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37 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

This is exactly what some 40k players say about the studio wasting resources on AoS instead of advancing 40k. Or what has been said about how whole factions should be squatted because they’re pulling resources away from space marines.

It’s a race to the bottom, as as argument, and is meaningfully distinct from discussions about range age and prioritisation.

100% this. For people that play only warcry or underworlds for x reason, some will think that all the other games are pulling resources away from the games they play. Lol, I am also occasional victim of this line of thinking. ;)

Edited by Tonhel
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GW killed all its specialist games before and streamlined to just 40k, AoS and MESBG. We know how well they went...


If things are poorly selling like aeronautica imperialis they'll pull the plug. All the smaller games are sufficiently popular that people play them. 

Things like warcry and underworlds shouldn't be lost just to "speed up AoS". In this current economic climate I can't keep up with what is released, let alone what's to come.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

What is usually launched in terms of big games when it is not a 40k or an AoS year? Maybe summer is a bit overlaps with that (unknown to me) release. So I would go for autumn-winter 2025.

Will be interesting to see in 2025 since the last time we had a year without big edition releases was 2019. 2020 and 2023 was 40k, 2021 and 2024 is AoS and 2022 was the Horus Heresy launch. While that system doesn't get as many releases as the two main systems nowadays, the launch itself was pretty big.

So 2025 will be the first year without a big system launch (as far as we know for now) since 2019 and Warhammer as a whole got alot bigger since then

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22 minutes ago, Togetak said:

I don’t really get how it’s clear they want to minimize the model overlap to the extent of it affecting their actual mainline games, beyond that they picked a place and time where the main focus is mostly on factions not in AoS.

There’s already going to be a bunch of overlap in a bunch of minor ways because as the latest of their WHC posts notes, they’re going to use the most recent models for units while having older versions released as made to order options, stuff like modern chaos chosen or the modern treelord are part of the line.

I don’t think GW is going to randomly cut modern kits from the BOC lineup just so they can sell less of them in a different system and even a BOC revamp wouldn’t replace a lot of their modern kits like the breylord and the new beastlord that’s in the same style as the rest of them.

I think the treelord has been confirmed that it was the old one.

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18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think the treelord has been confirmed that it was the old one.

Has it? I could see it being one of the ‘oddities’ that was mentioned in the WHC article from the other day but iirc the idea that the treeman will be the old 6th ed metal mini is still based on a single photo published on WHC ages ago.

EDIT: if this has come out from the various review videos, fair enough, and the base sizes list did include a few different options for treemen, which I thought was to accommodate different legacy minis people might have.

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37 minutes ago, Togetak said:

I don’t think GW is going to randomly cut modern kits from the BOC lineup just so they can sell less of them in a different system and even a BOC revamp wouldn’t replace a lot of their modern kits like the breylord and the new beastlord that’s in the same style as the rest of them.

Which "modern kits"?  The single Beastlord/Shaman? Every other BoC kit is an Oldhammer kit. (Excluding Tzaangors which are shared and nobody expects them to be moved from AoS.) Again, there seems to be a problem in understanding what is being said. The BoC kits will be moved to ToW because they are going to be replaced with AoS Beast-kits (In one way or another) Allowing GW to continue to sell the existing kits under the ToW banner and new kits in AoS. 

The kits aren't being "cut" ToW is the perfect vehicle to be able to continue selling older kits whilst introducing new kits to AoS. 

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6 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Has it? I could see it being one of the ‘oddities’ that was mentioned in the WHC article from the other day but iirc the idea that the treeman will be the old 6th ed metal mini is still based on a single photo published on WHC ages ago.

Just checked GMGs video and it has multiple base sizes listed (50x50 and 50x75), so it seems they're leaving up to the player which model they want to use.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I was away from all forms of Warhammer from the late 1980s or early 1990s until a few years ago.

Please could someone tell me which of the current Sylvaneth range were WFB models and not new to AoS?

I think the list will include Dryads and the Branchwraith, but don't know how old much of the rest of the range is.

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Just now, EntMan said:

I was away from all forms of Warhammer from the late 1980s or early 1990s until a few years ago.

Please could someone tell me which of the current Sylvaneth range were WFB models and not new to AoS?

I think the list will include Dryads and the Branchwraith, but don't know how old much of the rest of the range is.

  • Treelord/Spirit of Durthu. 
  • Branchwraith (AKA the old Drycha)
  • Dyrads
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4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

That's correct.

All of the now squatted Wanderers were Wood Elves as well, for the record. 

And have Dryads or Treelords/Ancients/Durthu been mentioned in any of the Old World lists?

Just trying to wonder what might be moved from the Realms to the Old World.

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Just now, EntMan said:

And have Dryads or Treelords/Ancients/Durthu been mentioned in any of the Old World lists?

Speak of the devil, I'm watching the GMG video now.

Treemen Ancients, Branchwraiths, Dryads and Treemen all appear to be there. Durthu isn't, but will presumably be in the Arcane Tome whenever that drops since that's where they stash the Special Characters now.


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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Just checked GMGs video and it has multiple base sizes listed (50x50 and 50x75), so it seems they're leaving up to the player which model they want to use.

Granted, that did stand out in the base size list from facebook too. Also accommodates the chunky old no-neck-just-torso dude from pre-6th ed and, if anything, makes the question of ‘official TOW minis’ a bit moot.

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6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Speak of the devil, I'm watching the GMG video now.

Treemen Ancients, Branchwraiths, Dryads and Treemen all appear to be there. Durthu isn't, but will presumably be in the Arcane Tome whenever that drops since that's where they stash the Special Characters now.


So I'm conflicted, I love the Dryad models. This would suggest they'll still be available, but will be fading away from AoS use. I guess I could kitbash my unbuilt ones into Tree Revs. And the already made one can be counts as Spite Revs.

But what to do with my 2 unbuilt Treelords? 

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30 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Has it? I could see it being one of the ‘oddities’ that was mentioned in the WHC article from the other day but iirc the idea that the treeman will be the old 6th ed metal mini is still based on a single photo published on WHC ages ago.

EDIT: if this has come out from the various review videos, fair enough, and the base sizes list did include a few different options for treemen, which I thought was to accommodate different legacy minis people might have.

Same was for Trolls, who are now confirmed to  be the old ones, from the picture in the Ravening hordes book

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22 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Which "modern kits"?  The single Beastlord/Shaman? Every other BoC kit is an Oldhammer kit. (Excluding Tzaangors which are shared and nobody expects them to be moved from AoS.) Again, there seems to be a problem in understanding what is being said. The BoC kits will be moved to ToW because they are going to be replaced with AoS Beast-kits (In one way or another) Allowing GW to continue to sell the existing kits under the ToW banner and new kits in AoS. 

The kits aren't being "cut" ToW is the perfect vehicle to be able to continue selling older kits whilst introducing new kits to AoS. 

By modern kits I mean the chunk of the range that came out the same year 8th ed dropped, though yes the models put out as part of aos that you think will be dropped for being in the same style as the rest of the range are part of that. A range refresh is not going to throw out every single model in the army to entierly replace them with a new aesthetic for the same units, is my main point.

As was pointed out earlier with examples like treelords and dryads, there’s a bunch of model crossover and I don’t think you’re going to see any of those crossover models get thrown exclsuively to TOW anytime soon just because of TOW, sometimes old stuff gets replaced because it’s old and you’ll probably continue to eventually see that with holdover WHF models, but I don’t think TOW dictates or speeds up that process in the slightest.

I don’t really get where the assumption otherwise is coming from, there’s no other indication of anything in the pipeline via rumor engines or upcoming campaign events that’d indicate a refresh with a visual overhaul, it’s just speculation based on assumptions about GW not wanting to sell more of the same models (and instead wanting to sell less of them)

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The Beasts of Chaos Battletome currently has a combined total of 34 Warscrolls. 

  1. Beastlord
  2. Great Bray-Shaman
  3. Gors
  4. Beastigors
  5. Ungors
  6. Ungor Raiders
  7. Tuskgor Chariots
  8. Centigors
  9. Razorgors
  10. Slaangor Fiendbloods
  11. Doombull
  12. Bullgors
  13. Ghorgon
  14. Cygor
  15. Shaggoth
  16. Dragon Ogors
  17. Chaos Warhounds
  18. Chaos Spawn
  19. Jabber Slythe
  20. Cockatrice
  21. Chimera
  22. Tzaangor Shaman
  23. Tzaangor Skyfires
  24. Tzaangor enlightened
  25. Tzaangors
  26. Morghurite Chaos Spawn
  27. Gargant
  28. Fellhoof
  29. Despoilers
  30. Direflock
  31. Dirgehorn
  32. Wildfire Tauras
  33. Herdstone 

The ones marked in Red are the BoC Units appearing in the Old World which can be seen below. The Blue are the scrolls from the Warband and the Green are the endless spells and Herdstone.

ALL Base Sizes For CORE Factions - Warhammer The Old World - FULL ROSTERS 17-21 screenshot.png


I suspect that when AoS 4 rolls around, all of the current Warscolls will get "Index rules" to carry the faction as existing into the new edition (perhaps minus the endless spells) Then all of the units marked in red will be moved over under ToW banner and either the AoS faction will be expanded with more God specific beast units (For Khorne, Slannesh and Nurgle as Tzeentch is already pretty well represented) Giving ToW it's beast faction and AoS it's beast representation. What I do not see happening is for the units market in red to stay in AoS and also be used for Tow simultaneously. 

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So as of now these kits are currently pulling double duty in AoS and ToW. 

Moonclan grots, Squig hoppers, Fanatics, Mangler squigs, squig herd, (they may be using old kits for these but thst would be insane) arachnaroks, spider riders

steam tank, griffon, flagellants, longbeards, irondrakes, gyrocopter, rune priest, cog smith, warden king. 


chaos lord on foot, chaos lord on manticore, chaos marauders, chaos marauders, chaos chariots and maybe chaos giant. 

All the BoC stuff. 

I've probably missed a few. 


That's a lot of kits. Are we going to see them all replaced or dropped in the next couple of years?


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2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

That's a lot of kits. Are we going to see them all replaced or dropped in the next couple of years?

Not dropped. MOVED to ToW or replaced with AoS variants. That's my bet. 

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2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

So as of now these kits are currently pulling double duty in AoS and ToW. 

Moonclan grots, Squig hoppers, Fanatics, Mangler squigs, squig herd, (they may be using old kits for these but thst would be insane) arachnaroks, spider riders

steam tank, griffon, flagellants, longbeards, irondrakes, gyrocopter, rune priest, cog smith, warden king. 


chaos lord on foot, chaos lord on manticore, chaos marauders, chaos marauders, chaos chariots and maybe chaos giant. 

All the BoC stuff. 

I've probably missed a few. 


That's a lot of kits. Are we going to see them all replaced or dropped in the next couple of years?


I'd be pretty disappointed if they dropped all those Moonclan kits; some of them were made for AoS specifically and the Night Goblins themselves are a GOAT kit as far as I'm concerned 


For the rest though, I wouldn't be surprised tbh; the steam tank will surely get an AoS version, as will the flagellants (I could actually see the latter staying in AoS)


I think "classic Duardin" are getting dropped entirely, unfortunately. Bright side there is I'll finally be able to buy the rest of their range, as I really like quite a lot of it: we already saw it happen with the High and Wood aelves


I could see Dryads staying and pulling double duty with the treelord; unless their "basic infantry" role is going to get 1:1 replaced by a kurnothi unit which seems uninspired


Unless all those chaos kits get new equivalents, I seriously doubt they're cutting that much tactical utility from S2D. I feel similarly about beastmen; it would just take a "morghur is here!!" wave to give them a solid AoS identity *and* Morghur is a presence in the Old World *so even the new stuff could pull double duty.* it would feel extremely bad to me if Chaos Dwarfs take Beasts's "slot" on the AoS roster. Beasts have a place in AoS

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4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

You think that squig hoppers, fanatics and mangler squigs will be moved to ToW?

I think those current models will stay in AoS and older models will be brought back to represent those units in ToW. 

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