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12 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I just had a job interview yesterday: if I get the job the reveal will be nothing that I am interested in personally, if I don't get the job I will immediately want to  start a new army. 

Really hope you get the job if it's something you want.

Hopefully your username won't apply.

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

helps keep this community from falling into the depravity of 40K bird your swoleness.

"This one simple trick is why Slaanesh and its minions hate this guy"

Let's make a video and monetize the hell outta it! I do not appreciate the bird hate tho, Firaun!

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

It is your enthusiasm for all factions regardless of whether or you you enjoy them that helps keep this community from falling into the depravity of 40K bird your swoleness. Here’s hoping that you get a nice big update for your slighter smaller large lads @KingBrodd.

Thanks so much mate, youre kind words mean a lot, especially after such a stressful week.

1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I just had a job interview yesterday: if I get the job the reveal will be nothing that I am interested in personally, if I don't get the job I will immediately want to  start a new army. 

Good luck mate Im sure you crushed it like a Dawnbringer helmet beneath a Varanguard boot!!

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

It is your enthusiasm for all factions regardless of whether or you you enjoy them that helps keep this community from falling into the depravity of 40K bird your swoleness. Here’s hoping that you get a nice big update for your slighter smaller large lads @KingBrodd.

And kids, this is why the AoS community is the healthiest of all the Warhammer sub communities.

Also guys, I just had a genius idea. We've been asking ourselves, is the Cities centerpiece a war altar of Sigmar or a cogfort. But have we thought : what if both versions were correct ? Could it be both ? Like a massive dual kit that builds you both ?


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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

And kids, this is why the AoS community is the healthiest of all the Warhammer sub communities.

Also guys, I just had a genius idea. We've been asking ourselves, is the Cities centerpiece a war altar of Sigmar or a cogfort. But have we thought : what if both versions were correct ? Could it be both ? Like a massive dual kit that builds you both ?


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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I just had a job interview yesterday: if I get the job the reveal will be nothing that I am interested in personally, if I don't get the job I will immediately want to  start a new army. 

Good luck! And yeah, let's hope the username doesn't apply 😛

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I could definitely picture a steam-tank war altar — on the one hand, the whole ”going out into the dangerous wilds” would kind of necessitate an armoured, practical war altar capable of withstanding whatever the realms can throw at it. On the other hand, the crusades themselves are sort of a religious/fanatical movement, right? Sigmar’s devout, heading out to reclaim their lands. So from that point of view I could see heavily armoured/mechanised war altars, too. 

I’m picturing a huge snow plough covered in sigils, steered by a priest 😂 🤷 

Edited by The Brotherhood of Necros
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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

"This one simple trick is why Slaanesh and its minions hate this guy"

Let's make a video and monetize the hell outta it! I do not appreciate the bird hate tho, Firaun!

Autocorrect @MitGas, hates me. I meant “boards, not bird. 

1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

And kids, this is why the AoS community is the healthiest of all the Warhammer sub communities.

Also guys, I just had a genius idea. We've been asking ourselves, is the Cities centerpiece a war altar of Sigmar or a cogfort. But have we thought : what if both versions were correct ? Could it be both ? Like a massive dual kit that builds you both ?


that’s both awesome and generally horrifying to imagine on the tabletop. Just imagine how much space such a model will take up on the board…..

1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Thanks so much mate, youre kind words mean a lot, especially after such a stressful week.

Good luck mate Im sure you crushed it like a Dawnbringer helmet beneath a Varanguard boot!!

Youve been there for me @KingBrodd, so I shall be there for you. Best of wishes to @Neverchosen on his/her job hunt (I don’t know you IRL, so I’m playing it safe mate), may your interview be fruitful and the reveals a fine bonus. 

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23 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

that’s both awesome and generally horrifying to imagine on the tabletop. Just imagine how much space such a model will take up on the board…..

Doesn't have to be real size... it can be downplayed a bit. Warhammer does that all the time. Like looking at a Rhino model you wouldn't tell this thing could hold 10 space marines in it, yet it does. 

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Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! It is all in the Eyes of the Gods now, here's hoping I roll for Dark Apothosis rather than spawndom.

I am going into to tomorrow's preview rather blind, so I am really looking forward to the reveals of course I am still unbelievably hyped for more Cities and rumours about rats. But I am most excited to see any news about my personal favourite game system Warcry. Also I can't wait for them to straight up troll us by kicking things off with a regular Space Marine Lieutenant for Horus Heresy as opposed to a Primaris Lieutenant...


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27 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Actually, I've now decided that if the War Alter isn't on a floating rock pulled along on chains and ropes by Dawnbringers, then I will have to push my modelling skills and do it myself.

I'd love a cult of the wheel version....no wheels but flagellants taking the altar on their backs.

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10 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I'd love a cult of the wheel version....no wheels but flagellants taking the altar on their backs.

But, look at the artwork, floating rocks!

I love Kroak and the other Slann models, they really give a great impression of floating.

Edited by EntMan
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I just can’t WAIT to see all the realm-themed Cities the community is going to make.

—All the Death iconography (or regiments of skellies alongside regular folk!)

—The creepy crawlies and living flora of Ghyran (you could probably make a nice floating war altar using that floating waterfall terrain piece).

—Cog-themed armies of clockwork automata marching ahead of engineers from Chamon.

—Super-sleazy militia from Misthavn with lots of pirate/sailor trinkets. Flotilla-themed altars and strange idols to Sigmar the Drowned.

Cities needs to get here already! 

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31 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I just can’t WAIT to see all the realm-themed Cities the community is going to make.

—All the Death iconography (or regiments of skellies alongside regular folk!)

—The creepy crawlies and living flora of Ghyran (you could probably make a nice floating war altar using that floating waterfall terrain piece).

This is where the Citadel skulls; barbed bracken and creeping vines kits come into play. I think you just gave me modelling ideas btw... 

Now the hardest idea is going to decide which of these two I want to do.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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16 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:


Great art. Any ideas when or if this gets a solo release? Really want to paint this one.

I think we'll have to wait at least a few months, maybe even until the 4th Edition BT (hopefully not). Probably coming as a random throw in with either an upcoming Dawnbringers book or just on a random pre-order day.

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14 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

I think we'll have to wait at least a few months, maybe even until the 4th Edition BT (hopefully not). Probably coming as a random throw in with either an upcoming Dawnbringers book or just on a random pre-order day.

Just as a comparison, we haven’t gotten Farsight or Snikrot out as solo releases yet or even the Lion and Azareal yet.

so yeah it can be quite a wait lol

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1 hour ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

—Cog-themed armies of clockwork automata marching ahead of engineers from Chamon.

Already there! This dudes part of my gun crew. Although now I'm worried I'll not get them all finished while they're still valid.


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28 minutes ago, MothmanDraws said:

tbh The one thing I wishlist for is that hedonites get the lord on boob snake 

This would be the most cultured of reveals!


All jokes aside yeah Slaanesh needs a regular mounted Lord, honestly would be happy with one on an Exalted Seeker but a return of the boob snakes would be great! This does apply to so many armies too, if 4th Edition folows trend with 3rd as many armies getting a 1 model with book release I would hope that it would be filling in gaps in mounted Hero options instead of yet more foot characters...

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9 hours ago, novakai said:

Just as a comparison, we haven’t gotten Farsight or Snikrot out as solo releases yet or even the Lion and Azareal yet.

so yeah it can be quite a wait lol

That’s a good point. I remember when the Lion box sold out seeing a comment from GW on fb that he’d be out separately before 10th edition, which obviously hasn’t happened.   

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