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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I really like all the start collecting boxes particularly the new Skink box. My cousin is just getting into AOS with his old lizardmen and this is such great timing.
  2. Is that not what I was stating? I think that chariots or warmachines would give Ironjawz new options that differ aesthetically from Bonesplitterz. I think it would diversify the range, especially with a hero option allowing a chariot to be built in two ways, but I did not know/think that chariots were that fundamentally broken in AOS.
  3. I have always thought that Iron-Jawz needed a warmachine option or at least a chariot, as I believe even rudimentary technology would help give them a distinctive identity from bonesplitterz. The chariot option would be especially nice if you could put a hero on it.
  4. @Koradrel of Chrace I suppose that superiority is something that I shouldn't be discussing as I just started collecting the ill formed abandoned sea dwellers. I have to say Aelven lore in AOS is so fascinating and the best carry over from the old world in my opinion. Returning to the function of the thread, I am really excited to see what the future holds for Seraphon lore and I really hope that Oxyotl will return in some fashion. But I do not think Chameleon Skinks made it into Warcry which makes me a little worried that they will not return at all.
  5. That is until Malerion shows you what true superiority looks like...
  6. I have yet to pick it up from my cousin, but it is a head swap and greenstuff on the chest plate. Depending on how the greenstuff works out I will see if I shall keep it or remove it, as the head swap is plenty in my opinion in conveying the appearance.
  7. Hey Folks, I just got my hands on the Idoneth battleforce and I am very excited to be playing one of the most interesting and unique factions in the game. However, I am feeling a touch overwhelmed in terms of moving forward with the faction. I will probably get the start collecting set and my cousin has recently gifted me with a neat custom Akhelian Queen. I think that my army will not end up being very competitive, mixing infantry and cavalry, but I think that will be a more interesting force to collect and paint. I suppose I will very gradually move towards a more eel focused list. I look forward to learning the faction's play style and coming up with an interesting theme for my army.
  8. I think Beasts of Chaos fit your needs but as @Myrdin suggests they are not in a great competitive space right now. I also think Flesh Eater Courts is a fantastic choice as their start collecting set is pretty much exactly what you have outlined.
  9. The (current and ever evolving) lore for my Slaves to Darkness force is that they are the Cardinals of Chaos. They were devoted followers of Sigmar who went on a crusade to the Eightpoints to reclaim artefacts, lost to the forces of Chaos, and then they disappeared. Their families remembered them as heroes and then after a generation the soldiers reappeared with the greatest gift of all... the word of their dark lords. They are now on a new crusade to bring their faith to the mortal realms and to bring more under the banner of Archaon. The marauders and warcry units will be the initial converts to the Cardinals while the heavily armoured Knights, Warriors and generals will be the crusaders themselves. I am also inventing a background for the characters based loosely on the Borgia family. I just started an Idoneth army as of yesterday. I am still looking through their lore trying to pin down an exact theme for my own army's lore but I do know that I want them to be made from the souls of my old Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elf army. I would love some help on expanding their lore.
  10. @Baron Klatz I was able to find some free time and swing by the hobby-shop and got my hands on the battleforce. Thanks for the encouragement, and I am excited to get to work on my sea elves. Although, I promised my partner I would finish my painting my Chaos first.
  11. @Baron Klatz thank you for the advice. I will take the plunge but I am very busy this week and I am not sure if I can grab it until the following week, hopefully it doesn't get sold in that time. I will report back if I am able to purchase it, but I am getting excited about the thought of getting some nautical themed elves. They will also help fill the hole from of my old Dark Elf army, that I regret selling many years ago.
  12. Oh I absolutely expect cuts, I was entertaining the fact that the only way I can imagine that they may get a new model would be in a dual box... 😓
  13. Does anyone suspect a dual box for Seraphon? That would likely result in at least one new sculpt. I would expect it to be a plastic hero as that seems to be the standard for these boxes. It appears we are not getting an updated Slaan. Therefore, I think it would be cool to get a Chameleon Skink hero that could be built as Oxyotl. I can imagine Oxyotl stalking the Eightpoints and taking the hurt to Chaos once again.
  14. I am in a similar boat and it is driving me nuts. I am looking to create an order army to combat my Slaves to Darkness and I cannot even begin to think of the best army for me. I am interested in Aelvish armies but Stormcast are the most cost efficient particularly with the Battleforce. I am drawn towards Daughters of Khaine but they lack a start collecting box which is a good entry point. I also can get my hands on an Idoneth Battleforce which is very tempting but I prefer their infantry which are apparently not great (although I am leaning hard in this direction). I tend to prefer 'elite' armies and my friends play Seraphon and Cities of Sigmar (Focus on Dispossessed) and I do not want to step on their toes. Returning to your situation, I will add another vote for a fun Beastclaw oriented Ogor army. It will, not only be different, but it can let you fill your army with monsters. I like the suggestion of a Gristlegore focused Flesh Eater Court army that is full of dragons/terrorgheists but I feel it may be better to focus on a different alliance. Beasts of Chaos might be a fun alternative if (like me) you are not overly concerned about the competitive viability of the army, and can open you up to more Chaosy-goodness. There are also persistent rumours about Giants getting their own army but I cannot speak to that in any meaningful way.
  15. So does that mean the rule that I posted does not currently apply to any unit? I cannot find a single unit that contains a damned legion in its warscroll. Sorry for harping on this rule, I just really want to run a Gaunt Summoner in my Ravager list.
  16. Sorry for the delayed response, I was moving and as such my battletome was packed away and I was only able to get to it today. On page 67 it states "f a unit already has a Damned Legion on its warscroll different to the one you chose, it cannot gain another. You can still include that unit in your army, but you cannot use the allegiance abilities for its damned legion". I assumed that meant that the Gaunt Summoner could not use Rally the Tribes as it is one of the Ravager's allegiance abilities and it has Everchosen listed on it's warscroll?
  17. @JPjr That is why I prefer named characters that can either be built as alternate units or proxy for alternate units. I think it is great that Volturnous can be an Akhelian King or Arch-Kavalos Zandtos can be built as a Liege-Kavalos. Despite being different models, I will gladly allow someone proxy Gotrek as a Doomseeker or Lord Kroak as a regular Slann. But it gets tricky when the army does not have an easy alternative as with characters such as Archaon, Lady Olynder or the Celestant-Prime. It is interesting that they just alleviated this concern with Brokk Gurngsonn and the Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit. Sometimes I just want my Lord of Change to have two heads with none of the fear of contradicting the lore of Karios Fateweaver.
  18. I don't see why people are down on the Ossiarch's getting a foothold or any sort of power in the Allpoints. That seems like a major victory allowing Nagash easier access to the realms and also destabilizing Archaon's hold. Yes it is a baby step compared to Katakros killing Archaon. But I would be more upset if the main villain was just killed just for the sake of progressing the narrative and making the new guys seem tough.
  19. @HariochI hadn't considered him for the ally role, as I always viewed Be'lakor as Chaos' answer to Starscream, but that would be a really awesome use for the character. I have also always wanted to buy his model and now that I have returned to Warhammer after a very long hiatus I am excited to finally get my grubby claws on him... although, I am a touch daunted by his resin wings.
  20. I think that Katakros is going to take most of the Allpoints/Eightpoints and make headways into the Varanspire itself. I think there will be continued resistance within the Varanspire but that Katakross will have effectively taken over as its ruler. I feel that there needs to be consequences for the lore always indicting that Archaon rules on the frontline while leaving his base of operation in lesser hands. Furthermore, in a campaign book about siege warfare that is largely centred on Chaos, I assume there will need to be missions in which they are the defenders (Katakros initial attack) and the attackers (the titular Wrath of the Everchosen). I also assume that Katakros knows that Archaon could take him in a fair fight and that is why he attacks when Archaon's focus is elsewhere. I also hope that Be'lakor is involved in stabbing Archaon in the back, and that the Legion of the Dark Prince can make use of traitorous Varanguard (even if I cannot personally afford the models). I also assume that this will keep Chaos and Death preoccupied when Gordrakk besieges Azyr, which will have its own campaign book and possibly introduce the Giant faction.
  21. @elfhead Thanks for recommending that I check out this thread. Your army is amazing and very coherently realized, I am envious of your skills and attention to detail. I cannot wait to see the ways in which you twist and corrupt Teclis' force into some more of Slaanesh's followers. I am working on a (loosely) Crusader inspired Chaos force that I am calling the Cardinals of Chaos, due to their red and white colouration. The theme I have developed for them is that they were devotee's of Sigmar that went on a crusade to the All Points and returned as disciples of the Dark Gods. No where near the level of skill required on my behalf, but a theme that I am enjoying working around.
  22. @elfhead good point, but I do not think that it would be an identical conflict to the film, but rather a parallel as Teclis and the citizens of Hysh may be in direct conflict. Although now that I put more though into it, a Lumineth Realm-lords/Slaanesh box would probably be more lore friendly and combines two opposing grand alliances. Seeing the similarities between the plumes on the Pointy Aelves and Shalaxi, makes me hope that Slaanesh's 'mortal' followers will be a force of corrupted Aelves. We do have some Aelf chaos worshipers in the Splintered Fang warband in Warcy but with a different aesthetic.
  23. I move that we retitle this thread: Eltharion in armour reborn! On a more pertinent note: San, the titular Princess Mononoke, comes into conflict with Lady Eboshi and the residents of Irontown for their negative impact and thoughtlessness towards nature and the forest's spirits. Is it possible Teclis is protective of the spirits and is brought into conflict with the residents Hysh? Now I am hoping for a dual box of Lumineth Realm-lords vs Cities of Sigmar.
  24. Hello All, I am an old warhammer fantasy player from the good old days of 6th edition fantasy. In 6th edition I played Chaos and Dark Elves primarily against my cousin's Lizardmen, Vampire Counts and Dwarves. I was never super competitive and he was very interested in the meta, but despite horrible losses I always enjoyed our games. I also played The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game with my older brother which made me more interested in narrative gaming. I have recently re-entered the fold with the purchase of a Slaves to Darkness battleforce and the Warcry starter set. I am also looking to start an Order army to combat my current force, but I am still debating which army to start but I am leaning towards something Aelvish (this is subject to change as I am very tempted by Tzeentch and Gloomspite). In returning to the hobby, I have spoken to a number of friends on the subject and a number of people including my cousin have decided to join me. As someone who suffers from some issues relating to social anxiety, this has been a really touching and unexpected outcome of returning to the hobby. --Neverchosen
  25. I enjoy the Teclis model and I don't mind him floating beside the Sphinx creature. My only complaint is that he seems awkward and stiff, which as a former Dark Elf player fits my vision for the character pretty well.
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