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The Rumour Thread

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6 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:

The very highest levels of GW are acutely aware of the desire for new Death models.  But the beans haven't said yes yet.  We just need to have patience.  

The prime issue is that its difficult to make PG 13, though they will have to.

What I think would be a very intresting twist is to have Dark Elfs be in Death also, cults of Khaine, pirates of Dark Aelfs following a Cthulhu like being...

Im very interested where GW will thake Dark Elder for 40K, this will be a really good indication.

4 hours ago, TerrorPenguin said:

agree, but humans, aelves, goblins, beastmen are allegiances, not a so called 'grand' alliance. The funny thing is that people think 'death' is an army akin to 'stormcast' when of course it should be akin to 'order' but it's nowhere near.

And you're right, I could go and play another army, but I've invested in this one, both my time and money. I like it. I'm not even asking for models, a blades of khorne like release for Deathrattle would be absolutely perfect.


I really dont know what you mena that people thing death is an army akin to stormcast when it should be akin to order.
If you mean that designwise they should be similair I disagree. If you mean that like Stormcasts Death will not recieve armoured Undead I highly dissagree. What we see is that high and low armour is found in every faction. All Death really needs are 1. A solid Magical design and 2. A solid design towards summoning and 2 is really difficult, because it affects more as Death in reality. 

BoK Death is unlikely to happen because as mentioned I can tell you that there is a lot of model changes comming up to Death. Aside from models I'm fairly certain that as we speak GW is still working up much more content for Ghouls, Vampires, Skelletons, Werewolves and Death Spirits, I wouldn't even exclude a Frankenstein being at this point.

Once Destruction is more fleshed out Death will follow but it really realistically thakes time. Don't be upset about new models, AoS just simply is a new game. If your into converting and want something that connects well with what I expect feel free to blend in bits that look like Nagash and the Mortghasts. 


Edited by Killax
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5 hours ago, TerrorPenguin said:

agree, but humans, aelves, goblins, beastmen are allegiances, not a so called 'grand' alliance. The funny thing is that people think 'death' is an army akin to 'stormcast' when of course it should be akin to 'order' but it's nowhere near.

And you're right, I could go and play another army, but I've invested in this one, both my time and money. I like it. I'm not even asking for models, a blades of khorne like release for Deathrattle would be absolutely perfect.


I agree Death should be akin to Order with multiple independent factions, and it will be one day. I also agree a deathrattle book would be the logical choice for a quick release, like beastclaws or pestilens, though personally i would prefer them to expand the range a bit with chariots and archers like TK had, even if this means them being later in the release schedule. Nighthaunts could be another option maybe, or whatever Malignants are supposed to be!

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6 hours ago, Killax said:

I really dont know what you mena that people thing death is an army akin to stormcast when it should be akin to order.

People who say Death is fine compare Death - the full Grand Alliance - to Stormcast, and say Death has plenty of options.

But Death is not just a faction within a Grand Alliance, it is the FULL GA. Compared to Order, or Chaos, even Destruction, Death has very little options and extremely limited variety and choices.

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19 hours ago, Aryann said:


From lore point of view, yes, they do. But is Death really a GRAND alliance? I mean is combination of humans, elves, dwarfs, lizardmen equal to undead? Are they as powerful as Chaos? Don't think so. I think Nagash and Company didn't have so much impact in the End Times for example as those races mentioned earlier. Or did I get something wrong (know the story just from forums, not books actually)? It seems a different league to me. And that's one of the reasons they (death) get less attention.

EVERY other alliance (and every race) dies. Period. To Death goes the spoils. Everybody keeps thinking about GW expanding the old lines of minis as the only options, but if Nagash recruits undead armies of ALL of them who die (maybe even a place for Stormcast), think about the variety and potential wargame power. ANY unit type is possible, in some fantastical kind of 'dead' form.

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22 hours ago, TerrorPenguin said:

Soooooooo, any rumours on any death stuff?

Unless GHB2 brings allegiance abilities and artefacts for the smaller allegiances; it might be time to try 40k, and not pick the army which receives no updates.

It leaves a bit of a sour taste; if we can do something like blades of khorne, a re-tooled grand alliance death book would work an absolute treat at the moment, but it appears it'll be 40k all the way now

I don't wan't to rock this boat even more, as I see how some people think we're complaining a bit too much but....... You could always jump on the Armageddon: Shadow War wagon, and buy a 10 man kill team for that until GW comes around to some GA:DEATH updates..

I did! Planning on playing campaigns in my local store as well as at home. Should be fun! -Though I still plan on playing my soulblight kill team-army in AOS, and just hold off on buying new models until something happens there...

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11 hours ago, Killax said:

BoK Death is unlikely to happen because as mentioned I can tell you that there is a lot of model changes comming up to Death. Aside from models I'm fairly certain that as we speak GW is still working up much more content for Ghouls, Vampires, Skelletons, Werewolves and Death Spirits, I wouldn't even exclude a Frankenstein being at this point.

So now that we're back at rumor mongering -!- I'd have to ask you to clarify this bit of information? Did you pull it out of your behind as a hunch (don't mean no disrespect) or do you have a line directly to Kevin D. Rountree? 

Why is it, we should take what you mentioned at face value (and believe me I want to!).... 

I want werewolves!

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2 hours ago, Teletomas said:

So now that we're back at rumor mongering -!- I'd have to ask you to clarify this bit of information? Did you pull it out of your behind as a hunch (don't mean no disrespect) or do you have a line directly to Kevin D. Rountree? 

Why is it, we should take what you mentioned at face value (and believe me I want to!).... 

I want werewolves!

Ha no, it's much simpler as that Teletomas. GW is embracing their character development (which never stood still) completely within their miniatures line.
One of the prime reasons as to why they couldn't do this before (like characters) was because of the time involved for sculpting for sprues. This has been drastically reduced since 2014 (the first AoS development) and this is why GW can continue at a massively drastic pace.

It's really interesting to dive into the articles of the creating process behind the screens and if you google enough you can find who's doing that for Games Workshop, Wyrd Miniatures and Privateer Press. What's fair to say is that GW was actually running behind what the market could develop in the period of 7th and 8th edition Warhammer, which where the darkest days of WFB.

So if you want to have some visiual clues look no further as the art that has been created over the years but never saw miniatures. When you stick your nose into Liber Chaotica Khorne what you'll see is sketches and art that is very much akin to what we see in Bloodbound and very much not compairable to what the Warriors of Chaos line excisted of. Only in one character do we actually see a model depicted through art. In almost all other cases we see art depicted through models, the downside of this is that you could re-colour that Khorne character in blue and suddenly you could get away with it being a Tzeentch warrior and ultimately such designs lack character (WFB) and unique fantasy character sells (AoS). 

Because I'm not directly in line with anyone I can share some sketches of stuff I expect :P The cool thing and most relevant thing to remember is that GW most certainly wants to explore Death, they have always done so and behind Chaos in terms of campaigns there are many Lich orientated campaigns found throughout WFB.

Examples of what I expect for AoS Death:
Skeleton Champions 

Essentially Undead of the 4th edition, made up of Skeleton masters and some ex-human Liches. The key here is that they are made of bones in the mayority of cases, Bonelords. I wouldn't be suprised to see an eventual book blending these pieces together Beasts of the Grave, Deathlords (minus Vampires) Death Mages and Death Rattle. This would essentially be "true faction" number 1 in Death. 

Vampires (Soulblight)
GW has to break out new ground for this faction or they might just end up integrating it with Flesh-Eater Courts because Ghouls in the 'known media' are essentially sub-Vampirs. It wouldn't be unlikely for Manfred to lead them eventually, so I expect Vampires to show up more there but as the elite standard (like Skullcrushers, Wrathmongers and Skullreapers in Bloodbound for example). This would be "true faction" number 2 in the Death. 
It would also mean that Vampire Counts would be split up and devided under the more correct factions. Krell and Heinrich under "Skelaton Champions".

Flesh-Eater Courts (fleshed out decently allready)
As above, I think it's not unlikely to have this blend with Soulblight and give the book a nice and catchy name, something like Blighted Courts

Nighthaunt (expect Werewolves and Frankensteins to join these Nighthaunters ;) ) 
Still needs to be fleshed out much more but will likely be made up with Deathwalker (return of zombies), Werewolves and Frankenstein (so essentially augmented Zombies). Odd as it sounds, I expect this to be the 'technical' Death subfaction, like Dwarves being the 'technical' sub-faction of Order and Skaven being the 'technical' sub-faction of Chaos. 

Source: Slaves to Darkness, 4th edition Undead, Liber Necris and many more.


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3 hours ago, MacDuff said:

Remember too that a lot of things mentioned in the fiction but never seen would die, too. If Nagash comes out swinging we could see a lot of exotic undead creatures. Undead troops need not all be humanoid.

No, but they likely will be.

The patron each faction seems to thake is that there is at least one faction within the Alliance that is humanoid. Which is why I think most Undead in the "Skeleton Champions subfaction" will look largely humanoid but certainly will include much more creative undead devices, such as the Morghast, Bone-artillery and Carrions.

This kind of stuff:

99120207028_DeathLordsMarghastsArchai01. IMG_3113_zpsdkh0q3ms.jpg 


A typical blend of Tomb Kings into the Undead beings that where known from Vampire Counts but before that most certainly where known as Undead. Point remains that Nagash is back and here to stay, which is why I think the Vampires will turn to Ghouls for their common underlings and less Skeletons. 


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9 minutes ago, Killax said:

....will likely be made up with Deathwalker (return of zombies), Werewolves and Frankenstein (so essentially augmented Zombies). Odd as it sounds, I expect this to be the 'technical' Death subfaction, like Dwarves being the 'technical' sub-faction of Order and Skaven being the 'technical' sub-faction of Chaos. 

Source: Slaves to Darkness, 4th edition Undead, Liber Necris and many more.



Hmm, I don't know if I think thats the way it'll go, but it's as good a guess as any other, and you have some valid points. 

I love those nineties images by the way. Full of character! Also, I have to say, I would love a somewhat clunky mechanical zombie sub-faction. Could be so much fun, kind of like skaven -just talentless off course! Scavengers of machinery. I'd buy into that. Well see!



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On 08/04/2017 at 10:12 AM, Killax said:

LOL! Good joke :D

In any case, it's the Daughters of Khaine and Scourge Privateers I think will be filling up the Dark Elfs ranks. Honestly speaking I also really like the new look they have given to a male supporter of the Daughters of Khaine.  

I can certainly see why you'd think that thematically, but what is that idea based on? I've seen next to nothing about the Tenebrael Shard myself. Was there anything in the Silver Tower novel that came out with the game?

From what I've read online I know for sure that both the Shard and the Mistweaver Saih share a Dark Elf / Aelven Exile heritage.

I'm itching to see them both merged into existing factions as I've got mine all based up and finally ready to paint!

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37 minutes ago, Teletomas said:

Hmm, I don't know if I think thats the way it'll go, but it's as good a guess as any other, and you have some valid points. 

I love those nineties images by the way. Full of character! Also, I have to say, I would love a somewhat clunky mechanical zombie sub-faction. Could be so much fun, kind of like skaven -just talentless off course! Scavengers of machinery. I'd buy into that. Well see!

Feel free to share where you think it will go! I think that we can commonly see a patron within each Alliance. That being that they each cover something like Humanoids, Non-human (bigger guys) and Technical. I believe that each Alliance will certainly have these 3 aspects within their Alliance. To the point where I'm even willing to say that for Destruction the Technical side will be filled up with Goblins and their awesome creations. Squighs will also be there but the true machinery is likely to come out of a Goblin aspect. 

18 minutes ago, Circus of Paint said:

I can certainly see why you'd think that thematically, but what is that idea based on? I've seen next to nothing about the Tenebrael Shard myself. Was there anything in the Silver Tower novel that came out with the game?

From what I've read online I know for sure that both the Shard and the Mistweaver Saih share a Dark Elf / Aelven Exile heritage.

I'm itching to see them both merged into existing factions as I've got mine all based up and finally ready to paint!

It's based on 1 to 4th edition Warhammer Fantasy.
Silver Tower is also very largely based on Warhammer Quest, a game that also came out during that mighty fine GW period:

Now the thing is, there will most certainly be new influences. Don't thake the above art as 101 replica of what is to come, instead see it as the essential sketch that Games Workshop is working with (again) by large because it's completely their own idea. If we look back to the editions of Warhammer Fantasy you can clearly see that the most creative ideas came from 1 to 5th edition. 6th, 7th and 8th added close to nothing by comparison. This is also logical because we see a very clear shift in Fantasy setting.

Where 1 to 5th edition most certainly included mythical creations and stuff that was 'unreal' 6th to 8th became a Historical Fantasy setting, largely focussing on Fantasy but restricted with 'true' possabilities. Some players like this aspect, I personally believe that the true Sword and Sorcery Fantasy is much more interesting in terms of creative limitless borders. 'Balloon/Fire Dwarfs', 'Khorne Gladiator Cannibals', Slaanesh Roman Carnivals', you name it and the limit Historical Fantasy would put you in means that there is no logical place for these awesome looking creations.

If you like what GW did in the past (I do, a lot) you'll love what's comming up. No clue what you play but making predictions isn't too hard at this point. It's much more difficult to give you the visual outcome on a forum. 

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So do you actually know what is coming up? I know someone asked that earlier, but I didn't see an answer. Its cool to speculate, and I certainly agree that GW has an amazing brand to draw from, but you are saying things that imply you have actually seen upcoming models. Maybe you don't mean to be doing that?

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1 minute ago, Caladancid said:

So do you actually know what is coming up? I know someone asked that earlier, but I didn't see an answer. Its cool to speculate, and I certainly agree that GW has an amazing brand to draw from, but you are saying things that imply you have actually seen upcoming models. Maybe you don't mean to be doing that?

It's a rumour thread right? Not a preview thread ;) 

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36 minutes ago, Killax said:

It's a rumour thread right? Not a preview thread ;) 

Yes. I guess what I am asking is are you wish-listing vs contributing to actual rumors. Because you keep not answering that question, and I think its a bit misleading if you are just saying what you hope comes out.

If you do know things, then great and thank you for sharing what you know. If not, I would say maybe be more careful in how you word things.

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2 minutes ago, Dez said:

I miss when there were rumors n this thread.

Well GW has been pretty good lately in ensuring leaks are not getting out, where is hastings when you need him? The last thing he gave us is that the new dark elves will have some cthulu like influence. 

Edited by shinros
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29 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

page hasnt been about rumours for about 50 pages now. 


gw are so on top of it now 

I think that means its time we started our own wild rumors. Next up vulture people who are the new death faction. They follow other death hordes as a constant food source.

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To bring some rumours to the table... with the change in the warscrols of Slaugtherbrute and the Tzeentch One, someone of GW has say that they are thinking of doing something similar with the Giants. So, maybe Giants with Ironjawz keyword?

On Facebook one guy talk about how Jabberslythe could have the same treatement as the Slaugtherbrute but with Nurgle Keyword, and a GW guy replied with a "Oh, thats very interesting! We will think about it!"



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