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2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Everyone hitting 3+, wounding 6+, saving 3+, one with mortal wounds, the other with ward…

I don’t like what I'm seeing.

I hope that 4 edition "mortals" means anything than 3d edition "mortals" LOL

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1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

Am i missing something? Where is the shield option for the liberators?

I think it will either be another Warscroll or we're seeing bits cut out in a similar way as the 40K reveals were done.

2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Everyone hitting 3+, wounding 3+, saving 3+, one with mortal wounds, the other with ward…

I don’t like what I'm seeing.

Yeah probably not the best examples with two elite units on show. I'm confident it's not the case across the board but lets see as they slowly drip more information to us

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Just now, Acrozatarim said:

I think it's inherent in the 3+ save they get. You don't choose dual-hammers or shield-and-hammer, you build them however you want and you get that stat line.

Oei, that is a bit more streamlining than I expected. Visually is feels a bit ackward as player 1 has them all with two hammers and player two has them all with hammer and shield. Still it is identical statwise.

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4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Oei, that is a bit more streamlining than I expected. Visually is feels a bit ackward as player 1 has them all with two hammers and player two has them all with hammer and shield. Still it is identical statwise.

Maybe they are diferent? It feels weird that diferent loadouts do exactly the same.

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Just now, Beliman said:

Maybe they are diferent? It feels weird that diferent loadouts do exactly the same.

Yeah it’s surely got to be confusing to new players. So can I build half of these with shields and the other without?

The fact that the image has both duel wielding makes me expect there to be a separate card for liberators with shields.

But the ‘each model in this unit is armed with a Warhammer’ text makes me think they’re just going to ignore anything about the build options.

This will inevitably lead to problems in the future when they inevitably revert back to a system that involves the different build options and people are stuck with units that aren’t built to a single option because they thought it was cool to model and paint a guy each way.

Still, we don’t know everything yet, maybe there’s more to it.

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8 hours ago, Davariel said:

However, it's taken AoS way, way too long to "find its feet" and decide what it wants to keep.

yeah it feels like there's been a LOT of upper management meddling... the fact that AOS has no solid video games in 10 years apart from Realms of Ruin (which is still shaky) reeks of meddling for profit over any kind of substance. that clearly bleeds into the miniatures games as well.

we also know 1e took a bit of fighting on the creatives' side to get Stormcast to become more than the "fantasy marines" that management wanted. (that post might even be on TGA?)

i could see one more purge after this but come on. just tell us what WILL get refreshed and what isn't planned. even if the release is in 5 years.

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The Liberator warscroll really adds insult to injury for SCE players. In theory, you can use your old models. In practice, the warscroll makes it impossible.

The warscroll specifically prohibits the unit champions from carrying Grandhammers. This was both legal and optimal in the previous editions, so every SCE player has modelled their Liberators in a way that is now illegal.

Edited by feadair
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7 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

CSM got 40k Beastmen, maybe STD will get a unit of Gors next edition.

Looks like they want clearly clear cut armies for Chaos : Undivided, big 4, Skaven, Chorfs and I feel like they must’ve felt like BOC was “stepping ” on STD turf because they’re both undivided armies. But that opens the way for maybe undivided Beastmen in STD just like there is god marked Beastmen for Slaanesh and Tzeentch.

"Slaves to Darkness" is so broad an army title, if Darkoath are fitting right underneath it then it stands to reason that refreshed BoC come under S2D as well.

edit: would love to see Beastmen separated from Chaos to become a primal force of animalistic destruction 😍

Edited by CommissarRotke
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6 minutes ago, feadair said:

The Liberator warscroll really adds insult to injury for SCE players. In theory, you can use your old models. In practice, the warscroll makes it impossible.

The warscroll specifically prohibits the unit champions from carrying Grandhammers. This was both legal and optimal in the previous editions, so every SCE player has modelled their Liberators in a way that is now illegal.

Just say one of the other models is the champion, I don’t think this is an issue when at the moment it looks like the unit can consist both duel wielding and shields and still be legal.

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25 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Am i missing something? Where is the shield option for the liberators?

Outside 'one in X' special weapons, I don't think weapon options count for anything other than aesthetics. I think Whitefang the Second mentioned something to that effect at one time.

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5 minutes ago, brocktoon said:

I might just be a big dummy but remembering a bunch of colors for phases and then some symbols on top of that feels more annoying than reading "At the start of the combat phase" on the warscrolls.

Everyone will have different ways of taking the rules in, but I think eventually it will feel like playing MTG and seeing a half red, half green orb with a little flame and a little tree and going "red or green mana" (for those that makes sense to).
At least I hope!

EDIT: Like these all immediately registering for players (and some of these even have subsets of icons).
Collectible Card Game Headquarters • View topic - Mana Symbols in ...

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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4 minutes ago, brocktoon said:

I might just be a big dummy but remembering a bunch of colors for phases and then some symbols on top of that feels more annoying than reading "At the start of the combat phase" on the warscrolls.

You are not a dummy. They do the same exact thing for 40k stratagems in 10th. To this day, after almost a year, most people still think icons and/or colors on 40k stratagems correspond to the flavor type or cost of stratagem. That is, if they even notice and acknowledge the existence of various colors and icons on stratagems in the first place, which they rarely do.

Edited by Mortal Wound
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Just now, ArkanautDadmiral said:

Just say one of the other models is the champion, I don’t think this is an issue when at the moment it looks like the unit can consist both duel wielding and shields and still be legal.

You can do that. It is super awkward, though, since the dude carrying the grandhammer has the plumed helmet, the special pauldron etc., and clearly looks like the unit champion.

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35 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Warscroll anatomy/breakdown for 4.0. Like the list building there's a fair bit of meat on the article.




Things I like:

  • Color coding & icons for phases and meanings (even if I'll never remember it)
  • putting when the ability works before the name/narrative

Things I'm neutral on:

  • renaming wounds to health. Its nothing just an odd thing to change after so many years
  • Control Stat, I don't think we needed this, the old system was good enough, but also I don't think it hurts anything. With objectives being so small in the new edition you'll be able to just cover the entire space with 20 grots or whatever anyway pending a consolidation move (we don't need a second pile-in)
  • Removal of bravery, bravery sucked and it not mattering was a good thing because if it did we'd hate it, and if they removed it they'd try to put something else we'd hate in its place - (summary of heywoah opinion I agree with)

Things I don't like:

  • USRs

I really want to talk about this part though, because I already see the game, and I hate it.


Nagash’s warscroll (like everyone else’s) fits on one side of a card

So this is clearly a design constraint they've set for themselves right? This isn't a bad one either, it encourages them to try to limit complexity, and cut back on abilities that don't matter. I remember a similar design constraint for AoS 3, where they wanted to reduce the number of abilities on scrolls, particularly for battleline units who would have 1.

My issue with the new design constraint is USRs. They set a design constraint to limit complexity, and then at the same time added USRs so they could effectively cheat their own design constraint by referring to rules written elsewhere.

This isn't a new behavior for them either, the aformentioned AoS 3 design constraint somewhat ruined kruleboyz in my opinion. Venom Encrusted Weapons should've been a warscroll ability, but they moved it into the allegiance abilities to get more room on the warscrolls and there also seemed to be a limit on the number of battle traits armies got early on. The result was KB were "robbed" of an allegiance ability, sucked as allies, sucked in BW, and had one of the most boring allegiance abilities of all time that basically read "Your units are now allowed to deal damage"

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14 minutes ago, feadair said:

The Liberator warscroll really adds insult to injury for SCE players. In theory, you can use your old models. In practice, the warscroll makes it impossible.

The warscroll specifically prohibits the unit champions from carrying Grandhammers. This was both legal and optimal in the previous editions, so every SCE player has modelled their Liberators in a way that is now illegal.

Let me hold up the sign again:

AoS is not a WYSIWYG game.

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