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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Ardboyz kit is not on the webstore anymore. It is happening!

They've given them all away today as Miniature of the month...


Which is a bit weird. "Hey Mum/Dad/Parent, I loved building this cool armoured Orruk, can you buy me a box full pester please?"

GW employee"Um, actually those particular ones are no longer available "

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My expectations for Nova are the Ironjawz for AoS, the marines for 40k, the scouts Vs scorpions kill team box and at least a tease of the next Underworlds starter. Maybe the new assault marines for Heresy. Something for Legions Imperialis (possibly a primarch) and small chance of seeing some Kurnothi or Ogors for Warcry. 

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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

My expectations for Nova are the Ironjawz for AoS, the marines for 40k, the scouts Vs scorpions kill team box and at least a tease of the next Underworlds starter. Maybe the new assault marines for Heresy. Something for Legions Imperialis (possibly a primarch) and small chance of seeing some Kurnothi or Ogors for Warcry. 

I also expect to see the new Troggoth.

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11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Why do you think the Vanguard will be mixed subfactions instead of a single Orruk subfactions ? 

Because is an Orruk Warclans Vanguard and we have a lot of Vanguards that have 0 synergies or very weak, and of course, It is the box for the whole book like the Gloomspite Vanguard. That type of boxes tries to be a point to start a faction but they are bad to build an army buying multiple of them. Vanguards have a different phylosophy than Start Collecting boxes.

Edited by Nezzhil
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11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Why do you think the Vanguard will be mixed subfactions instead of a single Orruk subfactions ? 

Yeah, for all intents and purposes they are still 3 separate armies, just forced together into one battletome. Especially with this recent Ironjawz push, where they're specifically labeling the models as part of Ironjawz instead of Orruk Warclans.

Edited by Snarff
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10 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Yeah, for all intents and purposes they are still 3 separate armies, just forced together into one battletome. Especially with this recent Ironjawz push, where they're specifically labeling the models as part of Ironjawz instead of Orruk Warclans.

They are labeled as Orruk Warclans kits... The new Vanguard is the Orruk Warclans. They removed all the Ironjawz references from the kits when the Start Collecting goes away

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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It's very unlikely. Even with the new scrolls they don't crack the top 5 in terms of size. If anything I expect GW to introduce more soup times over time. 

Ardboyz are a better tool on Big Waaagh than on Ironjawz. If they don't change the Ironjawz rules and most of the old warscroll we are gonna see more the new units on BW than on Ironjawz 

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21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Because is an Orruk Warclans Vanguard and we have a lot of Vanguards that have 0 synergies or very weak, and of course, It is the box for the whole book like the Gloomspite Vanguard. That type of boxes tries to be a point to start a faction but they are bad to build an army buying multiple of them. Vanguards have a different phylosophy than Start Collecting boxes.

Yeah but with mixed Vanguard, you create a box that has 0 synergy and mostly is a very bad start for players. Like for example the Slaanesh Vanguard is 100% mortals and it's not mixed demons/mortals... With a mixed subfaction Vanguard, what will beginner Warclans players play ? Big Waaagh ? If they want to expand into IJ/KB, they'll have to pay up front for the kits. 

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We already had a box for orruk warclans that had only kruleboyz units . So a box of orruk warclan full of ironjawz is possible . 
but if they are going to give a mixed sub faction I hope for Wurrgog or hedkrakka for bonesplitterz , ardboyz and gore grunta for ironjawz and sloggoth for kruleboyz . 


Edited by Grunbag
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24 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

They are labeled as Orruk Warclans kits... The new Vanguard is the Orruk Warclans. They removed all the Ironjawz references from the kits when the Start Collecting goes away

The Maw-Grunta was literally revealed as an Ironjawz kit. Plus the fact that there seems to be a completely Ironjawz focused expansion incoming, indicates that they're at least seeing them as a separate army still.Screenshot_20230819-155644-064.png.dca153da4027f3ede9010d00092519e9.png

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Yup, a mix OW vanguard would be a missed opportunities for GW to make money I think. Like another one said, the Daemon Patrol for Daemons of Chao is only a Khorne box, and it make sense.

My bet for the Vanguard 

10 Ardboyz
3 Gruntas
5 brutes/weirdbrutes
Warchanter/Megaboss/Big boss Ardboy


10 Arbdoyz
3 Gruntas/5 brutes/weirddbrutes
1 Maw Grunta

But I hope we'll still have choice to play one of the 3 subfactions and a Big Waaagh! I hope some of our rules/warscrolls will be improved (better save/bravery, some wards, tc.)

Edited by AzarFreymann
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3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Because is an Orruk Warclans Vanguard and we have a lot of Vanguards that have 0 synergies or very weak, and of course, It is the box for the whole book like the Gloomspite Vanguard. That type of boxes tries to be a point to start a faction but they are bad to build an army buying multiple of them. Vanguards have a different phylosophy than Start Collecting boxes.

I think that orruk wzrclan are different from any other army . They are listed as separated armies in the meta watch . In the same metawatch , Gloomspite gitz for exemple aren’t listed as goblin / troggoth / spider separately so they can be unified in a army box . I am not sure we can do the same for orruk warclan .

Edited by Grunbag
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