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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. Sell me on fiends. I don't see what they bring other than fast, but we have a lot of units that are fast.
  2. Simply put, one box makes a functional 1k point warband. If you wanna try other builds, perhaps more little guys or more elite, then you need more boxes. For example, the snakes in the splintered fang are considered a top tier troops for their speed, weight of attacks, and high spike damage all for 65 points. Sure they can’t take a hit but when a str 4 dude hits at your t3 or t2 dudes, they just the same, so you end up wasting points on the toughness that didn’t matter anyways.
  3. So, we need a man to read a book, but unless the new subhosts for slaanesh in Wrath lock our main hosts into a command trait or artifact, these are straight upgrades.
  4. Its been awhile since I posted in this thread. I seem to keep shelving my Slaanesh as the army is still really good, and at times still too good. A friend was practicing for adepticon teams and i threw together a list. Still hero heavy, but went 2 hellstriders, keeper, exalted herald chariot, epitome... and tabled him by 3. He was a FEC blisterkin list. I think a double turn did occur, but it still feels a little much. How has everyone else faired?
  5. Before the nerf, it was the Darkoath Warchief. Getting a tons of damage was great. Shame it got nerfed to i think a quad. It would still be good as a triple.
  6. I'm hoping fiends go back down in price. They need to go back around 180, which some people said were still overcosted. Knowing 6 fiends costs more than a keeper is sad.
  7. warqueen and chieftain still give buffs to marauders. Sure they can't give aura buffs, but you want a chaos lord following them anyways for double pile in. Also Warqueen is a good duelist as she fights first, and does 2 damage vs monsters and heroes. Give her blade of symmetry and she's doing 3 damage swings. Chieftain needs a bit of assistance in that he's 4/3's but 6 attacks still on the charge can help him bring some extra damage.
  8. So slowly building up my free city. Here’s what I have so far. The guy with two swords is my assassin, my greatsword with a freeguild captain and anointed. And finally my nomad princess.
  9. Here is my Nomad Princess. Friend did the work, but took the basic pose, added a sister of the thorn chest, wildrider head and sister of the thorn staff bit, and added more hair.
  10. a lot of my mortals i ran with my daemons got wrecked. Archaon though... he's a real treat.
  11. an interesting buff, wonder if its still any allied unit, or if its tied to slaves to darkness. I'm sure the last thing they want is a chaos sorc lord in slaanesh giving the keeper of secrets full rerolls on hits and wounds for all of its attacks.
  12. Generic warriors and stuff could be a warband. They were one in monsters and mercenaries as a boss fight.
  13. Assuming they want mortals and not daemons I think you can exclude slaanesh as they have 1 mortal unit.
  14. We also don’t know if the rules for them are being changed at all.
  15. The other battalions are mortal hero, chosen/warriors/marauders, 1-2 warshrines. I think soemthing else, but all it grants is the warshrine goes off on a 2+ The other one we haven't seen are 1-3 soul grinders and they gain +1 hit and +1 save. Also getting to 13 drops for the d6 CP isn't bad cause it'll grant you extra rounds of double pile ins.
  16. digging through my models as well. Back in the dark days of first edition, I bought the sky cutter for the Sea Captain with banner, and was going to be playing with reavers spamming arrows. I ended up not doing most of the list, but I found my sea captain, took off his banner, and gave him his trident. He's pretty much an anointed, though the anointed has no shield. I found some of the Isle of Blood swordmasters I had, planning to use them as greatswords. I need to make a free Aelf General with sword to be their hero, since I have a few bodies not in use, since I don't plan to make the sky cutter any time soon.
  17. Well remember it’s hero only. So the greater daemons, you can stack it on to nullify their attacks, but the regular terrorgeist will not be affected.
  18. We've seen the book in reviews. 1d4chan is not reliable, it is a wiki editable by anyone. In the review, it is not Allies: Grand Alliance Order, it lists very specific factions, such as Fyreslayers, DoK, IDK. None of the same faction names that show up in Cities, such as freeguild or wanderers, show up as potential allies, while I wish they could.
  19. So why not play with no warchanters then? If they make the army that broken, then find other ways to play them. Play Big Waaaagh and play with a lot of bone splittaz? You can find ways to tone down the army.
  20. I dont know the name off hand but like Veridian Pathfinders
  21. So came up with this list. Deciding if I want living city of tempest eye. Nomad prince general sorceress/battlemage 2x30 eternal guard 20 wildwood rangers 20 sisters of the watch 5 wild riders 5 sisters of the thorn 20 shadow warriors emerald life swarm. If I did tempest eye, the idea would be running everyone up to objectives or a foward defensive position where the eternal guard have a 2+ on my enemies turn. Get the rest of the army ready to strike out. Living city is just having the ranged elements of the list outflank and shoot valuable targets and then running away. Perhaps over committing to eternal guard though and 2 units of 20 is good enough. Would save me 140 points which could be either another hero or unit. I thought about a hurricanum instead of the shadow warriors just to zap units, which would be helpful in either city as the hurricanum can out flank. Thoughts? I haven’t bought anything yet and I might come into some models they could make this list.
  22. I like the sisters for their shooting. Once they get set up, they can just let loose shots to hammer opponents. Though they fall short on mobility. I like dark shards for their weight of shots and mobility. Shadow warriors for being able to deploy right into cover and get shots at a 2/3/-1/1 profile is really good.
  23. Our battalion seems just okay. Nomad Prince, 3 rangers, 0-1 wild riders, and if they outflanked, they get +1 to charge. I don't know if that's a worthwhile battalion. I'm just not feeling wildwood rangers, though being 25mm with 2" reach is good. Any monster they fight is as good as probably dead.
  24. So some combos still in place. Eternal guard backed up by Sisters of the Watch. And if the eternal guard have the Thorn's Spell on, they have a 3+ and a 2+ if Fortress is active. Wild Riders are actually a flanking unit and can bust up people. I know our wildwood rangers are gunna be good for monster hunting, but I feel we might be better served with a unit that can dish out mortals in the combat phase, so maybe taking greatswords with a captain nearby as a hammer unit could help. Wizards are always good. Taking the hurricanum helps effectively extend our +1 to hit bubble.
  25. Noticed some units with just increased saves. Eternal guard went from a 5+ to a 4+. So the shield is built in with an increased save. No rerolling saves.
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