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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I think we would see a Heresy Thursday and a little more.

Closer to the release we will but I can see then doing another preview show to show off the models (possibly a virtual Warhammer Fest?)

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5 hours ago, Beliman said:

Not sure if anyone has copy&pasted here the new rumour rules:







This was confirmed fake a long time ago wasn't it? Heywoah did a video reviewing it, and IIRC correctly somebody said their wishlist got posted as a fake leak. It would take me forever to dig up the tweet though.

4 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

This is largely all complete rubbish. I’ve had a look through the core book and I’ll let give you some rules, then I’m gone - flying too close to the sun.

- EVERYTHING is an ability. 

- Morale GONE. Now ‘Control’ stat.

- Weapon range is combat range, everything in 3” fights. That’s it. 

- Magic is choose one spell lore at beginning of game & everyone knows all spells in that spell lore. 

- If you choose to double turn you can’t score a battle tactic.

  • sounds like no USRs? good
  • this better not be what made indexes a necessity. Not worth it
  • good change
  • good change, might hurt a few armies with multiple lores (spiderfang) but those might get the axe...
  • battle tactics 🤮 
    • On a more serious note this doesn't actually do anything. Pretty much the only time to actually take a double is when you can immediately win the game. This doesn't really shift the math, or make controlling prio any weaker.
1 hour ago, Davariel said:

AoS really, really needs to decide what model ranges it wants to move forwards with and stick to it. This kind of uncertainty around units and armies being removed isn't healthy for the game.

Took them 4-6 years to get all the armies they wanted around into books and to squat the leftovers. 3 years later they reopen the issue. At this point everything should either be in or out. Its ridiculous.

1 hour ago, Ragest said:

I think we all know wich minis are going to leave (dispossesed, bones, dark elves, boc, old ogres, old skavens, fatcasts, metal/resin…)

The problem is they can’t announce it because that would cost sales and people lives in denial about it and when happens they get frustrated.

Gutbuster Ogors are 100% in, they're not getting old world support, plus we got new gorgers and a new terrain piece. Spiderfang on the other hand are definitely on the chopping block too.

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Just now, Gaz Taylor said:

Closer to the release we will but I can see then doing another preview show to show off the models (possibly a virtual Warhammer Fest?)

I meant for today. In a month or so surely we would have another preview.

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4 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

This was confirmed fake a long time ago wasn't it? Heywoah did a video reviewing it, and IIRC correctly somebody said their wishlist got posted as a fake leak. It would take me forever to dig up the tweet though.

  • sounds like no USRs? good
  • this better not be what made indexes a necessity. Not worth it
  • good change
  • good change, might hurt a few armies with multiple lores (spiderfang) but those might get the axe...
  • battle tactics 🤮 
    • On a more serious note this doesn't actually do anything. Pretty much the only time to actually take a double is when you can immediately win the game. This doesn't really shift the math, or make controlling prio any weaker.

Took them 4-6 years to get all the armies they wanted around into books and to squat the leftovers. 3 years later they reopen the issue. At this point everything should either be in or out. Its ridiculous.

Gutbuster Ogors are 100% in, they're not getting old world support, plus we got new gorgers and a new terrain piece. Spiderfang on the other hand are definitely on the chopping block too.

USR's are mentioned in the stream so they're definitely coming

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One thing I found funny was they kept mentioning "End of Era of the Beast" and the focus has been on destruction... ugh, ok... Outside of an awakened demi god pony what exactly did they do?


Edited by Vasshpit
Clarification I was referring to narrative and not model release.
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5 hours ago, Garrac said:



We got a new trailer! VERMINTIDE IS HERE! Annnnnnd so, I have to do another one of these, it's my duty! So, let's analyse a little bit this trailer to see what is coming for the rats, aka, the best warhammer faction to ever exist! What is being shown, what is missing, and what is on the starter box?



1) NEW CLAWLORD... mounting what is clearly an eldritch horror from your worst nightmares! First of all, unless GW has changed lore, this isn't neither a wolfrat/poxrat (too big) nor a brood horror (too small). It's a new thing! And it's clearly the leader of the pack! And look at that horny head? Is that the suposed rat ogre from SG Warhound leaks? Also, from the newsletter artwork seems like this guy wields a halberd and a gun, a mini-ratlign gun to be more precise. Perhaps he'll be leading a new skaven cavalry? Rats can dream too...


2) NEW CLANRATS! Yes, despite all skaven fans deying it, they are coming. For what we can see here, they'll be wielding shields, swords (no spears on the trailer) and with the whole command team (standard bearer on the left) All skaven models here seem like retaining that Perbet/Goodwin touch, but with a bit of a new twist on the faces perhaps? Too soon to tell.


3) NEW RAT OGRE! ITS COMINNNNNNNNG! Seems like in a tribute to Colin Dixon models this guy is wielding a flamer on the right hand, acompanied of a tank on the back. Glorious looks, can't wait to see the model tbh.


4) NEW GLORIOUS AND MAGNIFIC JEZZAILS!!! TOLD YOU GUYS!!!!! This was the perfect old skaven unit to appear on the kit. very glad to still see these guys around on a new game system and a new world with magnificent plastic. Also, seems like the model will see some changes, like more spikes, helmets, and most of all... Are those backpacks on the crew? I guess the munition will be on the backpacks? But I can also see wires on the jezzails... ummm... perhaps there is a dual kit of these guys coming????????


5) WHATEVER THE ****** IS THIS!!!! Already we have the sprue leaked on the wild, but it's still exciting to see it in action! Still can't say for certain if this is or not a new weapon team, tho. Also, the scene where the pilot runs over one of the slaves and laughs maniacally? Best scene of the trailer, 10/10

But, wait, there are things missing!


A) Grey Seer. Whitefang already told us he wasn't 100% sure on whether the grey seer would appear or not, but it seems like there's only a clawlord leading the pack. Weird.

B) Stormvermins. Only clanrats fighting the new shiny guys? Also weird. But new stormvermins would have been showed on the trailer 100%, it's a sell-point for this kind of boxes.

C) More rat ogres. Only one? Wouldnt be surprised if there's at least one more rat ogre coming. But then again, all the starter box stuff is allways showed on the trailers...

D) Master moulders/packmasters. This is also weird, a rat ogre needs it's master behind controling it, but stormcasts don't appear to have more than one character on the box as well.


It really depends on whether or not everything was showed here. It really depends on what GW wants. Do they want to make a Leviathan aosified box? Or keep it simple for AoS fans? So, let's make two cases for it:

1A) There's more on the box. We have many things to add here if there's more stuff. Mostly, I'd say A), B) and C) are the most likely candidates. C) at the very least seems like an almost granted on all scenerios, at the very least. That would mean: 1 clawlord, 1 grey seer, 20 clanrats, 10 stormvermins, 2 rat ogres, 3 jezzails, 1 new artillery

2A) It's everything, take a breath Garrac. This makes the case simple, and also keeps it boringly on line with Dominion. So, comparing with the Kruelboyz content I think I can even tell you the exact numbers of this: 1 clawlord, 20 clanrats, 1-2 rat ogres*, 3 jezzails, 1 new artillery

*still not certain because of C)

Also, skaven players, 2A) isn't bad! Because clanrats are getting more like 100% granted (at least spears, like kruelboyz), and this also means more spots for multimodular kits! Clawlord didn't need of those anyways (not so certain about jezzails ,tho)

Anyway, with this in hand I can also start guessing the price of the box, which also depends. If 1A) this will be priced on Leviathan levels with 200 euros. If 2A), then this will be priced at dull Dominion levels, which with inflation on hand would be... 170 euros, perhaps? Or a little bit more, but 170-200 euros are the prices with which GW seems more confortable as of now.

So, what did you think of the trailer? Do you concur with my points, or have something to object? Either way...



Quoting this so new normal not-american people are able to read it.

I'll cope at 60% for 1A) tbh. Not wholeheatedly because leakers still havent said anything about the concrete contents of the starter box, but Im gonna expect one more rat ogre at the very least.

(And for my case I have as proof the leaked blurry Rat ogre! If It was a rat ogre...)

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Quoting this so new normal not-american people are able to read it.

I'll cope at 60% for 1A) tbh. Not wholeheatedly because leakers still havent said anything about the concrete contents of the starter box, but Im gonna expect one more rat ogre at the very least.

(And for my case I have as proof the leaked blurry Rat ogre! If It was a rat ogre...)

We need several heroes for the box that are missing there. Heroes are the most profitable minis they make, so expect at least 2 or 3 more for each side.

Edited by Ragest
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3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

One thing I found funny was they kept mentioning "End of Era of the Beast" and the focus has been on destruction... ugh, ok... Outside of a released pony what exactly did they do?


KB full release, IJ wave 2, King Brodd, Trugg, AoS wolf riders, plastic gorgers… 

And plenty other factions had some beast themed minis. New demon prince, new Seraphon dinosaurs, Ushoran, Sylvaneth bug cavalry…

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13 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

sounds like no USRs? good

Reveal stream, 15:22 ...really trying to focus in on the most impactful rules, the most characterful rules, but removing a lot of the other detail you maybe had to manage before. So, a really good example is the reintroduction of a limited set of a universal special rules. So things like champions, standard bearers, musicians, you know - some weapon abilities.

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28 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I meant for today. In a month or so surely we would have another preview.

Ah sorry for misunderstanding! :D I don't think we will see anything else apart from maybe something for Heresy as it's Thursday?

18 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

It’d be nice to have a recap of it for people who haven’t watched the stream (which sounds like the vast majority of people here).

Based on what I can remember....

  • Rules have been reviewed and re-written
  • Weapon ranges are gone. Replaced with Combat Range which is 3" I think and used for combat and capturing objectives
  • Index rules for all armies. Any books you buy now will be out of date in a few months. I'm slightly annoyed about my Flesh Eaters!
  • Colour coded rules on warscrolls to help with what phase they work in
  • It's the Era of Chaos!!! Skaven have errupted everywhere. Things have gone from bad to BAD
  • Underlining the curse of the Stormcast which is going to be shown more in this edition with more Stormcast who have been effected by the Reforging. Not sure how players will see this as it seems the point has been laboured a lot and I think players want crazy out of control Stormcast!
  • Spearheads are a way of playing like combat patrol for 40K. Think of it like a version of the game (I'm already thinking I might be able to play at work as I know a few people who dabble!)
  • The boxed game sounds like it will have a mat to play on?
  • Reviewed the model ranges to workout stats by playing models in a line and grouping them. Should make more sense about some unit's having X wounds or Y armour Save for example!
  • EDIT (due to reminder from @Flippy :D ) - Universal Special Rules. So Champions, Standard Bearers, etc. A lot of units have them but they do the same sort of thing now rather than wasting space on the warscrolls

It's worth watching though

Edited by Gaz Taylor
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6 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Based on what I can remember....

  • Colour coded rules on warscrolls to help with what phase they work in

Wow, this is such a great quality of life change, I don’t know why they never thought of it before ! 
Also, will characters remain “independent” ie solo models or will some have to join units like in 40k 10th ?

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Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Wow, this is such a great quality of life change, I don’t know why they never thought of it before ! 
Also, will characters remain “independent” ie solo models or will some have to join units like in 40k 10th ?

They didn't explicitly say so, but they talked about heroes interacting with units using combat range so... lots of possibilities

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31 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

KB full release, IJ wave 2, King Brodd, Trugg, AoS wolf riders, plastic gorgers… 

And plenty other factions had some beast themed minis. New demon prince, new Seraphon dinosaurs, Ushoran, Sylvaneth bug cavalry…

I was referring more to narrative but even when taking into account releases I don't think destro received any more than any other "not the focus" alliance. 

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55 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

This was confirmed fake a long time ago wasn't it? Heywoah did a video reviewing it, and IIRC correctly somebody said their wishlist got posted as a fake leak. It would take me forever to dig up the tweet though.

  • sounds like no USRs? good
  • this better not be what made indexes a necessity. Not worth it
  • good change
  • good change, might hurt a few armies with multiple lores (spiderfang) but those might get the axe...
  • battle tactics 🤮 
    • On a more serious note this doesn't actually do anything. Pretty much the only time to actually take a double is when you can immediately win the game. This doesn't really shift the math, or make controlling prio any weaker.

Took them 4-6 years to get all the armies they wanted around into books and to squat the leftovers. 3 years later they reopen the issue. At this point everything should either be in or out. Its ridiculous.

Gutbuster Ogors are 100% in, they're not getting old world support, plus we got new gorgers and a new terrain piece. Spiderfang on the other hand are definitely on the chopping block too.

I kinda find it quit funny how people are currently considering armies that get supported in old world to also be armies that get the axe.

can’t wait till all those just announced darkoath unit get axed a month later😂.

(you guys get how stupid this sounds right?)

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37 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

KB full release, IJ wave 2, King Brodd, Trugg, AoS wolf riders, plastic gorgers… 

2 full new fractions and SG update for death in 2ed 
3 mortal faction update for chaos in 1ed 


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1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I kinda find it quit funny how people are currently considering armies that get supported in old world to also be armies that get the axe.

can’t wait till all those just announced darkoath unit get axed a month later😂.

(you guys get how stupid this sounds right?)

yeah, that sounds stupid. it's also the first time I read this argument.

it's minis, not armies: the new Darkoath stay in AoS, the old ones go to ToW. Therefore (right or wrong, at least, legitimately) seeing current AoS dwarves in ToW is taken as a sign that they are going.


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Btw, I still see amongst the skavendom the same dumb discussion/worrying about whether or not the clans will cease to exist, and can tell with confidence that warcom actually mentions them:


Also, see that subtitled phrase? It redirects to the Warp Lightning Cannon. So unless the intern has messed up or Ikit Claw is killing all the clans, seems like the WLC will live to kill it's own crews for a bit more.

Btw, GW keeps failing spectacualrly at selling me stormcasts, or at least at making them as compelling as the poor smurfs, but I'm glad the rats are keeping their sense of humour for the future. Glad to see there are writers behind that care.

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12 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I kinda find it quit funny how people are currently considering armies that get supported in old world to also be armies that get the axe.

can’t wait till all those just announced darkoath unit get axed a month later😂.

(you guys get how stupid this sounds right?)

They like to keep their ranges separate to track sales. When they get around to doing chaos in old world its gonna be the old plastic marauders, chaos warriors, resin chosen, and old knights. Same way they're bringing back old trolls and giants for the O&G stuff instead of using the aos models.

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Btw, on the 40k front they did mention that CSM will get a cultist/traitor guardsmen detachment. That's my main army! I've allways used to have the Astra Militarum detachment, but the moment this drops I'm gonna jump so quick, lol.

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Pretty good reveal show.

Not a huge fan of the Flagellant warband , but still nice to have some new Devoted. I might try covering up the priest's robes so that the guy underneath isn't visible, as that's probably my main gripe with them.

As for 4.0...

Which 1/3 of the Parch are we thinking is going under?
Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Art Reveal | Cubicle 7 Games

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6 hours ago, Beliman said:

Not sure if anyone has copy&pasted here the new rumour rules:







This is my 4th ed wishlist that somebody posted on 4chan last year

I make a lot of wishlists like this and post them in The Stormkeep discord server for public discussion

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