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27 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

When Whitefang affirms something without doubting, it is because he knows things...

Pretty sure it was meant as a reference to the upcoming antagonists in the Dominion box. This could include Ironjawz and/or Bonesplitters of course. I remain doubtful until roven otherwise though.

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33 minutes ago, Damosane said:

Fyreslayers especially are a design dead end

Do you believe that?
I just want to remember what GW designed for High Elfs Lumineth:  Cow-like golems with cow-like elves, Fox-like spirits riding hurricans followed by kangaroo riders (btw, they are awesome!).

100% sure the same guys that designed Lumineth will not have any problems expanding and designing new Fyreslayers (or Ironjawz, Kharadrons, etc...).

Edited by Beliman
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22 minutes ago, Damosane said:

Grimnir is dead and dwarves above all respect their ancestors. It's foolish to believe they wouldn't answer a call to war from Grungni no matter what grudges they have built up, plus I'm sure Grungni could offer them plenty of ur gold. 

Don't understand the weird gatekeeping and massive reaction to dwarves being combined into one battletome. There is literally nothing stopping you from still running a Fyreslayers lodge or a Kharadron  fleet. The comparison that the different dwarves are akin to lumineth and sylvaneth is absolutely ridiculous,  those are two different and distinct species who both just happen to serve a God who used to be an elf. The kharadron, dispossessed and Fyreslayers are all the same species who have drifted apart since their gods died/vanished. They are far closer to different lumineth temples that don't play nice with eachother very often than they are two completely different races.

Also think a combined battletome increases  the chance of more dwarf models more than it reduces it too, Fyreslayers especially are a design dead end. Do you guys even convert anyhow? Wouldn't be hard to convert Fyreslayer sky pirates or drunken kharadron berserkers if you wanted things to be more aesthetically similar for whatever reason

I don't see how it's gatekeeping to want a faction that isn't just another religion.

Kharadron can respect Grungni  (just in case) without being his servants. Fyreslayers could at one point succeed in resurrecting Grimnir. We have two ways of dealing with loss, both a good twist on the "Dwarves are a crumbling race" trope.

A "Hi kids, I'm back!" to the sons* that have found their own way, and the stepsons* that are desperately reaching for glimpses of their own father (after of course helping the neighbours getting their act together before acknowledging the dwarves) is a cheap copout.

I do agree it increases the chance of Fyreslayers or Disposessed getting models that are in a battletome that they are also in (eventually), but I disagree vehemently that it increases the chances of Kharadron receiving models.

And of course I convert. I have a whole converted Blood Bowl team at the ready. But I like conversion food, and just tossing them in the same box removes the chance of everything GW could have done with technologically assisted Kharadron as models. Plus, not getting models means not getting female dwarves, and they are hard to convert from the bodies we have.

If I have to source the models anyway, they won't be coming from GW anymore.

*I would have written "kids" if GW had started making more diverse models when both these factions were on the design table.

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28 minutes ago, Damosane said:

Grimnir is dead and dwarves above all respect their ancestors. It's foolish to believe they wouldn't answer a call to war from Grungni no matter what grudges they have built up, plus I'm sure Grungni could offer them plenty of ur gold. 

Don't understand the weird gatekeeping and massive reaction to dwarves being combined into one battletome. There is literally nothing stopping you from still running a Fyreslayers lodge or a Kharadron  fleet. The comparison that the different dwarves are akin to lumineth and sylvaneth is absolutely ridiculous,  those are two different and distinct species who both just happen to serve a God who used to be an elf. The kharadron, dispossessed and Fyreslayers are all the same species who have drifted apart since their gods died/vanished. They are far closer to different lumineth temples that don't play nice with eachother very often than they are two completely different races.


Also think a combined battletome increases  the chance of more dwarf models more than it reduces it too, Fyreslayers especially are a design dead end. Do you guys even convert anyhow? Wouldn't be hard to convert Fyreslayer sky pirates or drunken kharadron berserkers if you wanted things to be more aesthetically similar for whatever reason

Completely disagree on almost everything especially Fyreslayer being a design dead end.  Just because GW has not made the most of the concept does not mean they can not come up with many different designs.

I don't want to mix the peanut butter of Kharadron and the onions of Fyreslayers, just because they are the same race dosent mean the two unique concepts go together. 

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3 hours ago, Iksdee said:

I keep hearing (aos facebook) about fellwater troggoths being mentioned somewhere by gw. Does anyone know more about this? I dont think they really need a new models, i like mine the way they are.

The rumors ive read suggest some of the new orruks are called "fellwater morruks".

Id love a new fellwater troggoth as I think the kit could really be brought up to the other troggoth levels. Its not bad per say but there are definitely aspects about it that drive me bonkers like the head to neck connection, it's very visible and looks atrocious. 

They Could even update the size to help differentiate it like between the rocks and danks, 2 per box, all fat and bloated. 🤩

Wishful thinking. 


Oh!! And add a plastic hag!!

Edited by Vasshpit
Always suggesting a plastic hag.
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Also, does anyone have any updates on either: i) chaos dwarves or ii) kurnothi?

Obviously discontinuing chorfs without a single mention was a bummer, and personally I would have loved for Kragnos to lead the Kurnothi, but maybe there is still some hope.



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3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

The rumors ive read suggest some of the new orruks are called "fellwater morruks".

Id love a new fellwater troggoth as I think the kit could really be brought up to the other troggoth levels. Its not bad per say but there are definitely aspects about it that drive me bonkers like the head to neck connection, it's very visible and looks atrocious. 

They Could even update the size to help differentiate it like between the rocks and dank, 2 per box, all fat and bloated. 🤩

Wishful thinking. 


I actually do like the look of fellwater troggoths. The dankhold troggoth ties it together with the rockgut troggoths imo. The kit also allows for a lot of different looks, i could build 6 totally different ones.

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10 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

Also, does anyone have any updates on either: i) chaos dwarves or ii) kurnothi?

Obviously discontinuing chorfs without a single mention was a bummer, and personally I would have loved for Kragnos to lead the Kurnothi, but maybe there is still some hope.

Chorfs are dwarves so will probably be lumped in somewhere (StD already has the two we now have). Kurnothi are elves so might get a battletome.

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3 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Chorfs are dwarves so will probably be lumped in somewhere (StD already has the two we now have). Kurnothi are elves so might get a battletome.

I am grumpy too, but c'mon, I meant rumours 😘

PS - Not out of the blue, some reports on chorfs being active in the background lore, and same for Kurnothi.

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25 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

Also, does anyone have any updates on either: i) chaos dwarves or ii) kurnothi?

Obviously discontinuing chorfs without a single mention was a bummer, and personally I would have loved for Kragnos to lead the Kurnothi, but maybe there is still some hope.



A couple days ago I posted here how some third-party chorfs got c&d'd by GW.

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21 minutes ago, zamerion said:

AoS RumourEngine9 May26 Image

This is one giant looking skull. I really hope its not a balloon, i'm not really in camp flying units with destruction factions. I like to smash face with wyverns/ snarlfangs and boars. I would make an exception for a balloon pulled by a wyvern ! !

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3 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

This is one giant looking skull. I really hope its not a balloon, i'm not really in camp flying units with destruction factions. I like to smash face with wyverns/ snarlfangs and boars. I would make an exception for a balloon pulled by a wyvern ! !

Me too. Dont want any balloons .hoping its just stiched leather armour underneath

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19 minutes ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

Me too. Dont want any balloons .hoping its just stiched leather armour underneath

Looks to me like the kind of leather stuff some of the new Slaves to Darkness models have, so I've got a feeling that it's more likely to be some poor guy's skin being worn by someone, rather than a balloon.

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33 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

It's just me or does it seems the skull has a stitched leather ballon under?

Grotbag Scuttlers!? 

Oh no! I cannot handle the hype! Although, I feel this will dash the hope of my cutlass wielding, tricorn rocking, sky pirate, dream for the army.

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10 hours ago, Fyrenn said:

This is what it looks like to me... but I was figuring with also with some sort of open ended - i dunno, beaten and humiliated so he wanders off alone to get badder and tougher and maybe has some sort of epiphany with gorkamorka that brings him back 'improved' later in the destruction story.  I don't think he's going to be a non-player for an edition allegedly destruction focused.



Or maybe he breaches the gate to azyr to confront sigmar, the gate closes and it’s the last we see of him for an addition.

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