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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. This post got me thinking. I’ve seen someone use tzeentch screamers as the basis for manta ray style counts as aetherwings. But then I thought why not use some of the spare fish from idoneth kits stuck onto a base. Was assembling my gloomtide shipwreck today, there are so many spare fish! Anyone else done this?
  2. I’m guessing B&C is bolter and chainsword? A long running 40k forum. Was space marine only back in the day but I think they have xenos sub forums now.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to write these up! Very enjoyable to read. Look forward to more!
  4. Others have done reviews as well. WargamerOnline to name just one. Don't think anyone means any disrespect by saying "man who reads book"
  5. Agree with this sentiment. Is the existence of a page by page book review on youtube going to affect someones decision to buy a book? I'm not sure that it will. People who don't want to buy will just find the rules they're interested in from other sources. I watched through one of GMG's broken realms videos to get the latest KO rules, but I was still fully intending to buy the book anyway (and did buy it). I totally get the chapter house side of IP infringement, what they were doing was directly competing for money that should of been going to GW for their designs. Custom heads or shoulder pads is one thing, but complete models/armies blatantly copying GW doesn't sit right with me.
  6. Yeah, for a while GW sold rectangular trays with round indents in. Think they were for LotR, iirc for the War of the Ring expansion perhaps? I couldn’t see them on their website now tho.
  7. I actually feel worse for the people who rebased their entire collections onto rounds.
  8. I've already commented my thoughts on the dominion box earlier in this thread. On a slightly related topic, I am surprised the ltd edition core book didn't sell out yet. The description says it's limited to 2,000 copies and it's still available from GW (UK site anyway). Though it is way overpriced (even for a ltd ed) at more than 3 times the price of the regular core book.
  9. After seeing the new 40k thousand sons character I really want the swirly/screamers bit of the sculpt to add it to a host arcanum hero with the fanged circlet.
  10. This was my first thought as well! Love the new model! I picked up dominion, mainly for the core book, but thought I might hang onto the minis and maybe start Kruleboyz. This model has definitely pushed me further in that direction. I love the severed Lord of Change hand on his back. Funny that the standard shaman has a metal hand shaped banner, this guy has the real thing. Love it!
  11. No, in AoS 3.0 most modifiers are capped at +1 or -1, so unless you were at -1 to hit from something else there would be no point giving a unit +2 to hit.
  12. "this unit" refers to the Ballista. So if there is a hero within 18" of the ballista, and the target is visible to that hero you get the +1 to hit.
  13. Funny, I picked up the same model to use as a Calligrave.
  14. To be honest, I think the FAQ issue of colours schemes isn't really an issue for AoS. For 40k, I totally get it, trying to play space wolves rules (or blood angels etc etc) with models painted as ultramarines would be very confusing. Those SM chapters, colour schemes and iconography have existed for years and are so well established in the consciousness of gamers that telling that anyone that a blue marine with a "U" on his shoulder pad is anything but an ultramarine doesn't really fly. And it's not just marines, eldar have very distinct craftworld schemes, even orks have clan colours that have existed 25-30 years. But the colour schemes of AoS are much less well known, except perhaps by a fan of that faction. I couldn't tell you what the colours for the factions for Daughters of Khaine are? I only really know that of the stormcast hammers of sigmar are the gold ones. Also, colour schemes aside, the iconography in AoS is much less well known and less used on models in general. Ultimately, for me in AoS if anyone insisted that my painted scheme could not use certain sub faction rules, I'm not sure they are the type of opponent I really want to play against. If there's drama before the game even starts I think I'd rather just say let's leave it.
  15. This one really seems like a mistake on GW's part, the original warscroll had them as Ymetrica, even tho the lore clearly says Iliatha. I bet at the time of painting the studio didn't know what they were meant to be so they just got done in the same scheme as everything else. I haven't picked up the twins yet but will definitely be painting them in Iliatha colours if/when I do. In general I think people are better off just doing their own thing with schemes so it can count as whatever. My idoneth are probably closest to Ionrach colours (well actually they're close to the scheme on the front of the tome, but none of the official schemes look like that anyway) but far enough away that I can say they are whichever. For my KO I like the white/cream armour & gold heads of Barak Thryng, but instead of red will go with a Zilfin-y blue/teal, so they could easily be used as either or another sky port. You get the idea.
  16. Great job, they look brilliant. All the more impressive for such a quick turnaround.
  17. Some of your conversions have been a bit out there for my taste (no offence, they're all well executed). But I love this one! Good job
  18. Funny, I read it the other way. That the battalion CA use was free and didn't count as the command being issued, meaning it could be done again.
  19. They sorted out all the fly high normal move/retreat move questions at least. As you were.
  20. I think it's always been encouraged to be played this way. Using 40k as an example you shouldn't paint your marines as ultramarines then say you are using space wolves rules as it's just confusing and goes against WYSIWYG. You could tho paint a custom scheme and say it uses the rules for space wolves or ultramarines or whatever. Same principles apply to AoS Stormhosts or faction specific schemes. Better off doing custom custom scheme, as it avoids this issue.
  21. Ballistas could also be taken as part of the artillery core battalion (forget the name off hand), which Sentinels can't. If my understanding of the battalion bonus is correct, they could use unleash hell twice in reaction to the same charge. Once for a CP, once for free from the battalion ability. Even if I've got that wrong, unleash hell could be used twice in that charge phase by different units. Could be very effective. Not saying they're better than Sentinels, just pointing out one pro.
  22. Yes, I missed it myself at first. The only mention of it was in last Sunday's preview article. It's on the schedule for Warhammer live, Saturday 5pm.
  23. My understanding is that all of the modifiers are still applied but if it ends up more than +1 save, it would be capped at only +1. In today's article on Khorne it says about using bronzed flesh (+1 save)then this:
  24. My hope is that the proper "starter sets" which will presumably follow in a few months will provide a better add on for dominion than buying 2. The 40k command edition is pretty good. Good quality scenery, good army expansions. I hope they do something similar for AoS. Do we categorically know yet that the Hobgrots are not conditional battleline (in Kruleboyz allegiance perhaps?)? Does seem weird to not give a legal force in the box?
  25. Isn't the one labelled "emergency vent plates" just the Khemist's atmospheric anatomiser? An elite melee unit wearing steam piston plate armour would be very cool.
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