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Fyreslayers development: speculation and suggestions

Dawi not Duardin

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A lot of people are very critical of the Fyreslayers. In particular, many are critical of the models, but some are also critical of the lore. For me personally, as I was just arguing back in a discussion in the rumour thread, I think they come off as a little bit too single-minded and shallow. I do appreciate that the different lodges have slightly different roles to play, and I like the Magmadroths on top of the familiar slayer aesthetic, but not much more happens than that... This is such a pity as I am a huge dwarf fan deep down. I want them to do well, but they could be so much more than they are.

Still, conversations naturally pop up very often about how the Fyreslayers can be improved. Hence, I thought this might be worth a topic on its own. So let's speculate a bit on how they might be improved and make some suggestions. I hope that it can inspire people to think more about how to make Fyreslayers fun. (Just speaking for myslef, siimilar threads have really contributed to my enjoyment of other aspects of AoS in the past.) In the ideal case, perhaps someone at GW even might read it and take inspiration - but that's of course high hopes indeed...

Anyway. Just to get the ball rolling, here's a few dimensions in which it would be fun to see them developed. Feel free to add your own suggestions, criticize mine, come up with new domains (or argue that they already are fine in some of them).


Lore: In my view, they need a shake-up. We need to see them get less single-mindedly focused on reviving Grimnir. Here are a few suggestions for that:

(1) Gotrek the anti-theist starts to lead them as some sort of messianic figure. He could inspire either all or a few of them (perhaps ideally the latter) to leave Grimnir behind. Perhaps those Fyreslayers might even start to hang out more with the similarly anti-theistic Kharadron. 

(2) Another - not inconsistent - possibility is that they actually succeed in resurrecting Grimnir and he starts telling them to do other things than to dedicate their entire culture to resurrecting him. Perhaps he will say it was his plan all along to go away for some time, like Grungni. Or he might tell them to ally with the other dwarfs. Or Sigmar. Or something.

(3) One thing that would be fun to bring up more is their 'slayer' aspect rather than their 'fyre' aspect. In particular, it would be fun to see the lodges that have worked with chaos take up an AoS equivalent of the WHFB Slayer oath to atone for their shame. Then maybe the other lodges can proceed to build more normal civilizations, whether inspired by Gotrek or Grimnir, whereas these ones more explicitly act seeking their doom to atone. Or maybe the others even will become a Destruction force? Or a Chaos force? A natural lore development would be to see Fyreslayer society make progress but some of them explicitly rebel against Gotrek or Grimnir and maybe start to follow Hashut. Their fanatical manner of worship does in fact seem to fit Hashut better than Order...

(4) Drop the patriarchal bits. Give us slayer queens. Seriously.

(5) Another way to tone down the 'fyre' bit and allow for more diversity would be to start to associate them more with other realms than Aqshy. You can easily imagine Deathslayers, Beastslayers, Lifeslayers, Lightningslayers, and so on, with slightly different cultures and aesthetics from the Aqshy ones. I guess it is canon that they exist in all realms, but their aesthetic is very Aqshy-focused. It would be fun to see the concept expanded beyond that. Perhaps they could even be called Realmslayers and we could say that the Fyreslayers were the first installment?

(6) While the Kharadron typically have taken on the more pragmatic, realistic, and scientific sides of WHFB dwarfs, the Fyreslayers have taken on their more esoteric sides: the religious/spiritual and rune magic aspects. I think it'd be really interesting to see these emphasized much more. Develop a rune magic system for weapons. Give them a full magic phase with a lore of the runes. They could have some crazy rune-tech implemented in their gear: in war machines, steeds, armour, etc. And perhaps Fyreslayers from different realms can tap into runes from different winds of magic.

(7) Similarly, I think we also should nuance them by adding more cavalry and monsters. One thing that admittedly does make Fyreslayers unique is that they are dwarfs who ride monsters. It is easy to think that you could add more droths. But why not think bigger than that? Even if you just want fire-themed monsters, you can easily think of stuff like dragons and phoenixes. But expanding them from one realm to others would open up a tremendous amount of options for different animals and monsters too... The void is the limit if you think of them as realmslayers rather than just realm of fire-slayers. (Or, honestly, why not even have Voidslayers aiming to travel in space and slay space monsters?)

In sum, I'd like to see the following things done with them. First, ideological/political/religious nuances between them, leaving room for conflict, drama, and different points of view that doesn't just stem from sheer rage (points 1-4). Second, more nuances to their everyday life that allows them to develop more complex societies and militaries (points 5-7).


Special characters/warbands: IMO this is a great way to bring flavour to a faction. You can start to see more of their lives and struggles by naming some units and characters, and have their special traits reflected in the models. I would personally like to see at least:

(1) A named fighter lord who is the epitome of a traditional army.

(2) A named female lord who represents how their traditional society is involving.

(3) A named runesmith-type character.

(4) A named monster or monster rider. This may alternatively also be an option for one of the above: it would make sense to have any of them on droths, but you could also easily imagine even more esoteric mounts for a runesmith. Why not on a phoenix, for example? (If elves get hammers in AoS, we should get phoenixes!)

(5) A named doomseeker/atoner-type character, to give us the traditional Slayer flavour. Perhaps they are ashamed of having taken ur-gold payment from Chaos, or perhaps they are a Runefather whose lodge has died because he wouldn't let their daughter take the throne. This one should however be on foot.

(6) You could also use named units or warbands to represent unique groups of Fyreslayers. There could be trollslayers, chaosslayers, giantslayers, or whatever depending on what they aim to slay. This would also be a nice wink to old-school WHFB.


Models: Well, I want all of the above. 😛 But what is particulaly important here, too, is differentiation. This is a familiar concern among most Fyreslayer fans: even those who like the core idea think there are too few models and they are too similar. 

(1) We need models with other weapons than axes. (The new guy with hammers is a step forward here.)

(2) We need more long-range weapons. Could be either machines or guns, it doesn't really matter. Just anything that increases versatility.

(3) We need an armoured elite unit. Just runes in their flesh makes them look too samey. Give the hearthguard and a bunch of characters plate armour, I say, to make them stand out from the Vulkites.

(4) It would also be fun to have a smaller skirmisher berzerker-type unit

(5) Female dwarfs. Just do it. Everyone has wanted them for at least 20 years (when I was into the hobby as a kid). There is no excuse to make the Fyreslayers a flanderized patriarchy. Granted, I think they were originally written to be contrased with the matriarchal DoK. But AoS needs to go beyond such shallow concepts for small armies to make them more interesting. It is the diversity of units and concepts and ideas that makes, say, Lizardmen or Stormcast compelling.

(6) We need more size differentiation. Chariots, cavalry, machines, large infantry, monsters... You name it. I am however not a terribly big fan of golems or elementals for the mid-sized infantry, I think those come off as a bit too generic fantasy. Maybe living ancestor statues with bound spirits of dead dwarfs, I could see that working as it still feels pretty Warhammer rather than DND. But mostly I would personally aim to expand on machines and monsters. 


In-game mechanics: I don't have too much to say about this - I should leave that to more competent players. But it seems pretty obvious to me how some of the changes above would lead to news here too. Adding a new runic system, new runic tech, monsters, and special characters or warbands would immediately lead to more diversification. What I like about this in particular is that you could make the Fyreslayers play a little bit more like how the Chorfs have played than how traditional Dwarf armies have played: you could have potent magic, movement, and differentiation between chaff and elite units in the army (though no slaves, of course). Much like how the Kharadron completely uproots traditional dwarf playstyles by being super mobile, you could have a more versatile magic dwarf army like this. 


In sum. These are some thoughts off the top of my head. What are yours?

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Wow there's a lot to unpack here. I won't be able to do a reply as long as the one from my neighbor above here, because he's pretty much said everything and I agree with like 90% of it. I just wanna add some quick thoughts, but not too much because I'm not a FS main. 

I think Grimnir should stay dead. The gimmick of AoS Grimnir is that he died a glorious death and it was his death that allowed the Fyreslayers to exist. I feel like bringing him back would undo his sacrifice. 

47 minutes ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

(2) We need more long-range weapons. Could be either machines or guns, it doesn't really matter. Just anything that increases versatility.

I could see either the reimagining of the bolt thrower (with runic bolts, and we know from the runeson they like throwing runic javelins), the flame cannon (because magmapikes are a thing so we know FS can make flamethrowing weapons) or the goblin-hewer (because of the slayer roots).

51 minutes ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

(3) We need an armoured elite unit. Just runes in their flesh makes them look too samey. Give the hearthguard and a bunch of characters plate armour, I say, to make them stand out from the Vulkites.

Or give them Magmadroth hide armor to truly make them stand out from the others. Those scales gotta be as resilient as metal. And it would take the army somewhere else than metallics.

54 minutes ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

(4) It would also be fun to have a smaller skirmisher berzerker-type unit

Perfect for a Warcry band.

54 minutes ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

(6) We need more size differentiation. Chariots, cavalry, machines, large infantry, monsters... You name it. I am however not a terribly big fan of golems or elementals for the mid-sized infantry, I think those come off as a bit too generic fantasy. Maybe living ancestor statues with bound spirits of dead dwarfs, I could see that working as it still feels pretty Warhammer rather than DND. But mostly I would personally aim to expand on machines and monsters. 

My take : lava wyverns, with a size similar to fell bats, controlled by runes embedded in their flesh. And/or some kind of minidroth with also runes in his skin, similar in size to the sloggoth/allopex, and with a bunch of Fyreslayers atop it hurling javelins and swinging axes. 

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I don’t think the lore has to change and it can stay more or less the same as it is now as I doubt it the biggest problem for Fyreslayer.

I feel updating them with anything other then a melee/priest foot heroes would get a better response from the community. like if they got something similar to the Maw Grunta instead of the Grimhold exile people would excited about Fyreslayer. 

Aesthetically they can start giving them cool magmadroth capes and maybe pants.

gameplay wise, they are bit of an odd ball army to play being slow and lacking unit variety, they rely on a lot of once per game abilities, hero buffs and deep striking to work as an army. Granted this probably solve by just having more unit variety

personally I would like an easier way to activate the enhance rune ability even if it’s once per game guaranteed because rolling a 6 seems a bit too much of an ask for an ability to be useful.

also I grip that throwing fyresteel axes seem almost a bit unnecessary with how bad their hitting percentages are.

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Female fast mover unit on flaming wings, dual kit with either high rend (two handed weapon) or high save (shields). Walkure styling highly suggested.

Minimagmadroth swarms that provide a damaging effect around them and slowly reform (healing each turn).


Extra infantry heroes.


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On 6/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Wow there's a lot to unpack here. I won't be able to do a reply as long as the one from my neighbor above here, because he's pretty much said everything and I agree with like 90% of it. I just wanna add some quick thoughts, but not too much because I'm not a FS main. 

I think Grimnir should stay dead. The gimmick of AoS Grimnir is that he died a glorious death and it was his death that allowed the Fyreslayers to exist. I feel like bringing him back would undo his sacrifice. 

I could see either the reimagining of the bolt thrower (with runic bolts, and we know from the runeson they like throwing runic javelins), the flame cannon (because magmapikes are a thing so we know FS can make flamethrowing weapons) or the goblin-hewer (because of the slayer roots).

Or give them Magmadroth hide armor to truly make them stand out from the others. Those scales gotta be as resilient as metal. And it would take the army somewhere else than metallics.

Perfect for a Warcry band.

My take : lava wyverns, with a size similar to fell bats, controlled by runes embedded in their flesh. And/or some kind of minidroth with also runes in his skin, similar in size to the sloggoth/allopex, and with a bunch of Fyreslayers atop it hurling javelins and swinging axes. 

I agree getting Grimnir back would undo his sacrifice. But that is kind of the point: I'd like to see a way to reframe their current lore. Grimnir returning would be one way to do that. Though admittedly there are also other possibilities here, such as linking them up with the Deathslayers, Lightningslayers, etc, I mentioned above. Instead of a , you could have a slayer soup. I'd be into that.

On board with the miniature suggestions, though! Bolt throwers throwing firebolts in particular sounds very thematic. Similarly Wyverns and droth armour sounds very natural.

On 6/24/2023 at 11:28 PM, novakai said:

I don’t think the lore has to change and it can stay more or less the same as it is now as I doubt it the biggest problem for Fyreslayer.

I feel updating them with anything other then a melee/priest foot heroes would get a better response from the community. like if they got something similar to the Maw Grunta instead of the Grimhold exile people would excited about Fyreslayer. 

Aesthetically they can start giving them cool magmadroth capes and maybe pants.

gameplay wise, they are bit of an odd ball army to play being slow and lacking unit variety, they rely on a lot of once per game abilities, hero buffs and deep striking to work as an army. Granted this probably solve by just having more unit variety

personally I would like an easier way to activate the enhance rune ability even if it’s once per game guaranteed because rolling a 6 seems a bit too much of an ask for an ability to be useful.

also I grip that throwing fyresteel axes seem almost a bit unnecessary with how bad their hitting percentages are.

Yes, I agree. Any update that is not a foot hero is going to get everyone excited. Hence let's add extra many, IMO!

22 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

As somebody that really enjoys the dwarfs of old, dwarfs that even gotreks considers to have been a part of.

I would probably even go so far and say this much.

just give them some real pants!


14 hours ago, zilberfrid said:


Female fast mover unit on flaming wings, dual kit with either high rend (two handed weapon) or high save (shields). Walkure styling highly suggested.

Minimagmadroth swarms that provide a damaging effect around them and slowly reform (healing each turn).


Extra infantry heroes.


All reasonable suggestions too. 


FWIW, looking at the answers here, it seems like the fanbase is going to be super easy to appease. Just give us a few more models that aren't foot heroes!

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I wouldn't mind Grimnir returning just because the whole, "Have You Seen Our God?" schtick is already done by several factions now. Daughters of Khaine were practically identical except one wanted Ur-Gold and the other wanted blood, one was patriarchal and the other was matriarchal, etc.

But the DoKhaine 'metaplot' moved on to Morathi ascending, so having Grimnir return wouldn't be too wild - especially because there's plenty of other Gods stomping about the tabletop. With that being said, I wouldn't mind if he remained dead either but some kind of movement on that plot would actually be nice (although Grungni's said he's getting there, so that's something).

In terms of units, I don't want to see anything else 1) Naked and 2) On Foot. Conceptually I'm fine with it (obviously or I'd not be into Fyreslayers) but there comes a point where enough is enough and there's just too much of the one thing going on. What exists now is fine, but it should be clear from the reaction to the Flamekeeper and Grimhold Exile that you can only milk a good thing so much before the meal tastes the same - especially when that's literally all a faction has in it's already limited range. It says a lot of that Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings is only four years old but the fire-themed SUB-FACTION of their Dwarves has a greater variety. 

I'd like to see Golems of some kind. Those who played WoW will remember the Dark Iron Golems from BRD and the like. Fyreslayers are meant to be as excellent engineers as the rest of their kin, just with a different application of it, so seeing that would be nice.


I'd also like to see them take advantage of the whole fire theme and do something interesting with 'elementals'. There were hints early on off the Fyreslayers having little throwbacks to the Chaos Dwarfs with their beard styles and naming conventions. Having a non-Chaosy take on the K'Daai Fireborn would make for some fantastic models and theming. We're half-way there with the Molten Infernoth anyway.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Ultimately we can spitball all the ideas of how to fix or expand Fyreslayer (Gholem, Magmadroth Calvary, female dwarfs) but it really up to the AoS design team in the end on what they want to do with Fyreslayers, you really hope they feel the need to do something with them instead of harlequin them.

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  • 1 month later...

Am I the only one who doesn't want them changed that much? I love them as they are. I mean their whole appeal to me is they are really raw and primal (hence being naked). They are a bunch of naked dwarf foot soldiers. They are a big orange naked mass, that's their whole identity and their whole look on the battlefield. To me they shouldn't have cavalry or clothes or flashy units because if they did then they wouldn't really be Fyreslayers anymore. I love them all being naked, it makes them feel like a clan. Similarly them being slow is a huge part of their identity, once you start giving them cavalry that takes away from it somewhat. The only cavalry I'd really like is if it was something slow and lumbering like a fire turtle/tortoise or something.

To me they don't need fixing and I think of that saying ''don't try to fix something that isn't broken''. Less is sometimes more.

Them all being naked gives them a cohesive look. If they suddenly got a unit with armour it would stand out in a bad way imo, it would be like ''why are all the heroes naked but that one unit isn't?''. It makes them look like a tribe with them all being naked, I love it.

I see people criticise Fyreslayers quite alot too but part of me feels like it's in part because of an almost band wagon effect, like they've become the punching bag. If Fyreslayers suddenly vanished overnight then a new faction would become the one lots of people slate There's always gonna be one faction everyone ****s on as that is human nature and it happens to be Fyreslayers. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone is going to like them and we shouldn't alter them in a vain attempt to change that, I don't particularly like stormcast myself. 

I like the fire golem suggestion, I think that could fit without altering their overall vibe too much, they couldgive it a similar aesthetic to the battleforge so that it fits.

I just love them as they are and don't want them radically changed. I think I'm scared of them changing them in a way that would make me not love them anymore. For me they are slow naked firey crazy fighters and adding certain units might take away from that.

I mean you're suggesting in the first post (apologies if I have misunderstood) maybe losing the whole fire thing or having it take a back seat and just be a minor thing like a subfaction. That would absolutely ruin them for me. I love fire, I started collecting them because of all the lava, i want more fire units not less! That to me would be like removing the disease aesthetic from nurgle units. I'm already invested emotionally in Fyreslayers as a concept, as a naked clan of dwarfs who live in volcanoes and drink lava, as well as having invested alot of money into them, I don't want their concept just thrown out the window, I would feel robbed and cheated.,

Edited by magtchu
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I think they should get a fire golem and probably an Avatar a la the Eidolon of Mathlann where it functions similarly to the Eldar avatar but is a giant dwarf made of magma and fire.  I think they should lead into the underground advance mechanic if they are going to compete with just blobs of slow infantry and so few skirmisher options.  Perhaps they could add females duardin in a light infantry unit that moves up to stall and redirect so the Hearthguard and droths can get charges in afterwards.  The runesmiter is a good source for deployment shenanigans but there should really be an army rule that allows them to do it with more units.  It would really help them weather the first few turns of MW and alpha charges to counter charge once momentum based units get stuck in to blobs of berserkers.

im not sure about flying tho unless they did it good.

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I was just about to start a thread like this but glad to find this! Fyreslayers have different from the AoS 1 syndrome and being stuck with a very specific theme. Don't get me wrong this is why got me into AOS in the first place!

The way they expanded slayers into FS, black orcs into IJ, a fantastic faction out of spites to make the sylvaneth. I honestly thought this was the best work GW have done and it took me from 40k permanentlyz, oved being apart of a new setting taking shape!

I think there's lots of great ideas above, we've got that balancing act of for one their distinct look keeps them cohesive but for two it restricts model design. Catch 22.

I think keep them naked but add distinct units. I think their playstyle is always fun to watch. Always imagine them cracking and absorbing magical runes and going super mode! 

Keep them slow, magma turtle with howdah, breaths fire, slayer's on the back throwing bombs, thinking bowling ball sized!

Magmadroth armoured artillery crew, they can have tech still we know this, give them a  huge flame cannon and bolt thrower to man.

I did like the thought of minidroth cavalry and it would look awesome but like others have pointed out it may not be lore friendly. I'd still have minidroth chariots though!

Female slayer unit

Female armoured guard unit, maybe with glaives and droth armour.

Golems are a must. Slow moving bricks of lava rock that can be used as movable cover.

Someone mentions fire wyverns as well. Could see a beastmaster style unit of these. Beastmaster following behind on a floating platform.

I'm sure GW has been trying to throw a bone to FS with character models to show they're aren't being forgotten about. Although it's just been more of the same. How an army looks in a battlefield is really important to getting  players to start with new faction. Im still confident they'll find a great way to expand the FS range, rumours abound if new IJ which gives hope of second waves to FS, ID,OBR etc




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On 8/13/2023 at 5:01 PM, magtchu said:

Am I the only one who doesn't want them changed that much? I love them as they are. I mean their whole appeal to me is they are really raw and primal (hence being naked). They are a bunch of naked dwarf foot soldiers. They are a big orange naked mass, that's their whole identity and their whole look on the battlefield. To me they shouldn't have cavalry or clothes or flashy units because if they did then they wouldn't really be Fyreslayers anymore. I love them all being naked, it makes them feel like a clan. Similarly them being slow is a huge part of their identity, once you start giving them cavalry that takes away from it somewhat. The only cavalry I'd really like is if it was something slow and lumbering like a fire turtle/tortoise or something.

To me they don't need fixing and I think of that saying ''don't try to fix something that isn't broken''. Less is sometimes more.

Them all being naked gives them a cohesive look. If they suddenly got a unit with armour it would stand out in a bad way imo, it would be like ''why are all the heroes naked but that one unit isn't?''. It makes them look like a tribe with them all being naked, I love it.

I see people criticise Fyreslayers quite alot too but part of me feels like it's in part because of an almost band wagon effect, like they've become the punching bag. If Fyreslayers suddenly vanished overnight then a new faction would become the one lots of people slate There's always gonna be one faction everyone ****s on as that is human nature and it happens to be Fyreslayers. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone is going to like them and we shouldn't alter them in a vain attempt to change that, I don't particularly like stormcast myself. 

I like the fire golem suggestion, I think that could fit without altering their overall vibe too much, they couldgive it a similar aesthetic to the battleforge so that it fits.

I just love them as they are and don't want them radically changed. I think I'm scared of them changing them in a way that would make me not love them anymore. For me they are slow naked firey crazy fighters and adding certain units might take away from that.

I mean you're suggesting in the first post (apologies if I have misunderstood) maybe losing the whole fire thing or having it take a back seat and just be a minor thing like a subfaction. That would absolutely ruin them for me. I love fire, I started collecting them because of all the lava, i want more fire units not less! That to me would be like removing the disease aesthetic from nurgle units. I'm already invested emotionally in Fyreslayers as a concept, as a naked clan of dwarfs who live in volcanoes and drink lava, as well as having invested alot of money into them, I don't want their concept just thrown out the window, I would feel robbed and cheated.,

I 10000% agree with you. I want them to remain as a horde of naked fiery dwarfs. I have 130+ of them, but instead of an armored infantry unit It Will be glad to have some kind of artillery piece, probably operated by priests.

A toned down gotrek but with the fyreslayer keyword Will be fine to have

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i agree with many points.

but i dont want female dwarfs,first the female models of gw are ugly and in 40 years only the sorcerer and dok wytches seems more or less female models(models as yndrasta or the new kimera seems males). second,in aos only dok have female units and i dont see other armys asking for female units of elfs or orcs etc i dont get why only fyreslayers players in this forums are allways asking for females fyreslayers when female dwarfs are uglys and i dont want gw never do female dwarfs plz gw if you read this dont think it even.

as others said i play fyreslayers so is obvious that i like the models,but after build and paint the first 30 vulkites and 15 hearthguard then is a chore and a boring hell build the others 30 vulkites and 15 hgb(i even have 20 vulkites and 20 hgb in matriz waiting untill i get hyped with a good book and not the ****** of actual book)

the army need new diferent models is a fact,the options are monsters,artillery or if we get more foot dwarfs must be some very diferent visual as a full armored dwarf unit.


the lore is hard change it because it is done allready,but a lodge around gotrek and  forgetting to grimnir would be cool

the rules can get many upgrades:

  -rework the throwing axes or just delete it because they are useless and when kill some model is even bad for us because means a longer charge. some as throw a dice for each model with a axe to a enemy unit in 12" and with 1/5 nothing happens and with 6 is a mortal wound.

-rework hgb aura that is too much punishing rigth now and at the same time change the retinue of father and son to: now the retinue rule let us join a father/son to a unit of hgb and this unit get the ward 4 if have a son or father joined in the unit.

            also change the broadaxe to damage 3 

            the poleaxe change the damage to 2 and makes mortal with 5 and 6 and not only 6(rigth now hgb with poleaxe cost 160 for 3,3 mortals that is a joke if we compare to actuals scrolls as new executioners and also broadaxe damage is too much low for 160 also)

-rework the vulkites:

            change it to 1 wound and so we have now elite dwarfs and regular dwarfs(rigth now vulkites are 20 w with save 5 and hgb are 20 w with save 5 that is the same and dont make sense). 

           changed to range 2" both weapons

           picks doubled the number of attacks

           obviously the points reduced to around 90/100

-rework the battlesmith to:

         now gives a ward 6 or +1 ward if the unit have a ward allready(rigth now this effect is useless because dont work with hgb neither when we use the forge)

        also changed the rally to one unit can use rally in melle and with 4+

-flamekeeper now is a priest

-new dawnbringer hero changed to a aura the reroll charges and not only one time per game

-magmadroth get a ward 5 and the father version a save 3

-auric hearthguard get doubled his number of shoots or even triple so they stop of being a joke and can be called a real unit

-the runes could get changed also,something as orders of city sound cool, something at the start of each turn after see who have priority a fyreslayer hero can give one rune to a unit close,runes can be used multiple times and not only one time per game.

with this is less punishing and more fun

-gotrek is inside of our book and is a fyreslayer unit,other armys can bring him as ally 

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You can make so many things with them :

Fire Giant/Surtr kind of humanoid monster
Auric mortar artillery
Priest on a giant flaming pterodactyl
Beast-huning skirmishers with javelins and magadroth cloaks
trio of dwarven assassins who focus on ennemy heroes who may have ur-gold on them
Unit of priest like stormcast evocators
Huge dorf tiki totem terrain/moving obelisk thing since fyreslayers lean onto polynesian visuals at times
Flamethrower chariot
Giant turtle with a volcano on its back
Battle-dancers with flaming polearm batons, some of them blowing fire, yknow kinda like ogre firebellies but instead its a unit of small ones and some of them are doin war-dances
Bodyguard/beatstick unit that fights with paired greatshields, except the inner rims of the shields are bladed/spiked/ribbed in such a way to produce a vicious grinding/cutting edge, like an excavator. Like, imagine those miner excavator "hands" that slot into each other
Some aqshan spirits, visually derived from zwergs, kobolds, polynesian spirits and maybe pop-culture depictions of ippon datara

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  • 1 month later...

The Vulkyn Flameseekers are here

It is really exciting to see that many of the suggestions we have been speculating about in fact have come to life here.

- Female Fyreslayers
- Armour
- Weapons beyond axes
- Minidroths

All very tastefully sculpted, too. 

What are your predictions for future developments based on this warband? I feel we are likely to get units of at least female Fyreslayers and some kind of more organized minidroths now. But what else?

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  • 4 weeks later...

So after more then 20 games for FS I have some suggestions

1 General Idea

Runes without diceroll

1) +1 rend; +2 rend(empower)

2) -1 rend to enemy attacks; -2 rend to enemy attacks(empower)

3) +1 tohit; 6s tohit autowound(empower)

4) +1 towound; 6s towound deal 1 mw on top(empower)

5) +2 to move; +2 to charge(empower)

6) each time model suffer wound roll a dice and deal 1 mw on 5+; deal mw on 4+(empower)

Rune empower heroic action can be used by heroes on himself or on any friendly unit wholly within 12 inches.

All heroes should get +1 wound


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Vulkite protectors(shield+war pickaxe)


1 attacks 3+/4+/-1/1

Each musician gives +1 to charge (max+2)

Bodyguard on 3+ to heroes within 3

+1 attack if they charge or charged

6s on saves deal 1 mw to attacker in melee


Vulkite berserkers


2 attacks 3+/3+/-/1

Each musician gives +1 to charge (max+2)

+1 attack if they charge or charged

Always fight after death


Hearthguard protectors


2 shooting attacks 3+/3+/-1/1

2 melee attacks 3+/3+/-1/1

Bodyguard on 3+ to heroes within 3

Retinue(chain activation+ignore battleshock

5+ ward (+1 to aard rolls if unit is within 9 from hero)


Hearthguard berserkers


Broadaxe - 3 attacks 3+/3+/-2/2

Flail - 3 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1(6s to hit deal 1 mw on top, if there is more then 10 models deal 1 mw on 5+)

Fight after death

Retinue(chain activation+ignore battlshock)

5+ ward (+1 to aard rolls if unit is within 9 from hero)



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Each model that dies gives him a stack for his rune

When charged at the start of combat phase can give

strike first/charge/6 inches pile-in




4 attacks 3+/3+/-2/3

Empower himself and his retinue

+1 attack to friendly units within 12 if he charges or being charged




Jevelin - shooting 1 attack 3+/3+/-1/d6(6 if monster)

Jevelin - melee 4 attacks 3+/3+/-1/d3(3 if monster)

Axe 5 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2

6s tohit deal mw on monsters

Chain activation with other runesons on the field





+1cp if he is within 6 from general

Knows all chants

Can chant 2 times

His chant - choose objective and roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 6 from it's center, on 3+ deal d3 mw and half the move if any wound was unsaved.





1 chant

His chant - +1 towound

Magmic tunneling can take up to 2 units with him (magmadroth count as 2 units)

With his key once per battle he can chant 2 times

Iron gives reroll his chant




6+ ward wholly within 12

5+ ward ones per battle

4+ rally

If he dies you can rally 1 unit wholly within 12 from him without cp spend

(Have icon for ignoring spells on 4+ or Icon to do rally on units that are within 3 from enemy)


Doomseekers - unit of 3 models


+1 dmg for each killed model (+2 max)

5 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2

Can use Empower




5 attacks/3+/3+/-2/3

Grimwrath oath

- his attacks ignore ward rolls

- charge after run

- can be retinue

Always empowered

Always fight at the end of combat phase 




6 attacks 3+/3+/-2/2

4+ ward if within 3 from unit with 3 or more models

Once per battle roll 6 dices+number of wounds suffered by this model for each unit within 6 inches for each roll of 4+ deal 1 mw if targeted unit have wound char 10 or more deal d3 mw on 4+. 

Once per battle give run+charge to all units within 6 inches

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Spit 10 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1

Maw 3 attacks 3+/2+/-2/3

Claws 7 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2

Spit can get rend -3 if not moving

At the end of combat phase roll a dice for enemy unit within 3, if you roll less then number of models in that unit - deal d3 mw

For each suffered wound deal mw on 4+ in return


Magmadroth with hero


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Possible ideas

Kindledroth pack(10 models min unit)


Spit 1 attack 3+/3+/-1/1

Claws 2 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1

Can't get any commands

After death roll 2 dice, on 4+ deal 1 mw to enemy unit




4+ rally on Kindledroth

Kindledroths ignore battleshock if wholly within 12 from tamer

All Kindledroths wholly within 12 from him get +1 tohit

Can Empower Kindledroths 



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