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Everything posted by Death1942

  1. I really love the tactics you explained around Khorne, I am mighty tempted to collect an army similar to this. Personally I would drop all the chariots (maybe summon them in though) and aim for 2 blocks of 6 Bullgors with great axes. I think those backed up by a slaughterpriest and some gor for screening and reroll 1s buff would be super nasty to face. That way you end up with 3 massive threats on the board (with the Bestigor) and your opponent has to make some difficult choices on what to remove first.
  2. Decent lists but not sure they will stand up in the current meta, I think a good result will be 3-2. First list I think will be stronger but I would definitely take double vile transference because Neferata is going to be wiped off the board turn 1 or 2 depending on the opponent and you will want the healing later on.
  3. Thoughts on this? I feel it is a bit light on bodies and maybe I should look to spam Gors and Ungors to clog up the board. I probably need more support from shamans too now that I think about it. Gravespawn Beasts of Chaos: Tzangor Shaman Vicious Stranglethorns Chaos Spawn 6 Englightened on Disc Brass Despoilers: 2x Ghorgon Beastlord Mutating Gnarlblade Doombull General, Unravelling Aura 30 Bestigors 10 Gors with shields 10 Gors with shields 6 Bullgors with great axes
  4. dragging the conversation back to a sensible spot... Well for a start you need at least 60 blues for your pinks. Then if you plan on doing any summoning during the game blues seem to be the best bang for your summoning points buck so maybe a few more. In saying that what are the chances you end up with all 60 blues on the table at once? Pretty slim I imagine so you might be able to get away with 40-50 but I would suggest you play a few games with proxy blues and see how many you end up pulling out.
  5. I think you should always aim to have at least one big thing like a VLoZD, worst case scenario is your opponent focuses it down and spends their whole turn killing it. Although if you go down that route you should really be taking the Ethereal amulet to maximize the chance of him making it into combat.
  6. I love your list and would like to read more about it in the future. It sounds like you did well when rushing forward turn 1 to sit on objectives, is that the basic plan? Did you have issues against certain armies? A nurgle beasts of chaos army is right up my alley and is probably what will get me to buy into chaos.
  7. I personally think Black Knights at 10 and should be your hammer. The 1cp to bring the whole unit back plus the double attack from the Necro spell are how I abuse mine. In saying that if you can shift the graveguard up they can fill a similar role (not sure if they have summonable? Haven't touched them in ages). The big power play of black knights to me is to charge them in and try and wipe out units before they get completely wiped out, then you bring them back and because they are so fast and good on the charge they get to do their power combo all over again. Dire wolves are better if you want to take 5s as they are cheaper and screen better in my opinion.
  8. At the end of the day Blood Knights are not as amazing as they should be. Death battalions are also not great at all so you are kind of doubling up on some of the weaker aspects of the Legions book. It is a fun thing to bring out from time to time and if you get your charges off you can have a load of devastating attacks but there are more consistent builds out there.
  9. Bravery hasn't really been a thing for years now. I hope in the new edition they rework the whole thing or even just remove the auto pass for 1cp. If they had 8 wounds each and/or went to a 3+ on no rend attacks I think it would go a long way to helping them feel like monsters.
  10. I played a shooty list similar to this but it was way worse. I think based on that game I would say you definitely have enough screens to cause people problems. I won the game by getting into his Jezzails and warp lightning cannons on turn 2 so he was struggling to shoot. If you can block out your opponent long enough the stormfiends and Jezzails will probably wipe out almost any threat.
  11. Disagree on the double vile, you don't need to heal one every turn and the other one can cast mystic shield instead. My problem with the keep is it ends up being basically your entire army. In a heavy objective scenario you are in deep trouble as you lack the bodies in the board and if you might end up being forced to come on at a bad board edge.
  12. This is why I hate the people that brush off balance issues as "well don't play competitively and things are fine". It really isn't fine when you are playing a casual game and your mates one unit that costs about the same as your Morghasts can completely wipe them off the board before they ever swing back. That is why balance exists and why the game needs to constantly strive towards reaching it. Now Morghasts I think just don't synergise with the army and I would hope in a new death book they might get a rework. They do offer some very juicy things that you could build a list around (3d6 charge is really nice) but at the end of the day they are pricey for what they get you and they pretty much ignore all the good things in death in terms of keywords and buffs. A points drop isn't going to save them (and going too low makes them silly), they need a rework and I hope they get it because they are absolutely awesome models and should see the table more often.
  13. What is the corpse cart doing? Doesn't really feel like it is doing much in that list. I like the idea behind the rest of it, seems really solid but you definitely will struggle against any army that needs to be taken down by mortal wounds. Also any high rend opponent is going to have a field day unless you save your CP to bring things back once they get shredded. Are direwolves allowed in Deathrattle? If so I would be tempted by some fast objective grabbers to complement your 2 big blocks (Graveguard and Knights).
  14. I think you have too few units and too many points tied up into 2 heroes. I would personally drop either Katakros or Arkhan and take some smaller heroes and/or a support unit like a harvester or a catapult. I would also only do 1 big blob of Mortrek (40) and make the other 2 units 20. I think defensively the 20s are a lot easier to hang around and need less baby sitting. If you want to take 10 imho you want to just spam 3 units of 10 and pump points elsewhere. If you can balance out the points more in your list I think it will be a lot better. If however you are after more fun lists then by all means pump points into your favourite models (although I would still try and get an extra unit in and balance out the guard)
  15. Tempted by a beasts of chaos army atm. How are bullgors these days? Viable to have some nice big units of them running around? Not overly amazed by the battleline options but love the look of big beefy monsters running around beating things up with giant axes.
  16. I personally don't like the ghosts but I am running 2 in my army atm. A big block of spirit hosts for the mortal wounds and a block of 20 chainrasps to sit on objectives and be a pain to remove. Would love to go all skelly army (have black knights and 40 skeleton warriors) but you definitely need the utility of nighthaunt stuff to get by in the meta.
  17. You definitely want to read book 2 and 3 of the Nagash trilogy then, it covers all of the stuff you want from Neferata in the old world.
  18. I am reading the vampire wars right now after finishing the Nagash big book. The Nagash books are alright but very drawn out (and mainly about Nagash and Neferata), I would personally skip the first book if I had my time again and do a quick read up on Nagash's really early start to cover for it. Vampire wars is also a bit slow atm but it is building up the setting. Vlad's introduction is utterly ridiculous and I love it. I haven't read much of the Sigmar lore but from what I gather it is quite a shift away from the old world. If you want more gothic horror and a better grounded story I would look towards the old world stuff. If you want slightly fresher work with new ideas I would look towards the Sigmar stuff but keep in mind it is still very young and not overly fleshed out. Also while technically a continuation of the old world after the events of the end times, I would not consider the Sigmar and the old world lore stuff to really flow together all that well. Just treat them as separate stuff.
  19. Would like to see them get more rend and maybe a drop to 180 or 190. Even then it would still be a toss up for me as they lack a lot of useful death keywords.
  20. Pretty sure I saw someone had asked a question to some of the rules writers specifically about things like LoA and they were told they would get something this year (probably just a rules update in the next GHB). Not a huge amount but I guess it is better than nothing. Good to see Kings of War going hard on chaos dwarves atm too and some of their models look pretty good.
  21. It really depends on their ultimate goal for the game, if they don't want an edition shift soon (within 18 months) then I think the chances of another book are pretty good. If they want a new edition shift then I can see them holding off while they prep for that. I don't know why people think the soup books are going out the door, the style we had certainly is but I am pretty sure Slaves to Darkness contains a bunch of units in the wider chaos range (or I might be getting confused with the allies matrix for chaos). People also completely forget about Skaven and I would argue their sub clans are about the same level as our sub legions in terms of rules and also model range.
  22. We all know that they wanted to sell their new army and also shift some Nagash models so they made him usable in that army and not useable elsewhere. They will "fix" this issue probably in late 2020 when they have sold enough bonereapers and are looking to refresh legions and sell more undead models. They do this all the time.
  23. They share the warscroll don't they? One warscroll and points set for multiple armies.
  24. Honestly this has been the last 2 FAQs plus the handbook. Small drops to units no one was taking (hello Blood Knights and Turtles) doesn't actually impact them as they needed to drop by a much much larger amount and it seems like GW would rather take the slow and steady approach instead. I wouldn't get frustrated that [insert your faction here] didn't drop enough points for those units, it seems to be universal across all the armies. One of the big reasons for me not pulling the trigger on Skaven atm is a lot of my favourite units/models are the rubbish ones that are too expensive for what they do. I genuinely don't understand what any of the assassins are supposed to do? Their scrolls seem trash.
  25. Completely fair, those models are definitely showing their age. Unfortunate that they are just so good in this book and they didn't give us a new kit. If you are going to drop the warriors down to 15 then you may as well combine them into 1 block of 30. If you opt for that route then I would strongly consider 10 knights to hold other objectives (they are a decent defensive unit, not amazing offensively without huge amounts of buffs). I think the CLoDM is a really strong version of the unit, you will most likely find that in theory the chaos lord will stomp around with the warriors and so foot is fine, but in reality you will need to shift him around to critical points on the battlefield and so the extra speed on the mount is better.
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