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Everything posted by Gorthor21

  1. Is that the standard from the forgeworld command set?
  2. The left one is a cawdor ganger and left is an empire wizard head
  3. I’m almost contemplating asking my wife to play with me. I don’t get much time off work and we spend most of the time I do with each other so I want to see if she would like to learn. We played Risk a few years ago and she stomped us all. her ultra competitive attitude could really create a monster lol. Skirmish seems like a good idea if you want to teach the core mechanics to someone who has never played a table top game like Warhammer before. Perhaps moving the second game up into a few units and an objective based battle plan would be the best second step. I think it really just comes down to their willingness to learn the game as much as spending the time together. What a story it would be for someone’s wife who was getting tired of all the spending and long hours of painting and playing away from home To finally understand the hobby. You could brag that Warhammer saved your marriage hahahah.
  4. I think a combination of both the space wolf shields would look awesome. Would go really well with the fine crafted hammers they wield.
  5. The oval gems are also a theme in high elves and Eldar so it’s really an either or situation.
  6. This was my thoughts though I was leaning more towards
  7. You got a couple more shelves to fill there.
  8. @JReynolds I just want to thank you for being such a prolific writer. You have really helped bring age of Sigmar to life for me and Gardus is my favorite character in all the warhammer books I have read above Gotrek and Honsou.
  9. After play testing what are the next models you plan on building? Are three more of those awesome looking Weld Phalanx in the works?
  10. I’m glad that this community came out in droves to over you advice and support and is something special about this forum.
  11. Do you have any intention of adding duardin? They are a big part of the established AoS lore for Ironweld
  12. Say that to dwarven thunder. I never saw elves retaking all those cities the dwarves tore down.
  13. We all know how the war of vengeance went despite what a foul Elgin will say about having to fight a civil war.
  14. Like @Kramerand @chord said the game isn’t exactly fair and suffers from the rolling power creep that is just as much a part of GW as plastic and pewter(at least used to be). The only advice I can give as a player who has only won two games over the past 15 years is to enjoy the games you do get to play and that life allows you to play. Just like anything else you have to roll with the punches and try your best to get the most out of it. I used to get into screaming matches with my best friend over how unfair it was that his great axe dwarves slaughtered my clan rats every time and near refused to play some times. The same could be said from back in 3rd or 4th ed 40k when Bloodletters had power weapons and ten of them swept through half his space wolf army. In the end it’s really just about how you can find enjoyment out of the situation and if it means rooting for your enemy as he wipes out your entire army without loosing a single warrior then that’s fine too. Nowadays I just find small pleasures in painting and collecting neither of which I am very good at but it is something I make my own.
  15. I can’t wait to see the light aelves. I rally hope the get a complete rework like the deepkin and not just a few kits like the daughters of Khaine.
  16. I made good progress this week and finished the few remaining models. All that is left are the banshees and that won’t take long. I’m thinking of getting more as well as the mortarch and craven king to finish the army. Once the army. Is at the 2000 mark I want to try a game with them and see what that looks like.
  17. You’ve really been going inon the undead horses lately.
  18. These look ducking awesome. They fit really well with the scheme of the dragon ogres and I really like the variation in skin tone on the ungors.
  19. Finished the knight of shrouds and decided to knock out the guardian of souls. I like the weathered bone look on the horse and the purple on the GoS.
  20. I finally finished the chainrasps and based the Grimghast Reapers as well as the shackleghiest. Aside from some touch ups they are done and I am moving on to the knight of shrouds. Next week will see the rest of the sheets done and hopefully a nice cohesive army
  21. I have made some progress on my soul wars set. I have the chainrasps about 70 percent done as well as the spirit torment. These guys have been particularly easy to get through especially after all the other nighthaunts I have painted the last few months. Once these guys are finished it’ll be off to the reapers and stalkers with the other characters and then after that possibly the stormcasts. I will say that painting all these ghosts has been a lot of fun and I will feel a little sad once I am finished with them all. I know they aren’t the best painted models but I put forth my best effort into them and that gives me enough satisfaction to see the project through.
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