad I can't remember anything about the last 2 minutes.

I think your reading too much into it 

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53 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

Jesus ****** Christ, $210 for red harvest? 

Come on man. Not sure I can even afford that given my holiday budget. What an absolute bummer.

I mean it's expenisve yes but it's kinda in line with other GW stuff. 20 new models , 10 for each side (+ spiders). Old Warcry bands  are 30-32 £ each (9 models). So it like what 60-65  £ ok maybe 70 £ because new and more numerous.  Previous books were 20-25 £.  Three sets of 6 GW dices (18 total )how much is this? Previous sets of 16 are around 15 £ on amazon (probably 5-7 £ in UK). Last but not least HUGE plastic set of scenery (that actually looks good but kinda has a very specific thematics? )is it worth 30- 40 £ more ?  (the other huge piece of scenery was  Sigmarite Mausleum for like 60 £ ).  I have no idea. Maybe! if you are buying it then building it and playing it with your family for years, if not...eehh.

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I believe there is no rule book in Red harvest, so if you where using the box to start you would have to find it elsewhere. I mean with all that terrain the price sort of make sense but not everyone is crazy about painting them so incentive is hard to muster

Edited by novakai
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59 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

Jesus ****** Christ, $210 for red harvest? 

Come on man. Not sure I can even afford that given my holiday budget. What an absolute bummer.

Funny they are pricing it this high when the "Special Warhammer Day Not!Sale" shows they couldn't move catacombs and are trying to shift the stock...

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