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Everything posted by hughwyeth

  1. Was Gotrek worth it instead of another 3 wizards and other gubbins?
  2. I would say being a "no-brainer" isn't a reason for a points increase. It's thematic and is the only hallowheart battalion. +1 to cast and unbind is good, but 220pts means no-one would take it.
  3. I imagine it's mostly down to a budget thing, or just the usual issues around writing for an IP. Most books for most IPs are known to be bad and that's because they don't pay that great and they have tight deadlines. If you let a BL writer have years to develop a series you'd probably get something really good- I don't doubt many of the writers could make something better with more time. Think of your favourite series- the writers had ages for the first book and usually reasonable time for subsequent books. Not the case with BL and it's not even BL's fault really- they know they won't sell hundreds of thousands of these so they can't afford long writing times.
  4. This is true, but I'm not sure I've ever seen competitive lists with STD in Hedonites, Arcanites or Blades battletome lists. Most competitive nurgle lists do have them though.
  5. @sal4m4nd3r is probably the best Nurgle (maggotkin) player there is, so take " Nurgle is fine" with a pinch of salt. 😄 But seriously, battalion point drop, "natural 6" for blightkings and these new sub-allegiance abilities really help Nurgle. Nurgle are always interesting to play because we can't just smash stuff up. We are resilient, but actually not as resilient as many armies. We're quite fast, but not as fast as many armies. Our summoning is the poorest of all summoning, but trees are quite good. I think it'll be interesting to see how people do with the new sub-allegiances in the next few months.
  6. GW's model for battletome/codex print/digital is decades old compared to competitors. We're all still mostly using print books, carrying a book that has 2 pages of what we need to reference (spells and allegiance stuff), 70 pages of narrative, 10 pages of painting, and 10 pages of warscrolls that area easier to access on the app or with cards. I like print books but I'd rather take a tablet with a useful app to a game. AoS Reminders, developed by one person, is better than GW's whole digital offering. That's crazy.
  7. 2x CIties of Sigmar armies in top 10 (5th and 9th, and "Best Order") at Hammer and Bolter. Believe they're both Hallowheart if they're playing the same list as Brotherhood.
  8. IMO it's ok- thing is with arch-regents you get 20 ghouls coming on any board edge anywways. So it's really to lower drops and get another artefact more than that actual ghouls.
  9. Wonder how much longer corpse cart will be legal. It doesn't fall into any allegiance does it? Still just "Death"/"Deadwalkers". Imagine GW will end matched play support for it in GH20....
  10. Oh wow this looks great! Can't wait to see what you do
  11. I mean it's on top of everything else. Combined with the Nurgle allegiance stuff, you can be outputting several unlimited range D3 MWs per turn, force RR wounds of 6, rend -1 on a load of blightkings, MW on losing models, run and charge everywhere etc. There's a lot of stuff there. It's not top tier, but it's going to be pretty fun figuring out how to play that army.
  12. Nurgle have some decent ranged MW output and it gives us some more MW output. I'm not saying it puts nurgle top tier, but it woud be interesting to try it out with blightkings now they have natural rolls of 6 for exploding hits. 30 BKs give 124 wounds (in 3 units), with 4+ and 5+ with harbinger. If you get them all in combat (i wouldn't run a 20 personally, rather 3x10) you're getting a lot of rend -1 attacks I'm also thinking of running with Epidemius (never put that model on the table) to give re-rolls hit and wounds 1, which for a 3+/3+ melee weapon is pretty amazing- 90 3+rr1s/3+rr1s/rend -1 is pretty amazing.
  13. Dude, Blessed Sons + Blight Cyst seems pretty saucy. Lots of shenanigans, plus a load of additional mortal wound output for free!
  14. TBH not sure they would really do a FAQ thing for GH20- it's usually for new rules, no clarifications!
  15. I love all of you guys, you're all the best. I do think this requires some serious clarification from GW. Perhaps in GH20 they will have updated Core Rules with "start of phase" stuff, "modified vs unmodified" etc and we don't need to wait until aos 3.0 to have all this cleared up in a unified manner. Currently it seems we need to reference FAQ for faction A to figure out how a rules for Faction B might work for certain rules, and others need reference to FAQ, Core Rules, Battletomes and white dwarf articles to clear up (if they ever get cleared up).
  16. This would be great- essentially what they do with Horus Heresy. Each additional campaign book includes the rules for the newly released miniatures. And they trickle out new miniatures constantly.
  17. I believe the FB community responses have been deleted regarding this?
  18. My immediate reaction is you need a daemon hero next to the drones for the locus, which means you'll need a GUO near it, which means (because of thricefold), you'd want all three together, which means you've got 1,480pts in one area on the table, perhaps unable to support the other units? Ive never played thricefold, so I'm not sure if that is how it is in practice. Also drones and GUO have massive base sizes, so keeping them near each other may be difficult!
  19. More info on the additional factions on WH community!
  20. Hey all! As part of our community building at Bad Moon, we've made a couple of videos about our community members and their armies (first one was Benjamin Savva's Daughters of Khaine - see it here). A few weeks ago I finished the new one with Jamie Littler telling us about the inspiration behind his Skryre force. It's a beautifully painted army with some fun sources of inspiration! Check it out here!
  21. Most of these are for units that are underused in competitive play though? I disagree with clanrats and all the skryre changes though- doomwheels can cut through almost any unit right now when they're properly buffed up!
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