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The attractiveness of the books has also been seriously diminished by shortlived examples like DoK and Lumineth, or guard/votann/world eaters in 40k.

Moreover, and this is something I think we'll see in AoS soon, a lot of 40k players have had to deal with having free indices and then shifting to paying £35 for almost exactly the same thing they got for free, with only a few tweaks and a handful of additional faction rules.

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Regarding beast of chaos we will probably have pestigors ( seen in blacktalon fiction) and khornegors as addiction to maggotkin and Blades .


I am quite sure that on Monday we will see the first clan rat 🐀 

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2 minutes ago, maitremage said:

I'm not sure this is the right place to ask but... Do we have (or do we know when we'll have ^^) the AoS rules for the new warbands (Lumineth and Nighthaunt) ? I'm really curious about that 😛

They usually drop in the days leading up to the Saturday of release, so either next week or the week after. 

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32 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Do I see Vanguard Hunters on that shelf? They weren't on the list?

Maybe they are just going webstore only but who knows

I've definitely seen stuff going Direct Only appear on those in-store 'Get It Before It's Gone' sections in the past, so it's probably just that. 

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27 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I dont see a reason to cut into Orruk Warclans any further. I dont expect the lore to go any deeper if split. After a new Kruleboyz range + Underworlds and Warcry warbands and a big wave for Ironjawz i dont see many big things happening any time soon.

If any Destruction race should get split into a tome i would predict it to be Gitmob that moves into a Glareface Frazzlegitz tome. A Troggoth tome would be the dream, but i think they will stay with Gloomspite Gitz. 

And even then i would rather see something new join Destruction.

My biggest selfish wish is a Spiderfang update. I am kinda amazed to see them stay and Bonesplitterz leave to be honest.

The kruleboyz-Kragnos plot line seems like it could shake things up a good bit if it ever recieved more attention than a paragraph or two. 

I don't see gitmob getting too much in the way of expansion. Perhaps two or three kits and just being a small subfaction in the tome would be most welcome. Love to be wrong here. The local prophet around these parts keeps liking several gitmob related ideas so I've no doubt something is coming. 

I was surprised Spiderfang wasn't on the cut either. If they recieved some update love I could see myself enjoying them more.

Troggoth will definitely stay a inter- faction species. I really don't see anything solo happening for them. 

Fellwater could really use an update and i wouldn't kick anything new out of bed either. I keep saying it with hopes to manifest it into existence but a mirebrute hag would be over the top awesome in my book. 

Such a open ended time to be a greenskin fan. 



Also keep the humies out my destro!!! Ogors are plenty humie enough. With a right proper update in scale, design, equal representation of sexes that would be stellar. No single ogor model should be on anything less than a 50mm imo. That CoS warhulk is prime early example representation. Just needs a belly!!!

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2 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Regarding beast of chaos we will probably have pestigors ( seen in blacktalon fiction) and khornegors as addiction to maggotkin and Blades .


I am quite sure that on Monday we will see the first clan rat 🐀 

that is something i wonder since they kind of did that in Total War where the mono-god not only have their Tzaangor and Pestigor whatever but also they have Khorne marked Minotaurs and Tzeentch marked Centigors that could transfer over spread out then just 



I say this would say would like to have the Dragon-Ogre back in Slaves to Darkness


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58 minutes ago, Garrac said:

It's been quite long since GW put scenary on a starter box. The only big thing featured on the trailer is the Big-Horned-Rat-bell building, and that's both too high and too proxyable as other things for GW to dare and try out.

Check the Adepticon videos. They mentioned that everything needed to play Spearbox would be included on the launchbox from day one. And they mention a mat and terrain. It could be a poor choice of words, but would fit with why we saw "not that many minis" in the trailer.

Also, I doubt the scenery would be based on Blight City.

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3 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

With Bonesplitterz going I'm even more in favour of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz getting their own battletomes. I'd make Kruleboyz a proper sneaky ambusher faction now that Beasts of Chaos are being squatted, and expand them with some light cav and Gnashtoof hunting packs for example.

I think GW has struggled to balance Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Big Waaagh in 3rd edition so I'd rather see them try to balance both Orruk factions individually and give them both more flavour without having to worry about the impact on Big Waaagh any more. I still think the model designs clash visually on the tabletop too.

I wouldn't be surprised though if GW integrates them further in a new Orruk Warclans battletome.

Now this is an interesting idea. I'm also in favor of splitting them up into separate books. I fully agree that with BoC now in TOW, I think their mechanics should be continued on within a Krukeboyz solo Battletome. It would be a much better replacement for Dirty Tricks as a battle trait and fits them thematically. Its how they operate in all the novels they feature in. 

I'm also not a fan of Kragnos as a concept or model, and would gladly take a separate Battletome that builds new lore about their separation from him and new reasons behind the iconography/scare shields, etc. That would help fill out the pages of a new Battletome. Add in a few more units that are cavalry, monstrous infantry (fimir-like or new trolls) and regular gitz (like the sloggoth and kill-bow crew) and they begin to have their own purpose, role and more defined identity in the Mortal Realms. 

The Ironjawz now have enough of their own units, story and flavor to support a stand alone Battletome. I've never liked Big Waagh! as a concept personally, and find it silly that's the only way they could even ally. So unless that is how you play them, just make both separate and give both IJ and KB additional sub-factions (if they are still a proper thing). I'd love more than 2 (skullbugs are about as enticing as Ironbark) ways to play them. 

Edited by Lavieth
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1 hour ago, RetconnedLegion said:

FOMO-ing an arbitrarily removed range leaves a sour taste.


This is a matter of perspective. You see FOMO, but if I was new in that store, a hobbyist more than a player, liked making conversions, or my child just really liked the kit I’d be glad to be notified that its going off sale and won’t be coming back.

In my view it’d be shadier to sell these kits without making the buyers aware they’re going to be discontinued.

Still lots of reasons to buy these models even if they won’t have rules in the future.

Edited by ArkanautDadmiral
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13 minutes ago, maitremage said:

I'm not sure this is the right place to ask but... Do we have (or do we know when we'll have ^^) the AoS rules for the new warbands (Lumineth and Nighthaunt) ? I'm really curious about that 😛

I think we will see them next Thursday. They are normally added on Thursdays, but it is just a guess.

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8 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

The kruleboyz-Kragnos plot line seems like it could shake things up a good bit if it ever recieved more attention than a paragraph or two. 

I don't see gitmob getting too much in the way of expansion. Perhaps two or three kits and just being a small subfaction in the tome would be most welcome. Love to be wrong here. The local prophet around these parts keeps liking several gitmob related ideas so I've no doubt something is coming. 

I was surprised Spiderfang wasn't on the cut either. If they recieved some update love I could see myself enjoying them more.

Troggoth will definitely stay a inter- faction species. I really don't see anything solo happening for them. 

Fellwater could really use an update and i wouldn't kick anything new out of bed either. I keep saying it with hopes to manifest it into existence but a mirebrute hag would be over the top awesome in my book. 

Such a open ended time to be a greenskin fan. 



Also keep the humies out my destro!!! Ogors are plenty humie enough. With a right proper update in scale, design, equal representation of sexes that would be stellar. No single ogor model should be on anything less than a 50mm imo. That CoS warhulk is prime early example representation. Just needs a belly!!!

Maybe, as the CoS Ogor is a second-generation Ogor, the Ogor factions Ogors and the ones from CoS are different in size and shapes?

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25 minutes ago, Lavieth said:


I'm also not a fan of Kragnos as a concept or model, and would gladly take a separate Battletome that builds new lore about their separation from him and new reasons behind the iconography/scare shields, etc. That would help fill out the pages of a new Battletome. Add in a few more units that are cavalry and regular gitz (like the sloggoth and kill-bow crew) and they begin to have their own purpose, role and more defined identity in the Mortal Realms. 

The Ironjawz now have enough of their own units, story and flavor to support a stand alone Battletome. 

I am a fan of Kragnos as a model, and as a concept, just not for Destruction. Model design wise, he’s a big centigor. Concept wise, an ancient demigod beastman returning   has more of a hook for me than a last surviving member of a race I’ve never heard of before.

But working with what we have, he needs a faction of his own using design cues from the model. He just doesn’t mesh well with the other Destruction factions. 

And agreed on separating the Orruks. The unified Warclans book seems like a leftover from the design philosophy that gave us the original Cities of Sigmar and Legions of Nagash books, consolidating multiple small factions into one place.

Edited by RetconnedLegion
Autocorrect giving Natasha a legion.
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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

With the new regiment system, a pure IJ or KB army is gonna become repetitive very soon because you'll always get the same units even if you bring lots of unique heroes. Meanwhile wity Big Waagh, you can get an IJ frontline regiment with a megaboss, ardboyz and brutes, supported by a KB regiment with a gator and boltboyz... Opens up many possibilities.

That's why I think it will be a battletome release + 2nd wave 🤞. Lorewise, it makes sense to have different greenskin cultures in Destruction.

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

That's a huge step backwards and a big numbing down at depth and customisation.

The other way around. Now you can customise it as much as you want without being penalised.

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7 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

That's a huge step backwards and a big numbing down at depth and customisation.

In line with where they took 40k. I’m not a fan of this design direction either to be honest. Just glad there’s been no mention of a rule of 3/6

Edited by RetconnedLegion
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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The other way around. Now you can customise it as much as you want without being penalised.

Tbf, you could already do that unless you played into (a subset of) tournaments -WYSIWYG is not really a thing in casual play. What this does is to take away some depth for the players who enjoyed that part without actually giving anything for casual play

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13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The other way around. Now you can customise it as much as you want without being penalised.

As a hobbyist i love this change, i can model my minis how i want to. I never liked building my models a certain way because of rules. But this might be more of an 40k than a AoS problem.

From a gamers perspective this might seem like a step back.

Edited by Gitzdee
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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The other way around. Now you can customise it as much as you want without being penalised.

It's not really the other way around, it's both. It removes any limitations of how you build your models but limits customising the units load-out and their purpose in your army list e.g. taking shields for defence, taking paired hammers for offence, putting special weapons on the champion because it'll have more attacks with it. It removes all of that side of the game. Personally I modelled my models to match the unit profile I wanted them to have. 

I don't think it's a good thing really and kind of flies in the face of 'unit profiles are designed around the way the models looks on the tabletop' since neither the shield or the extra hammer do anything different, they've got the same save and same offensive profile regardless. Why even bother wasting the space on the sprue for the paired hammers.

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