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But Ogors aren't a core faction in Tow.
The whole "different sales data" would be meaningless here as they are supported only in aos so there would'nt be any problem.
Considering destruction has very few armies it would be madness...

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

That was my main issue with Warcry. I didn't have any interest in Chaos, and all warbands were just a "miss" for me.
Underworlds and Killteam was/is a better deal for me.

The problem is that Warcry should have been renamed once they lost the focus on the Chaos warbands. That way wouldn't be any discussion at all.

Warcry as a self-contained and rounded product, and the new game as a successor with few rule changes and expanded to everyone.

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34 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Even at my most cynical, that 4chan leak seems pretty silly.

The Chaos Dwarf bit alone feels wrong; working with the TWW crew to bring Azgorh to Total Warhammer, releasing the Horns and Hobgrots as extremely obvious Chorf teases, and bothering to include them as a Legends army for TOW when they were barely a thing for the majority of Fantasy all points towards "GW would like to sell some Chorfs in the near future"

How could they possibly decide to lay that much groundwork and then decide "wow we chose to sculpt these brand new figures as racist caricatures" when, if we assume the Perry twins acted in good faith when they sculpted them, they were never intended to be offensive to anyone. And, frankly, the Perrys have enough good-looking historical sculpts under their belts that I doubt it.

That and “Legions Imperialis is underperforming” makes me say bullplop too. Selling out of every single release, as soon as new stock comes in, does not indicate underperforming. 4chan tried to spread the same nonsense about Adeptus Titanicus.

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I don't think ogors are really in danger but I don't think ToW is actually the measure of safety with cities dwarves, slaves to darkness, and gloomspite gitz all sharing kits across their ranges.


It seems like that argument only applied to beasts for some reason.

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

What I‘ve always found strange was that GW created Ogroids instead of making Ogors or Minotaurs, both would‘ve filled that spot and they combined them. Fimir with some adjustments could‘ve worked too.

I could now imagine classic Ogors (as their own faction and not part of CoS or something) to get removed as well and GW just keeping more bestial or unique variants of the Ogor concept around after removing Beastmen. Beastmen will live on in the aligned Chaos forces (I bet we‘ll see Khorngors and Pestigors now), so they‘re not completely gone but I think it‘s not surprising that people are less confident in GW keeping a couple of factions (or part of those factions) around, so there will be lots of similar rumors making the rounds I bet. 


25 minutes ago, novakai said:

If they don’t get a big update in 4th edition, I would start worrying.

like they are not in BoC level of neglect but if you had to pick one army that was endanger it would be Ogor Mawtribe.


28 minutes ago, TheHeartbreakPrince said:

Ogors aren't getting squatted. It's not happening. This is 1000% fact.

Source: Trust me bro, but I'm right.

I am 100% certain Ogors are staying. We couldve had the exact same arguement for Seraphon or Skaven getting the chop but BOC has people in flight mode.

Theyre going nowhere.


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1 minute ago, The Red King said:

I don't think ogors are really in danger but I don't think ToW is actually the measure of safety with cities dwarves, slaves to darkness, and gloomspite gitz all sharing kits across their ranges.


It seems like that argument only applied to beasts for some reason.

Give them time and the argument would fit for all the factions involved.

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27 minutes ago, novakai said:

If they don’t get a big update in 4th edition, I would start worrying.

like they are not in BoC level of neglect but if you had to pick one army that was endanger it would be Ogor Mawtribe.

I came out with some friendly graphs. 



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1 hour ago, Luperci said:

It's not strange at all really, I don't think, the whole point of aos was so the designers could make new species and creatures. They've been around for a long time now and have really neat lore, for anyone who doesn't know they used to be called the goroa and part of destruction but fought against gorkamorka, as they were losing they turned to chaos which caused the orruks and ogors to properly force them out of their homelands and turn into full fledged chaos worshippers.

I don‘t want to say that I don‘t like Ogroids in any way or that I think others should‘ve gotten their spot, I just mean that GW could‘ve fortified other races/creatures in their place if they wanted to and obviously didn‘t; I think this might suggest dropping Beastmen has been long in the making. Perhaps since the very day they decided to pursue TOW for sure…. Might just be paranoia but I‘m a bit afraid for those forces that haven‘t received much. 

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5 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I don't think ogors are really in danger but I don't think ToW is actually the measure of safety with cities dwarves, slaves to darkness, and gloomspite gitz all sharing kits across their ranges.


It seems like that argument only applied to beasts for some reason.

I don’t imagine the CoS dwarves will stay for long, and StD and Gloomspite have old versions of most (all?) of the models in the Old World lists that they’ll release. 

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2 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

It's one thing to say "The Old World is failing." Hmm, okay. I don't have the numbers, maybe that person does.

Not to mention that we have now been told that GW are expanding their plans for OW, which does not suggest failure.

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3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



I am 100% certain Ogors are staying. We couldve had the exact same arguement for Seraphon or Skaven getting the chop but BOC has people in flight mode.

Theyre going nowhere.


Hopefully! 🤞 But if the future of Beastmen lies in TOW or as part of other factions (Tzaangors and Slaangors will stay I reckon and like I‘ve said before, I think Khorngors and Pestigors are more likely now than ever as GW needs an olive branch+3 for BoC fans), there‘s a chance for Ogors to get removed/rehomed as well. Not hoping for it but GW‘s recent removal of certain forces does not inspire confidence either, so I‘m sure we‘ll see a lot of (false) rumors in the upcoming months.

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1 hour ago, Cdance93 said:

I am just not buying this. On any meaningful level only the Group’s balance sheet and P&L matter.

looking through the annual report lightly I don’t see any kind of corporate structure but I would be surprised that a design studio would have its own P&L unless each studio was its own subsidiary within the group. 

sure for budgeting they may want to know the actuals for each studios products.

Totally fine my dude. But it's worth pointing out that Rob worked there, his girlfriend did until last year, and as did his close mate Peachy. 

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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



I am 100% certain Ogors are staying. We couldve had the exact same arguement for Seraphon or Skaven getting the chop but BOC has people in flight mode.

Theyre going nowhere.


That’s the biggest impact of the Beastcull: uncertainty. We’re all left unsure our factions are safe for the long haul. I anticipate we will see rumours of “X or Y is going” for the foreseeable future. 

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I know it's little consolation for the inevitable, but it's worth reminding people that Beasts, Bonesplitterz and Sancrosanct will all get Index battletomes at the start of 4th ed. They won't be updated, but you still have about a year of playtime left with these models.

Again, it doesn't alleviate the pain, but these guys aren't dead quite yet. I say enjoy them while you can.

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3 minutes ago, Still-young said:

I don’t imagine the CoS dwarves will stay for long, and StD and Gloomspite have old versions of most (all?) of the models in the Old World lists that they’ll release. 

I believe StD is now completely AoS updated with maybe a lingering old model here or there.

Gloomspite is really just the spiderfang and Stabba kit 

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4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Hopefully! 🤞 But if the future of Beastmen lies in TOW or as part of other factions (Tzaangors and Slaangors will stay I reckon and like I‘ve said before, I think Khorngors and Pestigors are more likely now than ever as GW needs an olive branch+3 for BoC fans), there‘s a chance for Ogors to get removed/rehomed as well. Not hoping for it but GW‘s recent removal of certain forces does not inspire confidence either, so I‘m sure we‘ll see a lot of (false) rumors in the upcoming months.

This is easy to solve.

@Whitefang, is @KingBrodd safe in the Mortal Realms or should we hire a new mod and let him go moderate an Old World forum?

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5 minutes ago, Mutton said:

I know it's little consolation for the inevitable, but it's worth reminding people that Beasts, Bonesplitterz and Sancrosanct will all get Index battletomes at the start of 4th ed. They won't be updated, but you still have about a year of playtime left with these models.

Again, it doesn't alleviate the pain, but these guys aren't dead quite yet. I say enjoy them while you can.

A year in tournaments, you would be able to play with them the whole edition, very likely. It is not like rules are going to change drastically in the middle of an edition.

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7 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

That’s the biggest impact of the Beastcull: uncertainty. We’re all left unsure our factions are safe for the long haul. I anticipate we will see rumours of “X or Y is going” for the foreseeable future. 

Yeah like it gives the impression that Recent releases like underworld, Warcry, and AoS single models can be discontinued at anytime which where the crux of the argument that Beastmen where staying in AoS.

while I do believe Ogors will survive in AoS. They are in a similar place as BOC with just having 2 heroes, 2 UW Warband, and a warcry warband release in AoS history

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I think Ogors as a faction are safe…..for 4th edition anyway.

My take on last weeks announcement was that it was a statement of intent for the new edition.
BoC will not be getting a battletome.
Bonesplitters will not be in the full warclans tome.

Sacrosanct will not be in the full stormcast tome.

They will all get index/digital tome for 4.0 as announced.

If Ogors were getting squatted wholesale, last week would’ve been the time to let us know. If Ogors don’t get a substantial mini refresh during 4th then I think they’re on the chopping block in three years time when 5.0 drops.

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39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Give them time and the argument would fit for all the factions involved.

I don't think they're going to be removing mangler squigs and boingrot bounderz or what have you from ToW so I'm not sure if that's accurate.

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Customer uncertainty is a significant concern and I wonder how much it will come back to bite them in the behind sales-wise. Because this fundamental paradigm shift in brand confidence isn't just limited to AoS. There's a lot of cross-pollenation between AoS and 40k and even 40k-exclusive people are watching this debacle keenly.

If 6-year old models for a mainline faction that constitute a full sub-army with a unique playstyle isn't safe from culls, what is? People are gonna consider their purchases more carefully. Eldar Harlequins, are those a safe purchase in this 'new normal'? What about Dark Eldar Wracks and Pain Engines? Death Watch Veterans? Thousand Sons Mutalith Vortex Beast?

I was gonna get a couple Predator tanks for my Black Legion Chaos Space Marines. I am not so sure now that I should make that purchase. Heck, I'm assembling Venomcrawlers right now in preparation for the new codex. I was gonna get another one because they'd be cool to play as a formation of three. But should I? Those don't even have a separate kit but share an old starter set-style sprue with another unit...

The erosion of customer trust is a big deal and they opened a Pandora's Box full of it.

Edited by Mortal Wound
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