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Everything posted by neaden

  1. I love how AoS has been committed to giving people pets and little weirdos and the idea of a Stormcast with an old man who is his great grandson hanging out and bonding over fights is something I will want a novel of post haste.
  2. C7 published a whole series of adventures on Anvilguard just before that was destroyed and the adventure on Ulfenkarn came out sheet the expansions revealed it's fate too, so I wouldn't read anything into that.
  3. I really don't think that is true though. Take a look at Baldur's Gate 3 for instance, it launched with numerous classes all of which are equally supported by the game, yet Paladin is the most picked class by a fair margin. For races half elf, human, and elf are the most picked with dwarves for instance being low picks. I've seen this sort of ranking in basically every popularity chart for a fantasy game , lots of people like the power fantasy of being a big armored guy and not many people like to be a dwarf. So even if GW put a lot of effort into Fyreslayers I don't think they would be nearly as popular as SCE. I think Marines are the #1 faction in 40k because they have the clearest and most consistent power fantasy that appeals to a lot of people while allowing a high degeee of customization, not because GW supports them them the most, they support them the most because people want it.
  4. I do wonder how Warcry warbands will work with this. I worry about them getting left behind if too few characters are allowed to take them and they always end up taking an auxilary slot. Trueblades for instance don't fit with any of the Soulblight characters. And when a new warband is released will they just have to change a bunch of commander sheets to specify that the character can take them in their regiment?
  5. They really don't need to explain in lore why some units got dropped from the cities army books, factions have always been much more diverse in lore then they are on the tabletop, it's just a natural consequence of making a game.
  6. New model all look great, telling myself that it doesn't count as starting a new army too since they can be used in conjunction with my Stormcast. Random question inspired by this, does anyone know what happened to the Warriors of the Freeguild Omnibus? I remember it being announced and can find pictures of the cover, but no mention of it on the GW site anymore.
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