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10 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

They generally only do the index thing when moving to a ruleset that doesn't support the old unit stats, 40k 7th into 8th where they removed armour values (and universal special rules, maybe?), WHFB 8th into AoS where they changed basically everything, etc.  I can't speak for the 40k 9th into 10th indexing cos I've not played 40k in a long time, but historically it's not something they've done without reasonable cause.

For what it's worth I think the AoS core rules are strong enough that they don't need such a huge change as to invalidate how warscrolls work. (Unless maybe they do something like remove melee weapon ranges, perhaps?)

Unfortunately the changes in 10th were simply OC count… which really isn’t a thing I’d call reasonable for a reset, and they changed army rules, which they do redness of index edition or not so I think they’d find any excuse to do it to AOS if it means selling you cards and then a couple months later selling a book

unfortunately this is a cynical post

Edited by Deakz28
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7 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

Unfortunately the changes in 10th were simply OC count… which really isn’t a thing I’d call reasonable for a reset, and they changed army rules, which they do redness of index edition or not so I think they’d find any excuse to do it to AOS if it means selling you cards and then a couple months later selling a book

unfortunately this is a cynical post

What about making foot characters attach to units (which would necessarily require rewriting every foot hero in the game), increasing the toughness of pretty much every vehicle, and adding universal special rules (adding Twin-Linked alone would require rewriting the attack profiles of dozens of weapons across the entire game). 

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13 minutes ago, Hollow said:

It's ok for a company to make money yah know! I want GW to have massive cash injections. I want the company to be successful. I want people, to want, to spend money with GW. I think it is a great company. 

That's a pretty bad take on what I said and a real tired take on "don't you know GW is a business?" I mean, of course bloody of course, they want to make money. Yet here you try and say I don't want people to be excited to spend money on GW when you know exactly what I mean. I mean, I could just turn the argument around on you and claim GW should triple their prices because people would be even more excited to spend that much! Just think of the massive cash injections! 

Edited by pnkdth
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Why are the people who said they would show Calls and Toll thinking about that possibility? I see it a bit early. Is it all based on the fact that they appeared in the New Year's shadows video? I don't see any reason for them to be here yet. Unless they have a big weight in the narrative of the 4th book, which would be weird being death focused.

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15 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

They generally only do the index thing when moving to a ruleset that doesn't support the old unit stats, 40k 7th into 8th where they removed armour values (and universal special rules, maybe?), WHFB 8th into AoS where they changed basically everything, etc.  I can't speak for the 40k 9th into 10th indexing cos I've not played 40k in a long time, but historically it's not something they've done without reasonable cause.

For what it's worth I think the AoS core rules are strong enough that they don't need such a huge change as to invalidate how warscrolls work. (Unless maybe they do something like remove melee weapon ranges, perhaps?)

Seems like with 40k they do a hard reset every other edition. We will soon see if AoS will do the same or not.

The interesting thing is that 40k stole a lot of rules from AoS. Cant wait to see if AoS will steal the stuff right back from 40k or it will be the game where GW test all their crazy ideas before putting the good ones into 40k lol.

My top guess for changes is that the magic phase will be removed, objective control will be different for each unit, and maybe solos will be able to attach to units....................... after that not sure since the core rules are pretty strong.

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24 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

Unfortunately the changes in 10th were simply OC count… which really isn’t a thing I’d call reasonable for a reset, and they changed army rules, which they do redness of index edition or not so I think they’d find any excuse to do it to AOS if it means selling you cards and then a couple months later selling a book

unfortunately this is a cynical post

10th wasn't just OC, they added back USRs and removed psychic powers basically, leader abilities too. I really hope they don't reset to indexes, AoS 3rd isn't that bad, the framework is very solid. Any drastic changes I would want (alternate activations, larger dice) are completely unrealistic. I also hope they don't bring leading units into AoS, I hate reducing characters to unit upgrades which is effectively what they are in 40k 10th given how they can't switch to other units and are useless on their own with a few exceptions

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21 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Why are the people who said they would show Calls and Toll thinking about that possibility? I see it a bit early. Is it all based on the fact that they appeared in the New Year's shadows video? I don't see any reason for them to be here yet. Unless they have a big weight in the narrative of the 4th book, which would be weird being death focused.

For me it was mainly because as I recall it appeared they were one of the silohettes on the "coming in AoS" video at Christmastime, and those tend to be models coming sooner in the year rather than later. Though granted they may easily be a few months out so it might still be a little early

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1 hour ago, Hollow said:

As was 9th. I might be completely wrong about this but I suspect GW has pivoted to "New Edition = Reset" for 40k+AoS. It just makes so much sense from a financial perspective. Everyone goes out to buy new indexes, cards, etc and it allows for the edition to be approached holistically from the outset. It's a massive cash injection, that I think is too hard to pass up. Again, I may be wrong but I think we will see a full AoS 4 reset (I also think this is why they have released all the Battletombs with several months to spare to minimise backlash from books only being viable for that edition for a couple of months.)

A hard reset to what end? They need to add a bit more customization to heroes, make foot heroes worthwile, drop battle tactics and make it worthwhile to kill units (another way to add VP's). If that is what you call a hard reset than yes! do it. 🙂 If a hard reset means more streamlining and removing more options than please no, because than the exodus to TOW will really start 🙂 .


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5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

 If a hard reset means more streamlining and removing more options than please no, because than the exodus to TOW will really start

I suppose "hard reset" carries some negative conitations. I think of it more like a "Fresh Start". With AoS 3, you have the rule book, some expansions, a narrative series and all existing factions have a Battletome. There is an art style to them and as an edition it feels "complete". Even if they keep 90% of the rules the same, having the way Battlescrolls are laid out, Battletomes are designed and a fresh art style would require a definitive break from 3rd and the beginning of 4th. I'm not even sure if this is the best way of going about things, and as I said, I might be completely wrong, I just feel like that is the way we are heading. 

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9 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

A hard reset to what end? They need to add a bit more customization to heroes, make foot heroes worthwile, drop battle tactics and make it worthwhile to kill units (another way to add VP's). If that is what you call a hard reset than yes! do it. 🙂 If a hard reset means more streamlining and removing more options than please no, because than the exodus to TOW will really start 🙂 .


But isn't that one of the major points of having two games?  Id be happy to see AoS get more streamlined as there is now an alternative for those who prefer something more complex. I think third edition has tipped over into being to complex for my tastes. 

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36 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Why are the people who said they would show Calls and Toll thinking about that possibility? I see it a bit early. Is it all based on the fact that they appeared in the New Year's shadows video? I don't see any reason for them to be here yet. Unless they have a big weight in the narrative of the 4th book, which would be weird being death focused.

I think odds are high that they will unveil the fifth dawnbringer book for this preview, there's two AoS videos, they've already shown the cover for DB4 and I'm almost certain it'll be up for pre-order soon, it's time to get previews rolling forwards to the next thing.

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11 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

A hard reset to what end? They need to add a bit more customization to heroes, make foot heroes worthwile, drop battle tactics and make it worthwhile to kill units (another way to add VP's). If that is what you call a hard reset than yes! do it. 🙂 If a hard reset means more streamlining and removing more options than please no, because than the exodus to TOW will really start 🙂 .


I play both 40k and AoS and right now I personally think AoS is the more complex game. While I am ok with this, I don't think that how GW wants the game to be run? Feels like a lot of streamlining and removing a lot of stuff from the game will be coming.

Also would the removal of battle tactics and making it worth fighting the other player!!!

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3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I'm sad that in the predictions and wish listing no one seems to be mentioning mixed species Cities warband anymore 😢

Have we given up hope?

Think Old World was a big red flag in the mindset of GW and the future of Cities. Mix races is a big no no since they rather sell each faction as its own thing. Why put normal Dwarfs in Cities when they will just sell a whole faction in Old World. Pretty much the same way they run all the human faction for 40k?

Will love to be wrong in this and I will always run my Cities army full of all the Dwarfs and Elves I already bought. Really we won't know either way until the books comes out (and maybe points if they never touch the nonhuman stuff lol).

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33 minutes ago, Chikout said:

But isn't that one of the major points of having two games?  Id be happy to see AoS get more streamlined as there is now an alternative for those who prefer something more complex. I think third edition has tipped over into being to complex for my tastes. 

A gameplay can be streamlined (e.g. remove or limit the impact of battle tactics) but you can still add some complexity to other aspects of the game, namely list building stage. More equipment & mount choices, artefacts and spells. More generic characters that you can heavily customise.

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34 minutes ago, Chikout said:

But isn't that one of the major points of having two games?  Id be happy to see AoS get more streamlined as there is now an alternative for those who prefer something more complex. I think third edition has tipped over into being to complex for my tastes. 

Our group forget a lot of little things while playing. So it certainly became to complex, but that's is not because there are lot of options. When looking at the armylists, you can have per army one or two artefacts, one command trait and chose one prayer / spell per priest / wizard and some armies can chose a mount trait and the list you can chose from is extremely limited.

So while it became more complex / cumbersome it is not because you army is swamped in options. Imo ofcourse 🙂 

There is imo to much bloath around it like battle tactics, heroic actions, monstrous rampages even command abilities add to it (command points) and while this is all added to give the armies more options / immersion it doesn't really work imo.


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1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

What about making foot characters attach to units (which would necessarily require rewriting every foot hero in the game), increasing the toughness of pretty much every vehicle, and adding universal special rules (adding Twin-Linked alone would require rewriting the attack profiles of dozens of weapons across the entire game). 

I mean attaching characters existed b fore, and increasing/decreasing numbers is also done every edition either way, but fair point on characters since that hasn’t existed since 7th

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7 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

They were confirmed to be coming to plastic some time ago, looks like tonight’s the night we get the full preview. Though for all our sakes I hope to god they’re not backported into 40K.

They won’t be, the 30k stuff and 40k stuff are kept pretty separate. You could probably use them for some cool Astra Militarum stuff though. 

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