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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. Those rumors seemed to be logical assumptions (It's about the time for a new edition, and the other flagship title comforming to the boards they pack in their sets) combined with guesses moreso than any insider info imo.
  2. Cheers @Dankboss I've really overlooked it previously. I love how before it can be stopped it's marked a key piece for everything in your army to be far stronger against. Tried to steer into the control and bravery elements of Be'Lakor and Despoilers as best I could. Figure the giant Undivided aura would help the Ruinbringer Knights still be a threat even when only a straggler or two remain.
  3. Wonderful as always @Sinarai. I'm really excited to see your Celannar and custom character diorama come together. Loving the conversion and the beginnings of the colouration.
  4. My first stab at a new Be'Lakor list. Ogroid is the new Bel'akor price increase. Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Despoilers Mortal Realm: Chamon Leaders Be'Lakor (240) - General - Spell: Mask of Darkness Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230) - Artefact: Doombringer Blade - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210) - Axe - Artefact: Armour of Tortured Souls - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Ogroid Myrmidon (140) Battleline 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Undivided 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Undivided 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Undivided 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Undivided 40 x Chaos Marauders (320) - Axes & Shields - Mark of Chaos: Undivided Battalions Ruinbringer Warband (140) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Realmscourge Rupture (60) Suffocating Gravetide (20) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 133
  5. Gutted all the Keyword based play of the Allegiance. Will be interesting to see what lists come out of this.
  6. Forgot to post him here but taking an easier month after Elfageddon.
  7. It's very difficult to read those tea leaves sadly. They killed quite a few 8th era kits including the High Elven flying chariot that seems far more at home in the Realms than the World that Was.
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I clearly haven't been playing as much as I have forgotten some rather large parts of the rules. Has anyone made any interesting lists with Teclis? It seems like you are paying an awful lot for a model that loses a ton of innate power by leaving his native allegiance (part of my annoyance with so much power being outside the points system but I digress) I made my own so would be keen to find a use for him.
  9. I'm intrigued by the strengths of this subfaction and in particular how it can leverage the new Loreseeker/Bladelord interaction. (Loreseeker holds objectives regardless of enemy presence, Bladelords catch wounds he'd suffer on 2+) Here's my first thoughts: Leaders: Hurricanum: Illuminate. Silver.Wand Hurricanum: Shield of Light. Heart Stone. Loreseeker. Runelord: General. Strategic Mastermind Battleline: 30 Ironbreakers. 15 Bladelords 20 Irondrakes Endless Spells: Soulscream Bridge Lauchon the Soulseeker Emerald Lifeswarm. It's definitely probable I'm trying to do too many things here but it seems interesting if nothing else. Bladelords are fantastic targets for the empowered Lifeswarm and can be boated over to the Loreseeker. The Wizards being +3 to cast near each other with 20 1+ to hit Irondrakes and two laser carts teleporting around seems good. I feel like it poses some interesting problems for the enemy as with it's mobility it can start very far back. If they take top of one to kill the Loreseeker they open themselves up to the potential double turn of shooty doom.
  10. Back to barely finishing in time. That's more like me. Still going to go back to do gemstones and their blades but definitely table ready
  11. I'd like everything @Ogregut is alluding too but informed by traditional Dwarfen designs. Which to be fair has been how they've been reinventing things.
  12. Him leaving 40k for AoS and having Eldar drop from their ascendant perch for the first time in over a decade (and only second time in the history of the game) while the new High Elves get this treatment is at least somewhat suspicious...
  13. It will always be a question of your local scene but most would be fine if they're obvious or clearly marked (the nameplates that you can add to bases)
  14. Just feels wrong, especially as I'm also building a Warriors of Chaos army. At least the god books can elevate many of them I suppose.
  15. Anyone have some thoughts on making any of our characters into decent beatsticks? Seems outside of the big man they're all support pieces.
  16. Here it's almost always bleeding edge competitive. Tournament focused. Not for me. Only thing that's brought me back is a friend's decision to start a collaborative list building and narrative focused batrep channel.
  17. Here's the list. Really wish we had a shortlist of any subfaction items as we got really screwed by the Malign Sorcery artifact purge. Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Idolators Mortal Realm: Chamon Leaders Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (260) - Artefact: Plate of Perfect Protection - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle - Spell: Mask of Darkness Idolator Lord on Chaos Chariot (120) - General - Command Trait: Bolstered by Hate - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle - Prayer: Blessings of Nurgle Battleline 10 x Chaos Knights (320) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 32 x Iron Golems (280) - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 40 x Chaos Marauders (320) - Axes & Shields - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle Behemoths Chaos Warshrine (170) - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle Battalions Plaguetouched Warband (180) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Prismatic Palisade (30) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 173 Figure the units staying power combined with Plaguetouched and the Idolator reroll wounds Nurgle prayer seems solid.
  18. I'm building enough Golems to try them as a 32 strong anvil in an Idolators Plaguetouched build. Figure between their scroll the battalion and the Shrine they'd be a very effective unit at just 280 for 40 rerolling save wounds. I don't have the Broken Realms book. Would that work?
  19. Both of those require the Mortal keyword unfortunately.
  20. I really like the idea of bravery bomb builds working but I'd rather it be a core rules change over GW's propensity to bolt on exceptions and overruling abilities.
  21. I haven't played in ages but a friend is starting up a batrep channel so I thought I'd paint up some Nurgle to increase the number of options available to him. Any thoughts or improvements are welcome. He's trying to showcase a bit more of the fun relaxed side of things so bleeding edge tournament ready status isn't required just aiming for something that will give most things a decent fight. Thanks! Allegiance: Nurgle - Host of Chaos: Blessed Sons Mortal Realm: Chamon Leaders Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (260) - General - Command Trait: Foul Conqueror - Artefact: Plate of Perfect Protection - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall Lord of Blights (140) Harbinger of Decay (160) - Artefact: Blotshell Bileplate Battleline 10 x Putrid Blightkings (280) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (140) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (140) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (140) Units 10 x Chaos Knights (320) - Ensorcelled Weapons 3 x Nurglings (80) Behemoths Chaos Warshrine (170) Battalions Blight Cyst (140) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Prismatic Palisade (30) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 180 The idea being to use the Knights as a fast resilient brick to bottle up or screen as needed. The Sorc will use his trait on the 10 Blightkings to help them keep up with the faster elements.
  22. Those look fantastic @LuminethMage. Been fun to see the army grow. Excited to see your take on all the new kits coming.
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