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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Didnt win against Gorkamorka either. Twas a draw, mate. ✊
  2. @Euphanism I like to see Spiderfang take this route. Drop the grots and be just that.
  3. Your group lacks destruction. Go Ironjawz.... Right now...
  4. Some pick up matched play opponents may choose not to play against you as it's kind of a rule of the game to have models on their designated sizes. But as long as you gave a brief explanation as to why you are using different ones I'd play against ya. 🙂 I'd imagine an actual tournament scene would not allow it though. So most friendly pick up games =👍 Tournament practice/play = 👎 Also I understand your reasoning. Others may feel differently. Lets see those sweet custom models!!! 😀
  5. @Eorek Fantastic work!! I'm excited to get my hands on one of those new gargant kits and have a go at my own Trogg Hag. What sculpting medium? Ive only used green stuff and miliput and that doesn't look like either.
  6. One bit of wishlisty-ness from this fella id like to see is the Vault of souls reworked into a kind of resurrection nuke for us. I mean come on its a vault of souls!
  7. This thread should be renamed to "Rumors, General Chatter, and @KingBrodd still wants his gargants" with some kind of marker for an actual rumor post. 😄
  8. Pic or it didnt happe..... oh... 😜
  9. I messed with this idea awhile ago and cut down all the dangly chest hoses and such to eliminate as much sc-fi as possible and painted the exterior armor as wood grain and skeletal frame as heavily weathered bronze. Was going to proxy as skeletons but since OBR dropped I considered them as well. At work or I'd post a pic.
  10. I do hope so. It's pictured in the freaking battletome and the one from soul wars constantly snaps the sword arm off. I ended up paying $60 for mine. To me it just seems as another clear indication that GW wasn't 100% sure what they were doing with Nighthaunt. Looking Forward to their next round though. Perhaps some updated Hexwraiths.
  11. If a hypothetical new starter with SCE & Jawz came about it'd be nice to see the liberator and judicator kits updated instead of new unit x that is damn near the same as old unit y.
  12. What happened to the Hag that she cant use artifacts now? O_o
  13. With the current warscroll stats, brutes should be allowed to mix and max between all weapon options. Other armies have this. Look at SCE Evocators. Wouldn't make them op but could give them a slight buff.
  14. Ironjawz or Troggoth from Gloomspite. 🤘
  15. I do hope so!! I loved the snippet of lore that came with Rippas Snarlfangs about how they view Gorkamorka as the sun compared to their cave dwelling kin and the bad moon. And those models are awesome! I'd imagine them being a little less weedy than Glooms, kinda the Ironjawz equivalent of Grots with a heavy focus on war machines, beasts of war, traps, and raider style hit and run tactics. I could see the much talked about "Grotbag Scuttlers" becoming some kind of spiritual successor though. Seems to be the design direction of AoS. Put some Grots on some beastlly feral bat or vulture creatures for air calvary and throw in some ramshackle sky vessels for good measure. That Rippas warband has got some really cool aesthetics going on fo sho though!
  16. @Lior'Lec hey thanks but I did find some and forgot to close this out. Really do appreciate it though. 👍
  17. Well there's been wispers for awhile now pertaining to a Kroot codex and with Forgeworld no longer making those sweet Kroot models I'd wager this or something along those lines is in the works. Back to your regularly scheduled AoS programming.
  18. Frustration is a ******. I think 32mm (unless they start dropping those 28s on us) is good. then when you have smaller than standard human, like a goblin, they can sit all nice and tiny on their 25s and keeps the scale immersion up.
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