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About this blog

Conversions, Musings, Paintjobs and some custom factional builds in the Age of Sigmar. For anyone interested in exploring custom factions and the expansive lore capabilities of the setting within the confines of the Age of Sigmar realms along with a repository of my previous works that lend into the creations. Welcoming all feedback and creative musings from the community in helping me progress the project (and many more in future!)

Entries in this blog

Ironweld Arsenal - Playtesting the Weld

Today a friend and I headed off to warhammer world to test out my initial rules for the Ironweld Arsenal, it was my first proper chance to test the army outside of crude number crafting and math hammering in a vacuum to look at how it could perform in a realworld (fantasy world) scenario. With my opponent new to the freshly released Flesheater Courts it was the ideal opportunity to test the strength of the tome against a modern, competitive and decent build Battletome with each force deploying a



Redesigning the Weld - Cover and 2.0 Warscrolls

As i wait to playtest the first iterations of the rules for my Ironweld Expansion I have been adding some borrowed Sigmar artwork to the cover and updating all warscrolls to version 2.0 Battletome(March).pdf Full version PDF (warning many blank pages as I fill out lore)   Cover and Warscrolls



Ironweld Arsenal - Synergies Part 4- The Coghaulers

The humble Steamtank has been a staple of the Ironweld since the inception of Age of Sigmar and a beautiful model in the Empire range in the world that was, it was only fitting then that when I came to revise the Ironweld into a new iteration that it found only only one new warscroll but three to reflect the myriad of designs that Ironweld Arsenal can mount on such a reliable workhorse of an engine. One thing I wanted to emphasis in the lore was how vital the fleets of Steamtanks (Now referred t



Ironweld Arsenal - Synergies Part 3

With Artillery and Phalanx looked at I felt it was time to see how the diminuative Pressure rifle wielding Weld Riflemen could perform with the interplay of various abilities within the battletome. Their initial statline whilst reasonable is in many cases risking being outclassed by the cheaper Freeguild Handgunners, however it is the strength of the army as a whole that boosts the Riflemen into the lead.    -Starting from their own warscroll each Rifleman (barring the apprentice)



Ironweld Arsenal - Synergies Part 2

When desinging the rules for the Ironweld Phalanx I wanted them to feel different to your traditional Freeguild with Halberds, they are more robust and advanced but benefit far less in big units as they spend less time in trained military drills than their Freeguild variants instead relying on exquisite advancements in warfare to keep them safe on the battlefield. For an army centred largely around shooting I didnt want the Phalanx to suddenly be combat monsters, they are a defensive melee



Ironweld Arsenal - Synergies

In my expansion of the Ironweld Arsenal it was important to me that everything seemed like a symbiotic melding of man and machine, each warscroll able to benefit from those around them and thus making no one more important than any others. In having modelled my Helblaster it gave me an opportunity to see how the new rules I had written could interplay to turn a good artillery piece into a great heart of an army. So first we have the new warscroll, gone are the seperate crew that always got



Ironweld Arsenal - Version 1.0 Battletome Mechanics (Narrative pending)

For anyone whose been keeping an eye on the Ironweld Arsenal fantome project, or avid fans of big guns in the Age of Sigmar we've put together the version one allegiance abilities, warscrolls, batallion and playtesting points lists for the Ironweld Arsenal. Below are our initial outlays and abilities for the faction that we'd love feedback and critique on aswell as any ideas that fresh eyes can bring to the concepts. These are the gameplay mechanics of the Ironweld, though feel free to check out



Ironweld Arsenal, Finding a theme for the infantry

Trying to pick a base model for my next Sigmar conversion. When looking at models to use as the basis for my Weld Guard (5up save infantry with either rifle or pike) I have three options for base models all of which speak to me for different reasons and I need help deciding:   The classic Ironsides, a nostalgic empire I look but unfortunately this could make them easily confused with Freeguild. A natural fantasy choice but nothing intrinsically Ironweld about their look  



Redesigning the Weld - Model Design Musings

Since I'm still playing around with Warscrolls the concept of building the models is playing on my mind a little bit, I'm pretty happy with my concept for the labourer centric units so have moved on to considering the Phalanx and Ironsworn Units. Below are my current ideas on units and their composite parts: Weld Arbalesters/Riflemen -  Bodies/Legs - Necromunda Cawdor Heads - Human, Bare (currently looking at Van Saar head upgrade kit) Weapons - Crossbows from the Empire Crossbowmen kit, Ri



Redesigning the Weld - Starting Out...

Approaching the redesign of a faction is a challenging concept, typically GW do the models first and that allows the rules designers to know the constraints of the faction and can build the battletome around a set list of models that are coming soon. This allows a structure that when approaching rules first can... lack, where anything is possible it mistakenly leads to the idea that EVERYTHING is possible, so breaking down the unit options as follows here is what I currently see us as having:



Ironweld Nobility - The Ironsworn Templars

Looking for idea on the development of the Ironsworn Templars (aiming to make a unit version (Templars) and a character version (Paladin) with the latter able to buff the former Significantly, and both able to inspire the Labourers) War beyond the walls of Azyr, to the little people far below the gaze of the Gods and Titans that seek to claim the realm of their own, is a bloody and often short lived affair. Those who have not earned the favour of the God King are not spared the bloody butch



Ironweld Arsenal - Bringing the Firepower

Frankly Ironweld would not be Ironweld without artillery pieces, it is the very heart of their faction and sadly of late their artllery has been left to rot due to the ability to shoot the crew out from behind the warmachine leaving players with simply useless cannons unable to be crewed on the battlefield. There was no need to tweak the lore behind these warmachines as each is a defined and well known part of the arsenal and thus my aim was merely to bring them more in line with modern War Mach



Exploring the Weld - Ironweld Arsenal

Like many others since the inception of Age of Sigmar I have been waiting to see how the normal men and women of the Realms come to be represented, from the citizens of Azyr to the settlers who go on to form Freecities and the refugees trailing in a never ending stream back towards the Golden city as the tides of chaos, death and destruction ravage the Realmscape around them. As I wasnt a fantasy player before Age of Sigmar became a thing i had no pre-existing loyalties to the factions of old, n



The first Gargant of the Host and a Challenge...

Working out a 1000 point list to test out the battletome when built, also looking for anyone willing to do games at Warhammer World to help test and shape the Battletome as it develops. Stormtitan Venomtongue Shaman (Infamy: The Red Mist) - Stumpstave. The Redmist infamy (-1 to hit in shooting phase) helps offset his origin flaw (enemies reroll 1's to hit when shooting him), this gives me the chance to make a more noble stormy looking Gargant and combine it with bits from the Archanok kit



The Titan Host Gargants - Name Generator

What good would an army of unique giants each carving out their own legend be if they had no personality, not unique tales to tell. So when fielding an army of Titans using the battletome I felt it was important every unit be treated like a character, with a name befitting the legend they would be known for, as these are Giants however the names would be incomprehensible for mortal kind whose small ears could not hope to comprehend a Gargant name, and their tiny mouths incapable of producin



Titanhost Gargants: Break my Gargant Maker

OK, with the three provisional scrolls done for the army what I am in desperate need of now is some players to go through the various combinations on the warscrolls to see if there is any broken, over or underpowered, obvious or useless choices i have included in order to be refined. There are a number of typos I have spotted which i can go through an edit but I tend to find players have the best insight into what might result in broken combinations. So you might be thinking that with just



The Titan Host Gargants - Battletome Conception

As of late I have been working on a Gargant centric army list Battletome, something that brings not only a low model count to the table but the ability to convert unique characterful models for every entry in the list. To do this I have taken the unique approach of multi stage customisation on each warscroll however in order to make sure it is understandable I'd appreciate if people could read through a feedback on what I have so far (This is the basic Gargant scroll, there will be different one



The Menders Conformation (Duardin Background)

When allies fled left Chaos to roam, and evil pillages farm and home. When cries of aid met deafened ears, our people suffered dire years. 'Twas then when our need was most, when hounded by the endless host. Our forebears sought to hide below, Through paths they could not truly know. 'Neath darkest hold and hidden forts, through halls of stone that came to naught. Past seams of golds and jewels of wonder, lies the darkness of the Under. Vast halls echo empty acro



The Menders Conformation (Faction Concept)

"We tended to you when no God heeded your call nor sought your bended knee, we lifted your wounded high above the clouds that they might look upon heaven eternally, It was we who waged war on death long before any of you had looked upon his face. We elevated you then, and we do so now." Mender Envoy   Since I currently lack the funds to build or convert I spend my downtime musing on factional concepts for the Age of Sigmar, some good some... probably best not to dwell on  Anyway for t



Its a converters life - Creating and Converting in the Age of Sigmar

As some of you may know I've been at this for a fairly long time now, converting and making news things is the main lure of the hobby for me and I'll fit games in around that. However there are times that I get stuck in the void between projects where I am starved of inspiration and desperately need something to spark off a chain of ideas that can form the basis for my themes. To do this I often start trawling around various blogs and websites in search of something that clicks into place, or wa



Suneaters Battletome - Maps and A5 Warscrolls

Here's the first map to be put into the Suneaters Battletome, now two Ages out of date but here is one region of Ghur during an Order occupation of previously Ogor territory designed to be displayed over a two page spread in the Battletome. In the centre we see the first tendrils of the Firestorm that accompanied the Suneaters rebirth along with the blasted deserts from which he emerged.  I will also be printing myself some warscroll cards this evening so here is the warscroll for every Sun



Suneaters Battletome - A Brief History

Fleshed out the two timeline pages within the Battletome with a brief history of major moments in the legend that is the Suneaters. Various parts of the tome will examine major and minor events in more details but for now this charts the way from first inception all the way through to them becoming a major force ready to burn every city that falls within the path of their migrations.  



An Army of many shapes... - Suneater Batallions

A little work done on revising the Suneater batallions, I feel I could do with two more in order to fully fill out the quota within the tome as 2 of the current ones are mixed destruction Batallions with a central theme of Suneaters.   Currently thinking of the following thematic compositions for one of the last two but in terms of rules to fill them out I'm open to suggestions: TRUE SONS OF THE SUNEATER There are Ogors, especially amongst the older members of the tribes that



Suneaters Battletome: The Migrations

I've spent alot of time going back and forth as to whether introducing Subfactions to the Suneaters would fit my theme or not, as each of the migrations tailors to their Volsungr its entirely possible for them to change modus operandi as soon as they change leadership. However I eventually resolved that those within said migration would likely fall into similar patterns of behaviour (its what they were raised with after all) which allowed me to create the key, most reknowned and named migrations



Suneater Tribes: The Warscrolls

Here's the current quota of Warscrolls from the Suneaters battletome, I keep deivising new unit concepts but that this point feel I have hit capacity on number of scrolls in a reasonable faction in AOS. If anything I may end up dropping scrolls to replace them with new ones if any are found to lack the right feel for the army  



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