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Everything posted by Sigmarusvult

  1. I hear you! I start playing DoK because it feels like how Khorne is supposed to be imo. Besides, if we ar honest, Khorne and Khaine are two sides of the same coin 😉.
  2. It s obviously the beard of a mechanical mega gargant from a duardin cogs army
  3. Yeah from my understanding it seems that they've just revealed the outcome of the next br book. Shame although it is not really exciting imo.
  4. It might be my imagination but if you rotate the picture and zoom on the flat surface of the hammer, then it looks like there is a sort of drawing on the surface. I have played around with the brightness and contrast of the picture and it gave me this (2nd picture). It could be,a drawing hinting sth or maybe a joke from GW or... simply pareidolia? What do you think? *foil hat on*
  5. So it looks like some of those Christmas boxes are already gone, I guess the whole purpose of getting / offering them as Christmas gifts is now out of the way 😅
  6. Here the total price if you buy the stuff that each box contains separatly and the saving you 'd make from buying the BR box set : Idk : 109 euros , saving 39 euros. cities : 105 euros, saving 35 euros. Stormcast : 109,50 euros saving 29,50 euros. Slaves to Darkness : 105 euros, saving 35 euros.
  7. Have they changed the profile of fighters from the current range ? I have to ask because I have bought a lot of cards 😅.
  8. The rumour about kicking off objectives turned out to be a real thing! 😍
  9. It looks like we are already getting the first line of the SoB Faq 😂
  10. Found on facebook. Take it with the usual pinch of salt although the prices for the non gargants items seem legit, we might just assume that... I have to say my excitement for the big lads has dropped significantly, hopefully the rules will pull it back up.
  11. I expected something crazy but not that kind crazy ! 😂 I love the cow but it feels it is in the wrong army, they definetly don't look aelves to me but I still appreciate the risk taking by GW. I understand why many are disappointed, after all we were promised classic "pointy" aleves with an aos twist. I personally expected the crazy and original models to be the angelic dudes that GW have been teasing since the release of v2 and it would have been conform with the distinct graciousness of aleves but this is completely different. I think GW may have done a mistake with the communication, they should have prepared us more to expect that kind of crazyness via lore exploration or more accurate hints in previous bts. Also I believe that the "funny"trailer has emphasised the comical aspect from the helmets and the cows which really did not help. I am pretty sure it would been better received by the community if this video had the sacred and poetic features from the first video. On the other hand the quality of the models is exceptional and I can't wait to see what they ve done for the gargants.
  12. @GeneralZero I agree, the lumineth sculpts are impressive but I was expecting something a bit more crazy overall, they look too "clean" and thus lack personality in my opinion. Hopefully they will get some kind of monster and the angelic creatures which inspired the morghast in order to contrast with the generic high aelves style.
  13. Guys, I would have appreciated not being spoiled the outcome of Wrath of the everchosen while reading your posts 😅
  14. I was expecting the new StDs battletome to be like CoS or LoN, with a lot of warscrolls from various chaos factions compile in a single book with specific allegiance abilities, after all they are supposed to be chaos undivided. I really thought that it was going to be the case after seeing that artwork with bloodwarriors alongside maggotkins in the post about StDs lore from warhammer community. Well I was wrong, I am happy for them to have a new book and updatded warscrolls but I am a bit disappointed, it feels like a miss opportunity.
  15. @Raviv Dicembre can be either Spanish or Italian. My guts say the leaked price are from Spain, big chunk of the OBR's battletome was leaked a while back and it was all in Spanish.
  16. Can FEC still use their battletraits as mercenaries ? I hope so because I really struggle to see the benefits of taking them without their double pile in and after saves.
  17. Someone already asked them on twich when they talk about the new battletome, They said that Tyrans works only if you are already 3" away of an ennemy unit and cannot be overide with rejoice in slaughter. In the other hand they also said that wrathmongers' buff works on missile weapon 😉.
  18. Interesting topic, thank you for bringing that up. How do you guys deal with the fustration from playing against someone you felt had cheated?
  19. Not if you roll 1, it says that the roll need to be above the wound characteristic to be succesful. However any 6s inflict D3 mortal wound on anything, no matter of what is the wound charactetristic, this is the real brutality of that spell.
  20. Thank you @Ndabreaker for sharing all these rumours ! Sorry if someone already asked but have you heard anything about an update for Blades of Khorne ?
  21. AOS is a young game and it still needs adjustment but gw are aware of this, we got a V2 afterall. However, from my short game experience, I feel that for most armies it will always makes much more sense to take a few specific units over most of the range. For exemple, evocators will always be a better choice than any other type of paladin, but because of it most SC lists look similar. It is even more obvious with Khorne's bataillions and now it gets even more limited with the recent changes. It seems to me that most lists are built around a few spammed units and/or a limited list of bataillons thus making games predictable and repetitive. Unfortunately, if you try sth out of the box, you will get penalised in game. Overall l have a growing impression that AOS is slowly turning into a clone list game, which is shame because of the amazing range they possess. Nonetheless I find that the latest beast of chaos has managed to avoid that trap so far, maybe we can except the same for the future releases ?
  22. And Daemonettes still have their smaller base meaning they will have a lot more models in combat. Considering their warscroll plus the new fiends warscroll I have difficulty seeing how this box will be balanced for khorne.
  23. Yep it's kind of depressing for khorne, especially because I have just finished painting 30 bloodletters 😂. An unmodified hit roll of 6 was expected but we could have imagined they would have something new on their warscroll to compensate ... Skullreapers may be the way to go now. Flesh Hounds are okey/meh-they still don't have rend- while the missile weapon from their leader make me wonder why gw did bother giving them a leader. Slaanesh got some love which is really good news (the fiends are amazing.).
  24. Thank you for your help, I have no idea in which direction I want to take this army yet but I am glad to hear there is nothing unuseful in that box and as you did summerise it offers a lot of options which means I could try various lists until I find out what I like to run most. I think I am going to give it a go with a couple of doomfire (Love the models!). Cheers.
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