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31 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

What are people's opinions on the Old World for this preview at Warhammer Day? Wouldn't it be suitable to reveal the game already and the starter box army battalions? On top of this the preview drops 3 days after the last day of the 40 Years of Warhammer nostalgia cycle. If GW are smart and want to properly honor WHFB and the true 40 year anniversary then I think they should reveal the project, game and minis right then and there!


IIRC, Warhammer was released in July 1983. So ToW should ideally have been released back in July. I am not sure why they are going for October as the target for their 40 years of Warhammer count down. Can anyone explain?


The rumour (not spelt ‘rumor’) is that the release date for ToW was to be November but has been pushed back. I suppose we should be grateful that GW doesn’t reschedule the release to meet the 50 year anniversary of Warhammer. But I guess too many of the old granary’s would have died of old age by then and GW wouldn’t make as much money. Would be better for the kid’s inheritance balance, though.

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Saw a Chapter Master Valrak vid today, he claims that there will be 2 big boxes, the Bretonian one will be something like 70 models, but mostly old ones outside of a new Lord on Pegasus. Tomb King one will be about 90 models, again mostly old models (though Necropolis Knights will apparently be in and they are 8th Ed. at least), with a new Liche Priest on some form of undead Dragon (think from Warmaster.



Apparently it is a source he trusts as reliable. Was supposed to release this year but got pushed back as LI got moved back into its slot or something. Sorry if this has already been posted but I think it is new info!

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I'm just waiting for ToW to be out of the way so the hype cycle for AoS4 can begin in earnest. It has potential to be extremely great if it adapts the good things from 10th ed. 40K. I can't wait to see what new stuff it's going to bring, what the realm is going to be, which storylines will get their payoff, if the sidegames are going to be an even bigger part of the main narrative, which factions take a central role, etc.

Year of the Duardin lets go!



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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I'm just waiting for ToW to be out of the way so the hype cycle for AoS4 can begin in earnest. It has potential to be extremely great if it adapts the good things from 10th ed. 40K. I can't wait to see what new stuff it's going to bring, what the realm is going to be, which storylines will get their payoff, if the sidegames are going to be an even bigger part of the main narrative, which factions take a central role, etc.

Year of the Duardin lets go!



I too am looking forward to Fantasy 30K being out of the way. I know its a big deal for some people but I was there in the old days. Years upon Years of waiting for your Army to recieve anything. No 'Standard Hero and Tome' release every Edition, hell you didnt even get a new Army Book every Edition!!

And now we will see 20+ year old sculpts in finecast being sold for modern prices.


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Yeah cant wait to see the new Skaven, hope they go with either Eshin or just a completely new clan. 

Just have to say that every army GW has put out this edition is absolutely gorgeous. Cant decide what army to buy next to be honest. Would love to know if a Gitmob/Grotbag army gets released some day.

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8 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Saw a Chapter Master Valrak vid today, he claims that there will be 2 big boxes, the Bretonian one will be something like 70 models, but mostly old ones outside of a new Lord on Pegasus. Tomb King one will be about 90 models, again mostly old models (though Necropolis Knights will apparently be in and they are 8th Ed. at least), with a new Liche Priest on some form of undead Dragon (think from Warmaster.



Apparently it is a source he trusts as reliable. Was supposed to release this year but got pushed back as LI got moved back into its slot or something. Sorry if this has already been posted but I think it is new info!

I got some kind of a urge two years ago and bought a boatload of "last kingdom" bretonnian look alikes from a 3d printing company. 

The models are brittle af, so I might get tempted to buy even more bretonnians. 
Can't wait... 

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5 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I’m hoping that 4.0 updates old factions (Ogors, Skaven, BoC, the like) and sends out the next waves for armies that otherwise are currently small like Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Ossiarchs, Lumineth, Idoneth, and their ilk. Maybe even a Gargant or two. 

And CoS wave 2. Don't forget our mortals.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

And CoS wave 2. Don't forget our mortals.

IMO Cities can wait a little longer. They've just got a wave bigger than some entire armies. Are they still missing some things (like Aelves and Duardin)? Yeah. Are there armies that need updates MUCH more severely? Very hard yeah

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51 minutes ago, Snarff said:

IMO Cities can wait a little longer. They've just got a wave bigger than some entire armies. Are they still missing some things (like Aelves and Duardin)? Yeah. Are there armies that need updates MUCH more severely? Very hard yeah

There would be no problem with the next Cities wave coming late 4th or even 5th edition. The range feels reasonably complete already. But the way that the designers talked about all the important concepts the wanted to include "but didn't have room for in this wave" makes me think we will see it sooner rather than later. We already know they wanted to put in more religious units, but there is definitely also room for new steam tech stuff and a few new takes on old units that got cut without replacement like Greatswords.

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I do have a feeling this is the last time we see a Cities of Sigmar book in that mixed, post GA Order form. The first CoS book phased out 35 warscrolls and countless mini factions. The current one axed fewer, but started replacing the identity of the whole army. To me, it's really hard to see the current further segregation of human, dwarf and elf forces as another step on a road to segregating them book-wise as well. Unless there is a next CoS book that would start introducing replacement kits for the dwarfs and elves like the current one did with humans.

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23 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

I do have a feeling this is the last time we see a Cities of Sigmar book in that mixed, post GA Order form. The first CoS book phased out 35 warscrolls and countless mini factions. The current one axed fewer, but started replacing the identity of the whole army. To me, it's really hard to see the current further segregation of human, dwarf and elf forces as another step on a road to segregating them book-wise as well. Unless there is a next CoS book that would start introducing replacement kits for the dwarfs and elves like the current one did with humans.

To me makes sense that they are segregated from a range point of view. If all the races are kept, and we don't have mixed units as it seems we would, the range could be comparable in size with the Stormcast one.

It is either that or having a big core of humans and 2-3 units for dwarvens and elves, which I think would make more damage than help.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

CoS got 12 kits, it's good but not that good compared to for example, what Necrons got in 9th edition. Personally, I want wave 2 to happen in 2nd half of 4t edition, let me have time to paint and play with my miniatures before I need to whip out the wallet once more for the 2nd wave.

12 kits is pretty amazing for a wave of releases AoS wise. The Sylvaneth expansion since AoS started has been IIRC 6 kits in total (lady of the vines, Gossamid, spriteriders/seekers, arch-revenant, warsong, endless spells) and that's over a period of 8 YEARS.

Armies like Fyreslayers, KO, OBR, IDK and even Sylvaneth barely have that many/only slightly more kits. If we don't count endless spells or terrain, armies like Skaven, BoC, Ogors, FeC and Bonesplitterz COMBINED didn't even receive 12 kits since AoS started.

CoS can use more models, but there are quite a few other armies that need it more. I know it's the FotM army, but they just got an amazing update with at least Callis and Toll still coming sooner rather than later.

It feels like a disservice to call an expansion like that 'not that good compared to a 40K starter set army' when it's one of the biggest waves AoS has ever had. The releases aren't even all available yet and people are calling for more when a lot of armies have only received one hero per edition.

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18 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Ok im just thinking out loud here. If 3rd edition is finished a substantial part of AoS will have decent sculpts. After 4th edition all armies should be updated or have received a 2nd wave. What will they do after that? Release more armies? Start refreshing all over again? Another End Times? My guess is GW already has to be planning what they want to do in the future. Any ideas?

I don't think all armies are going to be updated/have a second wave after 4th. That's quite an insane number of second waves. In order alone that's Fyreslayers, KO, DoK and IDK who have yet to receive a second wave, and CoS who just got their first wave. Then there's Lumineth which still need 2 temples worth of waves, Seraphon who still have quite a few outdated kits. DoK and Sylvaneth have a few kits that could really stand to be brought up to AoS standards too.

And that's not even mentioning the Thunderstricification of Stormcast.

Then Chaos has Skaven and BoC that need to be basically completely redone. Every chaos god army has at least a few resin kits that really need updates too.

Death has FeC which are in dire need of an expansion, and OBR which has yet to receive a wave 2. And SBGL for all its kits has mostly got named foot vampires with a lot of battleline still looking outdated.

Destruction same thing, with armies like Bonesplitterz literally just having an UW warband as new models for the entirety of AoS. Kruleboyz need a second wave, Ogors are in desparate need of quite a lot of kit remakes, Gloomspite could really use updates to Spiderfang, Troggoth expansions, some reworks of the more outdated kits etc.

That's a LOT to do in 3-4 years. AoS is waaaay too succesful for an End Times scenario, with GWs financials confirming the game to only be growing, which is an immesurable step up from how WFB fared for at least 3 editions before it got blown up.

I'm guessing that alongside the huge amount of updates to current armies that are still necessary there are at least a few more armies coming (Malerion, Grungi) and some substantial subfactions (Gitmob, Grotbag, more CoS, Gholemkind, Kurnothi, Lumineth River and Lumineth Sun, Stormcast chambers, etc.) which should be more than enough for at least 2 more editions.

Edited by Snarff
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32 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

I do have a feeling this is the last time we see a Cities of Sigmar book in that mixed, post GA Order form. The first CoS book phased out 35 warscrolls and countless mini factions. The current one axed fewer, but started replacing the identity of the whole army. To me, it's really hard to see the current further segregation of human, dwarf and elf forces as another step on a road to segregating them book-wise as well. Unless there is a next CoS book that would start introducing replacement kits for the dwarfs and elves like the current one did with humans.

I have mentioned this before somewhere, but it is really tricky to envision a path foreward for Cities as an army of elves, dwarves and humans that is both satisfying and realistic. I think the commitment needed to actually update the models (basically two more big waves of releases for both dwarves and elves) just seems too high. Especially if they actually have a second wave of human designs already mostly completed.

I don't know how Cities will develop going foreward. I think GW recognizes that people responded well to the idea of the Cities of Sigmar being a melting pot. And it is definitely still part of the lore in the newest tome, as well. So I wonder where they plan to go with it.

Here's one thing I believe, though: The old dwarf and dark elf kits are not leaving cities to go into another faction (Grungni dwarves/Malerion elves). They either stay in cities and eventually get replaced with new sculpts or they are cut from the game. Let's hope it's the former, somehow.

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38 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Destruction same thing, with armies like Bonesplitterz literally just having an UW warband as new models for the entirety of AoS. Kruleboyz need a second wave

I don’t think kruleboyz will get a second wave unless they plan to split the orruks into 3 (or 2) dedicated battletome 

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55 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Gloomspite could really use updates to Spiderfang

That’s something I’m waiting for , but I was also thinking about the fact that spiderfangs are impressed by kruleboyz skullbugz in the lore and that would have been cool they join kruleboyz as a grot sub faction with skullbugz keyword and leave the range on gloomspite for a wolf sub faction instead . Plus , they are using a similar mechanic with poison MW on 6+. But that would never happen as I don’t think they ever moved  some model from one faction to another yet . 

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I could see Aelfs and dwarfs in CoS get a unit or two each of very specialized troops that fill open roles, think 40k. That way the army is still multi-racial without the problems that come with mixed race units where they could only make single-pose minis more or less.

Stormcast and Lumineth (and other factions that got big releases, mine included) should pretty much be the last ones to get new stuff outside of perhaps a single mini or unit, at least not before at least ALL of the smaller factions got something substantial. I understand that the armies that need more than a couple of decent kits might go later than armies that already have a plethora of great minis, although I hate how long it takes for some them - but we did get both Seraphon and CoS recently, so in all fairness, I can't complain on that front.

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47 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Here's one thing I believe, though: The old dwarf and dark elf kits are not leaving cities to go into another faction (Grungni dwarves/Malerion elves). They either stay in cities and eventually get replaced with new sculpts or they are cut from the game. Let's hope it's the former, somehow.

That's exactly what I'm thinkng. Stage one, replace human kits. Stage two, tackle the rest. Now, HOW they would tackle it, that is the big question. And I'm not sure even they have a crystalised plan yet, otherwise I think we'd be already seeing* hints.


*unless the hints are there, but I've missed them.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Here's one thing I believe, though: The old dwarf and dark elf kits are not leaving cities to go into another faction (Grungni dwarves/Malerion elves). They either stay in cities and eventually get replaced with new sculpts or they are cut from the game. Let's hope it's the former, somehow.

My guess is, at best, they'll go the way of the Freeguild stuff and 'original' units with an aesthetic aligned with the new human stuff. The same way Fusiliers and Cavaliers are both different enough to Handgunners and Demigryphs to pretty much necessitate buying the new version.

I think if they'd repainted the existing Dwarf/Dark Elf models to more closely align with the new box scheme I'd be less cynical about their chances. 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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