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1 hour ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

For plastic kits, yeah, though apparently they reshuffle things internally now-and-then. The GHB was apparently a very reactionary product to the critique on lack of points in AoS, so they're able to turn things around if-needed;.

Completely agree, they chop and change all over the shop and can do a rapid turn around too.  The 40k anniversary marine was done in under two months and the WHW exclusive Stormcast wasn't originally meant to be released until Christmas :) 

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23 minutes ago, Lysandestolpe said:

Do we know which armies?

Not even a hint has been given, but I'd imagine it's a fairly safe bet that Fyreslayers will get one - they are new miniatures, after all, but do not yet have their own box. Other possibilities are a bit less obvious, but I'd guess that anything that has reasonably new plastics is fair game.

The rumour seems to specify that the boxes coming out will be larger than the standard ones - so it's also perfectly likely that we will see bigger army boxes for Stormcast, Bloodbound, Sylvaneth, etc.

Me, I'm just holding out hope for a Soulbight box with a pile of shiny new plastic models!

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43 minutes ago, Silverline said:

Not even a hint has been given, but I'd imagine it's a fairly safe bet that Fyreslayers will get one - they are new miniatures, after all, but do not yet have their own box. Other possibilities are a bit less obvious, but I'd guess that anything that has reasonably new plastics is fair game.

The rumour seems to specify that the boxes coming out will be larger than the standard ones - so it's also perfectly likely that we will see bigger army boxes for Stormcast, Bloodbound, Sylvaneth, etc.

Me, I'm just holding out hope for a Soulbight box with a pile of shiny new plastic models!

It is a shame that they won't sit down and develop old factions with new exciting material. By this I mean rule wise. A lot of the older models still work fine. Taking a big step would be to develop army books for a big chunk of armies such as Freeguild, Gutbusters, Greenskinz, Soulblight, Rattle, etc. Reboxing the units with new bases can wait as they keep the models fairly similar to the original design anyways. Players have proven, (much so in my experience in 40k), to be able to use their innovative skills to convert weapons and units that don't have models yet. 


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3 minutes ago, Lysandestolpe said:

It is a shame that they won't sit down and develop old factions with new exciting material. By this I mean rule wise. A lot of the older models still work fine. Taking a big step would be to develop army books for a big chunk of armies such as Freeguild, Gutbusters, Greenskinz, Soulblight, Rattle, etc. Reboxing the units with new bases can wait as they keep the models fairly similar to the original design anyways. Players have proven, (much so in my experience in 40k), to be able to use their innovative skills to convert weapons and units that don't have models yet. 


You certainly aren't wrong in that players do wonderful things with conversions, but this is the opposite direction to GW's current business philosophy. It's been clear for a while now that only things with actual miniatures will get rules, and so stuff that will sell well gets priority. 

Some of the armies that need design work will clearly be getting it - the various Death factions, especially - but I really wouldn't hold my breath for anything new for Freeguild.

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2 hours ago, Silverline said:

You certainly aren't wrong in that players do wonderful things with conversions, but this is the opposite direction to GW's current business philosophy. It's been clear for a while now that only things with actual miniatures will get rules, and so stuff that will sell well gets priority. 

Some of the armies that need design work will clearly be getting it - the various Death factions, especially - but I really wouldn't hold my breath for anything new for Freeguild.

Yeah, it seems pretty evident that you are spot on there. Thanks for a great answer.

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3 hours ago, Silverline said:

Not even a hint has been given, but I'd imagine it's a fairly safe bet that Fyreslayers will get one - they are new miniatures, after all, but do not yet have their own box. Other possibilities are a bit less obvious, but I'd guess that anything that has reasonably new plastics is fair game.

The rumour seems to specify that the boxes coming out will be larger than the standard ones - so it's also perfectly likely that we will see bigger army boxes for Stormcast, Bloodbound, Sylvaneth, etc.

Me, I'm just holding out hope for a Soulbight box with a pile of shiny new plastic models!


Got any sources for that? Not heard anything about either new SC boxes or any christmas-specific new box types. Would love to see a Fyreslayer one, though it's likely to lack the big beast.

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17 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:


Got any sources for that? Not heard anything about either new SC boxes or any christmas-specific new box types. Would love to see a Fyreslayer one, though it's likely to lack the big beast.


Taken as always with a pinch or two of salt, but it does seem a fairly reasonable one

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13 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

It's closer to two years for their release schedule :)

I really find this difficult to believe. I'm not doubting you. Almost everyone seems to believe it's around that long, so I'm guessing there must be truth in it. It just seems like a very lengthy time frame to be able to react over, as a business. You'd imagine a company would need to be far more reactive to supply and demand to survive. Two years is a turning circle like the Titanic.  

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48 minutes ago, hobgoblinclub said:

I really find this difficult to believe. I'm not doubting you. Almost everyone seems to believe it's around that long, so I'm guessing there must be truth in it. It just seems like a very lengthy time frame to be able to react over, as a business. You'd imagine a company would need to be far more reactive to supply and demand to survive. Two years is a turning circle like the Titanic.  


I think 2 years is the "average". We have certain models that are definitely that old, or older. Belegar was that old (based on the year on teh sprue). The Realmgates were made 5+ years before they saw release (seen in the Storm of Magic book). Then we have the anniversary space marine model, which only took 2 months, apparently.


So I think it's more of a span of time. Some things are designed relatively quickly, but most are done with fairly long lead times. They all need to be concepted, sculpted, printed, painted, have backgrounds written and rules made after all. And most models end up in books, which themselves take a long time to make.


I have no doubt that the Lord-Veritant (and the alternate Knight-Heraldor) was a fairly rapid job though. Maybe even released as a direct result of people complaining about the SCE's lack of unbinding.

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I've posted this before but I believe the way GW operates is like many publishing companies: it has about a thousand balls in the air at various stages of development and is constantly assessing what to send to production and when. This is why sometimes they release things that they mostly finished a long time ago, and sometimes they react quite quickly. It's not set in stone, though they are always working from a schedule and tweaking it, and I bet there are 50 things for every one that sees the light of day. What a treasure trove the creator's studio and design concept documents would be if they were ever unearthed!

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1 hour ago, DaRealmEater said:

Has anyone else heard rumours or sky pirates? 

That better not be a thing. Because then I'll need to start a new army.

Oh. Oooh! Every Grand Alliance should get sky pirates! Mortal sky privateers worshipping Sigmar! Orruk sky pirates riding flying squigs! Vampire sky pirates! Tzeentchian pirates "piloting" floating islands! And then they could do a sky pirates themed campaign...

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There are a few mentions in the campaign books of lights in the skies of chamon or something similar.  Sigmar is looking for grungi's Duaridin on chamon but has not found them.

It is easy to guess that the reason is that they are above it. 

It is all but certain that Tzeentch Arcanites are the next big release. Chamon is the realm where Tzeentch is strongest.

My theory is that the next campaign will start out in chamon with Tzeentch, new stormcast (hopefully human auxiliaries)  and the new Duaridin. 

Edited by Chikout
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9 hours ago, hobgoblinclub said:

I really find this difficult to believe. I'm not doubting you. Almost everyone seems to believe it's around that long, so I'm guessing there must be truth in it. It just seems like a very lengthy time frame to be able to react over, as a business. You'd imagine a company would need to be far more reactive to supply and demand to survive. Two years is a turning circle like the Titanic.  

8 hours ago, Darth Alec said:

I think 2 years is the "average". We have certain models that are definitely that old, or older. Belegar was that old (based on the year on teh sprue). The Realmgates were made 5+ years before they saw release (seen in the Storm of Magic book). Then we have the anniversary space marine model, which only took 2 months, apparently.

So I think it's more of a span of time. Some things are designed relatively quickly, but most are done with fairly long lead times. They all need to be concepted, sculpted, printed, painted, have backgrounds written and rules made after all. And most models end up in books, which themselves take a long time to make.

I have no doubt that the Lord-Veritant (and the alternate Knight-Heraldor) was a fairly rapid job though. Maybe even released as a direct result of people complaining about the SCE's lack of unbinding.

I was chatting to some of the sculptors at the AoS Open Day earlier this year who told me the information on the 2 year span and how some bits are done as a rapid response such as the anniversary marine.  Basically there is a hidden team in GW that handles all of the release schedules, but the sculptors themselves are working on models aimed at release in 2 years.  Main GW also has a tradition of producing the rules to match the models rather than the other way round, so as @Darth Alec says the "rules/fluff" element makes quite a bit of difference to when we get a model in our mitts :)

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