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2 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

I like to thing now think they are in a Nighthaunt run Spa with Nighthaunt in question providing mood lighting with candles. Everything was going well until... the incident... And so Pyre and Flood was launched.

You should apply to write the next AoS campaign or BL series.

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I don't understand the attitude toward BoC rumors. It's like every rumor we have says they're being removed and this is the one time we don't believe them because... we don't want to?


Then there's the "they probably meant they're getting updated/refreshed" line which is based on nothing but hopes and dreams. The rumors say nothing about a revamp and where would it even go with Chaos getting a skaven refresh, darkoath refresh, rumored chorfs and presumably something for Khorne or at least ONE of the big 4 sometime in the near future. Starts to look like BoC are getting a revamp like genestealer cults and sisters. In like 10 years. 

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51 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

Don't present your speculation about the design process as an "unquestionable fact" if you have no insight or intel about the process. Oh, and sure, you know the conceiver is a "he".

Tbf, from what we've seen, most of the design team and GW staff in general are men. It's a cyclical thing where they end up hiring hobbyists, and most of the people in the hobby have historically been from a specific demographic (which is changing now thankfully)

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1 minute ago, Luperci said:

Tbf, from what we've seen, most of the design team and GW staff in general are men. It's a cyclical thing where they end up hiring hobbyists, and most of the people in the hobby have historically been from a specific demographic (which is changing now thankfully)

Indeed, but there is almost always uncertainty. And there are better word choices for such circumstances.

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25 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Even while I agree her face is feminine enough, this afternoon I've been listening to Adepticon's reviews and all the users who don't follow AoS thought it was a him. So I guess he kinda has a point there, but I think this is mainly cause the way it has been painted.

It's also a large mini, so most people will see the lizard first and then go oh look there's an guy on there, I am glad they didn't give her sisters of battle -esque chest armour 

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59 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Did you want Abraxia to wear a bikini or a gala dress, or undergo Chaos plastic surgery, so you can clearly identify her as a woman ? Since you have trouble identifying a woman in full plate armour, maybe you need her to have a change of dress so it can better fit your representation of a woman. Or did you expect a female Chaos Lord to look like, idk, Sydney Sweeney or Zendaya ?


54 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

Why should that be even relevant? Besides, there is a whole spectrum of physical features in humans, and I'm glad GW utilises the differences by introducing more realistic and less stereotypical forms.

Don't present your speculation about the design process as an "unquestionable fact" if you have no insight or intel about the process. Oh, and sure, you know the conceiver is a "he".


Guys, replying to each of you would lead to opening a separate topic.
As someone else said, for me let's forget about the discrepancies between aesthetic opinions, because the issue is taking a ridiculous turn. I don't give a damn about explaining to some random guys on the internet what the rules are for defining a feminine form or not (I have the professional skills to do it, I'm a concept artist).

Having said that, back to topic and peace! 👍

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28 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Even while I agree her face is feminine enough, this afternoon I've been listening to Adepticon's reviews and all the users who don't follow AoS thought it was a him. So I guess he kinda has a point there, but I think this is mainly cause the way it has been painted.

i would argue that non-traditional rep includes that of a gender aspect and even if it doesn't read the way we expect it to we should be open to it, because there is an infinite spectrum of human beings and in traditional fantasy we're so used to seeing such a tiny "ideal" sliver of them.  for all my faults with it's style the new Cities range is awesome at this, and GW as a whole is getting much better with this.

with that being said however i think she's clearly a women, just a non-traditional one juiced up on CGS (Chaos God Steroids).  i imagine most 40k viewers don't really pay much mind to the AoS reveals and probably didn't look at her beyond a passing glance, in the same way that i couldn't tell you what new Chaos Space Marine units were revealed.

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1 minute ago, DD-Lord said:

Pensamiento aleatorio: ¿cuánto tiempo crees que GeeDubs continuará con la historia actual de AoS antes de que congelen el escenario? ¿En qué crees que lo congelarán?

what is GeeDubs

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1 minute ago, DD-Lord said:

Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

I dont think they will, GW has clearly left the "its a setting not a story" phylosophy behind, 40k havent followed it since 8th edition, AoS was built around not followin it, and even Old World is set a few years before the closest interesting event (Great War on Chaos)

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3 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

Never? The whole point of aos in the first place was so that didn't have to happen 


1 minute ago, Mcm6495 said:

what is GeeDubs

Games workshop

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7 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

Never. If they do that the game would change forever in a bad way. You cannot get your playerbase to get used to something that they enjoy and it is one of the key characteristics of the game and then remove it completely without consequences.

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13 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

I don't think they will freeze it. They'll be careful not to paint themselves into a narrative corner like happened with 4Ok.

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14 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

I honestly don't think they will. Like I suspect we won't get much in the way of actual sweeping changes to the setting in terms of reaching an endgame for one of the alliances to wipe out the others, but I think the story will continue to grow and evolve with time.

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14 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

Never. This method is easier to drum up hype (See speculations about what the Skaven are up to), explain new models (“Oh, these are new Bonereapers/Stormcast/Idoneth/ETC who until now were either prototypes, or are in response to something new”), and can sell multiple substantial campaign books each edition to drive the story forward. 

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1 minute ago, EntMan said:

I don't think they will freeze it. They'll be careful not to paint themselves into a narrative corner like happened with 4Ok.

It is inevitable when your story is built around war, because wars have a tendency to end, untill the factions get deus ex machine-ied out of every situation where they would loose

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4 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

It is inevitable when your story is built around war, because wars have a tendency to end, untill the factions get deus ex machine-ied out of every situation where they would loose

Since aos is set over a much grander time scale, they can just time skip past periods of peace, it's already been 100 years of lore since the start of aos 

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I don't think it will ever freeze. I think for AoS the sculptors design the mini's and than background and rules are done. This works perfect in a setting like AoS. The sculptors can create what they want and than they make something up background/rules wise after the mini is sculpted. This isn't possible with TOW, 40K, 30K and LotR or atleast not as easy.

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8 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

It is inevitable when your story is built around war, because wars have a tendency to end, untill the factions get deus ex machine-ied out of every situation where they would loose

Arguably we've just had a period of relative peace during 3rd editions narrative. Yes conflicts are continuing but aside from the Dawnbringer crusades there's not been any big shifts in power like happened with the Necroquake and seems to be coming with the Skaven's plans. And the realms are certainly big enough and the factions diverse enough that there's plenty of room for different alliances, conflicts and narratives to emerge

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4 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Since aos is set over a much grander time scale, they can just time skip past periods of peace, it's already been 100 years of lore since the start of aos 


Also not everyone has to be at war with everyone at all times. They can change things up a bit. Skaven are the perfect bad guys to start 4th edition. 

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35 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Since aos is set over a much grander time scale, they can just time skip past periods of peace, it's already been 100 years of lore since the start of aos 

One of the key things with this big chunk of time in mind is that we have a bunch of the armies which are immortal dudes, others are creatures that live hundreds of times, and for those of the rest that don't do it, there's one little thing called Aqua Ghyranis that makes your life longer. So you can do "whatever you want" lore-wise.

Edited by Ejecutor
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2 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Arguably we've just had a period of relative peace during 3rd editions narrative. Yes conflicts are continuing but aside from the Dawnbringer crusades there's not been any big shifts in power like happened with the Necroquake and seems to be coming with the Skaven's plans. And the realms are certainly big enough and the factions diverse enough that there's plenty of room for different alliances, conflicts and narratives to emerge

I was really hoping that Destruction would do something like this. The siege of Excelsis was fun but not that huge compared to some other events. We still have to see what happens with Kragnos i guess. I do start to like Gobsprakk, hes a good morruk character.

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2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Although I do think TOW selling extremely good seems to be the case.

Anyway everything new for TOW sells out on pre-order day. I.e the O&G this saturday. All the new stuff sold out already (Arcane Journal and the new mini (black orc bigboss).

In one of the O&G Almanacks they said "The game has been incredibly well received, and it’s great that there’s so much passion – the scope of the project has grown, so please bear with us."

This statement is something you don't read a lot from GW. I can't remember they ever posted something like this about any game system.  

I don't know about you, but that seems to me that everything about TOW is much more succesful than management thought it would be.

Also, The Honest Wargamer (Rob) said that he knows for a fact that TOW is the most played game by far in GW HQ employee game groups. Lol, I don't know if this is true ofcourse, but he seems to be really confident about it.

I don’t like this. TOW was supposed to be the specialist game to the mainstream fantasy game that is AoS, which means being more niche… Now it’s overtaken 40k as the most played game at Lenton. I do hope this is a fashion effect because if TOW continues to top AoS in the long term that means less ressources allocated for our AoS minis. 

Edit : I'm not being spiteful towards people who have fun playing TOW, just questionning what it means for AoS.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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20 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don’t like this. TOW was supposed to be the specialist game to the mainstream fantasy game that is AoS, which means being more niche… Now it’s overtaken 40k as the most played game at Lenton. I do hope this is a fashion effect because if TOW continues to top AoS in the long term that means less ressources allocated for our AoS minis. 

Edit : I'm not being spiteful towards people who have fun playing TOW, just questionning what it means for AoS.

I don't think you need to worry for that. We are near 4oS and that's what matter.

Just enjoy the ride.

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