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13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Ok guys, the best part of the preview. We can confirm two things:

- Dawnbringers have more books.

- We have a Big release window during March-April period.


Soooo... What are the news are coming next year?

Dawnbringers got the Death book announced and we already have the Destro and Order one. We're getting a Chaos book imo !

March- April release window... Could it be Chorfs ? Would be awesome if it was, but the problem is, Whitefang has been radio silent about Chorfs. Which is concerning imo.

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34 minutes ago, michu said:

I think it will be Khorne

Khorne update would fit. They're unlikely to get the new edition treatment, but Dawnbringers has been pumping Khul up a lot, he's probably about to ascend to Daemon Prince, his sidekicks from the old SC box literally just got killed off in book 3, Vandus also seems headed towards self-destruction and Ionus just got a new model, everything looks lined up to finally shelf the old 1st edition starters for good.

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Its not the first time Ive said this but I think it may very well be the last.

Ushoran is the BEST model that GW had done yet.

He is perfect. He is regal. He is massive.

With just him revealed I think this is one of the best Online Previews so far.

I cant get over how epic he is.

I think my favourite ever GW mini is the ascended fulgrim but ushoran might be one of my favourite plastic kits tbh, he really is so good

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Dawnbringers got the Death book announced and we already have the Destro and Order one. We're getting a Chaos book imo !

March- April release window... Could it be Chorfs ? Would be awesome if it was, but the problem is, Whitefang has been radio silent about Chorfs. Which is concerning imo.

Chorfs/hashut is bound to happen eventually I think, like malerion, until we get more concrete lore foreshadowing though I'll assume they're not happening anytime soon. As others have said, khorne is likely. StD also could get something, new marauder/darkoath cavalry and that lady of ruin character. Tzeentch getting an elite mortal/armoured warrior unit would be welcome too; and slaanesh have some characters rumoured.

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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Let's take a step back.

We've just finished the 3rd edition streak of upgrading armies that need it.

  • Flesh Eater Courts : done
  • Cities of Sigmar  done
  • Seraphon  done
  • Skaven : loading... 🔄
  • Ogors loading... 🔄
  • Beastmen : loading... 🔄

Those 3 loading are the most hyped Ive been for Warhammer in an age.

The past 3 refreshes kept blowing my mind so I cannot wait to see what GW has been cooking in the Mawpot.

1 hour ago, michu said:

I think it will be Khorne

I agree I think with the recent short story and the building up of Khul in Dawnbringers we may get a Daemon Prince update for him with a new unit for Khorne as well.

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1 hour ago, flying_dutchman said:

Sure but that just makes it seem more like an fec supplement than a dawnbringers book

Yeah this is what I was thinking. The Flesh Eater Court book is coming out presumably around the same time as DB4, at least in the FOMO box. What exactly is the point of making the leader of a new range that is releasing with a new book the sole focus?

IMO there has to be something else there. Perhaps DB4 is launching a bit later than we might expect so the stuff will be shown off at a later date? Well we will see, definitely expecting more models to come out with the book, and would be rather dissapointed if it is a big nothing on that front. Also haven't we basically been told that OBR are getting stuff in Dawnbringers? Since they are guarding Ushoran's prison atm it seems like a likely thing to add to.

I am curious about the Death rules updates though! Since Lauka Vai is apparently featuring I wonder if the Avengorii are going to get their subfaction updated to be a bit better? Maybe if all of Death is being covered we could get a few warscroll updates, Glaivewraith Stalkers getting better rules would be nice for example.

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11 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Yeah this is what I was thinking. The Flesh Eater Court book is coming out presumably around the same time as DB4, at least in the FOMO box. What exactly is the point of making the leader of a new range that is releasing with a new book the sole focus?

IMO there has to be something else there. Perhaps DB4 is launching a bit later than we might expect so the stuff will be shown off at a later date? Well we will see, definitely expecting more models to come out with the book, and would be rather dissapointed if it is a big nothing on that front. Also haven't we basically been told that OBR are getting stuff in Dawnbringers? Since they are guarding Ushoran's prison atm it seems like a likely thing to add to.

I am curious about the Death rules updates though! Since Lauka Vai is apparently featuring I wonder if the Avengorii are going to get their subfaction updated to be a bit better? Maybe if all of Death is being covered we could get a few warscroll updates, Glaivewraith Stalkers getting better rules would be nice for example.

I'd love some more obr but I'm biased.  There's 2 res that are basically obr (the wing looks exactly like a morghast wing and the arrows seems like obr) 

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12 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Yeah this is what I was thinking. The Flesh Eater Court book is coming out presumably around the same time as DB4, at least in the FOMO box. What exactly is the point of making the leader of a new range that is releasing with a new book the sole focus?

It may be that Ushoran is crucial to the narrative, rather than FEC getting any additional rules in there.

Kind of like how the whole series is called Dawnbringers, but CoS only get narrative battleplans and the like.

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4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

It may be that Ushoran is crucial to the narrative, rather than FEC getting any additional rules in there.

Kind of like how the whole series is called Dawnbringers, but CoS only get narrative battleplans and the like.

Yeah but what I mean is it would be odd for the book to arrive with no accompanyment. Ushoran is the narrative topic but in reality he is arriving with the new book. It would also be odd for him to be an army of renown considering he will have his own faction in the book. I guess they could release an army of renown box as a limited time way to get access to him and more new ghouls before the army officially releases but that just seems like a really odd way to play it.

As has been pointed out we also have what appears to be a Morghast RE. I don't know I just find it hard to believe that this is all we are getting for DB4, which is supposed to focus on Death as a whole.

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What a reveal to wake up to!

Absolutely love the Dark Angels kits, might even get me to finish my half-done Kill Team.

FEC are finally what the lore has laid them out to be (armour! actual weapons!) and Ushoran is an absolute beast of a model, but I'm a bit surprised the regular Ghoul and Horror kits are staying. And the lore behind them has me wanting to kitbash some of those "delusional what-ifs" into actual Cities of Sigmar models (Command Corps Judge for more established settlements?).

Kruleboyz warband is fine. The whole range has been surprisingly good overall (apart from imo the new Warcry team), so these may find their way into the "allies" section of my Gitz.

Tomb Kings dragon is not something I would have expected, but I'm really glad it's more of a construct than a reanimated corpse. The Tomb King's face is a bit weird (like the resin foot one), but the High Priest is surprisingly decent. And mummy cat is not something I knew I wanted.

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Mamma mia, what a reveal show! Sort of knew about most reveals beforehand, yet delighted and impressed by just about everything!

Nothing specifically for me this time around, but tons of things that look very tempting - and is sure to make the rest of TGA very happy!

Ushoran & co. look absolutely spectacular. Do we know if this is it for the time being? Would love a unit or two more to really cement the army, but this is a fantastic start. The Underworld band is really good too!

As for future releases... 2nd edition featured Nighthaunt - and then saw a lot of "deathly" releases. 3rd edition featured the Kruleboyz - and then saw a lot of "beastly" releases.

If 4th edition features Skaven as the main baddies, would it not make sense to have a lot of "scheming, shadowy, and, uh, entrepreneurial" releases? AKA Malerion's shadow elves, Chaos Dwarfs, and more?

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9 minutes ago, Souleater said:

I’m surprised by the number of existing FEC players that don’t want regular ghouls to be updated. 

I haven’t rushed out and replaced the Genestealers or Gaunts in my Nid or GSC armies.

The old ones look so outdated next to the newly revealed kits. 


The new ones are more sinewy but there's isn't a whole lot separating them. Most players already have a metric tonne of them too and the prospect of having to redo all of them won't be very appealing. Which is why I think GW decided to focus on new releases and adding to the range instead.

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9 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

The new ones are more sinewy but there's isn't a whole lot separating them. Most players already have a metric tonne of them too and the prospect of having to redo all of them won't be very appealing. Which is why I think GW decided to focus on new releases and adding to the range instead.

Nobody is going to make us replace our blocky headed old kit. As I said, I’m not replacing my Tyranid gribblies even though the new sculpts are better.

I get the focus on new units for sure. But I don’t think that would have stopped the Cryptguard having an empty-handed dual build kit.


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Ushoran is glorious, and the new Flesh Eater units are a needed and welcome addition!

I am glad we didn't get new basic ghouls as i wouldn't be able to afford replacing my old ones, and knowing that a new updated kit was out would torment me 😅

I recall from the leaked new ghouls sprue, that they had almost twice as many heads as models in the box. It will probably be easy to use the extra heads from the new kit to modernize the old ghouls a bit, if one wants to. 

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Honestly as someone who plays Necrons and Dark Angels and wants to get into FEC I'm really hyped by this preview. I don't think there was a bad mini across all of the games previewed. I'm still not sure if I'll buy into TOW but I might get the skeleton dragon just to paint one day

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7 minutes ago, Souleater said:

Nobody is going to make us replace our blocky headed old kit. As I said, I’m not replacing my Tyranid gribblies even though the new sculpts are better.

I get the focus on new units for sure. But I don’t think that would have stopped the Cryptguard having an empty-handed dual build kit.


Definitely not opposed to new ghoul kits, however, the issue for AoS (it seems) is that GW need more guarantees on buying power to refresh kits. That said, they've let some seriously outdated kits overstay their welcome in 40k too so who the heck know what makes them decide X or Y. :D

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