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Warhammer - The Old World

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Anybody got good solutions how to make round-based models usable?ย 

I bought a pretty neat pile of Lost Kingdom Bretonians and based them on AoS legal round bases - now I wish I'd stuck with the rectangle bases...ย 
The resin models are so brittle, that I don't think I can rebase them without losing at least half of the models legs.

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47 minutes ago, MiNibbler said:

Anybody got good solutions how to make round-based models usable?ย 

I bought a pretty neat pile of Lost Kingdom Bretonians and based them on AoS legal round bases - now I wish I'd stuck with the rectangle bases...ย 
The resin models are so brittle, that I don't think I can rebase them without losing at least half of the models legs.

We will have to wait for base sizes, but if the new ones are big enough converter trays become an option.

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You can also trim off the side of the base and just glue it on top of the new base shape too, depending on what you use to base them the first time, bit of filler and some texture paste blends it in surprisingly well though you end up a little taller :D

If you think you want to use them for both, and adapter movement tray system as @Neil Arthur Hotepย suggests can work too, but it does lock you in to certain formations.

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12 hours ago, MiNibbler said:

Anybody got good solutions how to make round-based models usable?ย 

I bought a pretty neat pile of Lost Kingdom Bretonians and based them on AoS legal round bases - now I wish I'd stuck with the rectangle bases...ย 
The resin models are so brittle, that I don't think I can rebase them without losing at least half of the models legs.

if they are on 25mm round, you can just glue them on 25mm square.

However, the main thing is to wait for official informations about the bases. As the others have mentioned, movement trays might just be a thing

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On 10/10/2023 at 6:27 AM, JackStreicher said:

Awesome model. Sadly resin: that banner will never really glue to the model, itโ€˜ll be warped, bend and break all the time ;( (+imbalance on base)

is thick enough to prevent bending or breaking, for the other potential issues...pin ^-^

but in general, superglue is enough for a strong bond.

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5 minutes ago, Durgin said:

is thick enough to prevent bending or breaking, for the other potential issues...pin ^-^

but in general, superglue is enough for a strong bond.

I own a wight king with Drakenhof Banner from Forgeworld. That freaking hand never sticks to the wrist, the flag pole is bend and regains the bend within a few weeks after fixing. Itโ€™s utter pain!

So I am more than hesitant to ever buy GW Resin, ever, again. ^^

Edit: Unless itโ€™s dirt cheap, which as we all know it wonโ€™t be.

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36 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I own a wight king with Drakenhof Banner from Forgeworld. That freaking hand never sticks to the wrist, the flag pole is bend and regains the bend within a few weeks after fixing. Itโ€™s utter pain!

So I am more than hesitant to ever buy GW Resin, ever, again. ^^

Edit: Unless itโ€™s dirt cheap, which as we all know it wonโ€™t be.

one thing I noticed in old FW kits, compared to almost any other resin kit I had in my hands (and I produce resin kits!) is that they were very greasy, and sometimes that really made the assembling phase extremely frustrating. I remember that I struggled a lot with an old Contemptor dreadnought, even after a couple of washes with soap the surface was greasy and prevented the superglue from doing its job u__u

So I understand your fear!

however, I'm currently assembling a Horus Ascended and it seems waaaay better, so maybe they changed their production process/resin!

I think that pins are the best solution, surely it would be better in plastic, but I think that this new "monsieur" will be easy to assemble!

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a different angle for the discussion about the resin. Because the faction was "lost" to the hobby for quite some time, there's a relatively high number of bretonnia-esque ranges from 3d designers/printers. So, the moment the GW model is also in resin (I know, not the same as 3d printing resin etc but still falls in the category "resin" for most people) it comes into direct competition with these alternatives which are very likely to be cheaper -and by that I mean, having them printed for you and posted.

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17 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

a different angle for the discussion about the resin. Because the faction was "lost" to the hobby for quite some time, there's a relatively high number of bretonnia-esque ranges from 3d designers/printers. So, the moment the GW model is also in resin (I know, not the same as 3d printing resin etc but still falls in the category "resin" for most people) it comes into direct competition with these alternatives which are very likely to be cheaper -and by that I mean, having them printed for you and posted.

It certainly doesn't help things that Bretonnia is by far the least original/fictionalized/fantastical faction in Warhammer Fantasy, to the point that you can just go to companies that sell plastic models of historical French knights for your Bretonnia needs. The Perry miniatures Agincourt range, for example, is great if you want that old-school hand-sculpted feel.

This is why most of the new Bretonnia models don't grab me, personally. There are a lot of places to get "literally just a knight" models. The Pegasus and Unicorn are exceptions to that, though.

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20 minutes ago, Durgin said:

Ironically, this unfortunate citizen of Sigmar that I spotted on my Facebook feed proves that some issues might concern any kind of materialย ๐Ÿ˜‚





RIP flag

However, having thin resin staffs snap, warp and bend on me before, I will still 100% prefer plastic every time. There is a reason people used to drill out spear shafts and flag poles and replace them with brass rods during the resin and pewter days.

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Yeah plastic is at least fixable easily enough!ย 

Id almost certainly go historicals if i built a Bret army, i was deeply considering it at the start of 8th edition as i fancied a cavalry army, but then i realised id have to paint all that heraldry... Then it was goblin wolfrider tribe until i costed it up (and i got trade prices as a shop owner at the time...) and had a little cry and eventually went for Chaos Warriors, easy to paint and small lolย 

I did hear recently that FW model these days should never have the old style bath of release agent to wash away and should be good to go straight from the packaging, but ive definitely had a few issues with it in the past myself!ย 

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My hopes are that we get a full reveal, because it's way over due time. So hoping optimistically I am looking at the core book, full army rosters, base size conversion chart so we know where we are headed and can prepare accordingly, the two starting army battalions (with more than one new model (fingers crossed)) and finally a release date.ย 

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Expecting the reveal of the two faction starters for Bretonnia and Tomb Kings (1 new plastic character each, maybe some more new FW?), and the Core Book. Seems like they'll be switching up the usual Fantasy red dominated packaging/design with blue based on the WarCom page.



Release date and base size info will probably come closer to release (guessing between February-April), so I think this will be a quick box reveal for the 40th anniversary and will hopefully herald more frequent bi-weekly/monthly miniature reveals based off of how Necromunda/Horus Heresy get their reveals, leading up to the delayed launch maybe late Winter/early Spring next year.

I'm surprisingly excited for this reboot (for Cities conversion material if the scale/painting won't be to my liking), so hoping for some good stuff!

Edit: Oh, also! Seeing how the confirmed movement trays will look like would be nice, although again, that seems like something to reveal closer to release. Maybe we can fit round bases in? Probably not, but I can dream damn it!

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My cynical prediction is we'll see the starter set contents and that'll be it.

My more optimistic prediction is we'll get the starter set, and perhaps a resin model or two for 1-2 of the other initial factions. Then again, I remember the big Horus Heresy 2.0 reveal event showed off a fair bit more than the starter iirc so maybe I'll be pleasant surprised?ย 

I don't think we'll get much by way of rules beyond maybe what form the initial army lists will take (EG an Armies of Order book). Not much more beyond "the rules designers have looked at every edition and taken the best bits to make this the greatest edition of Fantasy etc" marketing chatter.ย 

I reckon the best we'll get by way of a release date announcement is "Winter/Spring 2024", especially with how clogged the proverbial pipes have been recently on that front and especially after giving a relatively set date for Legions Imperialis then blew up in their face.


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3 hours ago, EntMan said:

Any indication/thoughts/guesses at what point in the Old World release process the recently withdrawn Wanderers/Wood Elves will be available again?

I'd assume the plastics will be available the same time as everything else. That's when the older Horus Heresy plastic boxes went back into circulation anyway after vanishing for reboxing.

There's been some theorising the metals/Finecrap might be on a rotational basis ALA MESBG but so far that's just total speculation.ย 

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Said on stream that The Old World will be one of the first releases in 2024, so take that as you will. Late January maybe?

Dedicated TOW website up on Monday.

WarCom article on the new Bretonnian stuff.


These regiments and other future regiments are returning in boxes that contain enough plastic miniatures to make a full regiment, not just a rank or two. With the Peasant Bowmen box, youโ€™ll be able to build a unit of 32 archers, complete with a command group and Defensive Stakes. So dreams of creating massive armies of ranked-up troops will be well within your grasp.




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