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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Looks the same as...? Old bullgors? Horns and teeth (gums) totally different. Same as Slannagor? Horns and head width are way off.
  2. You know as odd as it may seem the new special anniversary stormcast (come on guys there are OTHER factions who need alternate hero sculpts MUCH more) has an interesting tidbit that gives me a little hope. The Bullgor head he is holding is drastically different than the current Bullgor kit and even the new slaangor. That means they had to do at least SOME CAD work on updating a bullgor head (the teeth and gums are in line with he new slaangor but the head is wider and the horns more traditional) and if you've already made the head I mean... why stop there? Maybe I'm just desperate for some loving but a new Bullgor kit in the year of the Ox would be nice (not that the year of the rat did skaven any good).
  3. I wont lie, the direchasm slaangor got me excited but somehow these 3 despite being the same thing as him are all a bit... uglier? I mean that's just my opinion but these guys certainly don't make me regret picking khorne for my beasts. Still I hope they make it to the regular beasts book (it would be utterly ridiculous if they didnt) in case I wanna do an undivided thing sometime.
  4. The only reason I would ever not recommend them is because I don't want them to run out of stock lol. Their was negligible flash to be cleaned and no miscast, bubbles, or warping. The model fit together with no work on my part with only two small gaps that almost entirely covered with paint.
  5. Cross post of my Khornate Bullgor (resin base is in the mail because I didnt have the right size one). He's a beast first and foremost but the lore behind Khorne instilling martial discipline into the beastmen is awesome to me so I wanted to go with a scheme that makes abundantly clear that they serve the Great Brass Bull.
  6. I may not be able to dive into a full army financially any time soon but I did get a single Zealot Miniatures Minotaur to make a concept piece for a Brass Despoilers army. Here is my Doombull Taurok Goredrenched
  7. Problem is, building a gotrek style corpse pile to the height he would need to be would be... massive lol
  8. So I admit that losing rules to my beloved clawlord on brood horror (who was never worth the 80 extra points but gosh darn it did I put him in every list) kind of took the wind out of my sails on skaven. It's only just now I'm realizing that despite the huge height difference he is in fact on the same base as a verminlord, and since he was meant to represent a reincarnated Queek Headtaker I think the rules suit it just fine. I'm a little torn on what would be the best way to get him to the proper height though. Do I build up a ridiculously tall base for him to stand on or do you think it would be fine to just add something like a pillar or something at the proper height to the base so my opponent can still target him properly?
  9. I'd have to check but I know I got at least one of each. Problem is they're really more suitable to a Tempest Eye list imho but that's mostly for the hidden paths anti-synergy.
  10. Really like the Mirkwood rangers but I have a 10 man unit made of old metal waywatchers and our discontinued archer heroes so I'm all set.
  11. There's someone selling one on Facebook for like 300 bucks right now just saw it this morning. Doubt it's worth it but I guess thats subjective.
  12. On the topic of Gors what if they were particularly good at TAKING objectives. Give them an ability called "goring rush" (heh) where each gor counts as 2 for the purposes of objective control but only on a turn they charged. They'd lower their heads and push back the enemy that was trying to hole up on an objective. Ungor would still HOLD better with their numbers. Bestigor would be a hammer with no special bonus to taking objectives and Gors would be great for TAKING objectives. Represent their desire to tear down civilization with a disdain for enemy units "bunkering up". I don't think that would solve all their problems as they still need some buff but it would at least give them a distinct niche. EDIT: oh right I forgot why I came here in the first place lol. Longshot but does anyone have a picture of a khorne juggernaut next to a tuskgor chariot? I'm wondering if bestigor mounted on juggernaut might make a decent conversion for a tuskgor in my Brass Despoilers khorne army idea.
  13. They're really not fighty though they can threaten wizards and maybe some other "quick objective takers" like aetherwings or the like. I do love shadow warriors too don't get me wrong but my list is already hidden pathing a nomad prince, 50 sisters of the watch, a dreadlord on dragon and a knight Azyros. So I need all the on the table drops I can get. When I use Alarielle (who cant use hidden paths due to base size) I being shadow warriors. I also have considered aetherwings because you get more wounds per point than either of those options and though they aren't quite as mobile they're still plenty mobile (and for what it's worth fit really nicely into the theme of wood elves because the Vangaurd sigmarines really should've just been the wood elves release)
  14. I had a sylvaneth army that I mostly sold so it's different for me but basically having Alarielle and just the one or two things you might want to summon is entirely fine. 6 kurnoth are good and if you bring a 6man squad you want scythes for the reach. An arch rev is always an option yes. Might consider the wardroth horn at that point. The big difference with revenants besides the 30 point discount is that you give up shooting and gain the ability to teleport EVERY turn instead of just once. Also worth noting that this means they are great for starting on the board to allow more units into the hidden paths.
  15. This is gonna be pretty useless since I think a lot of Sylvaneth are usable. Dryads aren't really necessary but they can fill in battleline if need be if you want something like a dreadlord on black dragon as your general. Kurnoth hunters are of course amazing and benefit from our free healing. Tree revenants are an interesting unit with their ability to teleport around the board to threaten objectives for 80 points. Drycha can function all by herself and I personally think shes more consistent than Durthu. Treelords are meh without... trees and unless you bring an ancient you wont have any forests. I personally have a little of everything because I own Alarielle.
  16. As someone who is actually a big fan of the gryphon and demi gryphs (though I'd want to elf up the riders and armor) I too would like to know.
  17. He just couldnt be bothered to say "Hey Teclis I have an idea how to use these things to do some good what do you think?" Because he is.... what? Arrogant? Untrusting? Stupid? As for torturing and the like Sigmar may not do it himself but his followers, even his stormcast, in places strike more fear than awe because a slum may be burned to the ground along with all the innocents to make sure they got the chaos cult out. As to the second bit it would be pretty immoral to force someone into child birth against their will too. He grabbed these souls without question and without regard. Read the soul wars novel where one of the "evil" banshees became that way because at the very violent and terrible end of her life as her and her husband were being murdered by chaos she took solace knowing she would be able to spend eternity with the man she love- what's this? Oh my god it's Sigmar with a steel chair! And boom her lovers soul is snatched away and the memories of his love are burned out because Sigmar doesn't need those he needs you to fight! He has no regard for what is individually right and hold dearly to an arrogant belief that he knows what's best for everyone. He's written just like the Emperor of Mankind in 40k. Hopefully they fix that before they write in so many poor decisions that the only options remain evil or absolute moron.
  18. From the GMG review you can still play old Anvilguard yes. Representing the army from a time before Anvilguard is destroyed or else a remaining loyalist faction.
  19. I cant be too upset about the unit restrictions here because at least it was presumably a balance issue over riding a business decision but I admit if I could mix DoK in with my majority Wanderers army I would have bought Morathi in a heartbeat. I like the city though. Kind of feels like an "ooops we should have just put the dark elves and daughters together in the first place" but I still consider it a flavor win for anyone who wants to play dark elves.
  20. Kurnoth versus Beasts would be an auto buy for me so I hope they don't because I cant be spending right now lol
  21. Thanks for verifying that size comparison. I noticed they were the same base size (but not skarbrand?) And variety in lists without having to buy more models is always good.
  22. My bad I didn't realize I hadn't replied. Idk what I clicked or said to the contrary but I know the allies bit. Thanks for clarifying either way. I don't really expect my caster to cast anything so I guess it ultimately comes down to whether I want the +3move and a dispel or the extra prayer and I admit I am starting to lean towards the second bloodsecrator+CP but I may try it both ways or vary it depending on the local meta. I appreciate the insight and I don't expect you to dig it up for me but on mobile searching for your name and Khorne only brought up Beasts topics so maybe I did something wrong (I dont usually use the search function. I'll sort it out.) On the last thing you said though I am struck by how tall the cygor are and wonder if they couldnt be converted to be beastmen bloodthirsters. Maybe even do some conversion work to make them work as either (magnets and such).
  23. The bullgors are tempting but I admit I hate their sculpts and getting 6 from Zealot miniatures is not a cheap prospect even if I love them. Getting 6 more is a consideration but not really a budget option for now. Yeah Gnashrak is not likely to get his spell off (its probably not feasible to keep him away from those debuffs) but I love the free +3movement he gives out regardless of casting and the potential to get his spell off even if slim is a small bit of redundancy. Alternatively I could turn him into a regular shaman+CP or a second Bloodsecrator+CP. The shaman is no more likely to cast than he is but gives out the same buff while giving up the defensive (and I suppose not really worth mentioning offensive) boost of gnashrak's retinue. I am fond of bringing a Bray-shaman of some kind just for some more dispels and the movement boost though. I suppose I'm not really keyed into the competitive scene though and maybe dispels just arent worth having unless you're one of the mega casting factions though.
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