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According to the so far correct leaked 2018 calendar, new aelves (now: Deepkin) is a very large release that will take place from April to June. I guess end April, all May and will end up early June.  

I wouldn’t expect anything else for AoS until July at the earliest. 

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13 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

Very much this. 

Nurgle = Jan

LoN = Feb

DOK= March

Idoneth = March/April

Nighthaunt = April/May

Moonclan (Minimal new releases) = May/June 

Darkoath = June/July

Slaanesh for December, fill in the middle with 40k and non-model battletomes. 


Thank you for this sumary but appart from the Idoneth Deepkin do we have reliable information regarding the Nighthaunt, Moonclan and Darkoath releases ?

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5 minutes ago, Ghark said:


Thank you for this sumary but appart from the Idoneth Deepkin do we have reliable information regarding the Nighthaunt, Moonclan and Darkoath releases ?

Nothing so much as reliable, just little signs that could amount to nothing. Its not too fair away though so we'll see. 

We do have another Death faction confirmed I believe from the guy who confirmed Dok and the Deepkin. 

With the current trendI imagine that we'll see a tease or confirmation of the next faction around the time of the Idoneth's release. 

Edited by AthlorianStoners
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If I were to guess April is a bit to early since DoK. If I remember correctly there is a big event for GW in May and my bet is they will introduce sea elves then. Furthermore looking at 2017 I wouldn't ecpect so many releases except Deepkin this year. Maybe some stormcasts OR 1 other faction. Remember that GW runs also 40k and few boxed games with expansions. There is no room for 6 AoS releases a year. 

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5 minutes ago, Aryann said:

If I were to guess April is a bit to early since DoK. If I remember correctly there is a big event for GW in May and my bet is they will introduce sea elves then. Furthermore looking at 2017 I wouldn't ecpect so many releases except Deepkin this year. Maybe some stormcasts OR 1 other faction. Remember that GW runs also 40k and few boxed games with expansions. There is no room for 6 AoS releases a year. 

I agree this is highly optimistic, but considering the increase in their production capabilities and the fact we've had 3 factions in 3 months, I don't think its toooo crazy. 

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Well thanks for your answer !

18 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

We do have another Death faction confirmed I believe from the guy who confirmed Dok and the Deepkin. 

I didn't know that thank you !

Does someone remember this rumour snippet ? I'm just quite impatient regarding new Death releases :P

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1 hour ago, Ghark said:

Well thanks for your answer !

I didn't know that thank you !

Does someone remember this rumour snippet ? I'm just quite impatient regarding new Death releases :P

OH ! I've really tried to follow the rumors mill and I didn't recall anything from this guy ; he alas deleted his account on Lady Atia'site...

But I remember a GW FB comment clearly saying : there will be more for Death this year (more = something else than Legions Of Nagash and the Knight Of Shrouds).

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2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

OH ! I've really tried to follow the rumors mill and I didn't recall anything from this guy ; he alas deleted his account on Lady Atia'site...

But I remember a GW FB comment clearly saying : there will be more for Death this year (more = something else than Legions Of Nagash and the Knight Of Shrouds).

I did hear there was to be a new Starter Set this year (could be a campaign box like Blightwar), featuring everyones favourite poster boys vs Death.

Planned for summer I think.

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11 hours ago, Moonstone said:

I did hear there was to be a new Starter Set this year (could be a campaign box like Blightwar), featuring everyones favourite poster boys vs Death.

Planned for summer I think.

Given the whole big build-up around Malign Portents, the fact GW knows we want "moar Death" and acknowledged it on their Facebook, and the whole new Logo / new Battletome format / new FAQ-GHB system (and 40k 8th), we really could see a "new edition" this year. 

By that I mean just a reorganization of the fluff and rules, without changing it too much (or not at all, at least for the Four-pages core rule sheet).

We'll then have : 

1) A new big core rulebook with ;

- A good introduction to the Age of Myth, Chaos and Sigmar (including the Realmgate Wars, the Season of War and Malign Portents), i.e. a Time line. And with explanation of the Realms. And maps, both large (the Innerlands of the Realms, at least Aqshy, Ghyran, Chamon and Shyish) and detailed (more "high fantasy" like in the RGW). 

- The 4 rules pages, with Warscrolls explanations, etc..

- A bit of the General's Handbook (3-ways-to-play introduction), Path to Glory, Skirmish and Campaign systems updated rules (i.e. "Advanced / optional rules section")

- Informations on modeling, painting, etc.

(i.e. everything that is in the current  40k 8th core rulebook - way more handy (and pricey ?) than buying Age of Sigmar : Mighty battles bla bla + Malign Portents + Getting Started with AOS, etc.).

2) A new Starter Set, of course, which obviously should contain Stromcast / Order (because poster boys and sales, etc.) and Death, as everything is pointing as Nagash being THE main antagonist of the current narrative.

I'm counting on a new REANIMANT Skeletons Death faction (based on the Illuminations / layout of the MP book and Website, and LoN book).


Sorry for the "educated wish listing" :P   

AOS_Logo_Malign Portents.png

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On 04/03/2018 at 6:29 PM, ledha said:

Bretonnians are another ewample : more than 10 years and several édition ( 4 ?) without a new army Book

Brets were two editions without an update. Their last book was towards the end of 6th. The only army to go four editions without a main studio update were chaos dwarfs (4th-8th ed) and Sisters of Battle, who hold the record with six editions and counting since they had an actual Codex.  

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Today's Malign Portents story is an interesting little glimpse of the hunt for Slaanesh by his/her disciples. Another clue pointing towards Slaanesh getting revealed and possibly set free at the end of the story arc? Ties in nicely with the return of the aelves and Slaanesh is next in line among the Chaos gods to get attention, I figure.

Edited by Yokai
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I don't know but if the want to release thrid Aelf faction (doubt this but well - who knows) that would tie in nicely with Slaanesh but who knows I alwyas thought that this year we should get - Aelfs, Slaanesh, new Destruction and new Death and it's very possible.  

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Considering that both Tzeentch and Nurgle were released on January (for AoS). We might see late year Slaanesh release for 40K which will be followed by AoS one beginning of next year.

Think that year after that Khorne might get a new 40K release and time for AoS Khorne shakeup might bo in line too.

But this leaves us with no place for Skaven releases, but what true Chaos follower cares about those rats anyway ;)

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17 minutes ago, Malin said:

Considering that both Tzeentch and Nurgle were released on January (for AoS). We might see late year Slaanesh release for 40K which will be followed by AoS one beginning of next year.

Think that year after that Khorne might get a new 40K release and time for AoS Khorne shakeup might bo in line too.

But this leaves us with no place for Skaven releases, but what true Chaos follower cares about those rats anyway ;)

So a Chaos release/re-release every January until the end of time then?

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1 minute ago, DantePQ said:

Honestly I would be fine with 1 Chaos army/Refresh once a year ;)  why not ? And I don't even play or own any Chaos armies. 

Sure, why not? Provided we also have - like clockwork - an Order release every April, a Destruction release every July and a Death release every October (to coincide with Halloween, obviously). :D

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I tried to search for a pattern here. If this would follow, we would have a chance to "un-broke" Tzeentch as it is, make unplayable units viable - all for the greater good ;) Besides Stormcasts and Space Marines, Chaos is most adored faction by GW anyway.

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I think it’s more likely Slaanesh will be the focus of the next campaign once Portents is wrapped up, and that this is foreshadowing. A campaign late this year or early next would tie in with about the sort of time you’d expect a new Chaos release based on existing patterns.

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19 minutes ago, Inqy said:

I think it’s more likely Slaanesh will be the focus of the next campaign once Portents is wrapped up, and that this is foreshadowing. A campaign late this year or early next would tie in with about the sort of time you’d expect a new Chaos release based on existing patterns.

Yes and I always thought GW would keep Aelves for a "Fate of Slaanesh" narrative - but even with DoK and Idoneth we now have confirmation of at least 2 other Aelves factions - Tyrion&Teclis and Malerion - (perhaps) coming (soonish i.e. 2019), factions more linked in the fluff to that very Fate ...

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That kind of looks like the hard plastic that the terrain pieces are made of. That, and the fact that it's quite flat suggests terrain to me.

Also, something that makes me think it may be 40K rather than AoS - the word 'Mortis'. Not the word itself, but the fact that it's written in the Roman alphabet. I might be wrong, but I don't think we've seen any script written in the Roman alphabet since before AoS was a thing. Everything script since has been fantasy runic script. Whereas 40K models, in particular the Imperium and the traitor Choas factions, are festooned with Latin words written in the Roman alphabet.

Of course I'm probably wrong and it's part of a new model to accompany the Nighthaunts battletome.

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Another small tease, I guess we will get more info at Adepticon probably preview. 

Also in older WFB books, Manthlann was Lord of The Deeps (and GW loves such subtle throwbacks) so I guess he will feature in Deepkin book maybe he's stealing souls as well ;) I wonder if he is connected to Aislann. 

Edited by DantePQ
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