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Everything posted by 5kaven5lave

  1. Thanks man. Any suggestions in that case? Start putting some Vulkites in and another hero?
  2. Any thoughts on this as a starter 2k list? Still getting my head around the different heroes so may have some items on the wrong characters etc etc. Cheers. Allegiance: Fyreslayers- Lodge: VostargLeadersAuric Runefather on Magmadroth (280)- General- Trait: Fiery Endurance - Artefact: Vosaxe - Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart AncientAuric Runesmiter (120)- Runic Iron- Prayer: Searing HeatAuric Runemaster (120)- Prayer: Prayer of AshBattlesmith (140)- Artefact: The Nulsidian Icon Battleline30 x Hearthguard Berzerkers(600)- Broadaxes15 x Hearthguard Berzerkers(360)- Broadaxes10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers(240)- BroadaxesBattalionsLords of the Lodge (140)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 140
  3. Are the abilities etc. written out somewhere or in an article yet? Have the book on pre-order but not seen any details yet.
  4. Re: My list at the top of the page, had a couple of rematches vs. Stormcast and won them both!! Savage Orruks seem to be good only as screens and bodies on objectives unfortunately. Fungoid is obviously amazing and have been managing to get Foot of Gork off fairly regularly which is a bonus. I’ve just been sending the Hag and the Idol into my opponent as an 800 point blender and they have been pretty scary!!
  5. Legend, cheers ears. Did they mix up the lore at all in the new tome or is it still ‘anything for Ur-Gold’?
  6. @Gwendar I’ve been running min Clanrats and 40 Monks pushing a Bell with Death Frenzy in my mixed list with Jezzails, Acolytes etc.,works ok for me. Could easily be a Furnace though instead of a bell though I guess?
  7. Great work man. As extensive a write up as you fancy doing would be welcome!!
  8. For a Duardin mix-up: Overlord allies in Fyreslayers? Fyreslayer allies in Overlords? Mixed Order? Cheers!
  9. Was having a muck about trying to get a Skryre batallion working the other day but man, that scroll really is one of the most overpriced, useless hot messes in AoS. Can’t complain too much as the rest of the book is aces, but it is a shame as pure Skryre really suffers.
  10. Love a bit of pure Skryre so it looks good to me. I think 6 Jezzails is gonna be pretty powerful. I might suggest having your Arch-Warlock as general as he’s tankier and giving him both Deranged and Vigordust since your Bombo can take MMMWP as the spell, that way you can divvy up your buffs as necessary, eg. You could use A-W buffs to move your Jezzails then have them reroll hits and wound on 2s, then give MMMWP with Bombo to the Acolytes and watch them overkill every living thing.
  11. Yeah, I’ve got some Arrowboys, Savage Orruks and Stabbas that could be done in a flash with this. Can’t wait.
  12. Haven’t we already seen that exact image last year? It looks very familiar to me.
  13. Battletome: Orruks would be out of this world.
  14. Monster Mash anyone? Have made some changes based on feedback. Will this be enough bodies if I can recycle through the shrine? Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzMortal Realm: GhurLeadersLoonboss on Mangler Squigs(300)- General- Trait: Fight Another Day Troggoth Hag (380)- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of GorkBattleline40 x Stabbas (260)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields20 x Stabbas (130)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields20 x Shootas (130)BehemothsColossal Squig (300)Rogue Idol (400)Total: 1990 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 144
  15. @Knight Scáthach of Fimm Loving the flavour of that list, let us know when you test it out man.
  16. Need some Colossal Squig help chaps, is the only point of contact between base and model that one foot? Did you all use the two part epoxy stuff to glue it down? Cheers!!
  17. @DestructionFranz He brought all his stuff so he played 2 different lists. None of my group are particularly on-meta but he knows what it all does as it’s all he plays. Also, I’m not a tactical genius tbh. List 1 was a Stardrake with Staunch Defender and the Castellant buff making it 1+ save rerolling 1s with a Veritant for Translocation and Arcanum on Tauralon, also lots of shooting with Judicators and some Libs and Tempestors (the Dracothian guard with shooting and -1 to hit with shooting on units within 12” aura) so they limited my Arrowboys. I played too defensive and had atrocious magic so he dictated the game and beat me easily. Second list I did better against, no Stardrake here but an Arcanum on Gryph-Charger, Lord-Aquilor, lots of Paladors and all the Vanguard shooting so lots of movement shenanigans. This is the game where I went more offensive and gave him something to think about but I was already too far behind when I changed up my tactics. Rematches this weekend, I think the Hag spell could be clutch if I can get it off, I can’t see that Stardrake coping as well against 90 arrows at -2 rend and some -3 rend monster smashing. I also didn’t realise that the Weirdnob has a flat +2 to cast within 10” of 20 Orruks so a lot of spells become much easier to cast now. Also off to Warhammer Fest this weekend, might pick up a Colossal Squig from the Forgeworld shop for 2.5k games as the Cauldron has a run and charge spell, would be hilarious to throw a 5D6 + charge bowling ball into people turn one then get an objective-holding 5-Squig unit when it dies.
  18. Re: my list just above, had 3 games over the weekend vs. Stormcast. I lost all 3(!!) but I think a big part of it was just learning how to play the list, how to use the allegiance ability well, and coping with not even getting a 5 to cast the Cauldron until round 3 of the second game, never mind Hand of Gork. Had the most success in game 3 when I pushed the Hag and the Idol into my opponent’s face and made him deal with them in his backfield, and they did some proper work as well. Was completely forgetting about the Hag’s unique spell as well giving an enemy unit -1 on its hit and save rolls, if I cast that on a big monster the Arrowboys are shooting it at -2 rend and on a 4+ the Hag or Idol if nearby can instantly pile in and attack at -3 rend which is brutal. I think it’ll take sone finesse but there’s some nasty combos to be had here.
  19. Extra wound, 3+ save, extra cast, so if you want to go pure Skryre he’s your best bet for general as he has that extra tankiness and utility. Deranged Inventor and Vigourdust Injector will almost make up for a flopped MMMWP.
  20. Just putting it out there so feel free to slap me down - Doomfire Warlocks as Hellstriders? Similar vibe but avoids using those models...? Hmmm, actually not sure about horses with ‘Lashing Tongues’ 😂
  21. Gonna spend some time with Mixed Destruction again now the GG book has dropped so here’s my list for a friendly game this weekend. Allegiance: DestructionMortal Realm: GhurLeadersTroggoth Hag (380)- General- Trait: Might is Right- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)Battleline40 x Stabbas (260)- Stabbas & Moon Shields- 6x Barbed Nets- 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers- 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers10 x Savage Orruks (120)- Chompas10 x Savage Orruks (120)- ChompasUnits30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys(420)BehemothsRogue Idol (400)Endless SpellsScrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)Balewind Vortex (40)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 182 Hag will be -2 to hit in combat and -1 to shoot, wounding on 1s and 2s at full health, healing D6 per turn and able to cast all the Moonclan spells due to Cauldron (including the teleport on herself or the 40 Grots turn 1) which will do D3 mortals to unite she’s in combat with . Weirdnob to be casting Foot of Gork on a 6 at 24” thanks to Balewind and Arrowboys. Fungoid farming CP and another cast. Rogue Idol to wander around and smash stuff while Grots and Orruks hold objectives. Hoping to have some fun with it as a semi-monster mash list. Any advice or ideas feel free to chip in!!
  22. Re: Gnawholes, in game 5 he placed all 3 along the back of his own deployment and just used them as Arcane terrain for the Verminlords. That said his dice were poor so he struggled to get WLV and others off reliably which might have made a difference.
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