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I only wished it wasn't another instance of "X vs. Stormcast". Like Stormcast needed more options... 

That post tells everything. I'm glad we get something new for AoS but on the other hand I'm not sure if I need to paint more Stormcasts. If it was Tzeentch against anything else I wouldn't have any doubts. 

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Stormcast are teh new poster boys, they get the new toys. It's just how things are going to be. Anyone who deals with 40k knows how it is :P


That looks like original art. Not seen it before, and I've seen it all (nearly). Love the "pope hat" on the wizard. The humonoids don't look like the Silver Tower cultists, they're much more mutated. So either new mortal infantry or new, less demonic infantry. These guys may be heroes as well, as they share a lot of design with the existing tzeench mage.

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1 hour ago, Dawnmane said:

More clickbaity to say it is a hoax I think.

I don't particularly care either way.

Seriously though, how legitimate is this:

"We then immediately reached out to GW for comment and can now confirm:

The image is a complete fabrication. It’s a hoax folks. 

No such product is on the way from GW."

Edited by Turragor
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28 minutes ago, bottle said:



I am a little in awe of this fake. It is masterfully done with some great artwork and new model concepts hidden within.


It's no doubt a spectacular fake. I was fooled last night. 

The leaker says he wanted to make it to BoLs, as if to prove something about the legitimacy (or otherwise) of the content on there. What has he proven? On its way to BoLs, by his own admission, the 'leak' went via every Facebook group going, it was all over Twitter, and it was posted in this hallowed forum. ? All he seems to have shown us is that BoLs is one of many places those desperate to leak GW news post leaks for those desperate to read GW news.

If he's shown us that BoLs leaks any old junk, then surely he's telling us the same of the entire nerdy internet. While I don't doubt that BoLs regularly features junk, and the vitriol it faces is sometimes justified, it seems there's something of a pack mentality here. Anyone giving it a kick in the BoLs gets cheered on by the community. 

He's achieved one thing - he's certainly got me thinking about the community and how spectacularly desperate we are for content. Maybe I'm missing something, but it just seems like someone taking advantage and then deflecting blame. 'Yeah I lied...but...BoLs is...rubbish?'

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1 hour ago, hobgoblinclub said:


It's no doubt a spectacular fake. I was fooled last night. 

The leaker says he wanted to make it to BoLs, as if to prove something about the legitimacy (or otherwise) of the content on there. What has he proven? On its way to BoLs, by his own admission, the 'leak' went via every Facebook group going, it was all over Twitter, and it was posted in this hallowed forum. ? All he seems to have shown us is that BoLs is one of many places those desperate to leak GW news post leaks for those desperate to read GW news.

If he's shown us that BoLs leaks any old junk, then surely he's telling us the same of the entire nerdy internet. While I don't doubt that BoLs regularly features junk, and the vitriol it faces is sometimes justified, it seems there's something of a pack mentality here. Anyone giving it a kick in the BoLs gets cheered on by the community. 

He's achieved one thing - he's certainly got me thinking about the community and how spectacularly desperate we are for content. Maybe I'm missing something, but it just seems like someone taking advantage and then deflecting blame. 'Yeah I lied...but...BoLs is...rubbish?'


The majority of the community sites that post leaks are aggregator sites. They take any and all related content that might drive in the users who then might click other links out of curiosity (or if it's an ad - by accident). It's the business model of the internet up to and including now and the near future.

There's no official/unofficial source site. It's leaks or official. There is no legitimate leak site.

In that sense, maybe he meant that the sites will believe anything? I don't think belief is a factor. They don't care about what's real and not I don't think, only what gets an audience.

In any case his fake was good enough that a lot of people were fooled. A poorer fake might have proved something more?


Edited by Turragor
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10 minutes ago, Turragor said:

In any case his fake was good enough that a lot of people were fooled. A poorer fake might have proved something more?

Exactly the point I was trying to make.

He proved that if something is convincing, people will be believe it. We have no reason not to, unless talented people start posting convincing fakes just for...kicks...oh.

The whole thing seems pretty self-indulgent to me. It's clearly self promotion with an apology at the end. What did it achieve other than tricking people into discussing his artwork? That could have been done, without misleading everyone, by posting a thread. It no doubt would have a got a very positive reaction rather than the mixed response we see this morning.

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If anything this whole stunt made BoLS come out looking better for it. Call me a sceptic but I do not for one second believe they have a go to GW guy to confirm for them if something is fake or not (if they did wouldn't they run every rumour by them?) But if they saw the confession on Facebook before it hit the wider web they could have safely made the claim that GW told them it was a hoax without worrying about it backfiring.

*puts on tinfoil hat*

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I feel what it does prove is that people are desperate for information of releases.

Relying upon the old tactic of "people won't spend their money on stuff if they know what's coming " doesn't really hold weight anymore.

Look at the video games industry, look how it's evolved, we are told about games while they're in alpha production stages to build up hype and demand for them, given progress releases.

We're given bonuses for preordering not nessarily discounts but bonuses, you can buy special packs and get stuff other people don't for slightly more. 

We understand that time frames aren't always achievable, those loud mouth whiners who moan about delays are more than likely to be the same ones moaning about the lack of new content.

Other companies, (major ones included ) also do kick starters and give bonuses for that, I'd happily pay extra money to get cool stuff no one else does, " donate £100 and get x models and gain entrance to play with the army before general release at warhammer world"

"Donate £1000 and have the entire army (used in the white dwarf magazine ) professionally painted by our army builder team " for instance. 


Games workshop are definitely going the right way lately but there is SO much potential they're missing out upon, and it's pretty much all profitable and benefits both the company and its customers 

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