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Okay so I had an exhausting two-three days and forgot there was announcements this weekend... more specifically I woke up with a headache not knowing it was the weekend. Yet I felt a little let down by the reveals... Initially.

Big Mek - It is well sculpted and pretty cool but overall I find 40k Orks aren't my favourite aesthetic. I think the box is a cool set as I like big robots, but I think that the build without the crazy claw ray gun looks just like the myriad of other gun toating orks and doesn't scream 'mek' unit. Not bad but not enough to get pique my interest.

Shield Captain - As someone that dislikes Space Marines and the Imperium I have a soft spot for Custodes. Something about a bunch of Baroque Royal Guard that just hits the right mix of Star Wars and Dune for me to be interested. I also don't mind the dated less realistic proportions on Custodes as it suits their ornate armour... but this model's pose just reads awkwardly. However that box set might be an instant purchase for me as it is a good chunk of an army that can be painted in some cool and unique ways... might make some fallen Custodes and trigger some lore fans.

Gunnar Brand - I have really loved the recent characterful releases to the point of wanting to theme my cities army around bands of heroes. The sculpts here are amazing and I want to like them... except there is a horse... which should make me happy as I love cavalry but it just speaks to the confused design philosophy of these units as it hampers the point of a cavalry archer. So looking at this unit makes me feel conflicted as I think it is a terrific set but one that will have confused rules that keep me from these terrific models... except possibly for hero proxies.

Blood Bowl - Okay no complaints these are sweet! Might need to get some of these and the halflings and decide between running them as Gnoblars or something for Cities (Probably Executioners as we know that Geese are killers)

Misc. Chaos - Feeling a little deflated that despite some cool reveals other than my interest in a box set with an ugly hero and a warband that I love but will probably skip this wasn't really for me... then I come on TGA and get these screen grabs of Darkoath Cavalry, a Wendigo Spawn beast, a Darkoath mounted general. That is when I ask myself... can I really buy that much more Chaos? Mercy GW I am trying to build other armies, please give this attention to Kharadron, Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Beasts of Chaos, Leagues of Votann and Harlequins. 

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:


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EDIT: Sorry for the missing spoiler tag.

I retire what I said a few hours ago with “Dawnbringers 6 will have 4-5 kits” ! This is definitely more than that ! Holy ****** this is beyond my wildest expectations ! 
Why are you so generous GW ? What have we done to deserve this much minis ?

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8 minutes ago, PJetski said:

The Darkoath Warqueen in Malign Portents finally makes sense. I wonder how long they have been waiting to release these units...

The first Warhammer Adventures book had its main villains be "Darkoath Barbarians", I have the feeling this was supposed to release a lot earlier (like 2E "a lot earlier") but for some reason never did until now. 

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9 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The first Warhammer Adventures book had its main villains be "Darkoath Barbarians", I have the feeling this was supposed to release a lot earlier (like 2E "a lot earlier") but for some reason never did until now. 

Maybe they delayed the release because of the WH+ tie-in?

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11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Will Darkoath be its own Tome? Or stay in STD?

I feel they'll stay, because now that you have the darkoath range + all the Warcry bands of S2D you can make a really characterful army made of a coalition of tribes with their Ravagers subfaction, all with their distinct cultures and aesthetics. Idk if it could be a good list on tabletop because the premise looks too thematic to be balanced, but if I remember one time tourney players liked spamming splintered fang in S2D lists so who knows. And it gives S2D as much options as SCE to choose from - means the golden bois don't have the huge roster niche on lock anymore !

Seeing a mortal Chaos army made of Darkoaths, Iron Golems, Unmade, Corvus Cabal, etc. led by charismatic warrior leaders, with Chaos beasts and monsters... certainly looks flavourful as heck.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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13 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Will Darkoath be its own Tome? Or stay in STD?

I think (and hope) that GW's aim is to limit battletomes' numbers. Disappearance of BOC "replaced" by Chorfs is a step in that direction.

Otherwise, too many armies/minis to release/balance... it's becoming a logistical and planning nightmare with too many games, too many releases.


Nice reveals otherwise. Gunnar's band are full of character and the other Darkoath leaks are a glorious addition to this STD sub-faction !

The gnomes team are super cute ! But that's another universe altogether (I'd see them more in the Everdell board game, for those who know).

On the 40k side, big mek is cool and custodian HQ is pointless at best, ridiculous in its proportions at worst. AoS/Mortal Realms definitely has the best GW minis.

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13 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Also, the contrast is so jarring between those Darkoath, so look so dynamic, agressive, detailed... and that squat,  W I D E  Custodes on his tactical rock pointing his spear in front of him.

Keep winning Age of Chadmar.

The contrast is jarring between the Custodes and the ork mek that was revealed. The Kroot have been gorgeous too and a lovely addition to 40k and they style all over that banana hat.

It just seems that the space marines and space marine adjacent factions have fallen victim to their own success a little bit. Too popular so GW knows that the models will sell no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

The video is now flowing in HD:




I love them so much. I was really hoping for more Darkoath model for so long and was dissapointed when S2D for their new models (were still awesome mind you) that no Darkoath were there. I kinda gave up on the idea of there being more towards the end of last year and went Cities instead. NOW I see this I have to have them haha. So excited. SO EXCITED.

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5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Stones and fetishes, furs and leather and more simplistic weaponry and contempt for the dark powers they serve? I found where BoC faction identity went. 


I'm happy for people who wanted Darkoath but to see my army get deleted to make room for the same thing but human just to allow for a more relatable antagonist is... not a great feeling.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

The video is now flowing in HD:

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Now I'm just curious about how long it'll take for the reveal article to appear on WarCom.

Favourite Darkoath mini still has to be cloth shaman person who weirdly reminds me of some pre-medieval local history things I saw a few years back. Maybe I could use them as the basis for a Ghur battlemage :D




Edited by Asbestress
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I am wondering if these will come as a seperate models release, a Dawnbringers box OR possible a Spearhead box.
Tbh if they really are going to take the Combat patrol route with Spearhead then having them come out as Slaves to Darkness Spearhead would be pretty great.

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