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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Honestly hammer and bolter was awsome. Saw this match live vs those fyreslayers. I did lose 0-3 against his fyreslayer list so its cool that u took the win and thereby won the tournament. It was a great experience! Even my warrior chamber stormcast with 1.0 models did come out 34. Flesh eaters on top is refeshing
  2. If subscribtion gives me zero ads im on it
  3. Would love to make liberators get a shield wall bonus when they are with more then 5 so people have a reason to take bigger units of them. Something like. When a unit of liberators consist of more then 5 models they get +1 armour save if they didnt make a charge move this turn. Staunch defender on bigger units. right now people just play 3x5 liberators and take this 300 point tax. while were at it. Make paladins atleast 3+ armour save cause those warscrolls hurt my eyes
  4. Kevin is really good and its a blast to work with him. He’s painting my celestial warbringers atm. https://instagram.com/kevin.houtveen.miniatures?igshid=19t4buffsnwme check him out! Amazing guy
  5. Why do i have this feeling that aelves are going to get always strike first again.. take this feeling away from me please. Hated that in whfb.
  6. Good gloomspite, mawtribes, tzeentch, khorne, citys of sigmar. i do like the flavor of the books and it feels like the units do things they should do. bonereapers could be amazing if the peri+1 save is changed or gone. So people would build more diverse lists. Atm peri is to strong to ignore. i like what gw tryed with the beastmen book but it fails a bit with the powerlevel of monsters and bullgors. Could be fixed with ease tho bad stormcast, zero internal balance. Most heroes are useless and zero synergie between older units. Big unit bases with low damage. Almost none of the battalions really doing something and 1 boring anvilsshootcast is the way. Stardrakes have wierd non interactive mechanics. Very disappointed. I try to do a warrior chamber list just cause i like the basic paladins and liberators but men they do suck. slaanesh cause... reasons pointed out already and idoneth deepkin aswell. Eelspam aint fun to play against
  7. I just hope paladins and liberators get some kind of buff. Liberators some shield wall ability they should be more durable and paladins atleast a better save and some better damage output cause atm they aint doing much out of friendly games. Movement 4 nuff said
  8. I feel retributors with rend -2 and mortal wounds. Are to good compared to decimators and protectors. The rend -2 makes to other paladins to bad even when being cheaper. Not sure how to improve the other 2. Mayb give protecters an extra wound and Decimators an easier to wound roll or something like that
  9. I feel the warrior chamber could have some love but vanguard and sacrosanct are decent enough to go 3-2
  10. Ive played this list from above a lot just without the lord castellant. Most games ive killed the whole army of my opponent. Even facing skaven. But most ive lost on objectives. After a game or 10 i got bored of the list. None of my opponents really enjoyed the matchup against double stardrake. Not because its strong but the starfall mechanic is kind of boring to play against. Brought it to 2 tournaments but there also people didnt have fun playing against it and im starting to dislike lists around mechanics like starfall, slaanesh locus etc.
  11. I do understand this a bit tho. People felt the same way about my double stardrake list. I thought it was bad 1100 points on 2 models who have a hard time grabbing or holding objectives. But the double starfall was fun for me for a while but every opponent that i played didnt had fun. Cause the starfall mechanic insta kills small units and heroes with some luck. And there is nothing to do about it but killing the dragons. Now it doenst sound that bad but after a while i wasnt enjoying the game with 3 stardrakes. So i went back to more models on the board and lesser bigger point sinks. I do enjoy the game more now and with my current gamegroup people like to play games where they feel they can do more interactive stuff. The gav bomb is just 1 trick but on friendly games ill understand its not always fun to play against but in competive its the trick u probly need. Stormcast got a lot of wierd tricks thats not so fun to play against like anvils double tap 9 longstrikes. No one is having fun but we can do competive other stuf like liberators or other judicator shooting cause its just not enough damage
  12. Nowadays some of the special box characters are getting harder to get.
  13. Honestly im not so worried about this priority roll. Since its tied to archaon himself. I like it as a tactical think and it fits his lore pretty well. As stated before im more worried about army wide buffs or that the army only get 1 good build that overshadows every other attempt. I hope the slaughterbrute and warcry warbands are decent enough to see the playfield
  14. Im honestly so stoked to see the rules. Hope they will be a worthy army to see across the field since i dont play them i want to face these boiz again on the field
  15. Ik building a skyborne slayer celestial warbringer list for redeploying my skyborne drops. Adding 1 knight vexillor upgrade my liberators to 10 and a prime. Feels oke
  16. Mmm thats true. The spark of sigmar went to karl and valten indeed.
  17. Sigmar is just sigmar. We talking about the celestant prime and his identitie😁
  18. And for the celestial prime the first stormcast his soul only awakend when he got ghalmarz and the only 2 beings that wielded it. Where karl and valten. And valten is hinted for something greater in the end time novels
  19. Could the celestial prime be valten. Since in the end times valten dead but knew sigmar had a greater plan for him.
  20. My stardrake with lord castellant and staunch def died 3 times over from a buffed unitnof plaguemonks like that. Puur shock moment. I feel like 12 gluttons are still the way to go to get some massive bodys on a objective.
  21. Really love the 30lib squad. Its like a dream to field that
  22. In the end times ulric spark got destroyed by teclis. Ulric got a part of him free and fuses into a human soldier (forgot his name but can look this up) to enchant his power with a spark of ulrics godlike strengt. The other part of ulric his spark enchanted the amberwizard from the end times while he was losing a duel against some chaos sorcerer. Ulric talks to this wizard and even attacks archaon. Ulrics mistrust for elves and bad temper are nicely written.
  23. Going to rebuild my fulminators into desolators. Desolators feels like a good choise atm. Running this list to a tournament next month Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (560) - General - Command Trait : Staunch Defender - Celestine Hammer - Artefact : Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait : Keen-clawed Drakesworn Templar (460) - Storm Lance - Mount Trait : Keen-clawed Castellant (120) Lord-Relictor (100) - Prayer : Translocation UNITS 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammers - 1 x Grandhammers 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammers - 1 x Grandhammers 5 x Judicators (160) - Skybolt Bows - 1 x Shockbolt Bows 4 x Desolators (420) 2000 points on the spot.
  24. Feels like we a shooting army now for 2019. Longstrikes point drop but juds are still overprices. Have to say i expected more price drops. My list with juds libs and fulminators gets a price increase on the castellant. So goes up in 20. Hoped for a drop of 40 atleast
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