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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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New video from the guy who commented about the art being split in two. He said something that compliments what Elearin told us:

7th of Jan for preorder and the official launch on 14th of Feb. This also matches the deleted tweet saying it was coming in Feb 2024.

Source (in Spanish):


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Just... No interest in buying any of their launch content first hand at this point unless the forces of good/evil (cringe) books are priced to move. I'll get the rulebook second hand easily enough.

Will see what comes up when they get around to Empire/Dwarves/Chaos warriors unless the Skaven get fun rules.

Splitting the army books between a bulky compilation and a second pricy book is really annoying though, can't lie.

Oh and seems like they aren't guaranteeing the pdf lists on release either, hopefully they'll be quicker than 30k!

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25 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Splitting the army books between a bulky compilation and a second pricy book is really annoying though, can't lie.

So true. It isn't really encouraging people to invest in the actual books when they're going to have to cart around two books instead of one, plus the fact that they're going to be carrying a plethora of rules they don't need. Damn silly. 

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9 hours ago, Doko said:

i hope these two boxes have diferent prices,because bretonia cant cost the same when the gryfon is 40€+ and the dragon 80€+ and the others units are more or less the same

I think they will be similar in price but not the same. Probably £10 difference at a guess. 

Not that it matters as I think lots of people are excited so they will sell out. Curious if these are one offs or how you get into the game?

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5 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I think they will be similar in price but not the same. Probably £10 difference at a guess. 

Not that it matters as I think lots of people are excited so they will sell out. Curious if these are one offs or how you get into the game?

I guess they would be produced repeatedly and treated as a starter set. Kind of what happens with HH, that you can still find the big ed box.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I guess they would be produced repeatedly and treated as a starter set. Kind of what happens with HH, that you can still find the big ed box.

Hope so but I can’t help but feel it’s a FOMO set. That seems to be what GW does now! 🤣

Honestly, this is why I’m a bit cautious about the release. Part of me feels that it will just be the books, these sets and not much else. Think the rest of the stuff for TK and Brets will come but be slowly released over the course of the year. I’m not expecting anything else model wise.

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4 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Hope so but I can’t help but feel it’s a FOMO set. That seems to be what GW does now! 🤣

Honestly, this is why I’m a bit cautious about the release. Part of me feels that it will just be the books, these sets and not much else. Think the rest of the stuff for TK and Brets will come but be slowly released over the course of the year. I’m not expecting anything else model wise.

For me, depending on the price, I could take the Bretonnian one as I have a bitter feeling about the fact that we have resin models and that the books won't be translated into my native tongue, so I plan to go 🏴‍☠️ on the books.

I am following that cautious approach as well, but what I would deffo purchase is a Green Knight. IMO one of the best WHFB minis.

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42 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

the books won't be translated into my native tongue

There is an ongoing campaign with #TOWspain right now, but pretty sure that, even without an official translated book, we are going to see some translated ones a few weeks after TOW release (wink-wink).

Edited by Beliman
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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

There is an ongoing campaign with #TOWspain right now, but pretty sure that, even without an official translated book, we are going to see some translated ones a few weeks after TOW release (wink-wink).

Yeah. Imo it came too late, without giving time to GW to change their minds (spoiler, they won't) and translate it for the release date.

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39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I am following that cautious approach as well, but what I would deffo purchase is a Green Knight. IMO one of the best WHFB minis.

Yeah it’s a cool model but I’m hoping for a new one looking at the other new stuff they have done for Brets

+++ Mod Hat On +++
Also a nudge - please don’t talk about pirating material. I know you have a reason (native language) but we don’t endorse pirates on this forum (unless they are Warhammer ones). All I can say is poke GW customer services and social media asking them about it.

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Some cities and landmarks also have lore! This is from the Pale Sisters mountains' tab:

Pale Sisters

Named for their year-round snow capped peaks, the Pale Sisters are currently the domain of Warboss Spinecracker and his massive Waaagh!. From his alpine base, the fiendish Warboss has launched raids into Couronne, Gisoreux and Montfort.



Though King Louen Orc-Slayer holds court in Bastonne, Couronne is the traditional seat of the King of Bretonnia. Duchess Chambray D’Axauex, the Lioness of Couronne, rules the historic fortress and prides herself on the martial prowess of her subjects.

Couronne is ruled by a Duchess!
Artois too!

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5 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I see they've reverted to silly cod-French names. 

I liked it better when Bretonnians had names like Valderic and Talbot and Brangor, not froggy ones like Jacques and Pierre. 

In the end, they are based in France, so it makes sense they use French names.

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17 hours ago, Sception said:

IMO there's no clear roadmap because GW is righfully taking a wait and see approach to TOW's success.  Right now it looks like GW's plan for TOW is to invest the minimum possible amount of money and effort until they can more accurately gauge interest.  And honestly, as much as I do think they should have redone the TK skeletons rather than bothering with the bone dragon, I do think the minimal approach is the correct one, and one more likely to lead to the long term success of TOW then diving in with entire brand new model lines, whether for existing factions like Bretts & TKs or new ones like Kislev or Cathay.

I mean, let's be real here, it's still an open question whether there will be a legitimate player base for the Old World at all.  Yes, there's been a fair bit of online buzz and interest around the game, but that noise could turn out to be a mirage generated by bitter grognards eager to discuss any oldhammer news but who will never give GW another dollar no matter what they do plus computer gamers who like total warhammer but will bounce off of the inconveniences baked into the hobby aspect of a tabletop minis game no matter what the models looked like.

Starting with a minimum viable product like they're doing means the game doesn't have to be an immediate smash hit to justify its continued existence the way it would have needed to with a heftier initial investment.

A smash hit is admittedly far less likely this way - oldhammer players with existing Brett and TK armies are unlikely to buy much for this release since there's not really anything new on offer, where as I at least would likely have dropped us$500+ on new minis alone if they had redone the skittles & skittle horses.  But on the other hand, a modest hit is ~possible~ in a way that it just wouldn't have been if TOW had needed to justify a major up front investment by GW.

If TOW fails on even its currently modest expectations, then we'll likely see nothing else.  Just a stand alone ruleset that oldhammer fans can hold onto and play in their basements and local stores for as long as they like.  And honestly, I'd be ok with that.  That already constitutes more support for the Old World than I'd ever thought we'd see again a decade ago.

If on the other hand TOW's initial release is a success, however modest, then I'd expect another wave or two of oldhammer rereleases, with maybe a couple modest resin heroes, every four to six months until the officially supported factions have all made the rounds.  By that point GW should know whether the game has legs - in which case I'd expect to see a second edition release with more significant new model support - or not.


Personally I'm hoping the game plan for TOW is extra flexible, including possibly re-examining the decision to focus on a specific locked historical timeframe.  IMO oldhammer factions changed little enough in their composition over time that they could and should have just opened TOW up to the entire span of the old world's history, letting them zoom in on one major exciting event after another as the seasons and editions roll by, rather than remaining locked in one particular time frame when not much is going on with the idea of slowly ramping up to an interesting event maybe some time in the future.

They've made a lot of money and continous sales off of using the 20+ year old LOTR models and occasionally releasing a few new books and kits to keep things rolling. I expect exactly the same approach here. 

Fundamentally Warhammer as a Wargame is not beginner friendly at all, the thing that makes it so appealing -scale and spectacle- also requires a high bar to clear, loads of painted minis and a big space to play with them. Most people wanting to play it will already have rank and file armies for Kings of War etc. 

It's weird seeing this being described by Oldhammer by some as it is far more in keeping with the 7th and 8th Ed, the most modern Warhammer.

Oldhammer usually applies to Warhammer as a RPG-Skirmish game era, 1-3rd Ed or so. 

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