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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. It's nice to see Ghouls with actual character. Plus, BAAAAAAAAAATS.
  2. My guesses: -Fyreslayers (Never had a VS. box like many of the releases this year) -Gloomspite Gitz (New faction released at the beginning of the year, no SC box) -Bonesplitterz (No SC box, lots of hype for orruks right now, never sold particularly well before) -Skaven non-pestilens (No SC box for standard Skaven) They like getting the year's new stuff into battleforce boxes, since they don't have SC boxes yet and are still popular and fresh. Though I don't think Ossiarchs will make it into the list due to their close proximity to Christmas. If Bonesplitterz end up being in some kind of dual box with Ogors, I expect Hedonites in their place instead.
  3. Going to argue it's a great ability. Your opponent is either going to have to finish off your units and activate the bonus (which, remember, affects ALL Phoenicium units, including heroes) or he's going to have to activate combat units inefficiently to avoid proccing it. Up against a Terrogheist that'll wipe out anything immediately? Well good, now the rest of your army has +1 hit and wound. It makes your opponent second-guess whether he wants to wipe out a unit right off the bat with his big monster/hero or whatever.
  4. I think a Dawn of War 1 or 2 style RTS game would fit the scale of AoS perfectly.
  5. Thinking about using my old dwarf warriors with great weapons as wildwood rangers, alongside some white lions. Maybe some miners as free guard. It's going to be a mishmash of old races and models.
  6. Unless there are serious warscroll changes, Boneplitterz don't have much rend in their repertoire anyway. If we see that they continue to lack rend on most of their units, it may not be that much of a hit to ethereal. I'd still say this has a bigger impact against armies with massive shrug bonuses like Hagg Narr, Hearthguard Berzerkers, Verminlords, etc.
  7. I think it counters almost every army. DoK, Nurgle, Fyreslayers, Skaven Verminlords, all Death armies, and any heroes carrying warding artifacts. They're gonna be scary whether you play ghostie boys or not. The ability reads: "...no more than 3 wounds can be allocated to her in any one turn. Any additional wounds and/or mortal wounds allocated to her in the same turn are negated and have no effect." So does the first sentence overwrite the second? Even if wounds are not technically negated, can they still be allocated to her? It would honestly kind of suck if it bypassed her ability. It means if you ever took Morathi against these guys, it'd pretty much be an auto-loss.
  8. We gonna talk about how one of the Bonesplittaz sub-factions straight up ignores ethereal and ward saves? That's nuts. All of these orruk rules look fun and awesome.
  9. Hopefully some kind of regular cannon is still in the book. I'd hate for my multitude of great cannons and flame cannons to sit around gathering dust (like they currently are). Not sure what I'd even be able to proxy them as otherwise.
  10. I really need all of this incredible artwork in high resolution to use as my desktop wallpaper.
  11. Pre-order announcements usually go up on Sundays. Then Monday begins the previews for said items.
  12. He's a one note unit. I'm not sure what 5th dimensional chess plays you're hoping to accomplish with him, but the only strategy for Gotrek is making sure he gets to where he needs to be to make up his cost. Any experienced player is going to do their best to waste his time or avoid him entirely. Now if you're playing something like Knife to the Heart or Total Commitment, that's where he shines, since his main weakness is being made up for in the scenario. I didn't say he couldn't win games, I said he's not the most competitive choice. I don't think that can be argued when we still live in a world where model count captures objectives in most scenarios.
  13. I played Gotrek at the last AoS night and he performed exactly how I expected. Took him two battle rounds to get into combat (with a lucky 9-inch charge, in a scenario where our forces started very close to one another). Once in combat he handily wiped out about 30 or so Stormvermin, taking only a couple wounds from their attacks. The rest of the game he was too slow to do anything but flounder around the one objective he'd charged onto. He's a fun, scary little bazooka to play with, but if you're gunning to win a game, you probably don't take him. I can see him easily taking three full battle rounds to get into a fight. Fortunately, I don't care much for winning.
  14. This link keeps up to date on the Rumor Engines and what was revealed.
  15. It's fine. Have patience. We'll see the books when we see them. Rage posts don't do anyone any good.
  16. The Warhammer Weekly NOVA open preview video. Vince was in the room when the design team was asked about the CoS/Orruk release: "They will not in the traditional sense have these things [a new box of endless spells or terrain]" "Instead of making new boxes, they're going to have some other interesting options along those same lines."
  17. I'm still rooting for an AoS Fimir Destruction faction. Aka, what happens to Chaos worshipers who are completely ignored by their gods.
  18. The little Ghur-themed terrain is neat. Would make nice objective markers for AoS.
  19. I think Underworlds gives them a good opportunity (like Warcry) to design unique, scattershot models that may not have a place as an entire faction. Granted the gitsmob aren't new, but it's nice to see a fresh sculpt on classic ideas. They certainly look better than the old flat-faced wolves of Fantasy.
  20. I'm surprised the Gorger seems to be sticking around. It's one of the worst looking models in the Warhammer range.
  21. I'd agree with this ruling, since it's an ability, not actual attacks. Same for Lightning Cannons, Boingrots, etc.
  22. Does anyone know what the ruling is for Gotrek's Avatar of Grimnir for multi-wound abilities? For instance, a Warp Lightning cannon's ABILITY lets it roll dice for 1 mortal wound per positive result...so do you reduce the total damage to 1, or do you resolve every mortal wound as if it were from a separate attack? Since it's an ability, I would think it'd reduce all damage to one, no matter how many extra mortal wounds you roll.
  23. I have theory that the Ossiarch leak was orchestrated to feed us juicy AoS news, knowing the CoS and Orruk books were still a little ways out. Firstly, I find it odd that someone who doesn't directly work for GW would already have the Ossiarch battletome this early (with an October release). If CoS and Orruks are indeed next in line, wouldn't the leaks have been from those books? If they're a couple weeks away I could see some retailers/media having access to them already. After all, everyone knows how anticipated these two battletomes are, especially Cities. Secondly, why would a rogue leaker only post blurry, unreadable half pages? If you're going to leak information, you do it, you're not coy about it. It's almost like a small GW preview isn't it? Glimpses of interesting things, but not near all of it and not near in the clarity we'd want. Take a look at the Sylvaneth fiasco. When that book was leaked, EVERYTHING was put out there. That's how you know for certain it wasn't by corporate influence. Thirdly, we have to all understand...the whole China debacle almost certainly pushed their timetables back and scrambled the release structure. Sure, we received news of CoS and Orruks early for how long it's taken for them to come out; but maybe that was the only option. They knew they wouldn't be able to fit in all of this AoS stuff with the release of Warcry after everything shifted, so they did what they could to give us SOMETHING---even if it was only knowledge of the books' existence. Does that mean everything is cool and was handled correctly? No, they definitely could have handled the squatpocalypse better. But sometimes we have to give them a break with this stuff. Whether it's the stuff you want or not, they're releasing content on all fronts like a perpetual motion engine. We'll get to where we want to be, just remember to have patience.
  24. One of everything please. It's interesting that we've had so many rumors about "skeleton bowmen" or "horse archers" with this release, but scouring the many photos out now I see no evidence of alternate bow kits. It's likely the catapult will be the lone shooting unit in the army, which is fine, but unexpected. As much as I love everything so far, I'm holding out hope the rumors of the Ogor vs. Ossiarch battlebox are true. I don't think I could justify to my bank account starting a new army completely from scratch; but I could definitely justify buying a box to bolster my current Ogors, while simultaneously getting some cool bone friends.
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