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I would expect AoS articles moving to a weekly schedule in place of 'Heresy Thursdays'. Having daily or even every-other-day articles between now and 4th ed launch (that is supposedly late June/early July) is simply unsustainable even if they liberally sprinkle lore stuff into it.

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8 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The exact quote is:


Oh cool. I may just cut off or trim down the "wings" then. 

I had planned on cutting them off and using the folded wings from the tyranid winged prime in their place. 

I envisioned them more like flying squirrels or suger gliders... but from hell, of course. 


🤔 Have to sit back and give this one a think. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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2 minutes ago, Vagard said:

Do we wait for new DB shorts or the previous one was the last of the serie? 

It was mentioned that the conclusion is near:


The Dawnbringer Chronicles are soon coming to an explosive conclusion… but not before Glutos Orscollion whets his insatiable appetite with Kingsblood, a prized vintage presented to him by a herald of Slaanesh…


That’s it for this chapter of the Dawnbringer Chronicles, but there’ll be more coming soon

My bet is one more tomorrow prior to the preorder announcement and we close, or another one as much.

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18 minutes ago, Mortal Wound said:

Having daily or even every-other-day articles between now and 4th ed launch (that is supposedly late June/early July) is simply unsustainable even if they liberally sprinkle lore stuff into it.

well, that's 2.5 months more or less, so around 13 weeks? with two articles per week it's "just" 26 articles, and they have at least 23 articles just for faction focus on how 4th edition will impact each faction (really really hoping they are better than last time: "well, unit X can use all out defense/attack now so it's much better")

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2 hours ago, Snarff said:

I'm sure there will be some new things upcoming in DB6. Even if nothing super unexpected happens, it'll still be great to read everything in detail and complete the Dawnbringers collection. I'll have the full Broken Realms and Dawnbringers series hopefully, and they look cool on a shelf 😎

The Broken Realms and Dawnbringers series next to one another look oncredible.

Wrath of the Everchosen sticks out a bit but I love displaying them chronologically next to one another!!

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53 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

In completely unrelated news I heard 40k 11th will be Orks. 

What would they even put in the starter box though, they had 2 massive refreshes in the past few years, their infantry is all new plastic afaik, as are their characters besides the psyker. 

I'm not coping because it should've been EC or dark mech I swear

Despite being an aos orruk player I kinda hate 40k orks, the mad max aesthetic is really uninspired and looks too silly for me

Edited by Luperci
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19 minutes ago, Luperci said:

What would they even put in the starter box though, they had 2 massive refreshes in the past few years, their infantry is all new plastic afaik, as are their characters besides the psyker. 

I'm not coping because it should've been EC or dark mech I swear

Despite being an aos orruk player I kinda hate 40k orks, the mad max aesthetic is really uninspired and looks too silly for me

Not to get too off topic from our fantasy focused forum but if I'd have to guess I'm thinking a soft reboot of sorts similar to how Kruleboyz deviated but not so drastic of a change. 

There's plenty in the range that is old enough and worthy of an upgrade. 

And that new boyz kit is damn near universally seen as a downgrade. 

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12 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

I wonder if they're gonna do an article about the terrain some time soon to fill out the posts?

Probably, especially if it is more important in this edition, but not this week. We've already been teased for Skaven's lore and Battle Traits and Formations.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Legends factions are not in the focus. We are gonna get campaigns, new models and new lore for the 9 factions for the next years.
We can talk about the Legend factions on the next cycle of the game.

Who knows in the future.

As much as I'd selfishly like to see a rerelease of the older VC skeletons, the new TOW stuff has been gorgeous and I still really like that the game is bringing both OOP and new stuff back to the tabletop! It'd be cool if they wind up expanding on some of the smaller stuff like Border Princes; upgrade kits could be cool for that sort of thing. Though outside of Space Marines they don't seem to last on the shelves for more than a fistful of years

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3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

suck we hav another destroy city GW would rather everyone squat in ruins then actually flesh out any city that not Hammerhald Aqshy but hey New Dispossed art

They can only destroy so many Order strongholds if Chaos is everywhere else... at least it sounds like this fell during the Age of Chaos? This will also be our first in-depth look at Ironbark duardin 😍



Karaznethil once stood as a bastion of friendship and ingenuity, a rare societal amalgam of Dispossessed Duardin and Alarielle’s children, the Sylvaneth. Living together, they worked marvels, wondrous designs rooted in nature and improved by time-tested karak inventiveness, a home forged and grown from the metallic flora of Chamon’s woodlands. 

But in the Mortal Realms, peace never lasts. The Ruinous powers returned to Chamon and, with their return, overthrew Karaznethil. Now, the township lies in ruin, an ever-growing blight of Nurgle’s doing. The remnants of Karaznethil’s people lie in wait, watching their home from afar, hoping that one day the right heroes will come along to shift the balance of power…


I'm definitely worried about how many Cities are going to be destroyed during this 4e precursor event :( if AOS is supposed to be a post-apoc Chaos win, there's only so many Order/Death/Destruction failures that can happen before Chaos would narratively win a 3rd time...

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20 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

They can only destroy so many Order strongholds if Chaos is everywhere else... at least it sounds like this fell during the Age of Chaos? This will also be our first in-depth look at Ironbark duardin 😍

I'm definitely worried about how many Cities are going to be destroyed during this 4e precursor event :( if AOS is supposed to be a post-apoc Chaos win, there's only so many Order/Death/Destruction failures that can happen before Chaos would narratively win a 3rd time...

I wouldn't be too worried. Most cities are just starting to get a bigger lore impact and I feel like they're going to be fleshed out in 4th as opposition to Skaven and the Darkoath.

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33 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

ooh btw for Soulbound 

https://cubicle7games.com/blog/The Ruins of Karaznethil 


suck we hav another destroy city GW would rather everyone squat in ruins then actually flesh out any city that not Hammerhald Aqshy but hey New Dispossed art

Uhhhhh. Hear me out. Is it a new dispossessed RPG book because Cubicle 7 has private info about a new dispossessed wave? 

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C7 published a whole series of adventures on Anvilguard just before that was destroyed and the adventure on Ulfenkarn came out sheet the expansions revealed it's fate too, so I wouldn't read anything into that.

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36 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

They can only destroy so many Order strongholds if Chaos is everywhere else... at least it sounds like this fell during the Age of Chaos? This will also be our first in-depth look at Ironbark duardin 😍

I'm definitely worried about how many Cities are going to be destroyed during this 4e precursor event :( if AOS is supposed to be a post-apoc Chaos win, there's only so many Order/Death/Destruction failures that can happen before Chaos would narratively win a 3rd time...

Cities of Order are like Imperium planets, they are enough of them to get Exterminatus as the plots demands them to.

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52 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

ooh btw for Soulbound 

https://cubicle7games.com/blog/The Ruins of Karaznethil 


suck we hav another destroy city GW would rather everyone squat in ruins then actually flesh out any city that not Hammerhald Aqshy but hey New Dispossed art

Btw, found it in the deep waves of the Ghyranite Sea. The only decent pic is that one. The rest are Nurgle stuff :( Diss posseded apointed.

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