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AoS3 - Soulblight Gravelord Discussion


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10 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

It's worth considering that we're on a smaller board, and from what I can see, objectives appear to be closer to the middle, in general, rather than the sides.

This means the fighting will be more concentrated if you want it to be.

This will help something like a big unit of 30 grave guard, that you pop out somewhere near the centre, to really shine, as in order to avoid them the opponent will need to not be there.

You can also use things like redeploy to your advantage, to actually move closer to the enemy in their turn.

Good points, but the same reasoning applies to opponents. Smaller board and centralized fighting means it's easier for flying and faster hammers to hit you. So it benefits your Graveguard but also the other threats out there still really out range you.

I do like the idea of a 10 man unit of Graveguard as your rearguard. If you have a Necromancer around, they are still a good late game/counter charge threat. They are cheap enough to also be flexible as chaff or put into Graveyard for early/late objective grabbing. I think 10s might be worth trying in certain lists. 

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I’m really digging that bravery bomb, I have a game against a magic heavy Stormcast army tomorrow and might try that out!  I have been running mostly LoB, but I’ve tried some Vyrkos zombie hordes and I think that’s a better play style for me.   I’ve been trying to fit Cogs and Horrorghast, so far the 30 skeleton blob with necromancer hasn’t come close to dying.  I was trying to fit two units of 20 GG, but the list ends up being too slow and unable to keep up with all the 12” move stuff.  This is the latest version going all out on trying to score Vendetta and kill characters while bravery bombing and bubble wrapping with the Black Knights, cleaning up with the close combat ability of the vamps and hopefully some spell support:

Neferata - Decrepify

Bloodseeker Palanquin - Soulbound Garments, Spirit Gale

Wight King - Arcane Tome, Soulcrushing Contempt 

3 x 5 Black Knights

2 x 5 Blood Knights

Mortis Engine

Chronomantic Cogs

Umbral Spellportal

Getting Arcane Bolt up on the Wight King to try and land 3d3 MW on a charge and trying to maneuver squads to help juice up Spirit Gale.  With Neferata’s command ability I can cover most of the black knights pushing forward with her -1 to hit making them good roadblocks.  The blood knights will take Dark Mist and play as aggressive as possible.  The Mortis engine makes closing with multiple units tough, and the Wight King can be a real wild card with Mystic Shield as well.  It’s not the greatest but I think it’ll be fun to play, and will give me options in game to actually shoot for Battle Tactics, which is something most of my lists have struggled to do.  One of the main things I’ve noticed in my games is that we don’t get many CP’s and it really comes down to getting spells through to tip the scales while really controlling the one or two overall commands you’re likely to receive per turn.

Edited by Andalf
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14 minutes ago, Andalf said:

Getting Arcane Bolt up on the Wight King to try and land 3d3 MW on a charge and trying to maneuver squads to help juice up Spirit Gale

I was considering this, too! You could also cast the Ghur realmscape spell Metamorphosis on him to turn him into a monster for a turn for another d3 wounds (or to roar if you want to cheap out on the Horrorghast).



Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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For sure, every little D3 I keep thinking about makes this combo feel dirtier.  I was trying the Coven Throne and Endless Swarm, but I like being able to go after the destroy a unit and kill the general tactics.  The list has the speed to score some of the other ones like savage spearhead, and same with the Monster spell, get it up on any of the characters and battle tactics get a lot more straightforward.  Bolt and the Engine also really help the Bloodseekers attacks go off turn 3/4.  Well timed Unleash Hell’s are devastating pushing 3d3 wounds in one turn potentially.  The +1 A not being a Command Ability is where it actually shines.

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I please need help deciding which of these two lists to invest my limited budget into:


Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords 

- Lineage: Kastelai


Prince Vhordrai (455)

- General

- Spell: Amethystine Pinions

Vengorian Lord (280)

- General

- Command Trait: Rousing Commander 

- Artifact: Sword of the Red Seneschals

- Spell: Flaming Weapon 

Necromancer (125)

- Spell: Ghost Mist 


30x Skeleton Warriors (255)

5x Blood Knights (195)

5x Blood Knights (195)

5x Blood Knights (195)

10x Dire Wolves (135)


3x Vargheists (155)

Total: 1990 / 2000



Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords 

- Lineage: Kastelai


Prince Vhordrai (455)

- General

- Spell: Amethystine Pinions

Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)

- General

- Command Trait: Rousing Commander 

- Artifact: Sword of the Red Seneschals

- Spell: Amethystine Pinions

Vampire Lord (140)

- Spell: Ghost Mist 


40x Zombies (230)

5x Blood Knights (195)

5x Blood Knights (195)


3x Vargheists (155)

3x Vargheists (155)

Endless Spell:

Prismatic Palisade (40)

Total: 1990 / 2000


I basically have two main questions I need help with: 

- What's the better companion for Prince Vhordrai? 

- What's the better Infantry Block in this MSU style? 

I can also swap those around, e.g. take a Vengorian Lord and Zombies, but I can't afford more than 1 Monster and 2x 20 Infantry models in terms of budget. In the list with the Zombies, I take the Vampire Lord on foot as his CA is a safer version of VDM (as in: doubling the Zombies' attacks), since I don't have any +attack abilities that would benefit from VDM. I think Skeletons are the more conservative and safer choice here since I'll only have 1 block of Infantry (I played 40 Chainrasps last edition), while the Zombies I prefer aesthetically and thematically. 

Comments are kindly appreciated! I've been struggling with that decision since the release and would like to have something to paint, soon. Thanks! 

Edited by AHexInScarletRed
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I believe that this Blood Knight list, and every version like it is going to be a gatekeeper, if not top table mirror match, in a lot of competitive environments soon.

@ hexinscarlet; If you’re only able to fit in 2x20 I’d always go with Zombies.  It leaves the option to put one in the grave and bring up behind your main push of Knights.  I like your first list for board control but the second one is so smashy.  I’d even consider 2x20 zombies instead of 1x40 there.  With the pile-in mechanic you can ensure it’s only two/four of your models in swing range, and two units doing this can really slow down the centre of the board without needing to do anything except run into position and try not to expose yourself too much.

Edited by Andalf
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12 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The real threat is the battleshock test that follows. A normal 7 bravery, 4+ save infantry unit can expect to lose 8 models to damage, and an additional ~11,5 (4+2d3+1d6) to battleshock. Seems pretty legit!

I think your math might be a bit off here, because the LoB allegiance ability requires a vampire unit to be nearby for the d3 additional fleeing models. However, including the Blood Knights in your list in the charge with the WK and Black Knights would give that. Even without that, though, it's still ~10 (4+1d3+1d6) models fleeing with the WK plus Black Knights plus Horroghast, which is solid.

I've personally been looking at a LoB list that relies a little less on that, though it's still never truly unhappy about the minus bravery aura.

Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
- Lineage: Legion of Blood

Wight King on Skeletal Steed (130)
- General
- Command Trait: Soul-crushing Contempt
- Artefact: Arcane Tome
Vampire Lord (140)
- Artefact: Soulbound Garments
- Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist
Neferata, Mortarch of Blood (365)
- Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions

Necromancer (125)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread

30 x Deathrattle Skeletons (255)
30 x Grave Guard (420)
- Wight Blades & Crypt Shields
10 x Dire Wolves (135)

5 x Blood Knights (195)
5 x Blood Knights (195)

Battle Regiment
Command Entourage

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Prismatic Palisade (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 139

General gameplan with this list is to have a couple squads of units.

First is the Witch King with the Blood Knights. He's able to keep up with them and provide some spell support for them with Mystic Shield and Prismatic Palisade, while also getting a few bonus mortals on the charge and providing -2 bravery for anything they crash into. He also helps provide that ward save bubble, and is reasonably survivable with 7 wounds on a 3+ save and Look Out Sir! to give a little help vs. shooting. Worst case, if he starts getting low, then he can sit out of melee and still provide spells and ward. My major concern here is trying to fit 11 cavalry bases into melee, but since it's split 5-5-1, coherency at least isn't an issue.

Second is the Vampire Lord with the Grave Guard. Not having the points for a Coven Throne with the other things means that I don't have as easy of access to +1 save for the GG, so I gave them shields and decided on a VL for the +1 attacks. They still deal respectable damage with the buff, and don't mind sitting out of the grave and getting shot for a turn quite as much as greatweapons would. The VL has two solid defensive spells here with both Ghost-mist and Mystic Shield, providing help versus either enemy shooting or a bonus against rend, and can just Arcane Bolt if somehow neither of those are relevant.

The third squad is the Deathrattle Skeletons and Necromancer. I don't think I need to explain too much here about how well they synergize with each other to just sit on a point and never lose it. In 2.0, I even had a Skele+Necro team wear down multiple enemy units just because they got a few wounds in here and there while being literally incapable of staying down.

Lastly, Neferata and Dire Wolves. They don't really go together as much as providing help where it's needed separately. Neferata is super speedy with Pinions and can easily get to wherever her aura and spells are most helpful. Plus she's a monster, which is otherwise entirely lacking in this list, and isn't too bad in melee (though still not amazing, by any means) should the opportunity arise to sneak in a few hits along with another unit. The Dire Wolves just provide a great screen and can help force either a Redeploy or an Unleash Hell before something more important gets in. At 20 wounds over 10 models with a 10" move, I feel like they fit that role very well.

I've had some pretty nice success in TTS games with similar lists in 2.0. It seems competitive enough for my tastes while staying nicely thematic.

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14 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Here's a new list I came up with that makes use of some of the less obviously powerful choices in Gravelords:

  Reveal hidden contents
Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
- Lineage: Legion of Blood

Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (200)
- Lore of the Vampires: Spirit Gale
Coven Throne (310)
- Artefact: Soulbound Garments
- Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions
Wight King on Skeletal Steed (130)
- General
- Command Trait: Soul-crushing Contempt
Necromancer (125)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Prison of Grief

5 x Black Knights (120)
30 x Grave Guard (420)
- Great Wight Blades
30 x Deathrattle Skeletons (255)
10 x Dire Wolves (135)

5 x Blood Knights (195)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Horrorghast (65)
Chronomantic Cogs (45)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 138


Game Plan

The Wight King is the general of this list. This makes Grave Guard battleline which allows us to run a block of 30. He takes the command trait Soul-Crushing contempt for a -1 bravery aura. This choice synergizes with his Deathrattle keyword (another -1 bravery) and the Legion of Blood allegiance ability Immortal Majesty (if any models flee from battleshock, another d3 models flee).

During the game, he's supposed to join up with the Black Knights. They provide another -1 bravery which brings us to the cap, for a -3 overall. The Wight King and Black Knights both have a 12" move, with the Black Knights having an additional 6" auto-charge, so overall a fairly fast pairing. Both units also deal 1d3 impact hits on a 2+. The plan is to try to get an early charge with this unit, and hopefully trigger battleshock. The Horrorghast is in this list to help us accomplish this, preventing the use of Inspiring Presence and adding another d3 fleeing models if any flee.

I think saying that Black Knight damage is good would be overstating their value, but a Black Knight+Wight King charge is decent given their small foot print:

Save    Wight King and Knights
2+ 5.22
3+ 6.67
4+ 8.11
5+ 9.56
6+ 11
- 12

The real threat is the battleshock test that follows. A normal 7 bravery, 4+ save infantry unit can expect to lose 8 models to damage, and an additional ~11,5 (4+2d3+1d6) to battleshock. Seems pretty legit!

The next big piece of the list are the Grave Guard. A block of 30 with Great Blades and Coven Throne support in Legion of Blood (immunity to hit/wound debuffs from Favoured Retainers) is a terrifying force to face. They kill anything they touch, get that 4+ save and can still take command abilities in the combat phase if you need them to (All-Out Defense for rend reduction for example). The Coven Throne gets Soulbound Garments for that 3+ save.

A 30 block of skeletons rounds out the battleline. As always, accompanied by a pet Necromancer to keep them alive.

Belladamma Volga is in this list to provide magic support, and she brings along a unit of Direwolves to make use of her bodyguard ability. She takes the spell Spirit Gale, which further capitalizes on the bravery debuffs this list already brings. Here's the expected damage given her +1 to cast bonus:

Bravery Damage
10 0,26
9 0,66
8 1,3
7 2,28
6 3,26
5 4,18
4 4,95
3 5,54
2 5,87
1 7,04

The list gets rounded out by a unit of Blood Knights that are supposed to act on their own, but can take support from mutliple sources if an opportunity arises. The last 45 points left over are filled by Chronomantic Cogs to help with early charges, especially for Grave Guard deep striking from the grave.


You can leave Belladamma, the Wolves and Chronomantic Cogs at home bring Neferata for full Legion of Blood role playing. It's not a bad choice, either. Neferata is a double caster just like Belladamma, but is also a monster (which this list otherwise lacks), counts as general in addition, and brings further defensive synergy and fun abilities to the table. Might be the better choice, but it leaves you without any screens.

On the other hand, if you don't care about being true to the Legion of Blood fluff, you can leave the skeletons and necromancer and bring another 10 dire wolves and 40 Zombies instead for more bodies and ground coverage.

The list can support the solid core battalion combination of Warlord or Command Entourage+Battle Regiment, giving you 5/4 drops and an enhancement. A good candidate for your enhancement would be the Amulet of Destiny for a 5+ ward on the Wight King, who then becomes not exactly tanky, but at a 3+/5+ and 7 wounds will not be completely trivial to kill. Useful since he's the only general in this list, so you want to keep him alive if possible.

Closing Thoughts

What I like about this list is that it makes use of the fairly situational allegiance abilities of Legion of Blood. Just about all of them are useful in this list: The extra battleshock casualties, the hit/wound debuff immunity for Deathrattle, the Black Knight battleline... Black Knights and the Wight King also get a bit of a boost from it, becoming a reliable (and situationally great) shock unit. This list will be my casual list, and I wrote it mainly to make use of all the models I like, but I think it should be strong enough to have a chance a gainst a lot of different armies.

I like your list, I am trying to come up with a Legion of blood list myself, and I am thinking of including some of your ideas. Just one comment, though. Immortal majesty only triggers, if there is a vampire within 3 inch of that unit. I am not sure if you have taken that into consideration, you don't mention it in your run-down.

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47 minutes ago, Gery81 said:

I like your list, I am trying to come up with a Legion of blood list myself, and I am thinking of including some of your ideas. Just one comment, though. Immortal majesty only triggers, if there is a vampire within 3 inch of that unit. I am not sure if you have taken that into consideration, you don't mention it in your run-down.

I didn't mention it in the rundown, but I did bring it up in my response to Neil Arthur Hotep. You're right, though, but the only "squad" that doesn't have a vampire running with them is the Necro+Skellies, and they don't desperately need it to hold a point. Plus, I'm not doing anything especially big with the bravery debuff (Wight King giving -2, mainly, but it has the Blood Knights for a vampire unit), so it's mostly just a small bonus to the list.

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Hi All. Here is my attempt at a Legion of Blood list. Feedback is welcome.

Faction: Soulblight Gravelords

- Bloodline: Legion of Blood


Neferata, Mortarch of Blood (365)

- Lore of Deathmages: Decrepify

Wight King on skeletal steed (130)

- General

- Command trait: Sanguine Blur

- Artefact: Soulbound Garment

Vampire Lord (140)

- Lore of vampires: Pinions

Necromancer (125)

- Lore of Deathmages: Fading Vigour

- Artefact: Arcane Tome


5 Black Knights (120)

5 Black Knights (120)

5 Black Knights (120)

30 Skeleton Warriors (255)

30 Grave guard, with sword and shield (420)


Corpse cart, with balefire blazier (80)

Endless spells

Horrorghast (65)

Prismatic Palisade (40)

Total (1980)

The Plan

The main idea here is to try and get my opponent to charge the BKs, then let the GG pile in 6 inches, and delete whatever they get their skeletal hands on. Bonus point if they have Vanhels on for another round of combat, and all the points if the bait comes back form the grave. If I get first turn, I move up to claim the objectives, keeping the GG within 3 inches of the BKs, while the Skeletons covering the other flank. If I go second, then my opponent risk giving me a double turn. The BKs and WK can quite effectively clear small screens with the help of the horrorghast, and can be used as Unleash Hell fodders as well. Palisade provide some shooting protection, and if I can take Ghost-mist too, then that goes on the VL too. Between the corpse cart, Neferata and the Necro, the 2 big blobs should be quite resilient in combat as well. I like Decrepify on Neferata when she decides to go Hero hunting, to keep her alive if she didn't quite manage to slay her victim. Also being 20 pts under gives me a shot for a triumph, which would be re-roll a charge.

The main thing I am undecided on is the battalions to use. Warlord is a given, with Neferata, Necro, VL and the cart in it, but I am not sure to go with Battle regiment, or Vanguard and the new one in the GHB. Vanguard would be the WK and the BKs, the rest goes into the GHB battalion.

Anyway, that's the idea behind this list. Grand strategy is probably to have a battleline unit, or a wizard left. Thoughts?

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I think it looks really solid.  The only change I think I’d make is Aristocracy of Blood on the Vamp Lord instead of Contempt on the Wight King.  If you’re planning to take the charge it will help ensure your counter lands, I really like pinions on a Vamp Lord and leaving a spot for him to charge into second rank if the skeletons make it in.  The bravery bomb is still intact; it’s just a more subtle ploy rather than a main strategy.

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I get why everyone is hyped for BKs, but I look for something different. I consider this Vyrkos list: No Mortarchs, no blood knights, yet maxed out the heroes, especially double necromancer for their great lore and vanhels redundancy. gets me a double warlord battalion, too. To make good use of Vyrkos' re-rolls, I took as many wizards as I could fit and added Chronomatic Cogs. Soulsnare Shackles as tool of area denial and method to only get the fights I want. Fells Bats for Anti-Unleash Hell. Corpse Cart would be nice, but dunno how to get it in. Vampire Lord and Necromancers' job is to keep the two blobs going. Radukar and Granny play with the wolves, go kill stuff. Ofc I hope to add lots of wolves. I kinda count on the magic getting a few wounds in, otherwise the beast and Vengorian just have to be on a roll.

Endless Spells could be swapped for 20 Zombies and the Ulfenkarnian Phylactery could be changed for an Arcane Tome and go to a Necromancer or the Vengorian.

Looking forward to your thoughts.


Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
- Lineage: Vyrkos Dynasty

Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (200)
- Lore of the Vampires: Spirit Gale
Necromancer (125)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
- Universal Spell Lore: Decrepify (via Core Battalion: Warlord A)
Necromancer (125)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour
- Universal Spell Lore: Spectral Grasp (via Core Battalion: Warlord A)
Radukar the Beast (315)
Vampire Lord (140)
- General
- Command Trait: Pack Alpha 
- Artefact: Ulfenkarnian Phylactery (via Core Battalion: Warlord B)
- Lore of the Vampires: Soulspike 
- Universal Spell Lore: Ghost Mist (via Core Battalion: Warlord A)
Vengorian Lord (280)
- Artefact: Sangsyron  
- Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon (via Core Battalion: Warlord A)

30 x Deathrattle Skeletons
40 x Deadwalker Zombies (230)
10 x Dire Wolves (135)
3 x Fell Bats (75)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Soulsnare Shackles
Chronomantic Cogs (45)
Total: 1990 / 2000
Wounds: 145
Core Battalions: Warlord A (Radukar, Belladamma, Necromancer 1, Dire Wolves), Warlord B (Vengorian Lord, Vampire Lord, Necromancer 2, Fell Bats), Hunters of the Heartland (Skeletons, Zombies)
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After going to the local store and having a chat with the manager, I learned something new. Because of the changes to how pile-ins work, a unit that can fly and can pile-in 6 inches can reasonably jump over a screen, and attack what is behind it. Something to consider.

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@Okonomiyakimarine I really like the concept of this list thematically as it has a wide variety of units.

I'm a bit surprised in so many people focusing on spamming units (i.e., blood knights) because if they are that good then they will likely get downgraded in not too distant future. Spammy lists are only for those willing to retool their army every year or two. It's an expensive way to build and collect armies.

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24 minutes ago, Gery81 said:

After going to the local store and having a chat with the manager, I learned something new. Because of the changes to how pile-ins work, a unit that can fly and can pile-in 6 inches can reasonably jump over a screen, and attack what is behind it. Something to consider.

It still has to be the nearest unit IIRC, but definitely more flexible now that it is not model to model.

I'm amazed at the tactical flexibility of having so many units that can fly. Popping behind a unit on a charge it something I look forward to trying in the future.

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21 minutes ago, DJMoose said:

It still has to be the nearest unit IIRC, but definitely more flexible now that it is not model to model.

I'm amazed at the tactical flexibility of having so many units that can fly. Popping behind a unit on a charge it something I look forward to trying in the future.

Yes, you have to stay close to the closest unit, but if you jump over them, and you are within striking distance of the unit behind, nothing is stopping you to hit them. You can take advantage of your opponents positioning mistakes, or it can be very interesting on models with big bases. Needs some testing to see the possibilities here.

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I used Pinions on Radukar the Wolf with Levitate from Belladamma on his Kosargi Nightguard to very good affect against my friends sacrosanct.  Even having fly up just when you’re piling in is a huge boon.

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20 hours ago, Gery81 said:

Hi All. Here is my attempt at a Legion of Blood list. Feedback is welcome.

Faction: Soulblight Gravelords

- Bloodline: Legion of Blood


Neferata, Mortarch of Blood (365)

- Lore of Deathmages: Decrepify

Wight King on skeletal steed (130)

- General

- Command trait: Sanguine Blur

- Artefact: Soulbound Garment

Vampire Lord (140)

- Lore of vampires: Pinions

Necromancer (125)

- Lore of Deathmages: Fading Vigour

- Artefact: Arcane Tome


5 Black Knights (120)

5 Black Knights (120)

5 Black Knights (120)

30 Skeleton Warriors (255)

30 Grave guard, with sword and shield (420)


Corpse cart, with balefire blazier (80)

Endless spells

Horrorghast (65)

Prismatic Palisade (40)

Total (1980)

The Plan

The main idea here is to try and get my opponent to charge the BKs, then let the GG pile in 6 inches, and delete whatever they get their skeletal hands on. Bonus point if they have Vanhels on for another round of combat, and all the points if the bait comes back form the grave. If I get first turn, I move up to claim the objectives, keeping the GG within 3 inches of the BKs, while the Skeletons covering the other flank. If I go second, then my opponent risk giving me a double turn. The BKs and WK can quite effectively clear small screens with the help of the horrorghast, and can be used as Unleash Hell fodders as well. Palisade provide some shooting protection, and if I can take Ghost-mist too, then that goes on the VL too. Between the corpse cart, Neferata and the Necro, the 2 big blobs should be quite resilient in combat as well. I like Decrepify on Neferata when she decides to go Hero hunting, to keep her alive if she didn't quite manage to slay her victim. Also being 20 pts under gives me a shot for a triumph, which would be re-roll a charge.

The main thing I am undecided on is the battalions to use. Warlord is a given, with Neferata, Necro, VL and the cart in it, but I am not sure to go with Battle regiment, or Vanguard and the new one in the GHB. Vanguard would be the WK and the BKs, the rest goes into the GHB battalion.

Anyway, that's the idea behind this list. Grand strategy is probably to have a battleline unit, or a wizard left. Thoughts?

It's late here and I've had a lot of wine so sorry if this sounds stupid... how do the grave guard pile in 6??? I need to try this.

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26 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

It's late here and I've had a lot of wine so sorry if this sounds stupid... how do the grave guard pile in 6??? I need to try this.

They autocharge 6 if the roll is less than 6 only 

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37 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

It's late here and I've had a lot of wine so sorry if this sounds stupid... how do the grave guard pile in 6??? I need to try this.

It's the Sanguine Blur command trait in Legion of Blood. It gives an extra 3" pile in to all friendly units wholly within 12" of the general. Sit your general in the middle of the unit to give them the extra 3". You can make a VLoZD to pile in 6" too, and jump over a unit to get to what is behind them. I think that is one of the most powerful command trait we have access to, as long as you can pile in. There are some armies that can stop you though. IDK and Slaneesh comes to mind.

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