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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Well the double turn won and lost me some battles. its and interesting feature, although if I hate or love it well I can’t really say. It’s somewhere between both
  2. Well if they’d sell them a bit longer then usually, I wouldn’t mind buying one, especially now looking at how big that book looks like
  3. I got hyped up for the skaven release, and believe me it was great, but it’s basically what your describing. a book full of reused fluff from the old world (exactly what I wanted), story’s about the greater clans , and what aspect they worship of the great horned rat (fantastic), rules are fantastic (probably one of the best fluffwise rules) the warscroll updates, with the exception of 1-3units are fantastic. and then there are our 20-40year old halve available range of the skaven army. I believe to have had a lot of dissatisfaction with the company, especially after we got another space marine chapter for the wrong game system. Edit: although I that was at the beginning, and my attitude towards that factions has changed, although only based on the lore and when playing against them.
  4. As much as I love Tomb kings, hyping up for it won’t do me any good, unless the evidence would be going towards a skaven release because that’s basically the time when I would go crazy.
  5. Interesting, sounds like someone has a very good idea of what will be happening soon. edit: any change I might get some of your enlightening answers, o great master of YouTube wisdom?
  6. 1)doom gong and contagion banner. probably one of those instruments I am more amused about in battle, since the extra inch to the charge roll and run roll can save your live, and dealing some mortal wounds when dying can be quit amusing, especially when the unit attacking you dies from it. 2)I have no idea how it’ll be looking like for Warcry and our beloved skaven. either we will be a part of the game sooner or later, or never.
  7. Don’t worry, with the right waxing, your mustache will soon be one of the greatest. anyways let’s get back the topic. any ideas what the allegiance abilities could look like!
  8. Hope is that a few of my friends might have a change, in truth I have no glue who’ll be the better player. All of the contenders lists seem to be very good at doing what they are meant to do.
  9. Aaand did this is the reason why I only imagine the possibilities of buffing a already fantastic unit to an almost hateful level up, and don’t really use them. really! The only time I’ve used plague monks and the so hated endless spell was against a friend who used fec grislegore. always attacking first terrorgheists were madness. Now where was I? Ah yes-yes the time for plan-scheming has arrived. were to start what factions to erase-destroy, which god to slay-kill, and what daemon to steal-take it’s place!? Yes-yes, soon soon I’ll have my answer, till then be aware of the danger beneath!
  10. Well remember that their 25mm bases are less then a inch, meaning that basically the second range will be able to attack with everything as well. so basically in a unit of 40you’ll probably will be getting in average 20guys attacking each with 7attacks and a third rank of 10monks ripping the rest to shreds with their remaining 3attacks per base. and yes with rabid-rabid and chargin they’ll be able to do 7attacks each. should you ever consider going full out of them, let me suggest tou taking the skavenbrew or Skalm artefact, granting them another attack per weapon. go further and you can reroll basically everything with the command ability of the corruptor. and of you really want your enemy dead, inject some warpstone fuel with the vigordust injector into your plague monks granting them another +1 to the hit role. and should you ever fear of them dying well, there’s a reason we have deathfrenzy😂. and Yeah, you really don’t have to tell me, how absurd plague monks already, are! I believe already everybody knows how good they are (almost to good for their cheap price)
  11. Cheap meathsields protecting your line from very killi Daughters and fec
  12. Don’t now I’d rather pay the iron price for the warpfire weapon team, and keep him behind a very similar looking unit of clanrats. against hordes with 1-2 wounds the thrower will be possible better. anything else and I can see the sun doing some massive damage.
  13. Well I’ve been diving my nose into the rules, and from what I’ve seen it is interesting and definitely has potential in being a fun little system. (I haven’t played it yet sadly, was unable to attend the fun ME tournament in my local area because of a misplaced meeting) Although great as it looks I’ll probably will enjoy 2k or 3k of aos more, since this is basically we’re I’m getting the feeling of playing a real tide of brown and blackfurred rats. I think ME is great for many armies, but it has a fe flaws with some certain armies. for example some armies are overly strong in the game system, other are overly weak, since their true strength usually unfolds in a bigger unit of models. this is probably something I dislike of the system. but than again I’ve only seen a few video clips on the system and haven’t used it myself yet.
  14. Oh well I guess we were both on different topics the 😅😂. well then sorry to have bothered you😂😂
  15. Well can’t tealy say much but If he really loves the verminus build so much I’d just go with 80clanrats and take for the rest anything that looks cool.
  16. Well I’m not sure if you got the info as well, but there’ll be basically a battletome for all Orruks and one for basically all Order armies (Orruk warclans and cuties of Sigmar) I’m not sure if this counts towards a update as you describe it, but as it has been since the last few years I’m guessing that a few units in this armies will probably get a points and warscroll overhaul
  17. Well I’m guessing that any unit that isn’t sold anymore, but somehow still has it’s warscroll legally there will probably be gone
  18. Welcome, welcome most stubborn lads of them all, “mighty lord Belegar”. it is an honor to meet-see you finally in person, Yes-yes. anyways enough with the skaven talk. I hope you’ll find your place in the community, it is quit interesting and with the well not so welcome but still wanted cities of Sigmar book, which is well what at least is known as of right now, a very welcoming update in warscrolls as well as allegiance abilities for the dwarfs. anyways, the fluff from the old world is still one of the best if I may say so myself. storys like battles between belegar, Queek and Skarsnik are are renowned and song of. As it is standing right now, I am theming my army after the old clan Mors, with the so feared Headtaker leading them. So if you have time, and should our paths some times cross, having a game or two would definitely be interesting and fun. Anywyas hope you’ll enjoy the aos system, and now go out there and win you kharak back😉!
  19. I have a similar feeling, since it was exactly what happened to the skaven. and the 75% of old skaven models made out of resin, metal and some of them which look not really like real rat man, well funnily and thankfully stayed. So I guess the possibility of seeing everything that well is and was on the website might stay, although anything is possibly and I wouldn’t start buying into any old world order armies right now, especially in models like dwarf warriors Swordmaster and other very old stuff. its better to just wait a bit and see. ps: also for those units that might get discontinued, just use them as something else. Swordmaster are a perfect unit to play as executioners or aelvish greatswordsman (free people) same goes for dwarf warriors, no reason not to use them as longbeards, if they get discontinued, after-all they are basically the same, with the exception of being equipped with lighter kind of Armour, and long earns being like veterans of war, meaning older.
  20. How do Orks call a wooden stick?? Dakka, dakka! (not sure if this one counts since it is technically from the 40k setting)
  21. Yeah Tomb kings Skeletons are really old and would have needed a update. sure the Skeleton’s from the legion of Nagash have a few years on their buckle, but they have aged very very well.
  22. Well I mean with a bit of luck, they may have changed the keyword of a few greenskinz units to Ironjaws. I mean I could easily imagine a well cheaper Ork Boss that’s keeping the tide somewhat in order. If we already have a megaboss, then there’s literally the need of a nothing special at all boss.
  23. What happens when you combine a dragon that does d6-6 damage per attack with ogors that do 2-3damage per attack? Dragon ogors that do 1damage each!!😂 (ps: that joke was taken from rerolling ones, so credit goes to them)
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