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Everything posted by Stevewren

  1. Continuing the wood elf theme for another month or so I have been working on the Eternal Guard. I only want to do 10 of these guys just so I can use them for fun. I've finished the seven regular guys. I've just got the command group to go and add in the foliage and flowers to decorate the base.
  2. I finished the Wood Elf Dragon today. Painting these older models has definitely been an experience - it makes you realise the difference in quality with the new CAD sculpts. There is definitely a certain charm to the older models, but I also appreciate how the new designs take paint and respond to different techniques in a way these older ones just don't. I used a lot of dappling and patterning on the model - firstly this helps to tie it in with the Carmine Dragon I have so they look like they have come from a similar place, but also as a technique it works well to add interest to large flat sections like the wings. The big membranes respond well to smooth blends, but if you don't have the time or haven't mastered the technique then this method is a quick alternative. To get the circles I used an old Size 3 W&N brush that had lost its point - I cut it down slightly so it had a flat tip and then used it almost like a stamp to make the circles. The paint is just watered down. I try to use a darker colour as a lot of the circles go in the recessed parts, then build up an intermediate colour and finally I use a really bright third colour but I try to do about a third less dots as this shouldn't be too dominant. Its a fun technique to try out so if anyone gives it a go let me know how it looks.
  3. I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast with this Dragon. I love the chance to go back and look at these old sculpts, but they are difficult to paint compared to new models because of the lack of defined detail. The scales don't seem to take washes very well, and parts just seem to merge into other areas. I still think it will look OK when its done though!
  4. Worked on a few infantry models last night
  5. With Orion finished its time to move on to another old school wood elf model. I use the carmine dragon as my lords mount, but I've always wanted to paint the old big hand 4th edition one too. This is where I'm at after the first session on him.
  6. Despite still having no avatar photo I have actually finished Orion. Pulled him off the silly big base I had planned and put him on a simpler 60mm round and feel a lot happier. Just got to finish the bases for his hounds now. The hands are still horrendous, but to avoid the colour match problem I did the hand holding the staff in a green to make him look like he's channeling the power of the realm of life.
  7. Here are a few photos of my Orion model that I've had lying around for a few months. After the South Coast GT I needed a bit of a break from chaos so a nice legacy (read oop) model seemed the way to go. The fine cast is good everywhere except the two hands which are shocking. I might have a play around at changing the horn hand to something else.
  8. These look very nice Chris - the chipping and line highlighting works well with all the armour. Nice Woodgrain too. Id hope to see more involved basing though. Perhaps some more skulls and discarded weapons or totems?
  9. My WiP Wednesday entry this week is some terrain for a game tomorrow night with Bad Dice cohost Mr Mark Wildman.
  10. My WiP for this week is three Warhawk Riders. They are been speedily done. Old models have character, but lack detail.
  11. Terrific work so far. I've never seen the Realm of Choas book, but if looks cool. Keep posting picturss
  12. These look great. I was wondering what size bases have you gone for with the Free Peoples as I need to try and get mine rebased at some point?
  13. I wish I could go, but I'm on holiday that week ?
  14. Stevewren


    I think that has come out really well considering you are saying it was a quick job. I'm also working on my own Ironweld Arsenal and I hope they look half as good! Also love the photo style and the text in the corner. Very themey
  15. Shane that is looking very cool. Try some red glazes where the skin blends into the white belly to see if you can soften the transitions. I'm currently plodding away on the wood elf dragon. Started at the tail so am now finishing it off by getting the face done.
  16. Stevewren

    Megaboss Krunk

    Nice work Chris. I like the bone technique. I know you said you did these quite quickly, but the scheme is very effective, and a nice touch with the Black Sun on the shoulder pad.
  17. Outstanding work on these. Terrific skin tones. I like the fact that they are that not pleasant pink - makes them stand out well.
  18. I used the Mitre Fast Bond, and it lasted for ages - got it from B&Q and had to get it through the trade counter. I've now got the Mitre Fast Bond and it seems OK. Used it today to stick some magnets to the bottom of some Treelord bases. Seems like its 'good stuff' as Ben likes to say.
  19. I've never seen the one on all fours before. They are cool models
  20. One of the things I like about the cockatrice is how they always get painted in really bright colour schemes. Seems to be something about them makes people go all technicolour. And everyone has a fun cockatrice story - I used to play Shane with the great Cockatrice of Khemri in his Tomb King army.
  21. Stevewren

    Wildrider unit

    I like models, not so sure about the colour scheme. I found the GW stag scheme very odd. Painting is lovely though, so keep going with the army.
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