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5 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Just a 1 per 1000, so whilst you probably could force an entire army of them, you'd have to take big units to do so, and probably include things like Giants and Goblins etc. to fill in the gaps.

Honestly, given this news, it wouldn't entirely surprise me if Bonesplitterz are bright back fur a second round of Arcane Journals stem the line. They are relatively new sculpts by WHFB standards.

That just sucks ass hard. Im so sorry for you bros.

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6 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Just a 1 per 1000, so whilst you probably could force an entire army of them, you'd have to take big units to do so, and probably include things like Giants and Goblins etc. to fill in the gaps.

Honestly, given this news, it wouldn't entirely surprise me if Bonesplitterz are bright back fur a second round of Arcane Journals stem the line. They are relatively new sculpts by WHFB standards.

We got their Arcane Journal less than a month ago. They clearly knew this was going to happen, if they would like to put them back to TOW they would have been already there.

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7 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I am surprised the following models weren’t ditched:

- Dracoths (hero & Cav)

- All Vanguard models (they’re next though)

- Lord Celestant 



Lord Celestant is retired as well.


About the rest, probably the 5th ed renewals.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Recognizing that something is wrong even if you are not personally affected is the essence of morality. Not sure what point you are making here.

Here, I 100% buy that 90% of the people upset are genuinely so, but there's definitely going to be people out there, especially content creators and idiots looking for a reaction that will be putting on a show to rile up response through negativity. The 90% thing they were saying is a major over estimate but that part of the online space does sadly exist. Honestly my immediate reaction to the news was how many Youtube videos attacking GW by people who barely mention AoS most of the time will be clogging up my feed.

2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You can't run a full army of savage orcs, no. I was hoping they'd do something like that for the arcane journal, but they didn't in the end.

I even interpreted the lack of a 100% savage orc faction in the arcane journal as an indication that bonesplitterz would be around, and I bought 200 quid worth of bonesplitterz a couple of weeks back. 

I intend to run them exclusively for the next year and podium a few times with them, as a final ****** you to GW. 

I know this is going to come off as sarcastic but it's meant entirely genuinely, I really hope you do, and that if possible you enter them into any painting competitions, armies on parade etc that you can. Best thing to do is to keep GW aware of what they've done in hopes that if there is a plan for something similar to take their place down the line, that they see there's a market for them. Sadly I only currently have Hedkrakka's Mob but I'll be certainly getting them painted up and posted on socials later this year and hoping a few of the kits get picked up for TOW so I can grab a few to do the same with.

Just now, Vaellas said:

If I recall as well before Errant Questor was also a Warhammer World only model that used to be on their WW specials shelf. He also had a terrible hair cut that made him look like Dwayne Dibley.

image.png.d0ebb2183e5e9c8f07225ce84936eca0.pngDwayne Dibley (@DwayneDibley1) / X

I can never un-see that now. Justifies the entire range deletion to help me never see one again ;)

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39 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

About that, I’m amazed we haven’t seem any skaven models being revealed so far.

not after this pole has been announcedf971dddd-6203-454f-8bab-c324ccf5ae76.jpeg.d9f0bb744a4b956f4d7a735848b7f094.jpeg

And yesterday was National Rat Day - missed a perfect opportunity. 

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TBH, the big difference with previous miniature removal by GW is how soon they make the announcement, but also assure they still be legal to use for competitive play and thus considered in the balance rules for a specific amount of time (even if competitive scene can't be trusted IMHO).

A lot of things can happen in one year of GW time. Maybe some "replacements" will come close to that end date, reimagined beastmen / bonesplitters or something very similar but different (some kind of giant centaurs drawn by earthquakes ? :P ).

GW sells games, but most over all miniatures. New miniatures will always happen, and they will have new rules to accompany them.

I'm still curious about what GW will wrote in the background of the 4th digital books about them. I'm pretty sure there will be hints on the future inside.

So far about beastmen, we know that in AoS, "unmarked" beastmen actually despise and loathe the Chaos Gods and they are less the creation of Chaos than in Warhammer Battle's universe / The Old World (their own legends tell they had a Zodiac Beast as their father in the Age of Myths). We also know some breys are tied to old Morghur and want to "give the Realms their original, shapeless form". Some people (and I'm one of them ;) ) liked to think that maybe they weren't really fit for the Chaos Alliance anymore and more akind to Destruction in a lot of ways (they also hate civilization and worship the raw brutality of nature, like all the greenskins). Who knows, maybe they can come back in AoS with a more radically different theme - less chaos, more wild faun-like ?

Future will tell.

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5 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

TBH, the big difference with previous miniature removal by GW is how soon they make the announcement, but also assure they still be legal to use for competitive play and thus considered in the balance rules for a specific amount of time (even if competitive scene can't be trusted IMHO).

A lot of things can happen in one year of GW time. Maybe some "replacements" will come close to that end date, reimagined beastmen / bonesplitters or something very similar but different (some kind of giant centaurs drawn by earthquakes ? :P ).

GW sells games, but most over all miniatures. New miniatures will always happen, and they will have new rules to accompany them.

I'm still curious about what GW will wrote in the background of the 4th digital books about them. I'm pretty sure there will be hints on the future inside.

So far about beastmen, we know that in AoS, "unmarked" beastmen actually despise and loathe the Chaos Gods and they are less the creation of Chaos than in Warhammer Battle's universe / The Old World (their own legends tell they had a Zodiac Beast as their father in the Age of Myths). We also know some breys are tied to old Morghur and want to "give the Realms their original, shapeless form". Some people (and I'm one of them ;) ) liked to think that maybe they weren't really fit for the Chaos Alliance anymore and more akind to Destruction in a lot of ways (they also hate civilization and worship the raw brutality of nature, like all the greenskins). Who knows, maybe they can come back in AoS with a more radically different theme - less chaos, more wild faun-like ?

Future will tell.

Would be a logical move. Trim down Chaos, which has a lot of factions, free creative space for both Chaos and Beasts, and give them a new shape in the Grand Alliance with fewer factions.

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8 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

TBH, the big difference with previous miniature removal by GW is how soon they make the announcement, but also assure they still be legal to use for competitive play and thus considered in the balance rules for a specific amount of time (even if competitive scene can't be trusted IMHO).

A lot of things can happen in one year of GW time. Maybe some "replacements" will come close to that end date, reimagined beastmen / bonesplitters or something very similar but different (some kind of giant centaurs drawn by earthquakes ? :P ).

GW sells games, but most over all miniatures. New miniatures will always happen, and they will have new rules to accompany them.

I'm still curious about what GW will wrote in the background of the 4th digital books about them. I'm pretty sure there will be hints on the future inside.

So far about beastmen, we know that in AoS, "unmarked" beastmen actually despise and loathe the Chaos Gods and they are less the creation of Chaos than in Warhammer Battle's universe / The Old World (their own legends tell they had a Zodiac Beast as their father in the Age of Myths). We also know some breys are tied to old Morghur and want to "give the Realms their original, shapeless form". Some people (and I'm one of them ;) ) liked to think that maybe they weren't really fit for the Chaos Alliance anymore and more akind to Destruction in a lot of ways (they also hate civilization and worship the raw brutality of nature, like all the greenskins). Who knows, maybe they can come back in AoS with a more radically different theme - less chaos, more wild faun-like ?

Future will tell.

I mean if it comes to the competitive system of warhammer in total, I’d say the horus heresy and tow communities are quit fun.

their answer to gws announcement of some armies not being allowed at tournament was laughter


edit: and by laughter I mean they laughed at their face and ignored that announcement 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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17 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

Because GW are a stake holder buisness, that operates from a profit mindset. the Team working on AOS led by Phil Kelly may want to keep them, but if higher managment say "hey we need to cut the worst selling army and thats Bonesplittaz, so they gotta go" then that army is going to be cut. 

They may be popular in some communities but compared to mainline factions like STD, Lumineth, COS, IronJawz etc, they aren't that popular, to warrant them staying. I don't like the fact that GW cull these factions, and I don't like GW buissness practices and i don't like that they are so keen to just cut massive armies on a whim with a single post, but they did this in 2015 with the entire WHFB range so theres clearly a precedent to do it.

Ultimatly the community will be angry for a few days, then will move on and probaly keep buying GW products. 

This doesnt negate anything i said. They still supported these armies for 3 whole editions before deciding to do this. 

Sure they can stop selling models if they want, its their company. Nobody has the right to complain right? Dont think that is true at all.

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Just now, Sarouan said:

TBH, the big difference with previous miniature removal by GW is how soon they make the announcement, but also assure they still be legal to use for competitive play and thus considered in the balance rules for a specific amount of time (even if competitive scene can't be trusted IMHO).

I don't think there is ever a good time but while I understand why some people are upset, it is good how you are being given a years notice of when they get moved to Legends and there will be rules to use which will be supported until summed 2025. I've been playing GW games for about 30 years now and I've seen variations of this through all that time.

Some units get dropped from army book updates or get changed in composition and limited to how many weapons you can have in it. 

When became aware of GW stuff, the first models I saw were Squats and when I got into 40K they got quietly dropped (rumour at the time was Andy Chambers had a falling out with a friend who played Squats. He should have sorted it out the typical GW way on the Car Park :D - note this was a real rumour I heard at the time but clearly not true. The Car Park reference is also a joke that some ex GW staff joke about :D ). 

I went through the End Times and I remember racing around to get all the books they released for that. I even went to GW Stratford Upon Avon to get the Glottkin book (my local is Dudley). I spent £250 on books and more building an army which I found out months later got invalidated through the old world getting blown up. 

So I get the pain people are feeling, but what GW have done is miles better than what they have done in the past in similar situations. 

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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

This doesnt negate anything i said. They still supported these armies for 3 whole editions before deciding to do this. 

Sure they can stop selling models if they want, its their company. Nobody has the right to complain right? Dont think that is true at all.

I forgot where I said that nobody has the right to complain. All i said is that the writing was on the wall for these factions.  The only real shock is that they have scrapped half the stormcast range, given that most SCE players have built armies and spent over £500 on these models. 

They supported WHFB for over a decade and then scrapped 2 entire armies and multiple models in a short span of time. Being in 3 differnet editions doesn't indicate they will stay given GW's track record. 

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27 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I know this is going to come off as sarcastic but it's meant entirely genuinely, I really hope you do, and that if possible you enter them into any painting competitions, armies on parade etc that you can. Best thing to do is to keep GW aware of what they've done in hopes that if there is a plan for something similar to take their place down the line, that they see there's a market for them. Sadly I only currently have Hedkrakka's Mob but I'll be certainly getting them painted up and posted on socials later this year and hoping a few of the kits get picked up for TOW so I can grab a few to do the same with.

Ironically, the index will be the first balance update for bonesplitterz in years. They've been completely ignored in almost every battlescroll. That, more than anything else, has been the main reason their meta representation has slipped so hard. Prior to the big stabba nerf a couple of years ago they were podiuming quite regularly. 

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4 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

I forgot where I said that nobody has the right to complain. All i said is that the writing was on the wall for these factions.  The only real shock is that they have scrapped half the stormcast range, given that most SCE players have built armies and spent over £500 on these models. 

They supported WHFB for over a decade and then scrapped 2 entire armies and multiple models in a short span of time. Being in 3 differnet editions doesn't indicate they will stay given GW's track record. 

You created your account last week, and suddenly you're here to curbstomp anyone who says they're upset about the cull. All signs point to the likelihood you're a GW bot. 

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7 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

All i said is that the writing was on the wall for these factions. 

This is very ironic when multiple people on this forum (so, generally, very involved in the hobby news cycle) where pushing back against the very idea. For reference, here's also a reddit thread after The Honest Wargamer started talking about the possibility of BoC going away with like 100% of initial reactions saying he was wrong (or worse): https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/195jk3n/where_does_the_rumor_that_beasts_of_chaos_are/

and I quote from the most upvoted comment:

"It pretty much exclusively comes from the YouTube/twitch personality theHonestWargamer's opinion almost no one else thinks it's going to happen"


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1 minute ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You created your account last week, and suddenly you're here to curbstomp anyone who says they're upset about the cull. All signs point to the likelihood you're a GW bot. 

+++ Mod Hat On +++

It doesn't matter when the account was created, everybody is entitled to their point of view.

It is a two way street though, and I do think everybody needs to be mindful of others feelings at the moment. So keep the anger for GW the business, not other people.

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9 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You created your account last week, and suddenly you're here to curbstomp anyone who says they're upset about the cull. All signs point to the likelihood you're a GW bot. 

New user + disagrees with others doesn't mean they're a corporate disinformation account. You guys have valid points and for what it's worth I agree with most of them about the removals, but that isn't one of the valid points or level takes.

6 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

This is very ironic when multiple people on this forum (so, generally, very involved in the hobby news cycle) where pushing back against the very idea. For reference, here's also a reddit thread after The Honest Wargamer started talking about the possibility of BoC going away with like 100% of initial reactions saying he was wrong (or worse): https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/195jk3n/where_does_the_rumor_that_beasts_of_chaos_are/

and I quote from the most upvoted comment:

"It pretty much exclusively comes from the YouTube/twitch personality theHonestWargamer's opinion almost no one else thinks it's going to happen"


Yeah I was surprised when I saw just how many people think he's full of it on these little tidbits. He is still quite connected (think about who he spends time with, knows, is with, etc.). He gets told stuff, including knowing about retroactive info via those people - TOW related prior planning especially. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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8 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

This is very ironic when multiple people on this forum (so, generally, very involved in the hobby news cycle) where pushing back against the very idea. For reference, here's also a reddit thread after The Honest Wargamer started talking about the possibility of BoC going away with like 100% of initial reactions saying he was wrong (or worse): https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/195jk3n/where_does_the_rumor_that_beasts_of_chaos_are/

and I quote from the most upvoted comment:

"It pretty much exclusively comes from the YouTube/twitch personality theHonestWargamer's opinion almost no one else thinks it's going to happen"


Exactly. It's one thing to say 'the writing is on the wall' after rumour sources say they're going away. 

And then GW staff say that those rumours are ******. 



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2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Exactly. It's one thing to say 'the writing is on the wall' after rumour sources say they're going away. 

And then GW staff say that those rumours are ******. 

Just to add my point of view from yesterday and god knows how many pages ago...

I think this is a case of one department not talking to another. I doubt very much that the Head of Global events would say that if they knew as it would make them look silly when it happened. If you knew, you wouldn't say that and would stick with non comital phrases.

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Just now, Jagged Red Lines said:

Exactly. It's one thing to say 'the writing is on the wall' after rumour sources say they're going away. 

And then GW staff say that those rumours are ******. 

A point for consideration by everyone:
Has anyone whos mulling over the statement from LVO ever been in a situation in a corporate environment where you are literally told you aren't allowed to discuss something and act like the other thing is or isn't true until publically stated otherwise by higher up, or the correct team? I have. A lot. It really sucks to be in that position too.
I think it's wholly possible they either didn't know themselves, or more likely were told that it's not up for discussion and the truth stands as what is current is current.

Not intending to defend them, it blows chunks. But objectively speaking this kind of thing happens in business comms all the time across every industry.

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17 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You created your account last week, and suddenly you're here to curbstomp anyone who says they're upset about the cull. All signs point to the likelihood you're a GW bot. 

I'm sorry i'm not a veteran Forum poster like yourself. 

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3 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Just to add my point of view from yesterday and god knows how many pages ago...

I think this is a case of one department not talking to another. I doubt very much that the Head of Global events would say that if they knew as it would make them look silly when it happened. If you knew, you wouldn't say that and would stick with non comital phrases.

Pretty sure the normal person response if you don't know would be 'I don't know'. 

You understand how this looks like a cynical attempt to deliberately keep people in the dark, in order to inflate sales.

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2 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I think this is a case of one department not talking to another. I doubt very much that the Head of Global events would say that if they knew as it would make them look silly when it happened. If you knew, you wouldn't say that and would stick with non comital phrases.



2 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Not intending to defend them, it blows chunks. But objectively speaking this kind of thing happens in business comms all the time across every industry.

Yes, I agree with this reading, but the comment was not mentioned in order to say "it's their fault", it is more to say from the perspective of the customers the writing was very much not on the wall. To me, it seems fair to say that customers are entitled to have a legitimate expectation that, when somebody from the company makes such a precise public statement, they know what they are talking about.

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3 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

A point for consideration by everyone:
Has anyone whos mulling over the statement from LVO ever been in a situation in a corporate environment where you are literally told you aren't allowed to discuss something and act like the other thing is or isn't true until publically stated otherwise by higher up, or the correct team? I have. A lot. It really sucks to be in that position too.
I think it's wholly possible they either didn't know themselves, or more likely were told that it's not up for discussion and the truth stands as what is current is current.

Not intending to defend them, it blows chunks. But objectively speaking this kind of thing happens in business comms all the time across every industry.

Yeah, I think something like this is what happened rather than a lack of talk between teams. It is how big companies work nowadays.

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