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Sounds like "educated wish listing", though I do love the sound of updated Skinks. The idea of Sigmar sending FUBAR souls up against Skaven's "soulrippers" is kind of funny, though. "I wasn't planning on recycling these anyway, hah!"

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Yeah, that 4chan post feels more like speculation, but I do like some of its bits.

The Hashut part feels plausible. 

The Yheetees and grost sabers are for the Beatclaw Raiders and not the Gutbusters, but this could OP just getting the different ogres mixed up.

By "no new dragons," I'm guessing he means the Stardrakes and the Dracoths, which also seems plausible. If those units get the thunderstrike treatment, I'd say they'll be among the last.

A second wave for Fyreslayers would be good, but I'm also kind of skeptical because I can't quite think of a way the Fyreslayers range could be expanded. 

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37 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

you do understand violent misogyny is still a rampant problem IRL right? and DOK's gimmick is essentially "what if the tables turned and women oppressed men back" right?

it would be a shitstorm because it wouldn't be fantastical, compelling, or funny. it's fine if you want to be a heel (the wrestling role) on the forum, but come on now.

While I like women (well, not all, I don’t like all men either though) and never remotely hurt one and never will, I find it interesting that you argue that it‘s fine to hate on guys cause there‘s little misandry in real life, especially as it‘s currently rising (see all the memes of women saying society and they don‘t need men). It‘s a modern problem. 

I get the gist of your argument and see your point (and I agree with it overall, violence against women is unacceptable) but in the super-inclusive world some try to create we should also have a good place for (white, old) men too. 

All I see are deontological ethics applied around me, thinking they are doing good but ultimately not considering the final result. It‘s kinda like with the refugees we take in - people feel good for helping but now they‘ve killed 5 women in one single week and group-raped two (edit: in my hometown, Vienna, the apparently most livable city in the world (I call bs)). All in a week. So am I truly the one that should get a sermon? 

Hell, I even manage to amicable relations with my exes, so I can‘t be a monster. 😋 But oh well, not really the place to discuss these things anyways. 👍

Edited by MitGas
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I love rumors.  Love them.  Even when they turn out to be false.  It's fun to discuss the what ifs.  It's basically a springboard for head cannon or fanfic.  

But the 4chan rumor feels pretty much like a roundup of some of the more common speculation from this site.  None of it seems new - with the exception of the male hero being released for DoK.  I think that is unanticipated, and would be interesting to see (if only from a lore perspective).  But the rest of it leaves not much to discuss because those ideas have been bouncing around here for quite some time.  

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58 minutes ago, lskupien926 said:

I think it’s fairly accurate but no malerion for another 3 years seems like a kinda large wait. I do see gw shifting from adding new factions to focusing on expanding the ones they have already released, but putting the slaanesh breaking out plotline on hold for so long seems kinda strange to me.

The thing is that whitefang confirmed chorfs are coming the next ed, so Malerion waiting another 3 years seems the obvious bet.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The thing is that whitefang confirmed chorfs are coming the next ed, so Malerion waiting another 3 years seems the obvious bet.

We had World Eaters and Votann in the same edition, so I think there is room for both armies in 4th aswell

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I'd love to see new yeti models. Its like the last thing I need to complete the ridiculous amount of ogres I've found I've picked up over the past few years. I'm normally pretty dismissive of 4chan rumour posts, but for once I truly hope this is a real one and not just wishlisting.

That said....if they do bring out the yetis I guess I'd actually have to get around to painting the entire army so maybe they could hold off another lifetime or two before we do get them!

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11 minutes ago, MitGas said:

While I like women (well, not all, I don’t like all men either though) and never remotely hurt one and never will, I find it interesting that you argue that it‘s fine to hate on guys cause there‘s little misandry in real life, especially as it‘s currently rising (see all the memes of women saying society and they don‘t need men). It‘s a modern problem. 

I get the gist of your argument and see your point (and I agree with it overall, violence against women is unacceptable) but in the super-inclusive world some try to create we should also have a good place for (white, old) men too. I mean

All I see are deontological ethics applied around me, thinking they are doing good but ultimately not considering the final result. It‘s kinda like with the refugees we take in - people feel good for helping but now they‘ve killed 5 women in one single week and group-raped two. All in a week. So am I truly the one that should get a sermon? 

Hell, I even manage to amicable relations with my exes, so I can‘t be a monster. 😋 But oh well, not really the place to discuss these things anyways. 👍

it's the difference between punching up and punching down, it's a very nuanced topic and this board isn't the place for it though

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39 minutes ago, lskupien926 said:

Genuinely im wondering how they will release malerions faction, because it stands to reason it would be around the same time slaanesh breaks free, because slaanesh breaking free is like a new edition level of event, yet it would be stormcast in the starter box so malerions faction would need to be released before that

Thinking that Malerion would be released before 4th is almost impossible. The "big release" prior to the new ed has been shown already, Darkoaths. But you are right about Slaneesh being a big plot. Prolly the one closing 4th ed.

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18 minutes ago, Ferban said:

I love rumors.  Love them.  Even when they turn out to be false.  It's fun to discuss the what ifs.  It's basically a springboard for head cannon or fanfic.  

But the 4chan rumor feels pretty much like a roundup of some of the more common speculation from this site.  None of it seems new - with the exception of the male hero being released for DoK.  I think that is unanticipated, and would be interesting to see (if only from a lore perspective).  But the rest of it leaves not much to discuss because those ideas have been bouncing around here for quite some time.  

With the new rules we just got from Krethusa, it seems a plausible option to get a male hero aligned to this new character.

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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Thinking that Malerion would be released before 4th is almost impossible. The "big release" prior to the new ed has been shown already, Darkoaths. But you are right about Slaneesh being a big plot. Prolly the one closing 4th ed.

Yeah what I mean is malerion being released sometime in 4th, because with the slaanesh plotline it wakes sense for all the elven factions to band together to fight it, yet every starting editions have been “stormcast vs x” and for an event so important to the elves, it wouldn’t sit right in my opinion for the stormcast to be the ones fighting slaanesh if that’s the new edition plotpoint. My solution would be to put someone else in the starter box like LRL, but then there would have to be new LRL, new slaanesh/chaos, and new dark elves to tie it together, which is a lot even for the turning of an edition.

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Of course malerion could be an end of edition major release like darkoath, and then LRL and slaanesh could be the starter box, assuming(and its a big assumption) that gw are willing to not have stormcast in a new edition box.

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2 minutes ago, lskupien926 said:

Of course malerion could be an end of edition major release like darkoath, and then LRL and slaanesh could be the starter box, assuming(and its a big assumption) that gw are willing to not have stormcast in a new edition box.

Yep. It is the long debate about Stormcast being the posterboys and being easy to collect, build and paint.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 minute ago, lskupien926 said:

Of course malerion could be an end of edition major release like darkoath, and then LRL and slaanesh could be the starter box, assuming(and its a big assumption) that gw are willing to not have stormcast in a new edition box.

Can't see that happening. The Starter box factions need to be easy to paint to a reasonable standard by inexperienced painters - not too much fine detail etc. That's why they always use Space Marines and Stormcast. Neither LRL or Slaanesh fit that bill

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I could see the FOMO launch box for 5th being Slaanesh vs. Elves (Malerion, LRL, whatever).  And then the starter sets swapping out the elves for Stormcast.  That would be a lot of extra new models for the start of an edition, but I don't think its out of the realm of possibilities.  

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Tbh I don’t care wich is the starter army as long as is not Stormcast, and I play stormcast.

There is enough bloat in that book to keep adding 10 kits every 3 years, and is very unfair to “primarize” them because of that, so better pivot to another faction.

Edited by Ragest
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Just now, Freemeta said:


so the official story does not say how phoenicium disapered? this city is still alive? i wonder if something is related to a life+fire crusade=phoenix ?

Nothing so far. We got a little mention on the recent BT, but that's all.

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Also, I was thinking...

I think Krethusa might be a huge idiot. She doesn't trust Morathi's Khaine schtick, fair enough, but we're past the "queen posing as an oracle" phase. Morathi is a literal god now. The only reason Krethusa has any power is because Morathi freed a sliver of divinity from Slaanesh. So she's just mad that Morai-Heg isn't around anymore? I think the time for rebellion was before Morathi deified herself.

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2 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Also, I was thinking...

I think Krethusa might be a huge idiot. She doesn't trust Morathi's Khaine schtick, fair enough, but we're past the "queen posing as an oracle" phase. Morathi is a literal god now. The only reason Krethusa has any power is because Morathi freed a sliver of divinity from Slaanesh. So she's just mad that Morai-Heg isn't around anymore? I think the time for rebellion was before Morathi deified herself.

Gods can be dealt with though in the world of AoS and Krethusa knows her people are being used. There will always be rebellion despite the overwhelming odds of defeat, that is what a lot of Age of Sigmar is about after all with the dawning of the setting being to fight back in a world that was won by Chaos.

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By bonesplitterz I'm pretty sure they meant Beast- Breakas. 😉😁


To the others, the world and especially here in America has definitely seemed to have taken a step back in terms of the double standard, common sense, the recognition of facts and science, and overall decency. 

I truly worry for our species at times but let's not forget this is just a warhammer forum. 🤜🤛


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2 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Oh, regarde une rumeur 4chan.


Il est plus que probable que quelqu'un fasse des suppositions sur la base des rumeurs actuelles. Ce serait incroyable s'ils obtenaient quelque chose de nouveau et correct. 


Désolé si quelqu'un a déjà posté ceci 


So if it is correct, i need to wait Ogors in almost 3 years ? So sad

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20 minutes ago, Danaork said:

So if it is correct, I need to wait Ogors in almost 3 years? So sad

No I think they're just saying that 2026 is for cities stuff. In any case this rumour is such an obvious reskin of all the previous tga rumours that I don't believe anything new in it for a second. It's pure guess work. 

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