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One thing that's nagging at me.

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This is something that popped up with someone that isn't fond of AoS. Basically everything began with this: it's clear that AoS is a failure because no studio's been given yet their money to GW.

This made me wonder: how usually does the licensing progress work? As in, how everything starts? It made me curious. Also, has anyone tried to GET the AoS license as of yet, but be rejected?

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17 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

This is something that popped up with someone that isn't fond of AoS. Basically everything began with this: it's clear that AoS is a failure because no studio's been given yet their money to GW.

This made me wonder: how usually does the licensing progress work? As in, how everything starts? It made me curious. Also, has anyone tried to GET the AoS license as of yet, but be rejected?

Or Games Workshop doesn't want to distribute their license for AoS yet as that could mean they lose control how the lore develops, atleast this early into its development. The AoS RPG is probably the first and only one for a while.

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There's a lead time on development to consider as well but I don't think that's actually at play here. Studios pay for IP rights for proven earners, not... whatever you can accept AoS as. 

It's possible GW aren't offering AoS but considering they'll license everything else out to practically anyone, for anything, I kinda doubt that.

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If you are looking at big games like total war then delevopment times are at least two to three years.  Smaller games have a shorter dev time. Maybe a year or so. Games are usually announced a year or so before release. A clue about dev times is that the most recent warhammer game has an end times setting. 

The second problem is that in its first year there wasn't really much that Aos would give to a video game setting. 

It is only in the last year with the development of the cities and Shadespire that there has been stuff that would make a good setting for a video game. 

Shadespire is looking like it might be very successful. A digital version like hearthstone should do very well. 

Gw have already licensed an AOS version of warhammer roleplay, so that will come out eventually. 

On top of that you have the fact that many video game developers are based in America where AOS is less popular. 

Honestly I would be surprised to see an AOS video games before 2019. 


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As said above, making games, rp books, any other 3rd party stuff etc. Takes years to develop. AoS didn't become popular until ghb2016 last year and even discounting that the game itself is only 2 years old. It would be almost surprising if there were any games, etc. In the first place. 

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It's a new universe, there isn't a lot to licence yet, so it's hardly surprising that we're still waiting for a computer game to be annouced. I would expect to see a Total War variant eventually as the Warhammer versions have been commercially successful but again, what lore would you licence? There's so far only really Sigmar's return and the Realmgate Wars, and those books were too pricy to be a massive success. Firestorm offers possibility but that also hasn't really captured the community's imagination.

Ultimately, GW needs to give us lore that we can get behind, personally I think the City of Secrets was a step in the right direction and if they can flesh out the factions fast enough, will be a great step forward.

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8 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

This is something that popped up with someone that isn't fond of AoS. Basically everything began with this: it's clear that AoS is a failure because no studio's been given yet their money to GW.

What a charmingly idiotic point of view. By that standard, virtually the whole of the original IP wargaming market is failures, especially if you're only talking about videogame licensing.

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3 hours ago, BaldoBeardo said:

What a charmingly idiotic point of view. By that standard, virtually the whole of the original IP wargaming market is failures, especially if you're only talking about videogame licensing.

This. Especially considering how well AoS sold out even on the start when the starter sets were selling like hot cakes.

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As someone in the video games industry there's a few very good reasons why AoS doesn't have any games yet. Firstly Triple A studios are extremely risk averse these days something has to either be insanely popular or have a proven track record of several years or more before it will be considered. From an indie dev standpoint AoS doesn't have the nostalgia attached that makes older GW properties more attractive, no one's pining for old cancelled AoS games because there aren't any but fantasy and 40K have plenty, so those are where the focus goes. From a designer's standpoint AoS is ripe with possibility but also lacking enough lore to build a really extensive game world. I'd love to design a game in the AoS universe but outside of a brawler set in the realmgate wars there's just not enough to work with yet. Give it a few more years.

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26 minutes ago, Moonlightwolf said:

From a designer's standpoint AoS is ripe with possibility but also lacking enough lore to build a really extensive game world. I'd love to design a game in the AoS universe but outside of a brawler set in the realmgate wars there's just not enough to work with yet.

This is not true, not in the slightest. 

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As for the type of game. I can think of a few scenarios. Maybe something inspired in shadows over Hammerhal, with bits of skulduggery and bits of combat. That's a possibility and Hammerhal's been out for a while already. You could make a survival horror game focused ona a band of survivors that flees from the Age of Chaos' wake as the gates of Azyr begin closing. You'd be a civilian unable to fight and everything could kill you, kind of like outlast. You could make a game based on building a city, where you need to balance tension between the settler groups and the natives, between the different cults and races all while building a military force to protect you (ala Caesar IV).

There's a brawler game, too, which could be pretty good if you have a decent graphic/animation department to get the most esotheric scenes to life, like the battle in a field of solified silver that begins melting again. 



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43 minutes ago, Menkeroth said:

This is not true, not in the slightest. 

Look I'd love to make an RPG set in Hammerhal or The City of Secrets but I'm a fan, convincing people who don't know anything about the setting that there's enough to work with is something else entirely. Plus GW are probably still in the process of designing and making decisions about the lore themselves and want to keep things under wraps until they're ready to announce stuff. I'm not knocking the setting, I love the setting. I'm just explaining part of the reason why there aren't any AoS video games announced. This why I say the setting is ripe with possibility, There is so much that you could do in the setting, but a company will want marketable points that they can push to fans and non-fans. AoS is slowly getting those but its early days. Don't get me wrong if GW continue as they have been the setting has a bright future. I'm not really saying a realmgate wars brawler is the only game you could make right now but its the one with all the AoS poster boys a non-fan might recognize.

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1 hour ago, stratigo said:

That's nice dear.

Always at your service.

1 hour ago, Moonlightwolf said:

convincing people who don't know anything about the setting that there's enough to work with is something else entirely.

This is the case of any universe or game, since the dawn of time, and AoS is no exception. But if a game is released and people play, this problem disappears (or if a film is made, for instance). WH40k was also not that popular or known back in the day and for a game you could choose anything you like. Relics have made DoW and all the rest you know well. 

1 hour ago, Moonlightwolf said:

Plus GW are probably still in the process of designing and making decisions about the lore themselves and want to keep things under wraps until they're ready to announce stuff.

They always do this, luckily.

1 hour ago, Moonlightwolf said:

I'm not really saying a realmgate wars brawler is the only game you could make right now but its the one with all the AoS poster boys a non-fan might recognize.

And what's wrong with such a game if it were to be released? I would love to play it. For example, to go through all the plot scenarios or just play a kind of EU game in this setting. It's just a matter of wish.

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1 hour ago, Menkeroth said:

And what's wrong with such a game if it were to be released? I would love to play it. For example, to go through all the plot scenarios or just play a kind of EU game in this setting. It's just a matter of wish.

You would love it. That's the problem, a game can't be funded off the sales of one person.

My point is that wargaming is already a niche, and as moonlightwolf has described game developers want wide appeal in their products. Not everyone that plays AoS plays video games, so it's kinda a niche of a niche. 

I could see an AoS game in the style of skyrim being really popular and having wide appeal but given the choice a company would be more likely to make a sequel than take a gamble on a new property.

As others have said, in a few years after AoS has established itself I'm sure we will get games.

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5 minutes ago, MOMUS said:

My point is that wargaming is already a niche, and as moonlightwolf has described game developers want wide appeal in their products. Not everyone that plays AoS plays video games, so it's kinda a niche of a niche. 


I don't want to disappoint you but it was not a problem back then to have made Shadow of the Horned Rat or Dark Omen, for instance. Good games in an unknown and not widely popular setting. But... but oh well. You surely understand how weak your argument is, if, say, to look at... Anima Tactics? Or Warmachine: Tactics? For instance. Or how many niche videogames were and are produced these days? Your argument does not stand even a single chance.

8 minutes ago, MOMUS said:

As others have said, in a few years after AoS has established itself I'm sure we will get games.

He already has,and with the oncoming RPG will be even more so.

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15 hours ago, Menkeroth said:

This is the case of any universe or game, since the dawn of time, and AoS is no exception. But if a game is released and people play, this problem disappears (or if a film is made, for instance). WH40k was also not that popular or known back in the day and for a game you could choose anything you like. Relics have made DoW and all the rest you know well. 

Warhammer 40K already had a large audience when dawn of war came out and had existed since 1987.  Relic themselves were 40k fans and it was the most well known of all GW's properties at the time, kinda still is.

13 hours ago, Menkeroth said:

He already has,and with the oncoming RPG will be even more so.

Exactly what I'm saying, it is getting more established every day, but take into account game dev times (2 to 3 years for a AAA game) and how risk averse big publishers are these days and it will be a while till any video games in the setting are released. That's not a problem, its normal. I'm literally pointing out that the OP's worries are unfounded, you wouldn't expect an IP to have video games at this stage unless its a video game property to begin with. I'm not saying a game made in the universe right now would be bad or that people wouldn't play it, just that it wouldn't get made in the first place unless GW themselves were putting up the money, which as I understand is not how GW does it's VG licensing. (People pitch ideas to them then negotiate fees and terms GW itself doesn't commission video games). All I'm saying is give it time, we'll get games and so long as GW is picky about who they give the license to then those games will be good. 

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I'm sure I read something somewhere that quite a few GW video games came about from GW being approached rather than the other way around.  I'm sure something will appear set in the AoS era, but not entirely sure anything exists that would have the appeal of something like Freeblade.

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Too soon, surely. 

As much as I'd love to see an AOS game, it would need to add value and differentiate from the existing GW videogames, whereby there is already a great hero dungeon-crawler and a great army campaign / battle game. 

I'd like to see a literal AOS videogame, a table-top simulator where you actually throw dice and move things around a table xD

Vermintide 2 is gunna be seriously awesome in the meantime, you'll see. Its basically AOS, with Skaven fighting alongside chaos and nurgle, and you play a mixed-order team of heroes. 

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2 hours ago, Moonlightwolf said:

Warhammer 40K already had a large audience when dawn of war came out and had existed since 1987.  Relic themselves were 40k fans and it was the most well known of all GW's properties at the time, kinda still is.

17 hours ago, Menkeroth said:

Fact. But then there were other games before like Rites of War or Chaos Gates, and they were good as well, although not so popular. 

2 hours ago, Moonlightwolf said:

Exactly what I'm saying, it is getting more established every day, but take into account game dev times (2 to 3 years for a AAA game) and how risk averse big publishers are these days and it will be a while till any video games in the setting are released.

I understand. But then I would not say we need an AAA game that much, at least for a start. Most of the 40k games are small and simple mobile ones, they are mostly average at best but certainly do their job well in telling people about the setting.

2 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

I'm sure something will appear set in the AoS era, but not entirely sure anything exists that would have the appeal of something like Freeblade.

Aye, Freeblade rocks! AoS does not have something like that for now, but they can use such methods anyway, like playing a mighty hero (Archaon?) in a similar fashion, for instance. Or a knight-questor which you paint yourself as well? Who knows.

2 hours ago, Ollie Grimwood said:

It’s in its infancy and they’ll want to guide it carefully.

It is not, it has already established itself firmly and has more content that WHFB or WH40k at that time a hundredfold. And it was not a problem to make games like Dark Omen back in the day when the WHFB was in its infancy.

1 hour ago, Sheriff said:

I'd like to see a literal AOS videogame, a table-top simulator where you actually throw dice and move things around a table xD


Which is quite likely, it seems (not only for GW but overall in the future, especially with the augmented reality thing).

1 hour ago, Sheriff said:

Vermintide 2 is gunna be seriously awesome in the meantime, you'll see. Its basically AOS, with Skaven fighting alongside chaos and nurgle, and you play a mixed-order team of heroes. 

Aye, great game, especially if you have all the friends you need. But I also wait for the WH Quest 2.

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12 minutes ago, BunkhouseBuster said:

And here I haven't even had a chance to play Warhammer: Total War yet, since I spend my free time and money on building and painting my armies.  Silly me... ;)

same. i've played battles but cba spending an entire day on a campaign. would rather spend that time painting and whomping rats on vermintide. 

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