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Everything posted by Causalis

  1. Hey guys! I'm expanding my undead forces and have a few questions to some units that I want to try out. Can you give me advice on Mannfred and Neferata? Are they best used in Grand Host or in their respective legions? I also want to try out a Coven Throne. How do you use it?
  2. And I think it's reasonable to assume that all/much of the CC units will be available for the army as well. This would add: -Radukar + his goons (Shovel Guy, Ulfenwatch Skeleton Leader, Necromancer Guy). So 4 Leaders. -Vyrkos Blood-Born (feral Vampires) -Vargskyr (Varghulf) -Corpse Rats -Kosargi Nightguard We know all of those will 100% have rules for AoS, since there is literally a warscroll booklet included in the CC box. But I wonder if some of those units will ever get a generic box. For example the Kosargi Nightguard. They are aestheticaly really tied to Radukar and if the rest of the Gravelords will continue with the baroque style we know from the current kits, I don't really see them getting a standalone box. I also think the new Skeletons will be a seperate unit at first. They'll be called "The Ulfenwatch" etc. But I think ultimately GW will release a new Skeleton Warrior box with the Ulfenwatch as the basis. What has me even more excited is the new mounted Wight King and the article saying that the necromancers are hard at work, raising the undead legions. This could imply that we'll see some more new Deathrattle stuff. Or it could simply imply to the coming of the Gravelords. Either way I'm a happy Necromancer!
  3. Noone mentioning that the new Wight King is officially confirmed to be for the Soulblight Gravelords? I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't get an official "reveal" for the Gravelords tho. But the preview post on WHC talked about the Necromancers being hard at work for more deathrattle goodness "later this year". Seeing a new Wight King and plastic batswarm models is a really good sign to me. This most likely means that most of the LoN units will make the transition to the Soulblight Gravelords! I also don't get why so many refer to Radukar as an "Ogre Vampire". He's just a bulky dude. I can't find anywhere that he is supposed to be a Vampire-Ogre. I'm also not too keen on the Corsac look of those units. On their own they are fine, but if they indeed will be playable in the Gravelords their aesthetic will clash with the baroque looks of the other units.
  4. My hopes: -More Cursed City minis -new Bloodknights -Official Soulblight Gravelords announcement WITH some actual pics (not just shadows/silhouttes) My prediction: -a lot of stuff for Lumineth -some Cused City minis -a teaser for Gravelords with some vague silhouttes etc. I try to keep my expectations low so that I don't set myself up for disappointment. But if we do see some Gravelord minis it will be all the sweeter!
  5. Interesting story! Could very well me an assassination attempt on Nagash in the making. But rather than killing him, the most one could do is probably bind/subdue him. In the book "Nagash Undying King" we see that Nagash is becoming more and more a force of nature rather than an actual entity. Over the course of millenia he will become death itself and his corporeal form will probably vanish. So unless GW significantly nerfes/alters him, I don't think Nagash CAN be truly killed. Especially not by a mere Skaven Assassin - that wouldn't be epic or deserving enough.
  6. Getting hyped is fine. I'm REALLY pumped for the Gravelords, lol! But I'll hold my expectations for the upcoming review on a tight leash. Could be a bunch of Lumineth stuff and just a shilouette for the Gravelords or something dumb like that. For the time being I am actually quite content if we get to see more from the Cursed City stuff!
  7. Hmm... LORDS of the Mortal Realms. >Lumineth Realmlords >Soulblight Gravelords I'm cautiously optimistic that we'll see something for those two armies. But knowing GW it could very well be something else entirely.
  8. For a release I would guess either March or April. Reasoning is that GW is building Cursed City up quite a lot and I can't really see them stringing it out until June. And with the WHU Vampires due to release in April we may even get CC in March. Probably late March and then mid April the WHU Vampires. We might see the Gravelords in June then.
  9. How is there nothing to imply this, when almost all warbands follow the formula of "new/existing leader + battleline"? Of course this is not a guarantee that this will directly translate into the Vampire warband being X leaders + X battleline. All units in a warband usually are represented in their respective army. For example the Slaanesh warband: We got a Myrmidon, a blisbarb archer, a Slaangor and the glaive lady. All of those models have units in the Slaanesh army. Same with the Ironjaws, StD, DoK, Maggotkin etc. Thus I would reason it is more likely that the WHU warband translates to some new units, rather than being a mere splash-release with a pdf warscroll.
  10. I'll also hold back with overtly optimistic expectations. We'll obviously get new Vampires in the form of the Vampire Lord with bat-hair and the WHU warband (which may represent either leader options or actual full-sized units). Then we have the "very likely" category. Namely: New Zombies (teased in Cursed City) New Skeleton Warrior kit from Cursed City Heroes from Cursed City New Blood Knights. No teaser for them thus far but the new Vampire Lord has a Blood Dragon shield and they are the only generic full-vampire unit so it would make a lot of sense to update their models when releasing a vampire army. Some kind of big centerpiece model. EVERY new army has gotten one. From OBR to Necrons to Slaanesh. Other than these options we only have whislisting. Will we see new Dire Wolves, Bats, Varghulf? Maybe. But those could just as easily be discontinued.
  11. I fully expect to see some centerpiece model for the Soulblight Gravelords. Could be a monster. New monstrous infantry (Skinwolves?) would be dope as well!
  12. Let's just look at the tournament data: KO and DoT are THE top-tier armies for a while now. KO are extremely mobile and can just gun down your units. And DoT are so potent in magic that you can't defend against it, since most other armies have maybe 1 or 2 denials. Also Pink Horrors will just sit on those objectives and you won't get them off. Again: I think the problem here is the extremely potent double turn. A KO army against a Khorne army will have a huge advantage since they can deal damage will ALL of their units on the double turn, without fear of retaliation. If the Khorne player has the DT he can activate ONE unit before taking the return hits. Right now the core rules simply heavily favour mobile and ranged armies, since shooting isn't subject to the "I go, you go" activation as close combat is. There is screening and using LOS blocking terrain. But other than that there isn't really much counter play.
  13. Oh totally forgot: Make dedicated close combat heroes USEFULL! I'm obviously biased since I play Blades of Khorne, but holy sh*t! With names like Exalted Deathbringer and being champions of the literal god of slaughter one would assume those guys to do damage in melee. But they hit like wet noodles! An example of some well-made CC characters would be the Darkoath Queen and the Chieftain. They are good against their intended targets (heroes and hordes) and have decent command abilities. So either up the damage of other dedicated CC characters or change their warscroll so that they fit a different role. But right now, playing Khorne heroes feels just sad...
  14. I think new Zombies are all but guaranteed, since we have seen new Zombie-Silhouttes in the Cursed City trailer. What perplexes me is the Underworlds Warband: So far all other warbands consist of a Leader + battleline. But those Vampires look like they are ALL leaders (except the bat dude). So what do they represent? I think the Von Carstein looking male Vampire will be a leader option (generic Vampire Lord?). But the mace-wielding Vampire? Could be an elite unit, same with the female Vamp and the "halfbreed" Vamp could be a battleline. New Blood Knights I think are quite likely, since the leaked Vampire Lord with the bat-hair has a blood dragon shield. New Coven Throne I personally don't see as realistic. A new warscroll, yes. Rather I think we will get a different kind of centerpiece model. New beasts (Bats, Wolves, Varghulf) would be dope. But I don't know if GW wants to retain that side of ye old Vampire Counts. If we see new ones, expect a "twist" to them, just like the new Zombies have their graves on their back etc.
  15. Say what? AoS has A LOT of ranged units. From Darkshards to the whole Kharadron range, to Flamers to artillery. How would you even remotely justify nerfing the awesome looking Kharadron boats to a 4+ 4+ -1 statline...? I agree with the sentiment that shooting is too strong atm. It is especially devastating with a double turn. What we need is better defences against shooting. Give all units that move and then shoot -1 to-hit. Make terrain more relevant etc. Here's what I would like adressed: Battleshock This is a non-mechanic right now. Everyone has access to the generic auto-pass CA and there are a million mechanics, artefacts etc. that just make units immune to morale. Make battleshock relevant! Instead of deleting models, a failed battleshock test could have more gameplay oriented consequences. Maybe a failed BS test could mean the unit has to fight last in the following combat, or must retreat, or can't hold an objective. The possibilities are endless. Double Turn For melee armies the DT is quite alright. But for shooting and magic-heavy armies it means pounding the enemy with impunity. Balance this by giving the player who doesn't win the initiative some benefit. Or just let us roll for initiative from turn 3 onwards etc. Monsters and heroes Right now monsters feel incredibly fragile. They degrade way too fast or do hardly any damage (Alguzzler Gargant, Kharibdyss, Ghorgon etc.). Have you played Total War Warhammer? THAT'S how monsters should feel like! Like behemoths waiding into units, throwing their weight around and smashing the infantry underfoot. It would be fine with me if all monsters get a (big) increase in points but double their wounds or something like that. Lethality This most likely won't change but the game has become too deadly for my taste. When was the last time a unit of yours has survived more than one round of combat? The only units that stick around for longer are things like Blightkings, Chaos Warriors etc.
  16. My thoughts on this: 1.) I think Cursed City definitely is the "warm-up" for the Gravelord range. Just like we saw Tzaangors and Kairic Acolytes be first released with Silver Tower. Those units later got full kits and are available for the DoT, so I think the Gravelords will get the same. 2.) I LOVE the new Skeletons. Very cool! Even so, I won't replace my 60+ Skeletons. It's just too much work. But I'll definitely buy Cursed City so I'll add those Skeletons to my undead legion. Another neat bit from the preview is how they talk about the banner-bearer inspires the rest of the Skeletons. Now this may only be a rule for Cursed City but it would be swell if GW updated the lame -1 bravery banners our units have atm. Bravery is a non-mechanic for most armies these days so it would be nice to see our banners get a different effect. I'm also very excited to see the new Zombies. I really do hope that those will replace the current ugly ones.
  17. I think GW has said that the 4 BR books will be centered on the aelven pantheon. For the upcoming BR: Teclis I think we will get rules for CoS Glymmsforge, as it is a city from Soulwars and also in Shyish, which is where the story will supposedly play.
  18. I think the release order will be like this: BR: Teclis, which will bring the story forward and introduce us to the first appearences of the Vampire forces (aka Gravelords). After that we'll see the Vampire Underworlds Warband. I would assume that parallel we'll get the official reveal of the new Gravelord faction, since all WHU models have rules for AoS and it would be strange to release them and then not set up the Gravelords for the near future. After the Underworlds warband is released we'll get the new Warhammer Quest. which will introduce a lot of the new units that will be available to the Gravelords. And then finally the faction proper will be released. It was the same with Silver Tower, which introduced Tzaangors and Kairic Acolytes.
  19. Oh boy this gets my cold, dead heart beating again! Vampire Counts were my very first army back in WHFB and my entry to this wonderful hobby. I wouldn't have dared to hope that my old love will actually get a update like this! My whislist/speculation: -Neferata & Manfred get their new home here. Both getting some buffs to their warscroll would be sweet. -The old zombie minis finally get burried and STAY in the dirt and we get some sweet new zombie models! I would love to see zombies from other races, such as undead Orcs etc. Skeletons are fine and timeless but since this is whislisting I want them redone just because they are such a PAIN to assemble. Seriously, they are so fiddly! -New Direwolves and Bats. -Bloodlines/Families. This will be our equivalent of Clans/Subfactions. Would be awesome if we got a specific hero for each Bloodline but I doubt it. Also the Bloodlines might unlock different allies akin to the "1 out of 4 can be from faction X" that CoS hat. Necarch would unlock Nighthaunts, Strigoy would unlock FEC etc. -Black Coach will be available and gets some buffs to its warscroll. -New Bloodknights! -Buff to the Coven Throne. -Buffs to Vargheists. Varghulf will be gone since the model is so ancient and I can't really see it getting a new model.
  20. Let me chime in on this, as my Khorne army consists of almost pure mortals. A Bloodsecrator and a Priest are absolutely necessary. A Blood Stoker is also a solid buffing hero. But after that the mortal heroes really start to go downhill. One would assume that Khorne, the Chaos God of wanton slaughter, would have a lot of beatstick heroes. But sadly most of them really suck in melee. The Chaos Lord is meh, the Mighty Lord of Khorne doesn't do much either. His axe has the same profile as a Goblin Loonboss' weapon! And his insta-kill mechanic is too unreliable. He also won't last against dedicated CC units. The Deathbringers (both flavours) hit like wet noodles in combat. What DOES put out an ungodly amount of hurt is the Chaos Lord on Kakadrak (which - ironically - isn't a Blades of Khorne hero, so even our best hero isn't from our book...). Take him in the Goretide slaughterhost, give him the warlord trait and artefact and you have a tanky boi with a lot of attacks that can deal between 2-4 damage EACH. Add onto that the multiple ways that we can give our units extra attacks and he will curbstomp just about anything. I also absolutely LOVE the Blood Warrior models but they are just so bad in combat. They are our elite battleline but have NO REND and wound on 4+. They are ok at holding objectives but if you want them to kill anything they will need support from a Bloodstoker (to re-roll their bad wound rolls) and a Priest that buffs either their save or to-hit value. Bloodreavers are screens and just living Bloodtithe Points. They can do a bit of damage if you give them the axes with -1 rend but treat them more like a screen or suicide unit. Use them to soften up a unit and fully expect them to die. I actually try to suicide mine as 10 guys are very cheap and getting 1 or 2 BTP early on is quite nice. Wrathmongers are our angry cheerleaders. They make an excellent counter-charge unit. Keep em behind your units to dispense their attack buff and when an opening comes - for example when your Bloodreavers die - you can charge them in and do damage. Skullreapers are our blender unit. They will absolutely shred horde units and can crack elite units with their mortal wounds and by forcing a lot of saves. Taking a unit of 3 Khorgoraths has also worked out great for me. 300p doesn't break the bank and they pack a real punch in melee. Hope this helps a bit. May you reap bloody victories!
  21. Hey guys! I've delved into the world of 3D printing and got some sweet STL files from Titanforge! I'll attach the pic. I've been wondering what army I could represent with those minis and I am leaning towards Tzeentch. The turban warriors could be Kairic Acolytes and the Djinn (along with other Djinn models for variety) could be Tzaangors. Question is: Does a mostly mortal DoT army work? Any recommendations on a 2K list? I don't want to take any Horrors apart from summoning. Another question: Can I just take StD units with mark of Tzeentch without breaking the alliance?
  22. I've run a block of 10 Knights in Har Kuron a few times now. They are more of a mobile anvil than a hammer. Their design is also a bit off: With their 3+ save they lend themselves to grinding down a foe but their lances only do any noticeable damage on the turn they charged. They would be better if they had the option for a sword - something like 2 or 3 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1. That way they could grind down opponents. As they are now they are best used to anchor a flank. Use them to secure an objective or threaten flanks. They won't wipe most units on their own but they can tarpit most things. Just don't expect them to kill a lot.
  23. So I'm struggling a bit with this city. I feel like I don't really do that much damage. 10 Drakespawn Knights buffed with exploding 6s are decent. I also take a block of 10 Blood Sisters that I park behind some Dreadspears so that I can use their 2" reach to poke over them. Still, the Sisters are very squishy and I feel like I lack a really hard-hitting unit. Any suggestions? No Morathi (for now). I don't want to have 600p tied up.
  24. I want to share some of my experiences. I've played quite a few games with Anvilgard and used mostly Darkelf units. My 40 man blob of Corsairs w/ double handweapons, supported by a Fleetmaster is gold. I don't know why many people consider Corsairs "trash tier". 40 Scoundrels are cheap and with a bit of support punch way above their weightclass! Park a Hurricanum behind them for +1 to-hit and/or debuff the enemy with Vitriolic Spray and they just shred! Another unit I want to highlight is the Kharibdyss. For 170p I find it a solid monster. I've used it in Har Kuron, Misthavn, Tempest Eye and ofc Anvilgard. With Acid Blood it is quite nasty! I actually like to run 2 of these beasts if the points allow. They are good distractions, it doesn't really hurt when I lose one and they have a huge psychological impact on my opponents as everyone I play against just sees the huge model and either tries to keep away from it or they focus a lot of ressources on it, even though it is nowhere near as dangerous as e.g. a Mangler Squig etc. So I highly recommend trying out the Corsairs + Fleetmaster and a Kharibdyss or two. With buffs from a Hurricanum or some magic support they are suprisingly deadly!
  25. Well the list is this: Katakros Boneshaper w/ Artisan's Key 2x 20 Guard w/ Swords 5x Riders 3x Immortis Guard 3x Stalkers 1x Harvester That's 1890p and sadly no OBR unit is under 100p so unless I want to go in a 2000p game with a 110p gap I have to include some endless spells. The Shrieker is also useless since Katakros already gives my units +1 to-hit.
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