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11 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Yes, it can. But unless we see any hints of that, based on the information given so far, there's no such indication.

Why do you find it easier to believe that there will be two separate launch boxes rather than two separate spearheads when they explicitly state in the article that "the launch box" will have two spearheads, some terrain and a hardcover core book?

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Posted (edited)

It is definitely implying a singular box for the launch. A launch box. So when they say it's in the launch box they surely mean what they have always called a launch box (the single box they announce and sell on initial launch 😜 ).

It's also very much how they used to do things in ye olde times. These boxes were always essentially starter boxes.
You got two forces, dice, rulers, rules, counters and tokens and what-not and some terrain (card and plastic building, or plastic corner buildings barrels and trees, or, or, or...).

This trend changed with:
* 5th edition 40K (2008) [4th BFM had downed flyer terrain].
* 8th edition WHFB (2010) [7th had some fences and altars].

It's a great feature for new players. It's value to established players unfortunately suffers. I am personally disappointed as my terrain collection is robust and I also both 3D model and print my own - but I am glad for the product making this change.

I remember being a new player and also my friends getting their starter boxes. Specifically make me think of a friend of mine getting his 40K 3rd edition box and building and painting the trees before anything else haha.

All in all it's a good thing. Just not that good for me.

As for the spearhead in the box debate, it will just be lists for using models from both side (likely a limited amount from the pool) to play spearhead. They may or may not represent what gets put into the actual spearhead product afterwards (like with Leviathan).

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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2 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

Leviathan is a pretty big indication.

GW's statement can be read as "it will be like Leviathan". (ie. there will be a large assortment of models in the AoS launch box, from which you can make two Spearheads, the same way as how Leviathan had a large assortment of models, from which you could make two Combat Patrols.)

And that precedent makes me (and it seems a fair few others) think that it should be read that way.

So we're looking at a Core Rules book for AoS 4, additional book for Spearhead rules for all existing Spearhead/Vanguard boxes, SCE Spearhead (either existing or new), Skaven Spearhead, some terrain and a double-sided Spearhead board.

Unless the SCE Spearhead is a different content to the existing one, either we match Leviathan's price but don't include any new SCE models, or we add minis, and get closer to £200 than Leviathan's £150.

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

Leviathan is a pretty big indication.

GW's statement can be read as "it will be like Leviathan". (ie. there will be a large assortment of models in the AoS launch box, from which you can make two Spearheads, the same way as how Leviathan had a large assortment of models, from which you could make two Combat Patrols.)

And that precedent makes me (and it seems a fair few others) think that it should be read that way.

Absolutely this.

EDIT: If not, I eat one of my old clanrats.

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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30 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

Leviathan is a pretty big indication.

GW's statement can be read as "it will be like Leviathan". (ie. there will be a large assortment of models in the AoS launch box, from which you can make two Spearheads, the same way as how Leviathan had a large assortment of models, from which you could make two Combat Patrols.)

And that precedent makes me (and it seems a fair few others) think that it should be read that way.

Where do you put the terrain, board and all that stuff in that equation? That's the problem if we compare it with Leviathan.

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23 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

So we're looking at a Core Rules book for AoS 4, additional book for Spearhead rules for all existing Spearhead/Vanguard boxes, SCE Spearhead (either existing or new), Skaven Spearhead, some terrain and a double-sided Spearhead board.

Unless the SCE Spearhead is a different content to the existing one, either we match Leviathan's price but don't include any new SCE models, or we add minis, and get closer to £200 than Leviathan's £150.


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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Where do you put the terrain, board and all that stuff in that equation? That's the problem if we compare it with Leviathan.

Yeah the value part is concerning because it balances one of two ways we keep discussing:
1. Same average model content cost + terrain cost = higher MSRP
2. Same MSRP = average models cost - terrain cost .:. less models

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Absolutely. Because I'll only need to paint the cannon and marshall to have a fully painted Spearhead force (I already have the steelhelms and cavaliers covered with the CoS launch box).

I thought of doing the same since I have the Cities army box but on discount it works out £14 less than a spearhead box to pick up the Marshall and Canon, but... for £14 extra an extra 10 steelhelms and 5 cavaliers is pretty good since those cost £60 together on discount so I may as well just grab the Spearhead and get extra units to add to my forces.

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49 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

So we're looking at a Core Rules book for AoS 4, additional book for Spearhead rules for all existing Spearhead/Vanguard boxes, SCE Spearhead (either existing or new), Skaven Spearhead, some terrain and a double-sided Spearhead board.

Unless the SCE Spearhead is a different content to the existing one, either we match Leviathan's price but don't include any new SCE models, or we add minis, and get closer to £200 than Leviathan's £150.

Pretty sure it's one book that includes Core and Spearhead rules. Plus cards for Spearhead and the General's Handbook. 


You’ll also get a beautiful hardcover book that includes everything you need to play – the core rules, the Spearhead battlepack, and the rules for every Spearhead force in the game – so you can start playing with your existing collections immediately.

The SCE Spearhead will definitely be made from all the new models they are previewing.

Let's be honest, the launch box just includes a bunch of new units for both factions, which is the equivalent of a small AoS army that equates to a 'Spearhead force' if you want to play that way. Otherwise it's just a bunch of models for Age of Sigmar and nothing more complicated than that.

I think comparing it to Dominion and Leviathan is possibly misleading, and it might be better to consider it outright as it's own thing, as in the formula is being innovated on. The card and paper is the expensive bit - the volume they do plastic sprues in means they cost pennies - and there's a lot more of it in this box.

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1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Wasn't Games Workshop's whole distinction between "launch boxes" and "starter boxes" is that launch boxes were intended for experienced players who just wanted all the new models that were releasing with the start of the edition while starter boxes were inttended for people who wanted to start the game? Kind of weird if they veered away from that. Maybe they just figured that new players were just buying the launch box to get into the game anyway. 

I think there is room for change in this launch box compared to others because we are receiving a big revamp on the rules so even for veterans it is new content even if a bunch of systems stay the same so it is a good time to have a more starter set version for both new and old players and Spearhead gives a good way to do a quick test run of the new system before hopping in to a bigger game.

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8 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

I thought of doing the same since I have the Cities army box but on discount it works out £14 less than a spearhead box to pick up the Marshall and Canon, but... for £14 extra an extra 10 steelhelms and 5 cavaliers is pretty good since those cost £60 together on discount so I may as well just grab the Spearhead and get extra units to add to my forces.

If you want both, just pick the spearhead. Is a top pick in terms of savings. You can see the Steelhelms and Cavaliers and still have both for almost half the GW price of one of them.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The third option is literally what Leviathan did though. 

It is, but as @Starfyre pointed out, neither Leviathan nor Dominion might be the correct analogy. The inclusion of the GHB and other stuff already represents a departure from those boxes. So, the more I think about it, the more it seems that we will get 2 spearheads (SCE and Skaven) in terms of minis.

The stuff we've seen for Stormcast (in the video and the minis we know so far) matches pretty well with Yndrasta's spearhead:

-Yndrasta ==> Hero on crow charger

-10 vanquishers ==> 10 libs

-3 annihilators ==> 3 Ruinators & family

-Chariot ==> Prosecutors

-Vexillor ==> Axe hero

Edited by Marcvs
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3 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

It is, but as @Starfyre pointed out, neither Leviathan nor Dominion might be the correct analogy. The inclusion of the GHB and other stuff already represents a departure from those boxes. So, the more I think about it, the more it seems that we will get 2 spearheads (SCE and Skaven) in terms of minis.

The stuff we've seen for Stormcast (in the video and the minis we know so far) matches pretty well with Yndrasta's spearhead:

-Yndrasta ==> Hero on crow charger

-10 vanquishers ==> 10 libs

-3 annihilators ==> 3 Ruinators & family

-Chariot ==> Prosecutors

-Vexillor ==> Axe hero

But wouldn't be too much for the Skavens?

- Yndrasta ==> Mounter Clawlord.
- Vexillor ==> Warlock engineer.
- 10 vanquishers ==> 20 Clan Rats.
- 3 annihilators ==> 3-5 Jezzails.
- Chariot ==> The mobile ratling.
Rat Ogre/s ??

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1 minute ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Love them but weird they did use any of the masked version on any of them for the promotional group photo

I know we have them

I also find it weird how the trident is hidden! The only thing that differentiates them a bit...

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

It is a launchbox. It will have a sweet discount. With Skavens on the box, it will sell like crazy.

Touchée. Alltho, im just realising that talking with skaven players, so little minis have been showed so far that most don't even know there's a starter box coming, they think it's just a few pair of minis for the new armybook. Many, a lot of tow players amongst them, dont even know that the 4th ed trailer exists.

Edited by Garrac
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47 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

It is, but as @Starfyre pointed out, neither Leviathan nor Dominion might be the correct analogy. The inclusion of the GHB and other stuff already represents a departure from those boxes. So, the more I think about it, the more it seems that we will get 2 spearheads (SCE and Skaven) in terms of minis.

The stuff we've seen for Stormcast (in the video and the minis we know so far) matches pretty well with Yndrasta's spearhead:

-Yndrasta ==> Hero on crow charger

-10 vanquishers ==> 10 libs

-3 annihilators ==> 3 Ruinators & family

-Chariot ==> Prosecutors

-Vexillor ==> Axe hero

regarding ghb stuff, Leviathan had the core rules book with crusade rules in. Exactly the same it seems will happen with "Vermindoom" core rules+spearhead in one book, and then it will be sold separately. 

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2 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Why does Spearhead get the more interesting Battle Tactic system?

Very good question!
Would much prefer something like this for Matched play.

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