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Everything posted by 123lac

  1. I like your suggestions for new models, particularly for the Fyreslayers. But I don't think that the absence of overpriced dice is an issue lol. Scenery and endless spells (inventions?) would have been cool for KO I admit. But at the end of the day I don't really think of KO as neglected. The models that they do have are awesome and still very new. As long as the rules in their new battle tome are good then I don't really see the problem.
  2. I guess an army that largely relies on shooting is hard to balance?
  3. There's a meta analysis floating around on the internet with a few thousand matches worth of data to back it up. Too lazy to find it and re-post it though.
  4. Khorne Bloodbound would be perfect for you. Heaps of heroes on foot!
  5. You do you, my dude. I'm impressed that you're able to do this without significant cost. Do you have a regular artist that you commission to do the painting or just whoever is available?
  6. lmao. I feel him on the no new mortals for Slaanesh though, especially when you look at how cool Khorne Bloodbound are. Maybe one day.
  7. Awesome, so you can just incorporate the entire start collecting box and all units would benefit from goretide faction bonus?
  8. Probably a silly question, but how does allying in the new Std units work for BoK? Are we restricted to the usual ally rules, i.e. 400 pts for a 2000 pt army, or can we treat them as actual Khorne units? I really like the look of the new sculpts in the Std start collecting box and would love to include them into my BoK army.
  9. The way I see it, Archaon is an equal to Nagash. Katakros is one of Nagash's pets. Therefore, Archaon will spank Katakros.
  10. Tbh I would like to see less Stormcast and more 'normies' to represent the good guys, like Cities of Sigmar models. How good would new CoS models be.
  11. Can I ask that you change the title to: How to stop loosing and start tightening. Thanks.
  12. Tbh the differences in race don't phase me at all. My only issue is how damn ugly they all are. Why can't GW sculpt attractive female faces?
  13. Does anyone think GW are afraid of portraying feminine women in their models lately? Compare the Sisters of Battle to anything that Raging Heroes put out for example. The feedback I hear from my partner is that the GW models are seriously missing the mark. Women don't want ugly models.
  14. I agree with this. It does seem like there is a sort of quota, like oh we need X amount of female Stormcast and they need to be 'badass' women with shaved heads and butch faces. For what it's worth my girlfriend dislikes how GW sculpt their female models. She much prefers the Raging Heroes models that aren't afraid to exaggerate feminine features. At the end of the day though you can just not buy what you don't like, except when they are automatically included in box sets...
  15. Oh, I am a derp. I saw 2 shrines and thought they brought 2 altar of skulls.
  16. Never played but I had a few Lizardmen, Dark Angels and Tyranids around age 10. Also had a bunch of my older brother's White Dwarf magazines from the late 90's. Fast forward to age 28 when I have enough money to actually afford a full army and a girlfriend who helps me paint them. I still don't really play though. That's the next step once everything is painted and I have a break from study.
  17. Mortal wounds back on save rolls of 6 is nice to have.
  18. You're whinging about death being "ignored" by GW when that isn't the case in the slightest. Of course I'm going to dismiss your concerns because frankly your concerns are childish. Like I said, death will have received two brand new model lines (NH + OBR) within two years, a major narrative focus and more than ample rules that made LoN top tier until very recently. If you think Death has it bad, try playing any of the other factions that didn't have a battle tome until very recently. They actually had it bad.
  19. Not trolling. How are GW apathetic towards death? LoN was top tier for a long time, Night Haunt are a brand new model range, Ossiarch Bonereapers are coming out. The current story of AoS is based around Nagash v Sigmar. Seems like Death players will cry about anything tbh.
  20. Wasn't Nagash with necromancers and massive skeleton blocks the most OP thing in AoS 2.0 for like a whole year straight? Now we're complaining because suddenly armies that used to be bottom of the barrel are now better in tournament play? LoL.
  21. Cringe. Models are as old as their sculpts. No need to be dishonest.
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