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Tyrion, in light reborn!

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6 hours ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

There's never been a model of an unmounted Tyrion has there? It might be nice to have an infantry version with a dynamic pose that reflects his reputation as a swordsman, as the mounted ones were very static and the large helm made him a bit anonymous looking

Not that I know, but his cool combat animation is why I never mount him in Total War. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

There has been something on my mind lately:
Spoiler below for the Callis and Toll - The Silver Shard Novel:
I have the book in German so take it with a grain of salt:


It is an excerpt from the 35th chapter of the book, page 494. In German it reads: (...) Armeen geflügelter Kreaturen, wunderschön und mit goldenen Helmen, versuchten, die Herren der Stadt zu bezwingen, aber sie wurden zusammen mit all den anderen besiegt, ihre Flügel wurden gebrochen und ihre Knöchel angekettet. (...)"
My clumsy translation: "(...) Armies of winged Creatures, beautiful and donned with golden Helmets, tried to vanquish the Lords of the City, but they were defeated alongside all the others, their Wings broken and their ankles enchained. (...)"  

Now what makes me wonder is the word beautiful. The "Creatures" described here could just be winged Stormcasts however - this excerpt is from the point of view of an (A)Elf and a Witch Hunter - they would know how SCE look like. This description seems like you would see something unfamiliar.  Again the "golden helmets" could refer to Stormcast masks etc bla bla.....    Aaaand would you describe Stormcasts as being beautiful ? 😋
Lastly this Creatures intervened to stop some Chaos Sorcery Thing going on (can't remember the plot atm) - AND they have wings ^^ - so this all seems to scream "Angelic Creatures of Light and Reason" - or it could mean nothing at all.


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From English to German and back into English. I can see where you're coming from but I'd look into original text. It's interesting that the word used is also "creature", if those were SCE I imagine it'd be the easiest to call them that way. 

I have no idea where to place the tree, could be for Kurnathi but I can see it working for Light Elves too. 

Edited by Tiger
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  • 1 month later...
On 11/8/2019 at 7:11 AM, madmac said:

I think the Waystone looking rumor engine could be Hysh Aelves, but on balance it looks more like Wanderers to me, and I'd be surprised to see Light Aelves getting released before Wanderers/Kurnothi at this point, with them getting the protag slot in Beastgrave among other things.

If we get Kurnothi and Light Aelves in the same year, then maybe.

On the subject of rumor engines, STD took a couple, but lets look at what's left for maybe aelven:




It's not a big pool, but it's unlikely any of these are STD at this point. I think the staff is probably from the DoK Beastgrave warband, the crossbow looking thing is a hard call, and I can't deny there's some flame stylings on some of these that could be Hysh Aelves. OTOH, the waystone looks Wanderish and the bit in the back looks kind of like a Kurnothi tail. The pony tail also seems like something wanderers would have, and the boot is hard to call but I'm going to say definitely not Hysh if nothing else.

Mind, the big STD/Death releases are out of the way, as is Phoenix Rising for the space aelves, so it's not terribly likely any of those are snagging these.

I think next year we'll see one, maybe two new Aelf armies, Got Scuttlers, and who knows what else. The next two months of rumor engines are going to be enlightening, I think.


Hair is from the new Shadowsun mini

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Definitely :D

I hope it works out for you Thiagoma :) and that you like them. I was also pretty distressed by the Culling in August and CoS never quite satisfied my need for Pointy (A)elves.

Now I have to keep the Hype to a realistic level - however the Trailer was cute.

Conerning the Rumour engines I agree - the spiky Boot was always in the Daughters of Khaine-Niche for me.  I cant wrap my head around the "Bonsai" Tree or the 3 Strings attached to something ... hmmm.

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2 minutes ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

Definitely :D

I hope it works out for you Thiagoma :) and that you like them. I was also pretty distressed by the Culling in August and CoS never quite satisfied my need for Pointy (A)elves.

Now I have to keep the Hype to a realistic level - however the Trailer was cute.

Conerning the Rumour engines I agree - the spiky Boot was always in the Daughters of Khaine-Niche for me.  I cant wrap my head around the "Bonsai" Tree or the 3 Strings attached to something ... hmmm.

Thank you sir!

Some things to consider:

No mentions of Tyrion (maybe GW is keeping it a secret?)

Will GW give Phoenix Temple and Shadow warriors the Pointy Elves Keyword?


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3 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

Thank you sir!

Some things to consider:

No mentions of Tyrion (maybe GW is keeping it a secret?)

Will GW give Phoenix Temple and Shadow warriors the Pointy Elves Keyword?


I hope so. I bought a phoenix and another unit of Phoenix Guard to complete my Phoenicium list, and it would make sense for Teclis/Tyrion to care for their brethren in the Free Cities. There was also a cool idea in the rumour thread about the possibility of Pointy Elves having a sort of "Stormcast-CoS" rule with Idoneth Deepkin, as they were also a creation of Teclis. As for the new miniatures, I really wish for a re-imagining of swordmasters and dragon princes. Those were our best looking units back in the day.


So excited!

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I could see a connection between the Phoenix Temple and and Asuryan - hopefully the Ur Phoenix will be further explained down the Line. GW has been pretty inconsistent with Keywords in my Opninon. To me it came as a surprise to see Shadow-Warriors in the Shadowblades faction.

Considering the Interplay mechanics in recent Battletomes: (Sylvaneth and Idoneth Battalion, or Dispossessed and Fyreslayers' Integration in the New Kharadron Tome, I would expect rather similar or refined mechanics of synergy.

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3 minutes ago, Thaliontil said:

I hope so. I bought a phoenix and another unit of Phoenix Guard to complete my Phoenicium list, and it would make sense for Teclis/Tyrion to care for their brethren in the Free Cities. There was also a cool idea in the rumour thread about the possibility of Pointy Elves having a sort of "Stormcast-CoS" rule with Idoneth Deepkin, as they were also a creation of Teclis. As for the new miniatures, I really wish for a re-imagining of swordmasters and dragon princes. Those were our best looking units back in the day.


So excited!

Dragon Princes/ Noble are my favorite units of all time.

Also love Swordmasters and they would look amazing with current looks!

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Oh man the hype is real for me. I cannot wait to see what comes out of this. I hope there is some awesome calvary units to add to my growing collection of mounted units.

I also am finally excited to learn more about what the hell Tyrion and Teclis have been doing since the idoneth book. I want to measure my expectations but I am so excited to see what happens.

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6 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

I'm expecting a total new army with no existing models alongside it. But who knows? 

Indeed. I think this will be big. Teclis is creating them anew. So they will have a resembles with the  "Elves" of the old world, but probably with a twist. Maybe  even more magical attuned. Personally I hope that somewhere there is flair of old Bretonnia in it. A mix of the High Elves (Dragon Princes) with Bretonnian Grail knights would be fantastic! Also please a proper big plastic dragon.

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I'm encouraged by the fact that they are marketing them as "proper aelves". I had largely assumed that if and when the light aelves came they would be as unrecognisable as their other kin, so we can now hope that they will at least somewhat represent the classic High Elf look. That might bode well for classic dwarves and orcs too, come to think of it!

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35 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

I'm expecting a total new army with no existing models alongside it. But who knows? 

It's difficult to call. On one hand GW did just remove all but 3 High Elf Kits recently, and the archer one has been associated with Wanderers/Shadowblades while Phoenix Temple is over in their own little corner as the last unsquatted High Elf subfaction.  They also seem to be keeping with the old aesthetic, so it's not like the old models would be wildly out of place.

At the very least I would have expected them to hang on to the still good looking Phoenix model, but that opens the door to Phoenix Guard, and honestly those models haven't aged great. It's hard to imagine them standing up well next to an otherwise all-new model line.


Edited by madmac
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Ever since CoS, I've really liked the idea of having a list of allies that are 1 in 4 units as opposed tied to points. I think Deepkin and Kharadrons have a way to count the allied units as their own. That would be super neat, if this is repeated with Pointy ears.

Feeling rather excited with the reveal, can't wait for more information. I will say that it's going to be a surprise, if we get a unit on a horseback.


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1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

Oh man the hype is real for me. I cannot wait to see what comes out of this. I hope there is some awesome calvary units to add to my growing collection of mounted units.

I also am finally excited to learn more about what the hell Tyrion and Teclis have been doing since the idoneth book. I want to measure my expectations but I am so excited to see what happens.

Somewhere in an Age of Sigmar Wiki / or the AoS Lexicanum I found an interesting bit of info: It was quoted out of the new "Hedonites of Slaanesh" Battletome - sadly I can't find it anymore. It was referencing to some sort of Slaanesh Cult and how Tyrion sent forces to deal with them. Then a LOT of Daemonettes showed up and it was a hard won victory for the *drumrolls* "aelvish Cavalry".
If anyone came across it or has the tome, I would appreciate it 😁

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Just as Lord Tyrion hears of this travesty and mobilizes his forces to eradicate the Slaaneshi sigils, thousands of Daemonettes burst through each sigil, taking a massive toll on the aelven cavalry before they are eventually driven off.

Two things:

Cavalry could be used figuratively. Deepkin nobility see themselves as knights who are riding into battle on dragons.

Order Draconis, Eldritch Council and other factions are still mentioned in the background, the composition of the force that was sent to repel the incursion isn't stated. It *could be* a new type of elves, older variant or down the line perhaps there's no practical distinction between old and new type. I'd sort of liked that, it'd mean there's a good chance to get the Skycutter back.

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Teclis and Tyrion's Aelves are "proper"  Aelves and all the other Old World Aelves are contained in CoS, DoK, Sylvaneth or Worshipping Mathlann (IDK).  I am hoping that Malerion's "Aelves", therefore, will be the faction that will really bring Aelves into the AOS aesthetic and be something marvelous; no longer Aelven as we understand it.  If so, then that will be really exciting!

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