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Toughest/most resilient army in AoS?

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Hi guys. 

Looking to start a new army. I play ironjawz and Dok (Medusa list) now, wich are both very offensive oriented armies. So the next army I would like to be very defensive minded and tough. 

But what is the toughest army in AoS, looking around it seems like pure trolls or maggotkin seems like a good choice? What do you guys think? What's the toughest/resilient army in AoS ? 



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52 minutes ago, Thenord said:

Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough. It also has to be possible to paint and play Whiteout loosing your mind 😂

Possible to paint, definitely although you might need some time, a lot of time to be more explicit.

and you probably, hopfully, won’t be loosing your mind by painting only 400 clanrats.

although You might start hearing a few more voices in your head.

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  • If you want a easy to build, fast, and sturdy Army, Beastclaw Raiders may be a valid option. Each of them is a bulk that can tank a huge ammount of damage, is killy and the low model count makes armybuilding easier. And they are cheap due to the amazing SC!-Box.
  • Another option is an Troggoth Only Gloomspite Army. You field ~7 Models in 1k Games and the Stone-Troggoth are really nuts for the enemy to take down due to their hide-skill. And Fellwater-Troggoths in case you want to vomit onto your enemy when facing that guy.
  • Then there are the Cavalary-Armies: Soulblights (or tweaked into Legion of Blood) or Order Draconis can field about 1 Hero on Dragon + 10 Knights in 1k Games (~11 Models, Legion of Blood Requires additional Battlelines). These have the disadvantage of beeing a one trick pony (buff the cavalery and charge) and can be therefore dull to play.
  • A Grand Host of Nagash consisting of Nagash and his big Elite Guardian Thingies is also cool, but you will loose friends. And that fast.
  • Ironjaws can be played with a focus on Brutes, which gives you also an comprehensible ammount of big tanky models that hit quite good.
  • Idoneth with a focus on Eel-Riders are Tanky (2+ save ignoring any rend with the Leviadon Buff on the Charge iirc) and deal a huge ammount of damage, yet can also get dull because its another sort of cavalery (althrough idoneth have a ton of toys to play around)
  • Nurgle Rotbringers as mentioned are great

Actually due to the current way of armybuilding, several factions can go for big elite monsters or something similar. (f.e. Khorne Juggernaut Cavalery-Lists)


Oh, and if you really want to have a defensive army: Stormcasts. You can even lead to situations where you deal an insane ammount of MW with your saves due to Azurite Halo, Shield of Thorns and a Lord Castellan Buff. You enemy won´t charge that Blobb again

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1 hour ago, Killamike said:

Daughters - hagg nar.  Reroling saves, rerolling 5+ aftersaves.

To be fair, this can only be one unit in the army and does take some buffs and proximety to the general. Still good tho 🙂

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5 hours ago, Charleston said:
  • If you want a easy to build, fast, and sturdy Army, Beastclaw Raiders may be a valid option. Each of them is a bulk that can tank a huge ammount of damage, is killy and the low model count makes armybuilding easier. And they are cheap due to the amazing SC!-Box.
  • Another option is an Troggoth Only Gloomspite Army. You field ~7 Models in 1k Games and the Stone-Troggoth are really nuts for the enemy to take down due to their hide-skill. And Fellwater-Troggoths in case you want to vomit onto your enemy when facing that guy.
  • Then there are the Cavalary-Armies: Soulblights (or tweaked into Legion of Blood) or Order Draconis can field about 1 Hero on Dragon + 10 Knights in 1k Games (~11 Models, Legion of Blood Requires additional Battlelines). These have the disadvantage of beeing a one trick pony (buff the cavalery and charge) and can be therefore dull to play.
  • A Grand Host of Nagash consisting of Nagash and his big Elite Guardian Thingies is also cool, but you will loose friends. And that fast.
  • Ironjaws can be played with a focus on Brutes, which gives you also an comprehensible ammount of big tanky models that hit quite good.
  • Idoneth with a focus on Eel-Riders are Tanky (2+ save ignoring any rend with the Leviadon Buff on the Charge iirc) and deal a huge ammount of damage, yet can also get dull because its another sort of cavalery (althrough idoneth have a ton of toys to play around)
  • Nurgle Rotbringers as mentioned are great

Actually due to the current way of armybuilding, several factions can go for big elite monsters or something similar. (f.e. Khorne Juggernaut Cavalery-Lists)


Oh, and if you really want to have a defensive army: Stormcasts. You can even lead to situations where you deal an insane ammount of MW with your saves due to Azurite Halo, Shield of Thorns and a Lord Castellan Buff. You enemy won´t charge that Blobb again

By the way I don’t think you can get 2+ save on the charge with idoneth eels.  Charging loses the benefit of cover so the max you get is 3+

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Hermdar fyreslayer heartguard berserker with lords of the lodge battalion. 

Look no further there isn't anything in the game that can remove them. 

3+ save reroll 1,4+fnp,2w, unbreakable  always strike first, they fight 2 time x phase, the enemy have - 1 hit & wound against them. 


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I sincerely hope you are not trolling us since you own DoK. lol

You should know Witches are currently the most resilient unit when you factor in point efficiency and the ability to minimize retaliation with their offense.

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Well, as I wrote I only play with melusais. Still I'm aware that the one 30 man (woman) unit of wyches in hagg nar can get to insane levels of cheese. 

But I stille don't think that's enough to classify the whole army as "the toughest/ most resilient" army in AoS.

But if you're asking me if hagg narr and wyches/hagg spam is op, yes of course they are...

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5 hours ago, Aelven supremacy said:

By the way I don’t think you can get 2+ save on the charge with idoneth eels.  Charging loses the benefit of cover so the max you get is 3+

Yeah, you are right! Thanks! And I always wondered how GW would print such a cheese like a 2+ Invul Save in AoS

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9 hours ago, Charleston said:

Yeah, you are right! Thanks! And I always wondered how GW would print such a cheese like a 2+ Invul Save in AoS

Well there are a few possibilities where you can go to a 2+ save.

Khorne for example have the perefect unit and buffs to do so.

similar options are open for some seraphon units.

in Khorne we have the Skullcrushers, who already have a natural 3+save.

you can even upgrade that save to a 2+with the bronzen flesh prayer, and if your interested to go even further you could cast daemonic power (from a allied chaos sorcerer lord) on that unit for a reroll of hit, wound and save rolls of 1, making that unit almost unkillable against non rend units.

seraphon in the other hand have the temple guard, who are rather costly for their price.

still you can upgrade their save by just having a hero nearby, and if you think that a 2+ is needed to keep you save look no further than at the battalions (which names of I don’t really know) that can give the temple guards a 2+ save.

so yeah cheese like this is something that still exist in the game.

although not many units/armies have it.


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15 hours ago, ledha said:

Fyreslayers. Most of their units are quite resilient at base, but they can combine that with the ability to stack aoe bonus save (up to +4 !) and reroll save + invulnerable save.

How do they do this, I can only see Heartguard zerkers getting a 4+ (battlesmith) and a 4++ (if they're close to hero)? :)

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4 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Well there are a few possibilities where you can go to a 2+ save.

Khorne for example have the perefect unit and buffs to do so.

similar options are open for some seraphon units.

in Khorne we have the Skullcrushers, who already have a natural 3+save.

you can even upgrade that save to a 2+with the bronzen flesh prayer, and if your interested to go even further you could cast daemonic power (from a allied chaos sorcerer lord) on that unit for a reroll of hit, wound and save rolls of 1, making that unit almost unkillable against non rend units.

seraphon in the other hand have the temple guard, who are rather costly for their price.

still you can upgrade their save by just having a hero nearby, and if you think that a 2+ is needed to keep you save look no further than at the battalions (which names of I don’t really know) that can give the temple guards a 2+ save.

so yeah cheese like this is something that still exist in the game.

although not many units/armies have it.


 Yeah, I know of these Possibilities :) But all thoose are at least affected by rend, whilst Idoneth Eels ignore any Rend modifier. While it is hard to stop a unit with a 2+, it is much harder to stop a unit with a 2++, especially when they have enough wounds so Mortal Wounds don´t do harm to them as quick

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54 minutes ago, Thenord said:

How do they do this, I can only see Heartguard zerkers getting a 4+ (battlesmith) and a 4++ (if they're close to hero)? :)

5+ base, 4+ BS, 3+ prayer, 2+ if in cover, rerolling 1 with talisman of the watcher from ulgu, or runic firewall, or an allied wiz, then they have 4++ and all the other buff I  mentioned in my other post. 

Not considering they will deepstrike direction objectives. 

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being a nurgle player myself i wouldn't classify the entirety of maggotkin as resilient.  its only really the daemon units that can be tough to shift, yes the blightkings are 4 wounds and 4+ save but thats it!  by reading what you have replied to other you are looking for an army wide resiliency then i wouldnt recomment maggotkin, beastclaw is probably where you wanna be.  good luck finding something thats interesting to you 👍

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On 6/2/2019 at 10:34 AM, Laststand said:

It has to be Nurgle. Multiple wounds, disgustingly resilient saves, healing, summoning and GUO.  The blightking kits are also amazing. 

Not anymore. Summon in Nurgle means only 2x5 plague bearers. Fyreslayers and idoneth are tougher, seraphon are not only a lot more tougher but has a crazy summoning. Fec and LoN can resurrect a lot making units very difficult to destroyed and evento after that 1 CP and The unit is Alive again. Even slaanesh is tougher because of summoning 

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